APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (2024)

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (1)

APPENDIXSyllabus (B.3.6)



Pre-requisites: A familiarity with high school algebra is expected, however the course assumes no prior programming knowledge.

Type: Lecture and Practical.

Course Assessment methods: Progressive evaluation in lab, Surprise test, End performance test, Viva-voice exam.

Course Outcomes: Students will have the capability:1. Of logging-in into UNIX operating system, create their own directories and files,

move around among different files and directories, create, files in different ways.2. Of creating , editing, debugging and executing C programs using the Vi-editor.3. To solve problems related to arrays, strings, record and file handling.

Topics Covered: MODULE – I [6 lectures]The Free Software Movement, Open source definition, Open source business strategy, Problem Solving and its tools, Flow chart, Pseudo code, Modular programming. Fundamentals of Unix Operating System, Login & Password, Different Commands, Unix directory, Structure and working with directories, Vi-editor, Basic Structure and execution of C programmes, Constants, Variables, and Data Types and various type of declarations, Different type operators and Expressions, Evaluation of Expressions, Operator Precedence and Associability, Mathematical Functions.

MODULE –II [4 lectures]Managing Input and Output operations, Decision Making and Branching Decision Making and Looping.

MODULE – III [5 lectures ]One – dimensional Arrays and their declaration and Initialisations, Two-dimensional Arrays and their initialisations, Multidimensional Arrays, String Variables, Reading and Writing Strings, Arithmetic Operations on characters, Putting Strings together, Comparison of Two Strings, String – handling functions.

MODULE –IV [5 lectures]Need and Elements for user –defined Functions, Definition of Functions, Return values and their types, Function calls and Declaration, Arguments and corresponding return values, Functions that return multiple values, Nesting of functions, Recursion, Passing arrays and strings to functions, The Scope, Visibility and Life time of variables.

MODULE –V [5 lectures]Defining Structure, Declaring Structure Variable and Accessing Structure Members, Initialisation of Structure, Comparing Structure Variables, Operation on Individual Members, Arrays of Structures, Structures within structures, Structures and Functions, Unions, Size of Structures, Bit Fields.

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (2)

MODULE – VI [6 lectures]Understanding Pointers, Accessing the Address of a Variable, Declaration and Initialisation of Pointer Variables, Accessing a Variable through its Pointer, Chain of Pointers, Pointer Expressions, Pointer Increments and Scale Factor, Pointers and Arrays, Pointers and Character Strings, Arrays of Pointers, Pointers and Function Arguments, Functions Returning Pointers, Pointers to Functions, Pointers and Structures,

MODULE – VII [4 lectures]File Management in C. use of fopen(), fclose(), Formatted file I/O, Searching through files using fseek(), ftell(), rewind().

Text Book :a) Kernighan K. R., Ritchie D. M. - The C Programming Language, Ansi C Edition,

Prentice Hall, India

Reference:I. E. Balagurusamy – Programming in ANSI C, 3rd Edn. , TMH, New Delhi ; 2004

II. A. N. Kanthane – Programming with ANSI and TURBO C, Pearson Education, New Delhi; 2004

III. Y. Kanetkar – Let us C, 4th Edition, BPB Publication , New Delhi; 2002IV. Chris DiBona,Sam Ockman , Open Sources : Voices from the Open Source

Revolution (Web book), Oreilly Press, 2nd edition,1999


(Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering)

Pre-requisites: Engineering Physics.

Type: Lecture and Tutorial

Course Assessment Methods: Class tests, Individual assignment, Theory and Practical examinations.

Course Outcomes: A student will have-a. Basic understanding of, and ability to apply techniques for, DC circuit analysis as

well as steady-state AC circuit analysis;b. Thorough understanding of network reduction techniques to analyze complex

circuits;c. Conceptual knowledge about 1-φ and 3- φ circuits, resonance, magnetic circuits;d. Sufficient practice of solving a variety of problems.

Topics covered: DC and AC circuit fundamentals, Network theorems, Magnetic circuits.

Content Beyond Syllabus: Pragmatic applications of principles of electrical engineering for students of other branches..Text/Reference Books:

1. Basic Electrical Engg. – Nagrath, Kothari, Tata McGraw-Hill 2. Hughes Electrical Technology – Pearson Prentice-Hall.3. Electrical Technology – Hayt, Kimmerley – Tata McGraw-Hill.

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (3)

CH1401 Engineering Chemistry(Compulsory)

(Department of Chemistry)

Prerequisites: High school level chemistry

Type: Lecture

Course assessment methods: Theory, practical exam, quizzes assignments and mid semester & end semester examinations

Course Outcomes: Enables the student to: a) Draw the phase diagrams showing conditions at which thermodynamically distinct

phases can occur at equilibrium in heterogeneous systems, identify the total number of phases , components and calculate the degree of freedom of various heterogeneous systems in equilibrium

b) Classify different types of fuels mainly fossil fuels, evaluate their properties, solve problems pertaining to calorific value determination (both theoretical and experimental), Distinguish between High and low temperature carbonization, conversion of coal into commercially viable products.

c) Depict the concept of refining of crude petroleum, understand the benefits of reforming and cracking, distinguish between petrol run and diesel run IC engine, be able to classify lubricants and discuss their mechanism of action vis a vis their properties.

d) Demonstrate awareness that reactions occur at differing rates, experimentally determine rate of a reaction & analyze the reaction mechanism for a reacting system.

e) Comprehend the role of catalysts in industrial processes, and be able to select the appropriate catalysts for each industrial application.

f) Distinguish between the different classes of polymers and mechanism of polymerization, compute molecular weight averages from the molecular weight distribution. predict polymer properties based on polymer structure.

g) Describe the basic electrochemical concepts of various corrosion processes. Discuss the factors responsible for corrosion, describe different corrosion prevention techniques, Analyze how electrochemical concepts can be used in various practical applications, like batteries, fuel cells etc.

Topics covered: Phase rule, fuel and combustion, solid fuel, gaseous fuels, liquid fuels and lubricants, chemical kinetics, catalysis, polymer and corrosion chemistry.

Textbooks1.Applied Chemistry: A Text book for engineers and technologists by H.D.Geyser, Plenum publishers2. Engineering Chemistry: Sashi Chawla/ Jain & Jain

Reference books1. Physical chemistry: P.W. Atkins

HU 1101 Technical English(Compulsory)

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (4)

(Department of Management)

Pre-Requisites: Basics of English Language like Vocabulary etc.

Course Type: Lecture

Course Assessment Methods: Theory, Individual Assignments, Written Examinations and Continuous Assessment.

Topics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. Official correspondence and Business correspondence.

Course Outcomes: Enables the students to:a. Develop a range of writing processes appropriate to various writing tasks.b. Invent the contents of their communications through research and reflection.c. Observe appropriate generic conventions and formats for letters, résumés,

memoranda, and a variety of informal and formal reports.d. Identify their readers and describe the characteristics of their readers in a way that

forms a sound basis for deciding how to write to them.e. Employ available methods/technology effectively in the solution of communication

problems.f. Employ sound principles of layout and design in creation of finished document pages,

andinclude appropriate visual support.

Text Books :1. Henry Holt &Co.N.Y: Reports for science and industry.2. Berry, Thomas Elliot: The most common mistakes in English Usage; Mcgraw Hill.3. Best, W.D: The students companion; Rupa& Co.4. Mohan & Sharma: Report Writing & Business Correspondence; Mcgraw Hill.5. Stevnsin, B.W, J.R. Spicer and E.C. Ames: English in Business and Engineering;

Prentice Hall.

MA 1201 Engineering Mathematics(Compulsory)

(Department of Applied Mathematics)

Pre – requisites: Basic of algebra, Calculus, trigonometry, Coordinate geometry

Type: Lecture, Tutorial.

Course – Assessment Methods: Theory Individual Assignment/Internal Quiz

Course Outcomes: Enable the student toa. Decide the behavior of sequence and series.b. Get an understanding of partial derivatives and their applications in finding maxima-

minima problems.c. Apply the principles of integral to solve a variety of practical problems in engineering

and sciencesd. Gain an understanding of polar equations of conics, their tangent, normal, chord of

contact etc.

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (5)

e. Solve problems involving derivative (gradient, divergence, curl etc.) and integrals (surface, volume etc.) of vector functions

f. Demonstrate a depth of understanding in advanced mathematical topicsg. Enhance and develop the ability of using the language of mathematics in engineering

Topic Covered: infinite sequences and series, differential Calculus, integral calculus, vector calculus, polar equations of conics

Text Books and /or Reference Materials1. M.D. Weir, J. Hass and F.R. Giordano: Thomas’ calculus, 11th edition, Pearson

Education, 2008.2. Dennis G. Zill, Warren S. Wright: Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 4th

edition. Jones Nad Bartlett Publishers, 20103. E. Kreyszig: Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8th Edition John Wiley and sons

1999.4. T.M. Apostol : Calculus Vols. 1 and 11.2nd Edition. John Wiley and sons, 1967

and 1969.


(Compulsory) Prerequisites: Knowledge of programming languages like C/C++.Type: Lecture, Tutorial.Course Assessment Methods: Mid-semester exam, End- semester exam and Quiz.Course Outcomes: Enables the student to

1. Understand the properties of various data structures2. Identify the strength and weaknesses of different data structures3. Design and employ appropriate data structures for solving computing problems4. Analyze and compare the efficiency of algorithms5. Think critically6. Solve computing problems independently

Topics Covered:

MODULE – I [5 lectures]Algorithms and Analysis of Algorithms: Definition, Structure and Properties of Algorithms, Development of an Algorithm, Data Structures and Algorithms, Data Structure – Definition and Classification, Efficiency of Algorithms, Apriory Analysis, Asymptotic Notations, Time Complexity of an Algorithm using O Notation, Polynomial Vs Exponential Algorithms, Average, Best and Worst case Complexities, Analyzing Recursive Programs, Open source software development process.

MODULE – II [5 lectures]Arrays, Stacks and Queues: Array Operations, Number of Elements in an Array, Representation of Arrays in Memory, Applications of Array, Stack-Introduction, Stack Operations, Applications of Stack, Queues-Introduction, Operations on Queues, Circular Queues, Other Types of Queues, Applications of Queues.MODULE – III [5 lectures]Linked List, Linked Stacks and Linked Queues: Singly Linked Lists, Circularly Linked Lists, Doubly Linked Lists, Multiply Linked Lists, Applications of Linked Lists, Introduction to Linked Stack and Linked Queues, Operations on Linked Stacks and Linked Queues,

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (6)

Dynamic Memory Management and Linked Stack, Implementations of Linked Representations, Applications of Linked Stacks and Linked Queues.

MODULE – IV [6 lectures]Trees, Binary Trees, BST, AVL Trees and B Trees: Trees: Definition and Basic Terminologies, Representation of Trees, Binary Trees: Basic Terminologies and Types, Representation of Binary Trees, Binary Tree Traversals, Threaded Binary Trees, Applications, BST & AVL Trees: Introduction, BST: Definition and Operations, AVL Trees: Definition and Operations, B Trees: Introduction, m-way search trees: Definition and Operations, B Trees: Definition and Operations.

MODULE – V [5 lectures]Graphs: Introduction, Definitions and Basic Terminologies, Representations of Graphs, Graph Traversals, Single-Source Shortest-Path Problem, Minimum Cost Spanning Trees.

MODULE – VI [5 lectures]Sorting: Introduction, Shell Sort, Quick Sort, Heap Sort.

MODULE – VII [4 lectures]Searching: Introduction, Binary Search, Transpose Sequential Search, Interpolation Search.

Text Book:1. G A V Pai – Data Structures and Algorithms: Concepts, Techniques and Applications,

2nd Edn, Tata McGraw-Hill, 20082. Horowitz E.Sahni, S., Susan A., Fundamentals of Data Structures in C, 2nd Edition,

University Press, 2010Reference Books:

1. J. P. Tremblay , P. G. Sorenson – An Introduction to Data Structures With Applications, 2nd Edn, McGraw-Hill, Inc. New York, NY, USA.

2. Seymour Lipschutz – Data Structures, 6th Edn, 9th Reprint 2008, Tata McGraw-Hill.3. Adam Drozdek – Data Structures and Algorithms in C++, Thomson Learning, New

Delhi – 2007.4. J. Feller, B. Fitzgerald -Understanding Open Source Software Development, Pearson

Education Ltd. New Delhi


Pre-requisites: Programming Language like C/C++.

Type: Practical.

Course Assessment Methods: Progressive evaluation, Surprise test, End performance test, Viva-voice exam.

Course Outcomes: Enable student to solve programming problems using

1. Arrays, Stacks and Queues2. Various kinds of Linked Lists 3. Various kinds of Trees and perform appropriate operations.4. Graphs

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (7)

5. Sorting and searching techniques.

Topics Covered: Programs on Array, Stack, Queue, Linked list, Graph, Tree, Searching and Sorting.

Text Book:1. G A V Pai – Data Structures and Algorithms: Concepts, Techniques and Applications,

2nd Edn, Tata McGraw-Hill, 20082. Horowitz E.Sahni, S., Susan A., Fundamentals of Data Structures in C, 2nd Edition,

University Press, 2010Reference Books:

1. J. P. Tremblay , P. G. Sorenson – An Introduction to Data Structures With Applications, 2nd Edn, McGraw-Hill, Inc. New York, NY, USA.

2. Seymour Lipschutz – Data Structures, 6th Edn, 9th Reprint 2008, Tata McGraw-Hill.3. Adam Drozdek – Data Structures and Algorithms in C++, Thomson Learning, New

Delhi – 2007.4. J. Feller, B. Fitzgerald -Understanding Open Source Software Development, Pearson

Education Ltd. New Delhi.

EC2001 Principles of Electronics Engineering (Compulsory)(Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering)




Basics of Electronics Engineering, Semiconductor Devices, Digital Electronics

Course Assessment methods: Theory and Individual Assessment/Internal Quiz.

Topics Covered: RC Filters, Diodes and their applications, Bipolar Junction Transistors, Transistor Analysis, Amplifiers and Oscillators, Field Effect Transistors and Transistor Power amplifiers, Operational amplifiers and its applications, Logic circuits and Applications

Course outcomes: Enables the students to1. Understand RC filter, types of diode and their applications2. Study the characteristics and configurations of BJT.3. Analyze transistors at low and high frequencies4. Understand the concept of amplifiers and oscillators5. Study the characteristics of FET & MOSFET, also transistor power amplifier6. Understand the operation, characteristics and application of operational amplifier7. Implement logic gates using diodes and transistors.

Text books, and/or reference materials:Text Books: 1. “Integrated Electronics” Millman&Halkias, McGraw Hill2.”Digital Logic and Computer Design “M. Mano. PHI3. “Operational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Circuits” by R. A. Gayakwad, PHI

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (8)

Reference Book:1. “The Art of Electronics”, Paul Horowitz and Winfield Hill, Cambridge University

Press.2. “Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory”, Nashelesky&Boylestead, PHI/Low price

edition.3. “Microelectronic Circuits”, Sedra and Smith.


(Compulsory) (Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering)

Pre-requisite: Basics of Electronics Engineering, Semiconductor Devices, Digital Electronics


Course Assessment methods:


Theory and Individual Assessment/Internal Quiz.

Topics Covered: RC Filters, Diodes and their applications, Bipolar Junction Transistors, Amplifiers and Oscillators, Operational amplifiers and its applications, Logic gates

Course outcomes: Enables the students to1. Understand RC filter, types of diode and their applications2. Understand the h parameter of transistor and it frequency response.3. Understand the concept of amplifiers and oscillators4. Understand the operation, characteristics and application of operational amplifier5. Understand the concept of basic logic gates using universal gates and verify the truth table.

Text books, and/or reference materials:Text Books:

1. Integrated Electronics by Millman&Halkias, McGraw Hill2. Digital Logic and Computer Design by M. Mano. PHI3. Operational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Circuits by R. A. Gayakwad, PHI

Reference Book:4. “The Art of Electronics”, Paul Horowitz and Winfield Hill, Cambridge University Press.5. “Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory”, Nashelesky&Boylestead, PHI/Low price edition.6. “Microelectronic Circuits”, Sedra and Smith.


(Department of Applied Mechanics)

Pre- requisites: Prior knowledge of fundamentals of thermodynamics and Mechanics

Course Assessment Methods: Theory Examinant/internal quiz

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (9)

Course outcomes: Enables the student to1. Understand alternative eco friendly sources of energy and its utilization2. Know different types of used in the industry and steam generation process3. Examine critically the differences between petrol engines and diesel engines4. Learn the heat transfer due to conduction through a composite slab and pipe5. Find out the nature of stress and strain in brittle and ductile material; also design the

basic elastic components of machinery under uni axial loading6. Know the working principle of different types of drives and the power transmission7. Develop a standard procedure to calculate the frequency of oscillation for damped and

un damped vibration

Topics covered: Renewable energy sources, principle of steam generation, types of boilers, I.C. engines, Heat transfer, stress strain analysis, power transmission and vibration.

Text Books and/or References Materials:1. Non Conventional Energy Sources by G.D. Rai2. Power Plant Engineering by P.K.Nag3. Fundamentals of Classical Thermodynamics – G.J Van Wylen and R.E. Sorntag,

Second Edition, Wiley Eastern (1984).4. Internal combustion engine – E.F. Obert5. Introduction to Heat Transfer by Incropera and David6. Strenght of Materials – F.L. Singer7. Theory of Machines – Thomas Beven


IT 3021 DISCRETE MATHEMATICS & GRAPH THEORY 3 (3-0-0) (Compulsory)

Pre-requisites: Proir mathematics knowledge of +2 level.Type: Lecture.

Course Assessment Methods: Mid-semester exam, End-semester exam, Assignment/Quiz

AIM:To extend student’s mathematical maturity and ability to deal with abstraction and to introduce most of the basic terminologies used in computer science courses and application of ideas to solve practical problems.

OBJECTIVES:V. To know the notations used in the discrete mathematics associated with computer

science and engineering.VI. To learn the rudiments of elementary mathematical reasoning (elementary proofs;

proofs by induction)VII. To understand the theoretical parts of all further courses in IT.

VIII. To learn logic and Boolean from a mathematical perspective, but relating it to computer engineering applications.

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (10)

IX. To understand basic set theoretical notions; relations, functions, graphs, equivalence relations, and orderings.

X. To relate these notions to applications in IT.

Course Outcomes: 1. Able to understand truth tables, the concept of logical equivalence and its relationship to

equivalent logic circuits and Boolean functions. Able to extend this to predicate calculus using quantifiers.

2. Able to express English assertions in propositional calculus and in predicate calculus using quantifiers.

3. Able to understand and use the basics of set theory notation, Boolean operations on sets. Understand why the Boolean algebra of propositional equivalence classes.

4. Able to carry out simple direct and indirect proofs about domains like the integers and the real numbers, using quantified statements about these domains. Able to do simple proofs by mathematical induction.

5. Able to understand and write recursive definitions, in mathematical and programming notation, and to prove their properties using induction.

6. nderstand binary and unary relations and their applications. Know the major types of binary relations on a set. Able to use graphs as representing relations, algorithms for relations based on graphs or matrices (e.g. transitive closure).

7. Know the properties of equivalence relations and partial orderings.8. Understand lattices and Boolean algebras as universal algebras.9. Know the fundamentals of counting and discrete probability.

Topics Covered:


Introduction to Logic: Compound Statements, Proofs in Mathematics, Truth Tables, The Algebra of Propositions, Logical Arguments.

MODULE - IIInduction and Recursion: Mathematical Induction, Recursively Defined Sequences, Solving Recurrence Relations; The Characteristic Polynomial, Solving Recurrence Relations; Generating Functions.

MODULE - IIIPrinciples of Counting and Algorithms: The Principle of Inclusion- Exclusion, The Addition and Multiplication Rules, The Pigeon-Hole Principle, What is an Algorithm?, Complexity, Searching and Sorting, Enumeration of Permutations and Combinations


Graphs, Paths and Circuits and Applications: A Gentle Introduction, Definitions and Basic Properties, Isomorphism, Eulerian Circuits, Hamiltonian Cycles, The Adjacency Matrix, Shortest Path Algorithms, The Chinese Postman Problem, Digraphs, Tournaments, Scheduling Problems.


APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (11)

Trees and Searching: What is a Tree?, Properties of Trees, Spanning Trees, Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithms, Acyclic Digraphs and Bellman’s Algorithm, Depth – First Search.


Planar Graphs, Colorings and Maximal Flows: Planar Graphs, Coloring Graphs, Flows and Cuts, Constructing Maximal Flows, Applications.

Text Books:1. E.G. Goodaire & M.M Parmenter- Discrete Mathematics with Graph Theory, 2nd Edn Pearson Education, New Delhi - 2002.

Reference Books:1. B.Kolman Discrete mathematical Structures, 5th Edn, Pearson Education, New Delhi - 2004.2. K.H. Rosen – Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications – 4th Edn, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi - 20013. D.B. West – Introduction to Graph Theory, 2nd Edn, Pearson Education, New Delhi 2002.4. N.Deo – Graph Theory with Application to Engineering and Computer Science, PHI, New Delhi- 2004.

IT 3023 JAVA PROGRAMMING 4 (3-1-0)

Pre-requisites: Fundamental of data structuresType: Lecture (Supported by Lab )

AIM:To understand the concepts of object-oriented, event driven, and concurrent programming paradigms and develop skills in using these paradigms using Java.OBJECTIVES:

5. Understand the syntax of the java and write simple Java applications using control statements like if, if-else etc.

6. Understand Object Oriented Programming Principles like encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism in java.

7. Understand how to use classes, methods and objects.8. Learn Inheritance,Interfaces and Packages.9. Manipulate the String & StringBuffer, Date, Collection, Enumeration, and Wrapper

classes.10. Understand the exception handling mechanism in java.11. Understand the Threading mechanism in java and creating multiple threads,

demonstrate the deadlock situation and inter thread communication.12. Under stands the I/O streams in java and use the classes Streams, Character streams,

File class, File stream.13. Understand the event handling mechanism & difference between AWT and Swing

components.14. Understand the concept of database connectivity and write database applications with

java.15. Understand the concept of java basic networking principles.


APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (12)

1. Familiar the syntaxes and semantics of java programming lanuage.2. Understanding the concepts of OOPs, create new classes, methods, objects.3. Study the predefined packages, and define user defined packages and Interfaces.4. Implement the String and StringBuffer, Date, Enumerations, and Wrapper classes.5. Define own exception classes that may be needed in the application development.6. Write multitasking applications with threads and able to detect deadlock situations.7. Develop applets for internet applications.8. Develop applications that are based on event driven programming.9. Design more efficient GUI applications with java.awt.10. Develop GUI applications with javax.swing.Packages.11. Ability to develop the Database Applications with java.sql.12. Design Networking applications such top and udp with

Topics Covered:

MODULE – I Introduction to Java Applications, Memory Concepts, Arithmetic, Decision making, Equality and Relational Operators. Introduction to Java Applets, Drawing strings and lines.Control Statements : if, if ... else,selection statements, while statement, compound assignment operators, increment decrement operators, for ... statement, do .... while, switch, break and continue, labeled break and continue, logical operators.Methods in java : declarations, argument promotions, scope of declarations, method overloading, Recursion. Arrays : declaring and creating references and reference parameters, passing arrays to methods, multi dimensional arrays.

MODULE – IIObject based programming, classes, class scope, controlling access to members, this keyword and its use, constructors, overloading constructors, composition, garbage collection, static class members, final instance variables, crating packages, package access, Data abstraction and encapsulation.

MODULE – IIIInheritance and polymorphism : super class and subclass, protected members, Relation ship between super and sub class. Inheritance hierarchy , abstract classes and methods, final methods and classes, nested classes, Type wrappers.

MODULE – IVException handling, Java exception hierarchy, rethrowing an exception, finally clause, stack unwinding, chained exception, Declaring new exception types.

MODULE-VMultithreading : Life cycle of a thread, priorities and scheduling, creating and executing threads synchronization.

MODULE – VIFiles and streams, hierarchy, files and streams, File class, Sequential access file manipulation, random access file handling, Introduction to String class and its members.

MODULE – VIIFundamental of GUI , Applet and swing programming.

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (13)

Text Book :1. Dietel,Dietel - Java How to program , 5th edition; Pearson Education , New Delhi.2. S. Raj Kamal – Intrernet and Web Technology, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2002.

Reference:1. C. Horstmann,G. Cornell - Core Java 2 Vol I & Vol II ; Pearson Education ,

New Delhi.1. Balagurusamy -Programming in Java , 2nd Edition; Tata McGraw Hill Publication; New

Delhi.2. Patrick Naghton & H. Schildt – The Complete Reference Java 2, Tata

McGraw Hill Publication, New Delhi.


Pre-requisites: General Programming Idea and Basic Electronics

Type: Lecture

Course – Assessment Methods: Theory Individual Assignment/Internal Quiz

AIM: To understand the basics of digital design, the design of various components of the computer system and its organization.OBJECTIVES:1. To expose the students to fundamental concepts that explain the structure of the

computer they are programming.2. To understand how to carry out and interpret quantitative performance evaluations of

computer systems3. To interpret how programs and data are stored in a computer.4. To master the foundations of computer arithmetic using high speed digital circuits.5. To familiarize the design of high performance processors using single-cycle, multicycle

and pipelined execution of instructions.6. To learn the concepts of memory hierarchy and do operations with various types of

memories.7. To understand how certain fundamental programming language concepts are translated

to the machine level.Finally, graduates need to understand basic architectural concepts to pass job application tests given by firms like Intel, Microsoft, Google and many more.


1. The students are acquainted with evaluation of digital computers.2. An ability to analyze system performance based on throughput and response time.3. Knowledge about CPU organization ALU and control unit addressing models.4. An ability to use binary and hexadecimal number systems.

5. A capability to make computer architecture design decisions based on measures such as cycles-per-instruction and instructions-per-cycle.

6. Get acquainted with Von Neumann model of computation. 7. Knowledge of various types of memories. An ability to design SRAM and DRAM. Understanding of cache memory and their characteristics, virtual

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (14)

memory concept, memory mapping.8 . Knowledge about I/O organization. Explanation of DMA and how it can be

interfaced with microprocessor. 9. An understanding of the scope and life span of activation records in a variety

of contexts. 10. Learning fast integer multiplication methods such as Booth’s algorithm. 11. Detailed knowledge of floating point representation and arithmetic, including discussion of rounding and precision errors. 12. Ability to understand the parallel processor, pipeline principle, array processor .

Topics Covered:

MODULE - IIntroduction: Organization and Architecture, Structure and Function, Why Study Computer Organization and Architecture?Computer Evolution and Performance: A Brief History of Computers, Designing for Performance, Pentium and PowerPC Evolution.

MODULE - IIA Top-Level view of Computer Function and Interconnection: Computer Components, Computer Function, Interconnection Structures, Bus Interconnection, PCI.

MODULE - IIICache Memory: Computer Memory System Overview, Cache Memory Principles, Elements of Cache Design, Pentium 4 and PowerPC Cache Organizations.Internal Memory: Semiconductor Main Memory, Error Correction, Advanced DRAM Organization.

MODULE - IVExternal Memory: Magnetic Disk, RAID, Optical Memory, Magnetic Tape.Input/Output: External Devices, I/Os, Programmed I/O, Interrupt-Driven I/O, Direct Memory Access, I/O Channels and Processors.

MODULE - VComputer Arithmetic: The Arithmetic and Logic Unit, Integer Representation, Integer Arithmetic, Floating-Point Representation, Floating-Point Arithmetic.

MODULE - VIInstruction Sets- Characteristics and Functions: Machine Instruction Characteristics, Type of Operands, Pentium and PowerPC Data Types, Types of Operations, Pentium and PowerPC Operation Types.Instruction Sets- Addressing Modes and Formats: Addressing, Pentium and PowerPC Addressing Modes, Instruction Formats, Pentium and PowerPC Instruction Formats.

MODULE - VIIProcessor Structure and Function: Processor Organization, Register Organization, Instruction Cycle, Instruction Pipelining, The Pentium Processor, The PowerPC Processor.Reduced Instruction Set Computers: Instruction Execution Characteristics, The Use of a Large Register File, Compiler-Based Register Optimization, Reduced Instruction Set Architecture, RISC Pipelining, MIPS R4000, SPARC, RISC versus CISC Controversy.

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Text Book:1. William Stallings- Computer Organization & Architecture: Designing for Performance, 7th Edn, Pearson Education, New Delhi-2006.Reference Books:1. C. Hamacher- Computer Organization, 5th Edn, McGraw Hill, Internaional Education, New Delhi-2002.2. M.M.Mano- Computer System Architecture, 3rd Edn, PHI/Pearson Education, New Delhi-2006.

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Prerequisites: Fundamental of Data Structures.

Type: Theory ( Supported by Lab)

Course Assessment Methods: Mid-semester exam, End-semester exam, Assignment/Quiz

AIM:To provide a strong foundation in database technology and an introduction to the current trends in this field.OBJECTIVES:

1. To understand the fundamental concepts, historical perspectives, current trends, structures, operations and functions of different components of databases.

2. To understand the structural constraints of relationships.3. To understand the types of integrity constraints in a relational database system.4. To understand the concepts provided by Relational Algebra, Relational Calculus and

SQL and able to specify queries on any database using them.5. To recognize the importance of database analysis and design in the implementation of

any database application.6. To understand how to perform the normalization process of relations before

implementation.7. To understand the primary file organizations and index structures used by different

database systems.8. To describe the role of transaction processing in a database system.9. To understand various concurrency control mechanisms for a database system.10. To describe the roles of recovery and security in a database system.

OUTCOMES:1. An understanding of basic concepts and current trends of different database systems.2. An understanding of various database system architectures.3. An ability to enforce various integrity constraints.4. An ability to write relational algebra and Relational calculus expressions.5. An ability to use Standard Query Language an its various versions.6. An ability to design and develop a database that is in specified normal form.7. An understanding of the Importance of transaction processing.8. An ability to use different concurrency control techniques while implementing real

time applications.9. An understanding of the importance of backup and recovery techniques.10. An ability to build Database systems that can handle real world problems.

Topics Covered:

MODULE-IIntroduction: Purpose of Database System; View of Data, Database Languages, Transaction Management, Database architecture, Database Users and Administrator, Types of database System.

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MODULE-IIDatabase Design and Entity - Relational Model: Overview of design process, E-R model, Constraints, E – R Diagram, E-R Diagram issues, Weak Entity Sets, Extended E – R Features, Reduction to E – R Schemas.

MODULE-IIIRelational Model: Structure of Relational Database, Codd's Rules, Fundamental Relational Algebra Operations, Additional Relational Algebra Operations, Extended Relational Algebra Operations.

MODULE-IVSQL & Advanced SQL: Data definition, Basic structure of SQL queries, Set Operations, Aggregate Functions, Null Values, Nested Sub Queries, complex queries, views, modification of database, Joined relations, SQL data types & schemas, Integrity constraints, authorization, Embedded SQL.

MODULE-VRelational Database Design: Functional dependency, Decomposition, Normalization, First normal form, Second normal form, Third normal form, BCNF, Multivalued dependencies and Fourth normal form, Join dependencies and Fifth normal form.

MODULE-VIIndexing & Hashing: Ordered Indices, B+ Tree index files, B-Tree index files, Multiple key access Static hashing, Dynamic Hashing, Comparison of ordered indexing and hashing, Index definition in SQL.Query Processing: Measure of Query Cost, Selection Operation, Evaluation of Expressions.

MODULE-VIITransaction & Concurrency Control: Transaction Concepts & ACID Properties, Transaction States, Implementation of Atomicity & Durability, Concurrent Executions, Serializability & Its Testing, Recoverability, Lock-Based protocols, Validation based protocol, Multiple Granularity, Multiversion Schemes, Deadlock Handling.

Text Book:1. A.Silberschatz - Database System Concepts, 5/e, Tata Mc-Graw Hill, New Delhi

– 2000.Reference Books:1. Date C.J. - An Introduction to Database System, Pearson Education, New Delhi- 20052. R.Elmasri, Fundamentals of Database Systems, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2005.3. S.K.Singh.-Database Systems, Pearson Education, New Delhi- 2006

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Prerequisites: Computer Organization and Architecture

Type: Theory (Supported by Lab) Course Assessment Methods: Mid-semester exam, End-semester exam, Assignment/Quiz AIM: To learn the various aspects of operating systems such as process management,

memory management and I/O management.OBJECTIVES:1. To provide brief insight of operating system and its goals and services.2. To know the concepts of different kinds of Operating systems.3. To understand the concepts processes threads, schedulers, and CPU scheduling.4. To learn different concurrency control mechanisms.5. To understand various Memory Management techniques.6. To understand I/O Management, Disk Scheduling, and File Management techniques.

OUTCOMES:1. An ability to appreciate the role of an operating system.2. An ability to become aware of the issues in the management of resources like processor,

memory and input-output.3. An ability to select appropriate productivity enhancing tools or utilities for specific needs

like filters or version control.4. An ability to get Insight into the design of an operating system.5. An ability to differentiate different types of Operating Systems.6. An ability to design and develop multi process and inter process applications.7. An ability to design efficient scheduling algorithms.8.An ability to design dead lock handling applications.

Topics Covered:

MODULE - IOperating-System Structures: Operating-System Services, User Operating-System Interface, System Calls, Types of System Calls, System Programs, Operating-System Design and Implementation, Operating-System Structure, Virtual Machines, Operating-System Debugging, Operating-System Generation

MODULE - II Processes: Process Concept, Process Scheduling, Operations on Processes, Interprocess CommunicationThreads: Overview, Multithreading Models, Thread Libraries, Threading Issues

MODULE - IIICPU Scheduling: Basic Concepts, Scheduling Criteria, Scheduling Algorithms, Thread Scheduling, Multiple-Processor Scheduling, Operating System Examples, Algorithm Evaluation

MODULE - IVProcess Synchronization: The Critical-Section Problem, Peterson’s Solution, Synchronization Hardware, Semaphores, Classic Problems of Synchronization, Monitors, Synchronization Examples, Atomic Transactions

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MODULE - VDeadlocks: System Model, Deadlock Characterization, Methods for Handling Deadlocks, Deadlock Prevention, Deadlock Avoidance, Deadlock Detection, Recovery from Deadlock

MODULE - VIMemory Management: Swapping, Contiguous Memory Allocation, Paging, Structure of the Page Table, SegmentationVirtual Memory: Demand Paging, Copy-on-Write, Page Replacement, Allocation of Frames,Thrashing, Memory-Mapped Files, Allocating Kernel Memory, Other Considerations

MODULE - VII File-System Interface: File Concept, Access Methods, Directory and Disk Structure, File-System Mounting, File Sharing, Protection

File-System Implementation: File-System Structure, File-System Implementation, Directory Implementation, Allocation Methods, Free-Space Management, Efficiency and Performance, Recovery, NFS

MODULE - VIIIMass-Storage Structure: Overview of Mass-Storage, Structure, Disk Structure, Disk attachment, Disk Scheduling, Disk Management, Swap-Space Management, RAID Structure, Stable-Storage Implementation, Tertiary-Storage Structure

Text Book:

1. Avi Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin,Greg Gagne, “Operating System Concepts”, Eight Edition.John Wiley & Sons,

Reference Books:

1. D.M. Dhamdhere- Operating Systems: A Concept-Based Approach, 2nd Edn, TMH, New Delhi-2006.2. C.Cronsley-Operating Systems: A Design-Oriented Approach, TMH, New Delhi, 2002.3. H.M.Deitel-Operating Systems, 2nd Edn, Pearson Education, 2003.4. A.S.Tanenbaum-Operating System:Design and Implementation, PHI, New Delhi, 2002.

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Pre-requisites: Discrete Mathematics and Graph Theory

Type: Theory Course Assessment Methods: Mid-semester exam, End-semester exam, Assignment/Quiz

AIM: To make understand the student about the fundamentals of computing involved in Computer engineeringOBJECTIVES:To develop skill to represent and solve a problem in Computer To develop understanding of basic of computation methodologiesUnderstating the functionality of Abstract machines with their limitationsDesign and implementation of Abstract machine for various problemsRepresentation of Languages and grammarTo develop understanding of methods of checking the correctness of a sentence (instruction) To develop understanding about the limitation of Computers

OUTCOMES:Able to map a problem in the computer domain so that with the help of computer it can be solvedAble to understand the basic of computing methodologies that done with computersFamiliarity with the functionalities of the Abstract computingCould be able to design new language for computers Familiarity with the fundamental of compilers and their methodsWill have an insight of limitation of computers

Topics Covered:

MODULE I & IISets, Relations, and Languages : Sets, Relations and functions, Special types of binary relations, Finite and infinite sets, Three fundamental proof techniques, Closures and algorithms, Alphabets and languages, Finite representations of languages.

Finite Automata: Deterministic finite automata, Nondeterministic finite automata, Finite automata and regular expressions, Languages that are and are not regular, State minimization, Algorithmic aspects of finite automata.

MODULE III & IV Context-free Languages: Context-free grammars, Parse trees, Pushdown automata, Pushdown automata and context-free grammars, Languages that are and are not context-free, Algorithms for context-free grammars, Determinism and parsing.


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Turing Machines: Definition and Computing with Turning machines, Extensions of Turning machines, Random access Turing machines, Nondeterministic Turing machines, Grammars, Numerical functions.

MODULE -VIIUndecidability : The Church-Tuning thesis, Universal Turing machines, The halting problem, Unsolvable problems about Turing machines, Unsolvable problems about grammars, Properties of recursive languages.

Text Book: H.R. Lewis & C.H. Papadimitriou, Elements of the theory of computation – 2nd Edn. Pearson Education.

Reference Books: 1. Fundamentals of the Theory of Computation : Principles and Practices : Horcourt India Pvt Ltd. 2000 Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.2. J.C. Martin – Introduction to Languages and the theory of computation, 2nd Edn., TMH, New Delhi 20003. K.L.P. Misra –, “Theory of Computer Science”, 2nd Edn. PHI, New Delhi, 2000

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Pre-requisites: Programming knowledge and High scholl level Matematics

Type: Theory (Supported by Lab) Course Assessment Methods: Mid-semester exam, End-semester exam, Assignment/QuizCourse AIM :To make understand the student numerical analysis related problem.Course Objectives : 1. To develop skill to represent and solve a problem in Computer2. To develop understanding of basic of computation methodologies3. Understating the functionality of Abstract machines with their limitations

Course Outcomes1. Able to map a problem in the computer domain so that with the help of computer it can be

solved2. Able to understand the basic of computing methodologies that done with computers

Topics Covered:


MODULE - IHigh Speed Computation: Introduction, Computer Arithmetic, Errors, Machine Computation.Transcendental and Polynomial Equations: Introduction, Bisection Method, Iterative Methods, Rate of Convergence, Methods for Complex Roots, Polynomial Equations.

MODULE - IISystem of Linear Algebraic Equations and Eigenvalue Problems: Introduction, Direct Methods, Error analysis, Iteration Methods, Eigenvalues and Eigen Vectors.Interpolation and Approximation: Introduction to Lagrange and Newton Interpolations, Finite difference operators, Interpolating polynomial using finite differences, Hermite interpolations, Piecewise and spline interpolation.

MODULE - IIIDifferentiation and Integration: Introduction, Numerical differentiation, Numerical integration, Methods based on interpolation. Ordinary Differential Equations: Introduction, Euler methods, Single and Multistep methods, Predictor-corrector methods.


MODULE - IVEmpirical and Probability Distributions : Basic Concepts, The Mean Variance, and Standard Deviation, Continuous-Type Data, Exploratory Data Analysis, Graphical Comparisons of Data Sets, Probability Density and Mass Functions.Probability : Properties of Probability, Methods of Enumeration, Conditional Probability,

Independent Events, Bayes Theorem.

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MODULE – V & VIDiscrete, Continuos & Multivariable Distributions : Random Variables of the Discrete Type, Mathematical Expectation, Bernoulli Trials and the Binomial Distribution, The Moment-Generating Function, The Poisson Distribution, Random Variables of the Continuous Type, The Uniform and Exponential Distributions, The Gamma and Chi-Square Distributions, The Normal Distribution, Distributions of Functions of a Random Variable, Distributions of Two Random Variables.Sampling Distribution Theory : Independent Random Variables, Distributions of Sums of Independent Random Variables, Random Functions Associated with Normal Distributions, The Central Limit Theorem, Approximations for Discrete Distributions, The t and F Distributions.

MODULE - VIIEstimation & Tests of Statistical Hypotheses : Point Estimation, Confidence Intervals for Means, Confidence Intervals for Difference of Two Means, Sample Size,Tests About Proportions, Tests of the Equality of Two Normal Distributions, Chi-Square Goodness of Fit Tests, Contingency Tables, Tests of the Equality of Several Means.

Text Books:1. Jain,M.K., etal : Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engineering Computation, 3rd Edn. New Age Publication, New Delhi, 19992. Hogg, R.V. & Tanis E. A. : Probability and Statistical Inference, 6th Edn., Pearson

Education, New Delhi , 2004.

Reference Books :

1. Sastrty, S.S. – Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis, 4th Edn., PHI, New Delhi, 2005

2. Hines, W.W. et_al – Probability and Statististics in Engineering, 4th edn., John Witey, Singapore (Indian Reprint), 2003.3. Veerarajan, T. – Probability, Statististics and Random Processes, 2nd Edn., TMH, New Delhi, 2003.

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IT 5021 DATA COMMUNICATIONS 3 (3-0-0)Pre-requisites: Operating System Concepts Type: Theory Course Assessment Methods: Mid-semester exam, End-semester exam, Assignment/Quiz

AIM:The aim of this course is to provide you with an understanding of Computer Networks. Additionally, it also aims at letting you know the benefits of computer network and the requirements for setting up Computer Networks.

OBJECTIVES:1. To study the components of the data communication model ans communications

architecture.2. To understand the differences and similarities between the OSI model and the TCP model3. To understand the fundamentals of the theory of signaling4. To understand the characteristics of signals propagated through different transmission

media, including concepts of attenuation and noise5. To study characteristics of communication mediums6. To understand techniques for detecting and correcting errors that occur in the data

communications process7. To understand the basic principles of signal encoding techniques, error-detection, and

error-correction techniques.8. To understand the characteristics of analog signaling and digital signaling and the strengths

and weaknesses of each method

OUTCOMES:1. An ability to identify the elements of a communication network2. An ability to recognize data communications and networking standards and the standard

organizations3. An ability to identify basic communication hardware and software components of a

computer network4. An ability to recognize the infrastructures of the networking industry and identify the

services provided by the major data communications carriers.

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5. An ability to design and implement a simple LAN and a WAN that meet a specific set of criteria

6. An ability to identify the new trends and technologies, their potential applications7. An ability to articulate the social impact of the networking technology particularly on

issues related to security and privacy

Topics Covered:

Module - IData Communications and Networking Overview: A Communications Model, Data Communications, Data Communication Networking.Protocol Architecture: The Need for Protocol Architecture, A Simple Protocol Architecture, OSI, The TCP/IP Protocol Architecture

Module - IIData Transmission: Concepts and Terminology, Analog and Digital Data Transmission, Transmission Impairments, Channel Capacity.Guided and Wireless Transmission: Guided Transmission Media, Wireless Transmission, Wireless Propagation, Line-of-Sight Transmission.

Module - IIISignal Encoding Techniques: Digital Data Digital Signals, Digital Data Analog Signals, Analog Data Digital Signals, Analog Data Analog Signals.

Module - IVDigital Data Communication Techniques: Asynchronous and Synchronous Transmission, Types of Errors, Error Detection, Error Correction, Line Configurations, Interfacing.

Module - VData Link Control: Flow Control, Error Control, High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC).Multiplexing: Frequency Division Multiplexing, Synchronous Time Division Multiplexing, Statistical Time Division Multiplexing.

Module - VICircuit Switching and Packet Switching: Switching Networks, Circuit-Switching Networks, Circuit-Switching Concepts, Control Signaling, Soft switch Architecture, Packet-Switching Principles, X.25, and Frame Relay.

Module -VIIAsynchronous Transfer Model: Protocol Architecture, ATM Logical Connections, ATM Cells, Transmission of ATM Cells, ATM Service Categories, ATM Adaptation Layer.Routing in Switched Networks: Routing in Circuit-Switching Networks, Routing in Packet-Switching Networks, Least-Cost Algorithms

Text Book:1. W. Stallings - Data and Computer Communications, 7 th Edn., Pearson Edn./ PHI, New Delhi, 2006Reference Books:1. B. A. Forouzan - Data Communications and Networking, 4th Edn. TMH, New Delhi 20062. P.C. Gupta – Data Communications and Computer Networks, PHI, New Delhi 2006

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Pre-requisites: Database System Concepts ans Java Programming Type: Theory (Supported by Lab ) Course Assessment Methods: Mid-semester exam, End-semester exam, Assignment/QuizAIM The course is intended to give Software Engineering principles and activities in different life cycle Phases.


1. To impart a firm understanding of what it means to be a software engineer.2. To impart an understanding of software development lifecycles, the phases

and activities of the lifecycle and the artifacts (documents and code) createdin each phase of a lifecycle.

3. To cover requirements analysis including use cases traditional requirements

gathering techniques and user interface prototypes as a tool for obtaining customer feedback.

4. Explore UML class diagrams for domain analysis, systems design, use-case analysis, modeling, etc.

5. Familiarize with standards and conventions.6. To discuss various software metrics. 7. Explore issues of maintenance, reengineering.

Course Outcomes1. Can understand the principles of software engineering. 2. Can understand and use of software engineering terminology and nomenclature. 3. Be capable of intelligently communicating with most members in a software development

organization (management, analysts, architects, developers, etc.) 4. Be able to create and use planning, requirements analysis, domain analysis and design

artifacts and carry them into code. 5. Be capable of taking on the role of systems analyst in a software development

organization. 6. Be able to document all phases of the software development processes. 7. Able to understand the necessary tools to become a software development project

manager. (e)8. Able to present an overview of software management topics, tools and diagrams, team

organization, human factors, configuration management and risk analysis. 9. Experience the application of formal specifications, software modeling and development

tools, in a collaborative team environment, toward large-scale software development. 10. Can understand the software quality and software quality assurance (reviews, inspections,

unit testing, integration testing, stress testing, system testing, etc.)

Topics Covered:

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MODULE – I Introduction: Some Definitions, FAQs about software engineering, The evolving role of software, Software characteristics, SW applicationsSoftware Processes: Software process models, Waterfall model, the Prototyping model, Spiral model, RAD and Incremental model.

MODULE – IIProject Management : Management activities, Project planning, Project scheduling, Risk Management.

MODULE – IIISoftware Requirements : Functional and non functional requirements, User requirements, System requirements, The software requirements document. IEEE standard of SRS, Quality of good SRS.Requirement Engineering Process : Feasibility study, Requirements elicitation and analysis, Requirements validation, Requirement management.

MODULE – IVSoftware Design : Design Concepts and Principles, Architectural Design, Object oriented Design, User interface designUML : Class diagram, Sequence diagram, Collaboration diagram

MODULE – VVerification and Validation : Verification and Validation Planning, S/W inspection, static analysis.Software Testing : Testing functions, Test care design, White Box testing, Black box testing, Unit testing, Integration Testing, System testing, Reliability.

MODULE – VIManagement : SW cost estimation : Estimation techniques, Algorithmic cost modelling, Project duration and staffing.Quality Management : Quality assurance and standards, Quality planning, Quality control.

MODULE – VIISoftware Change : Program Evolution Dynamic, S/W Maintance in detail.

Text Book :I. Sommerville : Software Engineering, Pearson Education Publication, 7th ed.

Reference Books:1. R. S. Pressman : Software Engineering : A Practiioners Approach, 5 th Edn., TMA,

New Delhi.2. J. F. Peters & W. Pedrycz– Software Engineering, John Wiley & Sons,Inc. 20003. A.Behforooz & F.J. Hudson – Software Engineering Fundamentals, Oxford Univ.

Press, New York, 2000.

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IT 5025 PRINCIPLE OF SOFT COMPUTING 3 (3-0-0) Pre-requisites: Java ProgrammingType: Theory (Supported by Lab ) Course Assessment Methods: Mid-semester exam, End-semester exam, Assignment/Quiz

Course AIM :1. Soft computing as key Methodology for Designing of Intelligent Systems.2. Structure and Constituents of Soft Computing.3. Comparative Characteristics of the Constituents of Soft Computing.4. Intelligent Combination of the Components of Soft Computing.

Course Objectives :The development of new reasoning and decision making tools that can deal with uncertainty and imprecision leads to considerable scientific and technical progress. This training school will bring different approaches, research lines and applications together and will permit the trainees to explore synergies between different computational and mathematical methods, to structure promising new ideas and research projects, to develop new research lines, to generate scientific and technical knowledge and to increase the multidisciplinarity of European researchers. The training school plan will balance topics from basic research lines and real-world applications.

Course Outcomes1. Can understand the principles of software engineering. 2. Can understand and use of software engineering terminology and nomenclature.

Topics Covered:


MODULE -IFuzzy Set Theory: Basic Definition and Terminology, Set Theoretic Operations, MF Formulation and Parameterization, MF of two dimension, Fuzzy Union, Intersection and Complement.

MODULE -IIFuzzy Rules and Fuzzy Reasoning : Extension Principles and Fuzzy Relations, Fuzzy IF THEN Rules, Fuzzy Reasoning.

MODULE –IIIFuzzy Inference System Introduction, Mamdani Fuzzy Models, Other Variants, Sugeno Fuzzy Models, Tekamoto Fuzzy Models.


MODULE –IVFundamentals of Genetic Algorithms: Basic Concepts Creation, Offsprings Encoding, Fitness functions, Reproduction, Genetic Modelling: Inheritance Operators, Cross over, Inversion and detection, Mutation operator, Bitwise operators.ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS :

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MODULE -VIntroduction, Architecture, Back Propagation and feed Forward Networks, Offline Learning, Online Learning.

MODULE -VISupervised Learning of Neural Networks : Introduction, Perceptrons, Adaline, Back Propagation Multilayer Perceptrons, Back Propagation Learning Rules, Methods of Speeding. Radical Basis Function Networks, Functional Expansion Networks.

MODULE -VIIUnsupervised Learning : Competitive Learning Networks, Kohonen self-organising networks, Hebbian Learning, The Hopfield Network

Text Book : 1. J.S.R. Jang, C.T.Sun and E.Mizutani, “Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing”

PHI/Pearson Education, New Delhi 2004.2. S. Rajasekaran & G.A. Vijayalakshmi Pai, PHI, New Delhi 2003

Reference Book: 1. T. J. Ross, “ Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications.” TMH, New York, 1997.

IT 5027 DESIGN OF COMPUTER ALGORITHMS 4 (3-1-0)Pre-requisites: Java ProgrammingType: Theory (Supported by Lab ) Course Assessment Methods: Mid-semester exam, End-semester exam, Assignment/Quiz

Course Aims:To master the design and applications of linear, tree and graph structures. To understand various algorithms design and analysis techniques in terms of time and space complexity.

Course Objectives:

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to do the following:

Analyze the asymptotic performance of algorithms.Write rigorous correctness proofs for algorithms.

Demonstrate a familiarity with major algorithms and data structures.

Apply important algorithmic design paradigms and methods of analysis.

Synthesize efficient algorithms in common engineering design situations.

Course Outcomes:Through unit tests, class tests, model exam, assignments, guest lectures and seminars it is

revealed that the following outcomes are achieved.

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After the completion this course, students will be able to have a clear understanding on

Solving the problems systematically.Linear and non-linear data structures.Implementation of graph and trees.Different algorithm and design techniques.To understand the polynomial and non-polynomial algorithms.To know how to design the algorithms for optimization problems.

Topics Covered:

MODULE-IIntroduction: Some linear and non-linear Data structures, Asymptotic notation to measure complexity, of algorithms, Analysis of algorithms efficiency, Analysis of non recursive & recursive algorithms, Space and Time trade-offs

MODULE-II&IIIDivide & Conqure: Merge Sort, Quick sort, Binary search, Large integer- multiplication, Strassens matrices multiplication, Closest pair & convex hull problems Decrease & Conquer: DFS& BFS, decrease-by –a-constant-factor algorithms, Variable-Size-decrease algorithmsTransform & Conquer: Horner’s Rule & Binary exponentiation, Problem reduction : Input enhancement in string matching

MODULE- IV Greedy Techniques: Knapsack problem, Job-scheduling, Prim’s & Krushkal algorithms, Dijkstra’s algorithm, Huffman coding alg.,

MODULE- V Dynamic Programming: Warshall’s & Floyd’s algorithm, Optional binary search trees, Knapsack problem ,

MODULE- VI Backtracking, Branch and Bound Methods.

MODULE-VIILimitations of Algorithm Power: Lower bound arguments-decision trees, P,NP & NP Complete problem, Approximation algorithms for NP-hard problems

Text Book:1. Thomas H. Cormen, An Introduction to Algorithms, PHI publication,2009

Reference Books:1. Fundamentals of Computer algorithms,Horowitz & sahni,Galgothia publications.2. Introduction to Design & Analysis of Algorithms, Anany Levitin,Pearson Education 2003.

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IT 6021 COMMUNICATION THEORY 4 (3-1-0)Pre-requisites: Data CommunicationsType: Theory (Supported by Lab ) Course Assessment Methods: Mid-semester exam, End-semester exam, Assignment/Quiz

AIM: To have knowledge about Analog and Digital transmission of both analog data and digital data, security, modulation and different accessing methodsOBJECTIVES:

To have understanding about different types of AM communication systems (Transmitters & Receivers)

To study in detail the different types of FM transmitters & Receivers and PM Transmitters and Receivers

To gain knowledge about different digital modulation techniques for digital transmission

To have knowledge about base band transmission ISI and distortion free base band transmission

To know the spread spectrum modulation techniques and different multiple access methods

OUTCOMES: Different types of communication techniques Digital communication and transmission patterns Spectrum analysis Satellite communication systems

Topics Covered:

MODULE –ISignal Analysis: Introduction of Signal, Representation of Signals in the Frequency and Time Domain, Fourier Transform and its Application to signal Analysis. The Discrete Spectrum, The Continuous Spectrum, Dirac Delta Functions, Energy Density Spectra.

MODULE -IIAmplitude Modulation System:Basics Communication system, Modulation, Need of Modulation, Introduction of Amplitude Modulation, Frequency spectrum of Amplitude Modulation, Modulator: Square law Modulator, Switching Modulator, Demodulator: Envelop Detector, Square law detector, AM-DSB-SC, Balanced Modulator and Ring Modulator, AM-SSB-SC, Generation of SSB-SC signal and demodulation of SSB-SC and DSB-SC signal. Comparisons of Various AM systems

MODULE -IIIAngle Modulation System: Introduction, Concept of Angle Modulation, Frequency and phase Modulations, Types of Frequency Modulation, Generation of FM wave: Direct and

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Indirect Method Detection of FM wave using slope detector, Balanced Slope Detector and Phase Discriminator, Comparison of Frequency Modulation and Amplitude Modulation.

MODULE –IVMultiplexing: Introduction and its classification, Frequency division Multiplexing. Time Division Multiplexing.

MODULE –VAM and FM receivers: Introduction, Classification of Radio receiver, Superheterodyne receiver, Sensitivity, Selectivity, Fidelity and Image rejection ratio.

MODULE -VIRandom Signal Theory:Random Variables, Continuous and Statistically Independent random variables, Examples of probability Density functions of Uniform, Gaussian, Rayleigh functions. Stationary & Ergodic Processes, Auto Correlation Functions, Energy Spectral Density.

MODULE -VIINoise: White Noise, Atmospheric Noise, Thermal Noise, Equivalent Noise Band widthShot noise, Partition Noise, Flicker Noise, Noise Figure, Signal to Noise Ratio, Noise Factor, Noise Temperature. Equivalent Noise figure of Amplifiers.

Text Book:Communication Systems by S. Haykin; 4th Edition-2001Reference Books:D. Roddy & J. Coolen: Electronics Communication 4th Edition, PHI-2005

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Pre-requisites: Data CommunicationsType: Theory (Supported by Lab ) Course Assessment Methods: Mid-semester exam, End-semester exam, Assignment/Quiz

AIM: To have knowledge of computer network and securityOBJECTIVES:

Overview of data communication and Networking, Physical level Data link layer, Medium access sub layer Network layer Transport layer Application layer Modern topics: ISDN services & ATM, DSL technology, Cable modem, Sonet,

Wireless LAN: IEEE 802.11, Introduction to blue-tooth, VLANs, Cellular telephony & Satellite network

OUTCOMES: Concepts underlying digital and analog transmission, multiplexing techniques,

various transmission media and multiple access techniques The ability to identify various type’s of networks, various types of multiplexing

schemes, transmission media and various types of multiple access techniques The ability to understand the designing of local area networks as per the needs and

specifications Knowledge of professional and ethical responsibilities in monitoring, securing and

administering the various types of networks

Topics Covered:

MODULE-IOSI Security Architecture: Classical Encryption techniques – Cipher Principles – Data Encryption Standard – Block Cipher Design Principles and Modes of Operation .

MODULE-IIEvaluation criteria for AES: AES Cipher – Triple DES – Placement of Encryption Function – Traffic Confidentiality.


Key Management: Diffie-Hellman key Exchange – Elliptic Curve Architecture and Cryptography .Introduction to Number Theory: Confidentiality using Symmetric Encryption – Public Key Cryptography and RSA.


Authentication requirements: Authentication functions – Message Authentication Codes Hash Functions – Security of Hash Functions and MACs.

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MODULE-VMD5 message Digest algorithm: - Secure Hash Algorithm – RIPEMD – HMAC Digital Signatures – Authentication Protocols – Digital Signature Standard


Authentication Applications: Kerberos – X.509 Authentication Service – Electronic Mail Security – PGP – S/MIME - IP Security – Web Security.

MODULE-VIISYSTEM LEVEL SECURITY Intrusion detection: password management – Viruses and related Threats – Virus Counter measures – Firewall Design Principles – Trusted Systems.

Text BookWilliam Stallings, “Cryptography And Network Security – Principles and Practices”, Prentice Hall of India, fifth Edition, 2009.

Reference Book1. Atul Kahate, “Cryptography and Network Security”, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2003.

2. Bruce Schneier, “Applied Cryptography”, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2001.


Pre-requisites: Data CommunicationsType: Theory (Supported by Lab ) Course Assessment Methods: Mid-semester exam, End-semester exam, Assignment/Quiz

AIM: The aim of this subject is to introduce the theory and practices of information theory: data compaction, data compression, data transmission, error detection and correction, and to demonstrate the applications of coding techniques in selected fields of information and communication technology (ICT).OBJECTIVES:

To understand the role of information theory for an efficient, error-free and secure delivery of information using binary data streams.

To have a complete understanding of error-control coding. To understand encoding and decoding of digital data streams. To introduce methods for the generation of these codes and their decoding

techniques. To have a detailed knowledge of compression and decompression techniques. To evaluate the performance of various coding techniques over noisy

communication channels. OUTCOMES:

To be able to understand the principles behind an efficient, correct and secure transmission of digital data stream.

To be familiar with the basics of error-coding techniques.

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To have knowledge about the encoding and decoding of digital data streams. Generation of codes and knowledge about compression and decompression

techniques. To be able to understand the performance requirements of various coding

techniques. To produce professionals who will be able to conduct research in information


Topics Covered:

MODULE – I & IIThe concept of Amount of Information, Average Information, Entropy, Information rate, Shannon's Theorem, Channel Capacity & Coding: Introduction to Channel Capacity & Coding, Channel Models, Channel Capacity Theorem, Shannon Limit.

MODULE-IIIData Compression Techniques: RLE, Lempel-Ziv Algorithm, Introduction to Image Compression, The JPEG standard for loss less and Lossy Image Compression & Decompression.

MODULE – IV & VError Control Coding: Introduction, Forward & Backward error Correction, Hamming Weight and Hamming Distance, Linear Block Codes, Encoding and decoding of Linear Block-codes, Parity Check Matrix, Syndrome Decoding, Hamming Codes.

MODULE – VICyclic Codes: Introduction, Method for generating Cyclic Codes, Matrix description of Cyclic codes, Burst error correction, Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) codes, Circuit implementation of cyclic codes.

MODULE – VIIConvolutional Codes: Introduction, Polynomial description of Convolutional Codes, Generating function, Matrix description of Convolutional Codes, Viterbi Decoding of Convolutional codes.

Text Book:Ranjan Bose, Information Theory, Coding & Cryptography", TMH, 2001, New Delhi.Reference Books:1. Salvatore Gravano, Introduction to Error-Control Codes, Oxford Unv. Press, New Delhi, 2010

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Pre-requisites: Design of Computer Algorithms Type: Theory Course Assessment Methods: Mid-semester exam, End-semester exam, Assignment/Quiz

Course aim : to have knowledge on optimization techniques.OBJECTIVES:

To understand the role of optimization techniques To have a complete understanding of intricacies of optimization techniques

OUTCOMES: To be able to understand the principles of optimization techniques To be familiar with the basic techniques of optimization techniques

Topics Covered:

MODULE -IIntroduction To Linear Programming : Prototype Example, The Linear Programming Model, Assumptions of Linear Programming, Additional Examples, Some Classic Case Studies. Solving Linear Programming Problems- The Simplex Method : The Essence of the Simplex Method, Setting Up the Simplex Method, The Algebra of the Simplex Method, The Simplex Method in Tabular Form, Tie Breaking in the Simplex Method, Adapting to Other Model Forms, Postoptimality Analysis.

MODULE -IIThe Theory Of The Simplex Method : Foundations of the Simplex Method ,The revised Simplex Method, A Fundamental Insight.

Duality Theory And Sensitivity Analysis : The Essence of Duality Theory, Economic Interpretation of Duality, Primal-Dual relationships, Adapting to Other Primal Forms, The Role of Duality Theory in Sensitivity Analysis.

MODULE -IIIOther Algorithms For Linear Programming : The Dual Simplex Method, Parametric Linear Programming, The Upper Bound Techniques, An Interior-Point Algorithm.

Network Optimization Models: Prototype Example, The Terminology of Networks, The Shortest-Path Problem, The Minimum Spanning Tree Problem, The Maximum Flow Problem, The Minimum Cost flow Problem, The Network Simplex Method.

MODULE -IVDynamic Programming : A Prototype Example for Dynamic Programming, Characteristics of Dynamic Programming Problems, Deterministic Dynamic Programming, Probabilistic Dynamic Programming.

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MODULE -VInteger Programming : Prototype Example, Some BIP Applications, Innovative Uses of Binary Variables in Model Formulation, Some Formulation examples, Some Perspectives on Solving Integer Programming Problems, The Branch-and-Bound Technique and Its Application to Binary Integer Programming, A Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Mixed Integer.

MODULE -VINonlinear Programming : Sample Applications, Graphical Illustration of Nonlinear Programming Problems, Types of Nonlinear Programming Problems, One-Variable Unconstrained Optimization, Multivariable Unconstrained Optimization, The Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) Conditions for Constrained Optimization, Quadratic Programming, Separable Programming , Convex Programming.

MODULE -VIIQueueing Theory : Prototype Example, Basic Structure of queueing Models, Examples of Real Queueing Systems, The role of the Exponential Distribution, The Birth-and-Death Process, Queueing Models Based on the Birth-and Death Process ,Queueing Models Involving Nonexponential Distributions. -Text Book:S. Hiller & G.J. Lieberman – Operations Research, 8th Edn, TMH, New Delhi – 2006.

Reference Books:1. H.A.Taha – Operations Research, 8/e , Pearson Education , New Delhi-2007.

2. J.K. Sharma – Operations Research, 3/e, Mcmillan , India Ltd, 2007.

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Pre-requisites: Database system Concepts and Principles of Soft Computing Type: Theory (Supported by Lab) Course Assessment Methods: Mid-semester exam, End-semester exam, Assignment/Quiz

AIM: To introduce the fundamental concepts of Data ware housing and data mining

COURSE OBJECTIVES (PO):The course intends to allow the students to:

1. Understand the need of building warehouses and performing data mining activities.2. Differentiate between data warehouses and databases and enumerate the steps

involved in data mining.3. Identify the methods of preprocessing data and performing activates related to ETL.4. Understand the design principles in building warehouses, the common schema

structures used in warehouses and compare their efficiency.5. Appreciate the common activities in data mining and the algorithms involved in

performing such activities.


On completion of the course the students should be able to: Assess the problem and decide what data mining activities are required to obtain

the desired objectives. Distinguish between the specific operations, data structures and schema that are

used in data warehouses vis a vis databases. Mathematically perform preprocessing operations on datasets to ensure the

validity of the data is improved. Design schema and write DMQL corresponding to elementary data warehouses. Understand, analyze and evaluate algorithms for performing common data mining

activities like Association rule mining, Classification, Clustering etc.

Topics Covered:

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MODULE - IData Mining: Introduction, Relational Databases, Data Warehouses, Transactional databases, Advanced database Systems and Application, Data Mining Functionalities, Classification of Data Mining Systems, Major Issues in Data Mining.

MODULE – IIData Processing: Data Cleaning, Data Integration and Transformation, Data Reduction, Data Discretization and Concept Hierarchy Generation.Data Warehouse: Introduction, A Multidimensional data Model, Data Warehouse Architecture, Data Warehouse Implementation, Data Cube Technology, From Data Warehousing to Data Mining.

MODULE - IIIData Mining Primitives, Languages and System Architecture: Data Mining Primitives, DMQL, Architectures of Data Mining Systems.

MODULE – IVConcept Description: Data Generalization & Summarization – Based Characterization, Analytical Characterization, Mining class Comparisons, Mining Descriptive Statistical Measures in Large Databases.

MODULE - VMining Association Rules in Large Databases: Association Rule Mining, Single – Dimensional Boolean Association Rules, Multilevel Association Rules from Transaction Databases, Multi Dimensional Association Rules from Relational Databases, From Association Mining to Correlation Analysis, Constraint – Based Association Mining.

MODULE - VIClassification and Prediction: Classification & Prediction, Issues Regarding Classification & Prediction, Classification by decision Tree Induction, Bayesian Classification, Classification by Backpropagation, Classification based on concepts & Association Rule Analysis, Other Classification Methods, Prediction, Classification Accuracy.

MODULE - VIICluster Analysis: Introduction , Types of Data in Cluster Analysis, A Categorization of Major Clustering Methods, Partitioning Method - k- Medoids Algorithm, CLARANS, Hierarchical Methods - BIRCH, ROCK Density-Based Methods - DBSCAN, Grid-Based Methods – STING, WaveCluster

Text Book :Jiawei Han & Micheline Kamber - Data Mining Concepts & Techniques Publisher Harcout India. Private Limited, Second Edition

Reference Books :G.K. Gupta – Introduction to Data Mining with case Studies, PHI, New Delhi – 2006.A. Berson & S.J. Smith – Data Warehousing Data Mining, COLAP, TMH, New Delhi – 2004H.M. Dunham & S. Sridhar – Data Mining, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2006.



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Pre-requisites: Type: Theory (Supported by Lab) Course Assessment Methods: Mid-semester exam, End-semester exam, Assignment/Quiz

Course aims :

To understand the behavior of real system through simulation like queuing system, communication system.

Course objective:1. To understand the concepts of system, system state and mathematical models.2. To understand the simulation of single server, double server and various continuous and

discrete systems.3. To know the different simulation supporting languages.4. To understand the simulation of manufacturing systems.5.To understand the statistical models in simulation.6.To understand the concepts of random number generation.7.To understand the input modeling.

Course outcomes1. The student should understand the relationship between system, entities and attributes.2. The student should know how to design the model of the any system through simulation.3. The student should be in position to compare his own computer-simulated system to real

world system.

Topics Covered:

MODULE-IThe concepts of a system, System Environment , Stochastic Activities,continueous and discrete systems,System Modeling,Types of models.The full corporate Model.

MODULE-IIThe technique of simulation, the monte carlo method, comparison of simulation and analytical methods, experimental nature of simulation, types of system simulation, numerical computation technique for continueous & discrete models,distributed lag models,cobweb models.Continoueou system models,differential equations,analog computers & methods, hybrid computers.CSSLs,CSMP-III, Feedback Systems, Simulation of an Autopilot.

MODULE-IIIExponential Growth & decay models, modified exponential growth models, logistic curves, generalization of growth models, system dynamics diagrams,Simple system dynamics diagrams,multi –segment models,representation of time delays.

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MODULE-IVStocastic variables, discrete & continueuos probability functions,measures of probability functions,numerical evaluation of continoues probability functions, continous uniformly distributed random numbers, a uniform random number numbers,generating discrete distributions, non-uniform continousely distributed random no,s. the rejection method.Random no’s Generation : Techniques for generating random numbers. Tests for random numbers.Random variate Generation: Inverse transform technique, exponential distribution,uniform distribution.

MODULE-VCongestion in systems, arrival patterns , poisson arrival patterns, the exponential distribution, the erlang distribution, service times, normal distributions, queuing disciplines, measures of queues.

MODULE-VIDiscrete events, representation of time, generation of arrival patterns, simulation of a telephone system, delyed calls, simulation programming tasks, measuring utilization and occupancy.

MODULE-VIIGPSS programs, general description, action times, succession of events, choice of paths, simulation of a Manufacturing shop, facilities and storage, gathering statics, conditional transfers. Program control statements.simcript:

Text Book:1. Gordon Geoffrey, System Simulation, 4nd edition, PHI, 2008.

Reference Book:Simulation Modeling and Analysis Third Edition by Law kelton Mc Graw Hill Publication.

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IT 7025 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Pre-requisites: Type: Theory (Supported by Lab) Course Assessment Methods: Mid-semester exam, End-semester exam, Assignment/Quiz

AIM: To learn the basics of designing intelligent agents that can solve general purpose problems, represent and process knowledge , plan and act, reason under uncertainty and can learn from experiences.OBJECTIVES:

1. To present fundamental concepts of artificial intelligence, both theory and practice.2. To develop problem solving methodologies.3. To look at directions in artificial intelligence research.4. To develop logical representation of natural language sentences.5. To develop an expert systems for given knowledge base.6. To understand different learning strategies.

OUTCOME:11. An ability to comprehend the concept of artificial intelligence from several perspectives,

in terms of defining principles, philosophical issues, problem-solving model, and construction of programs with the characteristics formulated therein.

12. An ability to understand and express the fundamental results and problems in several sub-disciplines/domains of artificial intelligence.

13. An ability to conduct intensive problem-solving and inquiry based efforts over several days to formulate proto-types of AI domain constructs.

14. An ability to formulate alternate representations of knowledge leading to computer-based AI ability to apply their background in calculus and probability & statistics to formulate probabilistic models of intelligent systems such as expert systems, neural nets, and Bayesian inference systems.

15. An ability to apply classical logic in AI context. After introduction to mechanized resolution- based inference and theorem proving, they will solve logic problems of progressively more complex natures.

Topics Covered:

MODULE – I Overview of Artificial Intelligence : Definition & Importance of AI.Knowledge : General Concepts : Introduction, Definition and Importance of Knowledge, Knowledge-Based Systems, Representation of Knowledge, Knowledge Organization, Knowledge Manipulation, Acquisition of Knowledge.

MODULE – II LISP and Other AI Programming Languages : Introduction to LISP : Syntax and Numeric Function, Basic List Manipulation Functions in LISP, Functions, Predicates and Conditionals, Input, Output and Local Variables, Iteration and Recursion, Property Lists and Arrays, Miscellaneous Topics, PROLOG and Other AI Programming Languages.

MODULE – IIIKnowledge Representation : Introduction, Syntax and Semantics for Propositional logic, Syntax and Semantics for FOPL, Properties of Wffs, Conversion to Clausal Form, Inference Rules, The Resolution Principle, No deductive Inference Methods, Representations Using Rules.

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MODULE – IVDealing With Inconsistencies and Uncertainties : Introduction, Truth Maintenance Systems, Default Reasoning and the Closed World Assumption, Predicate Completion and Circ*mscription, Modal and Temporal Logics.Probabilistic Reasoning : Introduction, Bayesian Probabilistic Inference, Possible World Representations, Dumpster-Shafer Theory, Ad-Hoc Methods.

MODULE – V Structured Knowledge : Graphs, Frames and Related Structures : Introduction, Associative Networks, Frame Structures, Conceptual Dependencies and Scripts.Object-Oriented Representations : Introduction, Overview of Objects, Classes, Messages and Methods, Simulation Example using an OOS Program.

MODULE – VISearch and Control Strategies : Introduction, Preliminary Concepts, Examples of Search Problems, Uninformed or Blind Search, Informed Search, Searching And-Or Graphs.Matching Techniques : Introduction, Structures Used in Matching, Measures for Matching, Matching Like Patterns, Partial Matching.

MODULE – VIIKnowledge Organization and Management : Introduction, Indexing and Retrieval Techniques, Integrating Knowledge in Memory, Memory Organization Systems.

Text Book :1. Dan W. Patterson - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, PHI, New

Delhi, 2006. Reference Books: 1. E. Rich & K. Knight - Artificial Intelligence, 2/e, TMH, New Delhi, 2005.2. P.H. Winston - Artificial Intelligence, 3/e, Pearson Edition, New Delhi, 2006.3. D.W. Rolston,- Principles of AI & Expert System Development, TMH, New Delhi.

IT 7027 DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSINGPre-requisites: Type: Theory (Supported by Lab) Course Assessment Methods: Mid-semester exam, End-semester exam, Assignment/Quiz

Aim: The aim of this course is to introduce the basic principles and practical aspects of image processing.Course Objectives: 1. To understand the image acquisition and digital representation process. 2. To know the elements of a digital image processing system.

3. To be acquainted with the basic algorithms and mathematical theory that constitutes foundation for image enhancement and restoration.

4. To introduce the working of image compression algorithms. 5. To understand the concepts of information theory in image coding.

Course Outcomes:

1. To be familiar with standard procedures for image acquisition and their storage.2. To be able to implement image enhancement and restoration algorithms. 3. Will have domain knowledge of image filters.4. To create trained graduates who will be leaders in software industry.

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5. To produce professionals who will be able to conduct research in image processing.

Topics Covered:

MODULE - IIntroduction : Background, Digital Image Representation, Fundamental Steps in Image Processing, Elements of a Digital Image Processing System.Digital Image Fundamentals : Elements of Visual Perception, A Simple Image Model, Sampling and Quantization, Some Basic Relationships between Pixels, Imagining Geometry.

MODULE - IIImage Transforms : Introduction to the Fourier Transform, The Discrete Fourier Transform, Some Properties of the Two-Dimensional Fourier Transform, Other Separable Image Transforms.

MODULE - IIIImage Enhancement : Spatial Domain Methods, Frequency Domain Methods, Some Simple Intensity Transformations, Histogram Processing, Image Subtraction, Image Averaging, Background, Smoothing Filters, Sharpening Filters, Lowpass Filtering, Highpass Filtering, Generation of Spatial Masks from Frequency Domain Specifications.

MODULE – IV & VImage Restoring : Degradations Model - Definitions, Degradation Model for Continuous Functions, Diagonalization of Circulant and Block-Circulant Matrices, Circulant Matrices, Block Circulant Matrices, Effects of Diagonalization on the Degradation Model, Algebraic Approach to Restoration, Unconstrained Restoration, Constrained Restoration, Inverse Filtering – Formulation, Removal of Blur Caused by Uniform Linear Motion, Restoration in the Spatial Domain, Geometric Transformation.

MODULE – VI & VIIImage Compression : Fundamentals – Coding Redundancy, Interpixel Redundancy, Psychovisual Redundancy, Fidelity Criteria. Image Compression Models – The Source Encoder and Decoder, The Channel Encoder and Decoder. Elements of Information Theory – Measuring Information, The Information Channel, Fundamental Coding Theorems, Using Information Theory. Error-Free Compression – Variable-Length Coding, Bit-Plane Coding, Lossless Predictive Coding. Lossy Compression – Lossy Predictive Coding, Transform Coding.

Text Book :1. Rafael. C. Gonzalez & Richard E.Woods.- Digital Image Processing, 2/e Pearson Education, New Delhi - 2006

Reference Books :1. W.K.Pratt.-Digital Image Processing ,3/e Edn., John Wiley & sons, Inc. 20062. A.K.Jain.- Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, PHI, New Delhi, 20063. M. Sonka Image Processing, Analysis and Machine Vision, 2/e, Thomson, Learning, India Edition, 2007.

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IT 7029 OBJECT-ORIENTED DESIGNPre-requisites: Type: Theory (Supported by Lab) Course Assessment Methods: Mid-semester exam, End-semester exam, Assignment/QuizAIM: The purpose of this course is to provide a sound understanding of the fundamental

concepts of Object Oriented Software Engineering. Coverage includes Object Oriented analysis (OOA), development (OOD) and implementation (OOI), Visual Modeling using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and iterative Object Oriented System (OOS) development.

OBJECTIVES:1. Describe the Unified Process (UP) as a System Development Methodology, Review

Object-Oriented (OO) concepts, and List tools to Support system development

2. Review Project Management concepts, examine the Unified Process and the Inception Phase, describe completing the Inception Phase, and explain Project Monitoring and Control.

3. Define the Requirements Discipline in more detail, describe Systems Requirement, Models and Modeling techniques for Information Gathering, and describe validating the requirements.

4. Define Events and Use Cases; Analyze Problem Domain Classes, and Draw UML Class Diagram.

5. Structure the UML Class Diagram, Analyze use cases, and the domain model, & iteration planning.

6. Examine System Processes, A Use Case/Scenario View – The Activity diagram, and Identify Inputs and Outputs–The system sequence diagram

7.Identify Object Behavior & use the state-chart diagram, Analysis of business scenarios for Developing State Chart Diagram and integrate Object-Oriented models.

8.Interactive Demonstration on use of a software case tool to draw Use Case Diagram, Activity Diagram, SSD Diagram and State Chart Diagram.

9.Understand elements of design & design discipline activities, understand deployment environment Examine software architecture & outline network design.

10.Use Design Classes and Design Class Diagrams, Updating the Design Class Diagram, Design using detailed Sequence Diagrams, and Designing with Communication Diagrams

11.Interactive Demonstration on use of a software case tool to draw Design Class Diagram and detailed Sequence Diagram.

12.Review Databases and Database Management Systems Distinguish Object-Oriented DB and Relational Databases Describe Object-Relational Interaction and Design Database within the UP.

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13.Identify and Classify I/O & Understand the User Interface, List guidelines for designing user interfaces Document dialog designs, and Guidelines for designing windows, browser forms & web sites.

OUTCOMES:Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

1. Describe the object-oriented approach to system development, modeling objects, relationships and interactions.

2. Analyze business events and design the corresponding Use Case diagrams

3. Analyze business scenarios and design Domain Class Diagram

4. Analyze Use Case descriptions and Design activity diagrams and system sequence diagrams

5. Develop state chart diagrams to model object behavior

6. Develop design class diagrams

7. Develop detailed sequence diagrams as the core process in systems design

8. Design a relational database schema based on a class diagram

9. Identify and analyze I/O’s for the User Interface design

Topics Covered:

MODULE-IWhat Is Object-Orientation: Introduction, Basic Concepts, The Origins of Object-Orientation, Object-Oriented languages Today.Modelling Concepts: Introduction, Models and diagrams, Drawing Activity Diagrams.

MODULE-II & IIIRequirements Capture: Introduction, User Requirements, Fact Finding Techniques, User Involvement, Documenting Requirements, Use Cases, Requirements Capture and Modelling.Requirements Analysis: Introduction, What Must a Requirements Model Do, Use Case Realization, The Class Diagram, Drawing a Class Diagram, CRC (Class Responsibility Collaboration) Cards, Assembling the Analysis Class Diagram.Refining The Requirements Model: Introduction, Component-based Development, Adding Further Structure, Software Development Patterns.

MODULE-IVObject Interaction: Introduction, Object Interaction and Collaboration, Interaction Sequence Diagrams, Collaboration Diagrams, Model Consistency.Specifying Operations: Introduction, The Role of Operation Specifications, Contracts, Describing Operation Logic, Object Constraint Language, Creating an Operation Specification.

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MODULE-VSpecifying Control: Introduction, States and Events, Basic Notation, Further Notation, Preparing a Statechart, Consistency Checking, Quality Guidelines, Summary. Moving Into Design: Introduction, How is Design Different from Analysis, Logical and Physical Design, System Design and Detailed Design, Qualities and Objectives of Analysis and Design, Measurable Objectives of Analysis and Design, Measurable Objectives in Design, Planning for Design.

MODULE-VISystem Design: Introduction, The Major Elements of System Design, Software Architecture Concurrency, Processor Allocation, Data Management Issues, Development Standards, Prioritizing Design Trade-offs, Design for Implementation.OBJECT DESIGN: Introduction, Class Specification, Interfaces, Criteria for Good Design, Designing Associations, Integrity Constraints, Designing Operations, Normalization.

MODULE-VIIDesign Patterns: Introduction, Software Development Patterns, Documenting Patterns-Pattern Templates, Design Patterns, How to Use Design Patterns, Benefits and Dangers of Using Patterns.Designing Boundary Classes: Introduction, The Architecture of the Presentation Layer, Prototyping the User Interface, Designing Classes, Designing Interaction with Sequence Diagrams, The Class Diagram Revisited, User Interface Design Patterns, Modelling the Interface Using Statecharts.

Text Book: 1. S.Bennett, S.Mc Robb and R.Farmer – Object- Oriented Systems Analysis and

Design Using UML 2nd edn, TMH, New Delhi – 2007.

Reference Books:1. M.Blaha and J.Runbangh – Object- Oriented Modeling and Design with UML 2./e,

Pearson Education, New Delhi,2007.2. J.W. Satzinger, B.R. Jackson and S.D. Burd – Object –Oriented Analysis and Design,

Thomson Learning, India Edition, 2007.3. G. Booch – Object Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications,2/e,


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Pre-requisites: Type: Theory (Supported by Lab) Course Assessment Methods: Mid-semester exam, End-semester exam, Assignment/Quiz

AIM:System programming directly deals with the peripheral devices, as all input and output devices, which does not take active part but very essential.

OBJECTIVES:1. Understanding the structure of a computer machine .

2. Introducing model of programming where the programming language exposes details

of how the hardware stores and executes software .

3. Providing convenient environment for programming development and execution .

4. Building capacity to write programming for chip, cctv cameras, scanners, etc.

OUTCOME:1. Understand in detail the system level and support required2. Understand the issues involves in studying data and design distributed algorithms

Topics Covered:

MODULE – IBackground : Introduction, System Software and Machine Architecture, The Simplified Instructional Computer (SIC), Traditional (CISC) machines, RISC Machines.

MODULE – II & IIIAssemblers : Basic Assembler Functions, Machine – Dependent Assembler Features, Machine – Independent Assembler Features, Assembler Design Options, Implementation Examples.

MODULE – IV & VLoaders and Linkers : Basic Loader Functions, Machine - Dependent Loader Features, Machine – Independent Loader Features, Loader Design Options, Implementation Examples.

MODULE – VIMacro Processors : Basic Macro Processor Functions, Machine – Independent Macro Processor Features, Macro Processor Design Options, Implementation Examples.

MODULE – VIISoftware Engineering Issues : Introduction to Software Engineering Concepts, System Specifications, Procedural System Design, Object – Oriented Design, System Testing Strategies.

Text Book :

1. L. L. Beck – System Software – An Introduction to Systems Programming, 3/e,

Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2004

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Reference Books:

1. J.J. Donovan – System Programming, McGraw Hill , New Delhi, 1993.2. D.M. Dhamdhere – System Programming and Operating Systems, 2/e., Tata McGraw

Hill , New Delhi, 2000

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (50)


Pre-requisites: Type: Theory (Supported by Lab) Course Assessment Methods: Mid-semester exam, End-semester exam, Assignment/Quiz

AIM: To have knowledge on web technology . COURSE OBJECTIVE :

The course on “Web Technology” is effectively designed so as to facilitate the following in students who successfully complete the course :-1. Appreciate the importance of the web and visualize the fundamental functioning of web

based programs.2. Acquire a firm understanding of the available technologies for programming the web and a

comparison with normal desktop programming.3. Understand the design principles and techniques unique to web programming and their

importance and relevance.4. Have sufficient expertise in testing the survivability of a web program under severe load

and techniques for measuring the load.

EXPECTED OUTCOMES :To facilitate the learning outcomes from the course the design of the course introduces students to :-

1. The basic architectures found in web sites with brief introduction to n-tier architectures.

2. Available programming language choices from the established stables like .NET, PHP, Java etc .and their relative strengths and weaknesses. Students are also introduced to data access techniques and optimizations.

3. Web programming skills like handling of cookies, sessions, state management, style sheets, themes etc.

4. Web server architectures and features available to configure web servers for optimal performance under high load.

Topics Covered:

MODULE-IWeb Essentials : Clients , Server and Communication, The Internet, Basic Internet Protocols , The World Wide Web , Http Request Message, HTTP Response Message , Web Clients , Web Servers .Markup Languages : XHTML 1.0 , Introduction to HTML ,History and Versions, Basic XHTML Syntax and Semantics, Some Fundamental HTML Elements , Relative URIs , List , Tables , Frames , Forms, Defining XHLML Abstract syntax : XML, Creating HTML Documents .

MODULE- IIStyle Sheets : CSS , Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets and features , CSS Code Syntax , Style Sheets and HTML , Style Rule Cascading and Inheritance , Text Properties, CSS Box Model, Normal Flow Box Layout, Beyond the Normal Flow , Other useful style properties .

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (51)

MODULE-IIIClient – Side Programming : The Java Script Language , History and Introduction ,Java Script Perspective ,Basic Syntax , Variables and Data Types , Statements , Operators , Literals , Functions , Objects , Arrays , Build in Objects, Java Scripts Debuggers .

MODULE- IVHost Objects : Browsers and the DOM, Introduction to Document Object Model , DOM History and Model, Intrinsic Event Handling , Modifying Elements Style, The Document Tree , DOM Event Handling .

MODULE- VServer Side Programming : Java Servlet Architecture over view , Servelet generating Dynamic Content , Servlet life Cycle , Parameter Data , Session , Cookies , URL Rewriting , Other Servelet Capabilities , Data Storage , Servelets and Concurrency.

MODULE- VIRepresenting Web Data : XML Documents , vocabularies, versions , declarations, Namespaces , Java Script and XML: AJAX, DOM based XML Processing , Event oriented Parsing :SAX, Transforming XML Documents

MODULE- VIIJSP Technology : Introduction JSP and Servlets , Running JSP Applications , JSP Basic , Java Beans classes and JSP, Tag Libraries and Files ,Support for Model View Controller Paradigm . Web Services : Concepts , Writing Java Web Services , Writing Java Web Service Client, Describing Web services : WSDL , Representing Data Types : XML Schema , Communication Object Data :SOAP

Text Book : Web Technologies: A Computer Science Perspective , Jeffrey C Jackson , Pearson Education , India.

Reference Book : Web Technology by Uttam K. Roy , Oxford University Press 2010

IT 7041 PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING 3 (3-0-0)Pre-requisites: Type: Theory (Supported by Lab) Course Assessment Methods: Mid-semester exam, End-semester exam, Assignment/Quiz

Course AIM :To learn a new paradigm of computation that is more efficient than the conventional method of computation

Course Objectives :To develop understanding of ParallelismTo make understand the basic differences between parallelism

and sequential computation methodsTo understand the fundamental methods of parallelismTo learn the basic architecture that supports parallel computationTo learn about the establishing communication among the

computing elements To learn the basic of resource allocation among the computing

elementsUnderstanding and developing the skill to design the operating

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (52)

systems for such computers

Course Outcomes :One will be able to understand the basic of parallelism and the

differences between the sequential and parallel computation paradigm

Will understand the importance of parallel computationWill learn about the various available architectures that support

parallel computation as well as will be skilled to design new efficient architectures

Skilled with designing of new interconnection networksCould be able to design operating system that will handle the

resource management and communication among the processing elements

Topics Covered:

Module-IIntroduction: Computational Demand of Modern Science, Advent of Practical rocessing, Parallel Processing Terminology- Contrasting Pipelining and Data arallelism, Control Parallelism, Scalability, Control-Parallel Approach, Data-Parallel Approach with I/O.

Module-IIPRAM Algorithm: A Model of Serial Computation, The PARAM Model of Parallel Computation, PARAM Algorithm- Parallel Reduction, Prefix Sums, List Ranking, Preorder Tree Traversal, Merging Two Sorted Lists, Graph Colouring,

Module IIIMapping and Scheduling: Mapping Data to Processors on Processor Arrays Multicomputers., Dynamic Load Balancing on Multicomputers, Static Scheduling on UMA Multiprocessors, Deadlock,

Module-IVElementary Parallel Algorithm: Classifying MIMD Algorithm, Reduction. Matrix Multiplication: Sequential Matrix Multiplication, Algorithms for Processor Array, Algorithms for Multiprocessors.

Module-V Introduction to Distributed System: Goals, Hardware concepts, Software concepts, and Client-Server model. Examples of distributed systems. Communication: Layered protocols, Remote procedures call, Remote object invocation, Message-oriented communication, Stream-oriented communication

Module-VISynchronization: Clock synchronization, Logical clocks, Global state, Election algorithms, Mutual exclusion, Distributed transactions,

Module-VIIConsistency and Replication: Data centric consistency models, Client centric consistency models, Distribution protocols, Consistency protocols.

Text Books1. M.J. Quinn-Parallel Computing-Theory and Practice, 2nd Edn., McGraw Hill Inc., New York.

2. M. Singhal, N. Shivaratri, Advanced Concepts in Operating Systems, TMH,2010

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (53)

Referece Book:

3. Sunit Mahajan and Seema Shah, Distributed Computing, Oxford Unv. Press, New Delhi, 2010

IT 7043 COMPILER DESIGN 3 (3-0-0)Pre-requisites: Type: Theory (Supported by Lab) Course Assessment Methods: Mid-semester exam, End-semester exam, Assignment/Quiz

Course AIM :The main aim of this course is to give a thorough understanding of design, working, and implementation of programming languages, through the study of underlying theory and implementation of various phases of a compiler.

Course Objectives :

1. An understanding the need of interface between users and machine .

2. To introduce the major concept areas of language translation and compiler design .

3. To develop an awareness of the function and complexity of modern compilers .4. To make user friendly interface between domains .5. Enhancing knowledge for developing tool for natural language processing.

Course Outcomes :1. To be able to understand the principles of compiler design. 2. To be familiar with the basic techniques of compiler design.

Topics Covered:

MODULE-I Introduction to Compiling, Analysis of the source program, The phases of the compiler, Lexical Analysis, The role of the lexical analyzer, Tokens, Patterns, Lexemes, Input buffering, Specifications of a token, Recognition of a tokens, Finite automata, From a regular expression to an NFA, From a regular expression to NFA, From a regular expression to DFA, Design of a lexical analyzer generator.

MODULE-II & IIISyntax Analysis, The role of a parser, Context free grammars, Writing a grammar, Top down Parsing, Non-recursive Predictive parsing (LL), Bottom up parsing, Operator precedence parsing, LR parsers (SLR, LALR), Parser generators (YACC).

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (54)

MODULE-IVSyntax directed translation, Syntax director definitions, Construction of syntax trees, Bottom-up evaluation of S attributed definitions, L attributed definitions, Bottom-up evaluation of inherited attributes.

MODULE-VType checking, Specification of a simple type checker, Equivalence of type expressions, Type conversions, Run time environments, Storage allocation strategies, Parameter passing (call by value, call by reference, copy restore, call by name), Symbol tables, dynamic storage allocation techniques.

MODULE-VIIntermediate code generation, Intermediate languages, Graphical representation, Three-address code, Implementation of three address statements (Quadruples, Triples, Indirect triples).

MODULE-VIICode optimization, Basic blocks & flow graphs, Transformation of basic blocks, DAG, representation of basic blocks, The principle sources of optimization, Loops in flow graph, Code generations, Issues in the design of code generator, a simple code generator, Register allocation & assignment.

Text Book:1. Aho, Sethi, Ullman - “Compiler Principles, Techniques and Tools” - Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2007.

Reference Book:1. Holub - “Compiler Design in C” – PHI, New Delhi, 2004

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (55)



Pre-requisites: General knowledge of computerType: Theory Course Assessment Methods: Mid-semester exam, End-semester exam, Assignment/Quiz

AIM: To know the importance of Enterprise Resource Planning, its capability, limitations, future trends and software engineering processes around it.

OBJECTIVES:1. To know the evolution of ERP. 2. To understand the key implementation issues of ERP. 3. To know the different business modules of ERP.4. To be aware of some popular products in the area of ERP.5. To appreciate the future trends in ERP. 6. To know other related technologies which helps business. OUTCOMES:Can appreciate the evolution of the business requirement of ERP. 1. Will be aware of the ERP implementation issues. 2. Will have domain knowledge of ERP modules. 3. Will know some popular ERP products. 4. Will know different other software product categories used by current businesses.

Topics Covered:

MODULE - IIntroduction to ERP : Evolution of ERP, What is ERP, Reasons for the growth of the ERP market, Advantages of ERP, Reasons of Failure.

MODULE - IIEnterprise- An overview : Integrated Management information, Business Modeling,Integrated Data Model.

MODULE- IIIERP and Related Technologies : BRP (Business Process Reengineering), MIS (Management Information System), DSS (Decision Support System), EIS (Executive Information system), Data Warehousing, Data Mining, OLAP, Supply Chain Management.

MODULE - IVA Manufacturing Perspective : ERP, CAD/CAM, Material Requirement Planning, Bill of Material, Closed loop MRP, MRP-II, Distributed Requirement Planning, JIT and Kanban, Product Data Management, Benefit of PDM, Data Management, Market to Order, Market to Stock, Assemble to order, Engineer to order, Configure to order.

MODULE -VERP Modules: Finance, Sales and distribution, Manufacturing, Human Resources, Plant Maintenance, Quality Management, Material Management.

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (56)

MODULE - VIBenefits of ERP : ERP Market : SAP, BAAN, Oracle Corporation, People Soft.ERP Implementation Life Cycle : Different phases of ERP implementation

MODULE - VIIVendors, Consultants & Users’s : In – house Implementation – pros & cons, Vendors, Consultants, End-users.Future Directions in ERP: New Markets, New channels, Faster Implementation methodologies, Business Models and BAPIs, New business segments, Web enabaling ERP Case Studies.

Text Book :1. Alexis Leon - Enterprise Resource Planning, TMH, New Delhi 2001.

Reference Book:

1. E. Monk & B. Wagner – Concepts in Enterprise source planning, 2/e, Thomson Learning, India Edition 2007.

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (57)

IT 8027 DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS Pre-requisites: General knowledge of computerType: Theory

Course Assessment Methods: Mid-semester exam, End-semester exam, Assignment/Quiz

Course Aim:To acquaint the student with the conceptual foundations of decision support and expert systems.

1. Course Objectives:Understand the foundations of Decision Support Systems (DSS).

2. To know the concept of information systems and its evolution and to classify DSS into various forms.

3. To have a clear understanding of various information system models and its analysis.

4. Understand the concepts of business intelligence.

5. To learn various methodologies for the development of different types of decision support systems.

6. To have an understanding of knowledge acquisition, representation and reasoning.

7. To understand the application of DSS in various engineering disciplines.8. OUTCOMES:9. To be able to understand the principles of decision support systems

To be familiar with the basic techniques of decision support systems

Topics Covered:

MODULE-IDSS Defined, history of DSS , Ingredients of a DSS, Data and Model Management, DSS Knowledge Base, User Interfaces, The DSS User, Categories and classes of DSSs.

MODULE-IIDecision Makers :who are they?, decision Styles, decision Effectiveness, how can a DSS help?, why are decision So hard?, A typology of decisions, decision theory and simon’s model of problem solving, rational decision making, bounded rationality ,the process of choice, Cognitive Processes, biases and heuristics in decision making, effectiveness and efficiency.

MODULE-IIIUnderstanding the organization, Organizational Culture, power and politics, supporting organizational Decision making, defining the problem and its structure, decision models, types of probability, techniques for forecasting probabilities calibration and sensitivity.


APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (58)

Group decision making, the problem with groups ,MDM support technologies, managing MDM activities, the virtual workplace, What Exactly is an EIS?, EIS history, EIS components, making the EIS work, the future of executive decision making and the EIS.

MODULE-VThe concepts of expertise, the intelligence of AI, the concepts and structure of expert systems, designing and building Expert Systems, evaluating the benefits of expert systems.

MODULE-VIThe concept of knowledge, knowledge Acquisition for expert systems, validating and verifying the knowledge base, Fuzzy logic and artificial neural networks, genetic algorithms , Application of machines that learn.

MODULE-VIIStores, warehouses, and Marts, the data Warehouse Architecture, data have data-the metadata, interviewing the data-metadata extraction, implementing the data warehouse, data ware house technologies, the future of data warehousing.

Text Book:1. George M. Markas, Decision support Systems in the 21st Century, 2nd edition,

Pearson Education 2005.

Reference Book:1. E. Turban, J.E. Aronson & T.P.Liang- Decision Support Systems and Intelligent

Systems, 7/e, Pearson Education, New Delhi- 2006.

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (59)

IT 8029 EMBEDED SYSTEMSPre-requisites: Basic ElectronicsType: Theory

Course Assessment Methods: Mid-semester exam, End-semester exam, Assignment/QuizAim: The aim of this course is to introduce the concepts of embedded system principles and software development tools, and to understand the concepts of memory and interfacing.Course Objectives:

1. To introduce students to the embedded systems, processor and IC technology. 2. To understand the concept of combinational and sequential logic. 3. To explain programming concepts and to understand the concepts of general

purpose processor design. 4. To introduce the working of peripherals and there interfacing.5. To understand the design trade offs made by different models of embedded

systems. Course Outcomes:

1. To be familiar with modern hardware/software tools for building prototypes of embedded systems.

2. To be able to design and implement an embedded system. 3. Will have domain knowledge of memory, peripherals and interfacing. 4. To create trained graduates who will be leaders in semiconductor industry. 5. To produce professionals who will be able to conduct research in embedded systems.

Topics Covered:

MODULE - IIntroduction :Embedded systems overview, Design challenge, Processor technology, IC technology, Design Technology, Trade offs

MODULE - IICustom Single-purpose processors: Hardware :Introduction, Combinational Logic, Sequential logic

MODULE -IIIGeneral-purpose processors: Software :Introduction, Basic architecture, Operation, Development environment, Application-specific instruction-set processors (ASIP's), Selecting a microprocessor, General-purpose processor design

MODULE - IV Standard single-purpose processors: Peripherals : Introduction, Timers, counters, and watchdog timers, UART, Pulse width modulator, LCD controller, Keypad controller, Stepper motor controller, Analog-digital converters, Real-time clocks

MODULE - VMemory : Introduction, Memory write ability and storage permanence, Write ability, Storage permanence, Common memory types, Composing memories, Memory hierarchy and cache, Advanced RAM

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (60)

MODULE - VIInterfacing: Introduction, Communication basics, Microprocessor interfacing: I/O addressing, Microprocessor interfacing: interrupts, Microprocessor interfacing: Direct memory access, Arbitration, Multi-level bus architectures, Advanced communication principles, Serial Protocols, Parallel protocols, Wireless protocols

MODULE - VIIState machine and concurrent process models : Introduction, Models vs. languages, text vs. graphics, A basic state machine model: finite-state machines (FSM), Finite-state machines with data path model: FSMD, Using state machines, Hierarchal/Concurrent state machine model (HCFSM) and the State charts language, Program-state machine model (PSM), The role of an appropriate model and language, Concurrent process model, Concurrent processes, Communication among processes, Synchronization among processes, Implementation, Data flow model, Real-time systems, Text Book:Embedded System Design: A Unified Hardware/Software Introduction by Frank Vahid and Tony Givargis, John Wiley & Sons 2002

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (61)

IT 8031 PATTERN RECOGNITION Pre-requisites: Discrete MathematicsType: Theory

Course Assessment Methods: Mid-semester exam, End-semester exam, Assignment/Quiz

AIM : To have knowledge on pattern recognitionCourse Objectives:

1. To teach the essentials behind the methods and also the potential of developing new techniques.

2. To present in a unified way used techniques and methodologies for Pattern Recognition.

3. To teach how to apply in image analysis, speech and audio recognition, biometrics, bioinformatics, data mining and information retrieval.

4. Emphasis on most generic of the methods those are currently available. 5. Emphasis on real life case studies. 6. Teach corpus of techniques that can be used in extracting from the available data,

information related to data categories, important hidden patterns and trends.

Course Outcomes:

1. The computer application to different areas of real problems.2. How to classify the objects using Priori knowledge.3. Character recognition in automation and information handling.4. Computer aided diagnosis aiming at assisting doctors in making diagnostic

decisions.5. Building intelligence machines for speech recognition, data mining and

biomedical applications.

Topics Covered:

MODULE – I Pattern Recognition Overview : Overview, Pattern Recognition, Classification and

Description, Patterns and Feature Extraction, Training and Learning in PR Systems, Pattern

Recognition Approaches.

MODULE – II Statistical Pattern Recognition : Introduction, The Gaussian case and Class Dependence

Discriminate Functions, Extensions, Classifier Performance, RISK and Errors.

MODULE – IIISupervised Learning : Parametric Estimation and Supervised Learning, Maximum

Likelihood Estimation Approach, Bayesian Parameter Estimation Approach, Non –

Parametric Approaches, Parzen Windows, K-nn Non-Parametric Estimation. Nearest

Neighbour Rule.

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (62)

MODULE – IVLinear Discriminate Functions and The Discrete and Binary Feature Cases :

Introduction, Discrete and Binary Classification Problems, Techniques to Directly Obtain

Linear Classifiers.

MODULE – V&VISyntactic Pattern Recognition : Overview Quantifying Structure in Pattern Description and

Recognitions, Grammar Based Approach and Application, String Generation as Pattern


Recognition by String Matching and Parsing. The co*cke-Younger Kasami ((ck) parsing


MODULE – VIINeural Pattern Recognition: Introduction to Neural Networks, Neural Network Structure

from Pattern Recognition Applications. Physical Neural Network. The Artificial Neural

Network Model, Neural Network Based Pattern Associators.

Text Book :11. Robort Schalkoff - Pattern Recognition, Statistical, Structural and Neural Approach,

John Wiley, Indian Edition, 200.

Reference Book : 1. R. U. Duda – Pattern Classification, John Wiley, Indian Edition, 2006.

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (63)


Pre-requisites: Computer AlgorithmsType: Theory

Course Assessment Methods: Mid-semester exam, End-semester exam, Assignment/Quiz

AIM : To have knowledge on computing and complexity theory Course Objectives:

1. Discuss the concept of finite state machines and familiar.2. Design a deterministic finite state machine to accept a specified language. 3. Generate a regular expression to represent a specified language.4. Explain why the halting problem has no algorithmic solution. 5. Design a context-free grammar to represent a specified language.6. Define the classes P and NP. Explain the significance of NP-completeness.

Course Outcomes:

1. How to apply these in computer problems.2. Do a priori analysis of algorithms.3. Test all kind of scenarios for the Turing machine.4. To devolves the knowledge on decidable languages.5. Able to reduce and map complex problems to simple problems.

Topics Covered:

MODULE - IThe Church- Turing Thesis : Turing Machines- Formal definition of a Turing machine, Examples of Turing machines; Variants of Turing Machines- Multitape Turing machines, Nondeterministic Turing machines, Enumerators, Equivalence with other models; The Definition of Algorithm- Hilbert’s problems, Terminology for describing Turing machines.

MODULE - IIDecidability : Decidable Languages- Decidable problems concerning regular languages, Decidable problems concerning context-free languages; The Halting Problem- The diagonalization method, The halting problem is undecidable.

MODULE - IIIReducibility: Undecidable Problems from Language Theory- Reductions via computation histories; A Simple Undecidable Problem; Mapping Reducibility-Computable functions, formal definition of mapping reducibility.

MODULE - IVAdvanced Topics In Computability Theory:- The Recursion Theorem, Self-reference, Terminology for the recursion theorem, applications; Decidability of logical theories- A decidable theory, An undecidable theory; Turing Reducibility; A Definition of Information- Minimal length descriptions, Incompressible strings and randomness.

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (64)

MODULE – V&VITime Complexity: Measuring Complexity- Big-O and small-o notation, Analyzing algorithms, Complexity relationships among models; The Class P- Polynomial time, Examples of problems in P; The Class NP- Examples of problems in NP, The P versus NP question; NP-completeness- Polynomial time reducibility, Definition of NP-completeness, The Cook-Levin Theorem; Additional NP-complete Problems- The vertex cover problem, The Hamiltonian path problem, The subset sum problem.

MODULE - VIISpace Complexity: Savitch’s Theorem, The Class PSPACE, PSPACH-completeness – The TQBF problem, Winning strategies for games, Generalized geography; The Classes L and NL, NL-completeness- Searching in graphs; NL equals coNL.

Intractability: Hierarchy Theorems- Exponential space completeness; Relativization- Limits of the diagonalization method; Circuit Complexity.

Text Book:Michael Sipser – Introduction to the Theory of Computation, 2/e, Thomson Learning – India Edition 2006.Reference Books:1. R.G.Taylor – Models of Computation and Formal Languages, Oxford University New York, 1998.2. B.M. Moret – The Theory of Computation , Pearson Education, New Delhi 2002.

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (65)


Pre-requisites: Software EngineeringType: Theory

Course Assessment Methods: Mid-semester exam, End-semester exam, Assignment/Quiz

Course Aim: To make students understand the principles of software reliablity and testing.

Course Objectives:1) Illustrate the importance, objectives, principles and limitations of software testing.2) Discuss the need for test case design, two broad approaches for it and the .

commonly used white-box and black-box techniques for designing test cases.3) Evaluates the aspects involved in planning for software testing and in selecting the

Test strategy for a software project. 4) Understands the testing process, driven either by legal or financial requirements can be expensive and may thwart the planned deployment of the application.

Course Outcomes:1) Appreciate the fundamentals of software testing and its application through the software Life cycle.

1. Appreciate the role of software testing in systems development, deployment andMaintenance.

2. Demonstrate a given software product matching its requirement specifications.3. Validate the quality of software testing using the minimum cost and efforts.4. Able to apply various software metrics and how they relate to testing.5. Able to write and validate test plans and test procedures.6. Be able to write a test plan based on the requirements document.

Topics Covered:

MODULE – IIntroduction : Software Reliability & Hardware Reliability, Basic Concepts, Availability, Modeling.

MODULE – IISelected Models : Execution Time Component, Calendar Time Component, Model Choice.

MODULE - III Applications : System Engineering, Project Management, Management of Operational Phase, Evaluation of S/W Engg. Technologies.

MODULE – IV System Definition : Failure definition, System Configuration, Text Run Selection.

MODULE – V Parameter Determination : Execution Time Component, Calendar Time Component.

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MODULE – VI&VIIProject Specific Techniques : Unobserved Failures, Failure Time Measurement, Evolving Programs, Changes in Environment, Other Consideration.

Text Book :1. J. D. Musa, - Software Reliability: Measurement, Prediction & Application, Mc-Graw Hill, New York.Reference Books:

10. Hoang. Pham, - Software Reliability and testing, IEEE Computer Society press.11. Glenford J. Myers, Tom Badgett, Todd M. Thomas, Corey Sandler - The art of

software testing, John Wiely & Sons, Inc.

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (67)


Pre-requisites: Database SystemsType: Theory

Course Assessment Methods: Mid-semester exam, End-semester exam, Assignment/Quiz

AIM : To have knowledge on Distributed datbase system

Objectives:1. to understand the structure of databases distributed over the network. 2. to understand the benefits and drawbacks of databases distributed over the network. 3. to understand how to create a distributed database using horizontal fragmentation.4. to understand how to create a distributed database using vertical fragmentation. 5. to understand the concept of replication and allocation and rules used to replicate and allocate data.6. to understand how transaction processing is carried out in a distributed environment. 7. to understand how concurrency control is performed in a distributed environment.8. to understand fault tolerance and reliabilty of database.

Outcomes: 1. learn the details about architecture of distributed database.2. learn how to design a distributed database for any environment using horizontal and vertical fragmentation. 3. learn how transactions are taken care of in a distributed environment. 4. learn about rules and protocols used in concurrent access of a distributed database. 5. learn about reliability of databases.

Topics Covered:

MODULE – IIntroduction: Distributed Data Processing ,Promises of DDBs ,Complicating Factors, Problem areas.Distributed DBMS Architecture : DBMS Standardization , Architectural Models for Distributed DBMS s, Distributed DBMS Architecture.

MODULE – IIDistributed Database Design: Alternative Design Strategies, Distribution design issues,Fragmentation, Allocation. Semantic Data Control : View management, Data security, Semantic Integrity control.

MODULE-IIIOverview of Query Processing: Query Processing Problem ,Objective of Query Processing , Complexity of Relational Algebra operations , Characterization of Query Processing , Layers of Query Processing.

MODULE- IVQuery Decomposition and Data Localization : Query Decomposition , Localization of Distributed Data, Optimization of Distributed Queries : Query optimization , Centralized Query optimization , Join ordering in fragment Queries , Distributed Query Optimization Algorithms.

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (68)

MODULE – VIntroduction to Transaction Management: Definition of Transaction , Properties of Transactions, Types of Transactions .Distributed Concurrency Control : Serializability Theory , Taxonomy of Concurrency Control Mechanisms, , Locking Based Concurrency control Algorithm , Time Stamp based concurrency control Algorithms, Optimistic Concurrency Control Algorithms ,Dead Lock management, RELAXED Concurrency Control.

MODULE – VIDistributed DBMS Reliability: Reliability Concepts and Measures , Failures and Fault Tolerance in Distributed systems, Failures in Distributed DBMS, Local Reliability Protocols , Distributed Reliability Protocols, Dealing with Site Failures, Network Partitioning.

MODULE – VIIParallel Database Systems : Data Base Servers , Parallel Architectures , Parallel DBMS Techniques , Parallel Execution Problems , Parallel Execution for Hierarchical Architecture.

Text Book:M. Tamer Ozsu, Patrick Valduriez , S.Sridhar - Principles of Distributed Database Systems 2nd Edn., Pearson Education Asia,2001.

Reference Book :Stefano Ceri , Guiseppe Pelagatti ,- Distributed Databases Principles and Systems Tata McGraw-Hill Edition 2008


Pre-requisites: Computer GraphicsType: Theory

Course Assessment Methods: Mid-semester exam, End-semester exam, Assignment/Quiz

AIM: The goal of this course is to provide an inroduction to the theory and practice of Computer graphics and multimedia.

OBJECTIVES:1. To know different uses and applications of computer graphics. I 2. To know different display devices and computer graphics architectures. I3. To understand principles of scan conversion. I4. To understand different geometric transformations and curve generation. I5. To understand principles of multimedia. I, VIIOUTCOMES:1. To be able to participate computer graphics application development. (a)2. To be able to use multimedia in application (a)3. To carry forward knowledge of Computer graphics and multimedia.

Topics Covered:

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (69)

MODULE- IIntroduction to computer graphics & graphics systems, Overview of computer graphics, representing pictures, preparing, presenting & interacting with pictures for presentations; Visualization & image processing; RGB color model, direct coding, lookup table; storage tube graphics display, Raster scan display,3D viewing devices, Plotters, printers, digitizers, Light pens etc.; Active & Passive graphics devices; Computer graphics software.

MODULE- IIScan conversion: Points & lines, Line drawing algorithms; DDA algorithm, Bresenham’s line algorithm, Circle generation algorithm; Ellipse generating algorithm; scan line polygon, fill algorithm, boundary fill algorithm, flood fill algorithm.

MODULE- III & IV2D transformation & viewing, Basic transformations: translation , rotation, scaling ; Matrix representations & hom*ogeneous coordinates, transformations between coordinate systems; reflection shear; Transformation of points, lines , parallel lines, intersecting lines. Viewing pipeline, Window to view port co-ordinate transformation , clipping operations , point clipping , line clipping, clipping circles , polygons & ellipse.3D transformation & viewing 3D transformations: translation, rotation, scaling & other transformations. Rotation about an arbitrary axis in space, reflection through an arbitrary plane; general parallel projection transformation; clipping, view port clipping, 3D viewing.

MODULE- V & VICurves, Curve representation, surfaces , designs , Bezier curves , B-spline curves, end conditions for periodic B-spline curves, rational Bspline curves.Hidden surfaces, Depth comparison, Z-buffer algorithm, Back face detection, BSP tree method, the Printer’s algorithm, scan-line algorithm; Hidden line elimination, wire frame methods , fractal - geometry.Color & shading models, Light & color model; interpolative shading model; Texture;

MODULE- VIIMultimedia: Introduction to Multimedia: Concepts, uses of multimedia, hypertext and hypermedia.; Image, video and audio standards. Audio: digital audio, MIDI, processing sound, sampling, compression. Video: MPEG compression standards, compression through spatial and temporal redundancy, inter-frame and intra-frame compression . Animation: types, techniques, key frame animation, utility, morphing. Virtual Reality concepts.

Text Books1. Hearn, Baker – “ Computer Graphics ( C version 2nd Ed.)” – Pearson education, New Delhi, 20012. Buford J. K. – “Multimedia Systems” – Pearson Education, New Delhi, 20013. Andleigh & Thakrar, Multimedia, PHI, New Delhi, 2004Reference Books:1. D. F. Rogers, J. A. Adams – “ Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics (2nd Ed.)” – TMH, New Delhi2. Mukherjee, Fundamentals of Computer graphics & Multimedia, PHI, New Delhi, 20013. Foley, Vandam, Feiner, Hughes – “Computer Graphics principles (2nd Ed.) – Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2006

4.Elsom Cook – “Principles of Interactive Multimedia” – McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2001

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (70)

IT 8041 INFORMATION SYSTEM PROJECT MANAGEMENTPre-requisites: Software EngineeringType: Theory

Course Assessment Methods: Mid-semester exam, End-semester exam, Assignment/Quiz

AIM: This course aims to provide a practical view on the most important topics in software project management.OBJECTIVES:

1. Understand different information system. 2. Define and highlight importance of software project management. 3. Describe the software project management activities. 4. Provide training in software project planning, tracking, risk assessment and

oversight in the implementation of the software project.

OUTCOMES:1. To be able to conceptualize information system requirement. 2. To be able to develop and maintain a project management plan (PMP). 3. To be able to track and control project execution through collecting artifacts

and metrics .

Topics Covered:

MODULE – I Information Systems: Information as a resource, Concept of Information System, Components of Information Systems and their roles. Types of Information System. Information Economy.

MODULE - IIIntroduction to Project Management: Project –Definition and Characteristics. Projects as Systems, Project Entities, The Information Systems Project Environment, Primary Reasons for Information Systems Project Failure, Perceptions of Project Success

MODULE - IIIProject Adoption: Project Selection and Approval - Measurement of Project Effect, Selection Practice , Project Evaluation Techniques , Information Systems Project Approval , Cost/Benefit Analysis, Value Analysis, Multiple Objectives, Budget OptimizationRequirements Analysis: Analysis of User Needs, Methods of Elicit User RequirementsRisk Identification and Analysis.

MODULE - IVPlanning:System Development: Overview of Analysis and Design Methods, Software Development Standards , Information Systems Project Types , System Development ApproachEstimation: Planning Process, Software Estimation , Planning for Change.

MODULE - VScheduling:

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (71)

Quantitative Project Scheduling Methods : The Critical Path Method , Project Crashing , Resource Leveling , Resource Smoothing , Critical Path CriticismsProbabilistic Scheduling Models: PERT , Simulation for Project Scheduling

MODULE - VIImplementation:Project Organization: Alternate Organization Structures, Comparison of Organizational Structures in Projects , Levels of Project Organization Project Implementation : Information Systems Project Success , Company- Wide Information System , Information Systems Project failure , Information Technology Failure , Critical Success Factors , Quality Control in Project Implementation , User Involvement in Project Implementation , Integrated Requisitioning System

MODULE - VIIProject Control and Assessment: Project Control Failures, Risk Management, The Control Process and Project Evaluation

Text Book: David L . Olson : “Introduction to Project Management” Irwin McGraw – Hill, 2001

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (72)

IT 8043 DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS Pre-requisites: Operating SystemType: Theory

Course Assessment Methods: Mid-semester exam, End-semester exam, Assignment/Quiz

AIM: The aims of this course are to study the fundamental characteristics of distributed

systems, including their models and architectures; the implications for software design; some

of the techniques that have been used to build them; and the resulting details of good

distributed algorithms and applications.

OBJECTIVES:At the end of the course, students will be able to

h. understand the need for concurrency control in operating systems and applications, both mutual exclusion and condition synchronisation

i. understand how multi-threading can be supported and the implications of different approaches

j. be familiar with the support offered by various programming languages for concurrency control and be able to judge the scope, performance implications and possible applications of the various approaches

k. be aware that dynamic resource allocation can lead to deadlock l. understand the concept of transaction; the properties of transactions, how concurrency

control can be assured and how transactions can be distributed m. understand the fundamental properties of distributed systems and their implications

for system design n. be familiar with a range of distributed algorithms o. understand the effects of large scale on the provision of fundamental services and the

tradeoffs arising from scale

OUTCOMES:1. To be able to understand the principles of modern telecommunication system.2. To be familiar with the basic techniques modern telecommunication system.

MODULE-ICharacterization of Distributed Systems : Introduction, Examples of distributed systems, Resource sharing and the Web, Challenges.

System Models : Introduction, Architectural models, Fundamental models, Summary.

MODULE-IINetworking and Internetworking : Introduction, Types of network, Network Principles, Internet protocols, Case studies: Ethernet, WiFi, Bluetooth and ATM.

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (73)

MODULE-IIIInterprocess Communicaion : Introduction, The API for the Internet protocols, External data representation and marshalling, Client-server communication, Group communication, Case study : interprocess communication in UNIX.

MODULE-IVTime and Global States : Introduction, Clocks, events and process states, Synchronizing physical clocks, Logical time and logical clocks, Global states, Distributed debugging.

Coordination and Agreement : Introduction, Distributed mutual exclusion, Elections, Multicast communication.

MODULE-VTransactions and Concurrency Control : Introduction, Transactions, Nested transactions, Locks, Optimistic concurrency control, Timestamp ordering, Comparison of methods for concurrency control.

MODULE-VIDistributed Transactions : Introduction, Flat and nested distributed transactions, Atomic commit protocols, Concurrency control in distributed transactiuons. Distributed deadlocks, Transactions recovery.

MODULE-VIIReplication : Introduction, System model and group communication, Fault-tolerant services, Case studies of highly available services : the gossip architecture, Bayou and Coda, Transaction with replicated data.

Text Book:

1. G. Coulouris et. al. - Distributed Systems : concepts and Design, 4/e, Pearson Education, New Delhi.

IT 8045 Advanced Computer Graphics

Pre-requisites: Computer graphicsType: Theory

Course Assessment Methods: Mid-semester exam, End-semester exam, Assignment/QuizAIM: The goal of this course is to provide an advanced knowledge in the field of Computer graphics.

OBJECTIVES:1. To know different curve and mesh representation. 2. To know different colour and illumination rmodels. 3. To understand various approaches toward virtual reality. 4. To understand advances architectures in computer graphics.

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (74)

OUTCOMES:1. To be able to participate computer graphics application development 2. To pursue further research in the field of computer graphics. 3. To be able to pursue career in computer graphics software development.

Topics Covered:

MODULE-IRepresenting Curves and Surfaces : Polygon Meshes, Parametric Cubic Curves, Parametric Bicubic Surfaces, Quadratic Surfaces.

MODULE-IIAchromatic and Colored Light Achromatic Light, Chromatic Color, Color Models for Raster Graphics, Reproducing color, Using Color in Computer Graphics.

MODULE-IIIThe Quest for Visual Realism Why Realism, Fundamental Difficulties, Rendering Techniques for Line Drawings, Rendering Techniques for Shaded Images, Improved Object Model, Dynamics, Stereopsis, Improved Displays, Interacting with Our Other Senses, Aliasing and Antialiasing.

MODULE-VIVisible-Surface Determination : Functions of Two Variables, Techniques for Efficient Visible-Surface Algorithms, Algorithms for Visible-Line Determination, The z-Buffer Algorithm, List Priority Algorithms, Scan-Line Algorithms, Area-Subdivision Algorithms, Algorithms for Octrees, Algorithms for Curved Surfaces, Visible-Surface Ray Tracing.

MODULE-VIllumination and Shading : Illumination Models, Shading Models for Polygons, Surface Detail, Shadows, Transparency, Interobject Reflections, Physically Based Illumination Models, Extended Light Sources, Spectral Sampling.

MODULE-VIAdvanced Raster Graphics Architecture : Simply Raster-Display System, Display-Processor Systems, Standard Graphics Pipeline, Introduction to Multiprocessing, Pipeline Front-End Architectures, Parallel Front-End Architectures, Multiprocessor Rasterization Architectures.

MODULE-VIIAdvanced Geometric and Raster Algorithms : Clipping, Scan-Converting Primitives, Antialiasing, The Special Problems of Text, Filling Algorithms, Making copyPixel Fast, The Shape Data Structure and Shape Algebra.

Text Book:J.D. Foley et. al. – Computer Graphics Principles & Practical 2/e , Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2004.

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (75)

IT 8047 REAL TIME SYSTEMSPre-requisites: Operating SystemsType: Theory

Course Assessment Methods: Mid-semester exam, End-semester exam, Assignment/Quiz

AIM: The aim of the course is to bring students up to a point that they understand the motivation, theoretical background, and some of the work that has been done in the field of real-time systems. A student leaving the course should be able to apply some of the simpler techniques, such as rate monotonic analysis, to practical problems without any further study, and prepared to understand the literature if they choose to follow the course with further readings and individual study.

OBJECTIVES: To understand the basics of hardware design, advance concepts in software design and

validation techniques for real time systems.To study the operating system issues & scheduling tasks.To know the communication protocols.To study the failure management algorithms.Discusses synchronization clock.Be able to familiar fault tolerance and architectural issues.To understand the concept of processor architecture,network and architecture.

OUTCOMES:Demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of real-time systems and the key issues

and challenges in the design of real-time software, including meeting deadlines, execution predictability, and space, energy limitations.

Apply the development methodology for real-time systems and compute the trade offs between hard and soft real-time systems.

Gain experience with schedule validation techniques and how these techniques differ between hard and soft deadlines in real-time systems.

Evaluate the timing, synchronization and fault tolerance issues of real-time software development.

Topics Covered:

MODULE-IBasic Real-Time Concepts: Terminology, Real-Time System Design Issues, Example Real-Time Systems, Common Misconceptions, Brief History.

MODULE-IIHardware Considerations: Basic Architecture, Hardware Interfacing, Central Processing Unit, Memory, Input/Output, Enhancing Performance, Other Special Devices, Non-von-Neumann Architectures.

MODULE-IIIReal-Time Operating Systems: Real-Time Kernels, Theoretical Foundations of Real-Time Operating Systems, Intertask Communication and Synchronization, Memory Management, Case Study: POSIX.

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (76)

MODULE-IVSoftware Requirements Engineering: Requirements-Engineering Process, Types of Requirements, Requirements Specification for Real-Time Systems, Formal Methods in Software Specification, Structured Analysis and Design, Object-Oriented Analysis and the Unified Modeling Language, Organizing the Requirements Document, Organizing and Writing Requirements, Requirements Validation and Review.

MODULE-VSoftware System Design: Properties of Software, Basic Software Engineering Principles, The Design Activity, Procedural-Oriented Design, Object-Oriented Design, Appendix: Case Study in Software Requirements Specification for Four-Way Traffic Intersection Traffic Light Controller System.

MODULE-VIProgramming Languages And The Software Production Process: Introduction, Assembly Language, Procedural Languages, Object-Oriented Languages.

MODULE-VIIPerformance Analysis And Optimization: Theoretical Preliminaries, Performance Analysis, Application of Queuing Theory, I/O Performance, Performance Optimization.

Text Book: 6. Phillip A. Laplante- Real-Time Systems: Design and Analysis, John Wiley- India

Edition, 2006.

Reference Books: 1. Rajib Mall- Real Time Systems; Theory and Practice, Pearson Edition, New Delhi- 2007.

7. J.W.S.Liu – Real Time Systems, Pearson Education, New Delhi – 2004.8. C.M.Krishna & K.G. Shiv – Real Time Systems, Mc Graw Hill – 1997.


Pre-requisites: Data Communications, Computer NetworksType: Theory

Course Assessment Methods: Mid-semester exam, End-semester exam, Assignment/Quiz

Course Aim: To have knowledge on modern telecommunication system .Course Objectives:1. To understand the role of modern telecommunication system.2. To have a complete understanding of intricacies of modern telecommunication system.Course Outcomes:1. To be able to understand the principles of modern telecommunication system.2. To be familiar with the basic techniques modern telecommunication system.

Topics Covered:

MODULE – I & II Introduction to Switching System : General principles of switching , signaling and control, stored program control concepts, Space Division and Time Division switching, 2 -,

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (77)

3- , and n – stage networks, Blocking and Non – Blocking switching, Digital Exchange ( basic concept only ).

MODULE – IIIISDN & ATM : ISDN user interface, architecture and user access, ISDN channels. B – ISDN, concepts of ATM and user – network Interface. Brief descriptions and functions of different layers of ATM protocol.

MODULE – IV & VMobile Cellular telecommunications : Basic Cellular systems, components and operation of Cellular systems , mobile propagation and fading, co channel and adjacent channel interferences , frequency reuse channels, near - end - interferences , Handoff . Channel assignment and frequency assignment . spread Spectrum technique , Multiple Access Techniques : Introduction to FDMA, TDMA & CDMA.

MODULE – VI & VIIMobile Antennas : Antenna parameters ( Gain , Directivity , Efficiency , Effective Aperture etc. ) and radiation characteristics . Qualitative description of Dipole antenna, LP antenna , Discone antenna , Helical antenna , Horn antenna , Patch and slot antenna . PIFA. Characteristics of cell site and mobile antennas .

Text Books :

1. T. Vishwanathan - Telecommunication Switching Systems and Networks - PHI, 2/e, New Delhi, 20022. Roy Blake - Wireless Communication Technology ,Thomson Asia Pvt. Ltd , Singapore 2002. 3. W.C.Y. Lee - Mobile Cellular telecommunications - Mc Graw – Hill Int. Edition,Singapore, 1995.

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (78)


Pre-requisites: Soft ComputingType: Theory

Course Assessment Methods: Mid-semester exam, End-semester exam, Assignment/Quiz

AIM: To have knowledge on neural network and applications

OBJECTIVES:1. To understand the basics of neural networks.2. To simulate Biological neurons with artificial neurons.3. To develop pattern classification using different types of neural nets.4. To understand different types of learning methods, such as supervised, unsupervised and

reinforcement learning.5. Understand the different training mechanisms.

OUTCOMES:1. Ability to understand basic neural networks(NN), a new approach for modeling,

formulating, and solving problems.2. Develop Networks of neuron-like units and extensive inter-unit connections have

shown impressive performance in applications in various fields such as pattern analysis, nonlinear control, combinatorial optimization, and knowledge acquisition.

3. Analysis and design of different nets for classification and recognition.4. An ability to design multilayer perceptions.5. Ability to develop recurrent networks.

Topics Covered:

MODULE - IRecurrent Networks And Temporal Feedforward Networks: Introduction , Overview of Recurrent Neural Networks, Hopfield Associative Memory , Simulated Annealing, Boltzmann Machine , Overview of Temporal Feedforward Networks, Simple Recurrent Network, Time-Delay Neural Networks, Distributed Time-Lagged Feedforward Neural.

MODULE - IINeural Networks For Optimization Problems : Introduction, Neural Networks for Linear Programming Problems, Neural Networks for Quadratic Programming Problems, Neural Networks for Nonlinear Continuous Constrained Optimization Problems.

MODULE - IIISolving Matrix Algebra Problems With Neural Networks: Introduction, Inverse and Pseudoinverse of a Matrix , LU Decomposition, QR Factorization, Schur Decomposition, Spectral Factorization- Eigenvalue Decomposition (EVD)(Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem), Neural Network Approach for the Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem.

MODULE – IV&VSolution Of Linear Algebraic Equations Using Neural Networks: Introduction, Systems of Simultaneous Linear Algebraic Equations, Least-Squares Neurocomputing Approach for

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (79)

Solving Systems of Linear Equations, Conjugate Gradient Learning Rule for Solving Systems of Linear Equations, A Generalized Robust Approach for Solving Systems of Linear Equations Corrupted with Noise, Regularization Methods for Ill-Posed Problems with Ill-Determined Numerical Rank, Matrix Splittings for Iterative Discrete-Time Methods for Solving Linear Equations.

MODULE - VIStatistical Methods Using Neural Networks: Introduction, Principal-Component Analysis, Learning Algorithms for Neural Network Adaptive Estimation of Principal Components, Principal- Component Regression, Partial Least-Squares Regression, A Neural Network Approach for Partial Least-Squares Regression.

MODULE- VIIIdentification, Control, And Estimation Using Neural Networks: Introduction, Linear System Representation, Autoregressive Moving Average Models , Identification of Linear Systems with ARMA Models, Parametric System Identification of Linear Systems Using PLSNET, Nonlinear System Representation, Identification and Control of Nonlinear Dynamical.

Text Book:1. M. Ham & I. Kostanic – Principles of Neurocomputing for Science & Engineering,

TMH, New Delhi , 2002.

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (80)

IT 8053 E-COMMERCEPre-requisites: General knowledge of computerType: Theory

Course Assessment Methods: Mid-semester exam, End-semester exam, Assignment/Quiz

AIM: To have an understanding of essential e-Commerce concepts and technologies and skills related to the management and application of e-Commerce and e-Business approaches.

OBJECTIVES:1. To know definition and scope of e-Commerce. 3. To understand changing business strategies in electronics age. 4.To understand intricacies of B2B e-Commerce. 5.To understand intricacies of B2C e-Commerce. OUTCOMES:1.To think of e-Commerce in right perspective. 2.To be able to use e-Commerce for appreciate competitive advantage. 3.To be able to use knowledge of changing business strategies in electronics age. 4.To be able to develop and manage B2B e-Commerce. 5.To be able to develop and manage B2C e-Commerce.

Topics Covered:

MODULE - IIntroduction to Electronic Commerce: Electronic Commerce, Scope of Electronic Commerce, Definition of Electronic commerce, Electronic Commerce and Trade cycle, Electronic Market, Electronic Data Interchange, Internet Commerce, e-Commerce in perspective.

MODULE - IIBusiness Strategy in an Electronic Age: Value Chain, Supply Chains, Porter’s Value Chain Model, Inter organizational Value chains, Competitive advantage, Competitive strategy, Porter’s Model, First Mover advantage, Competitive advantage using e-commerce.

MODULE - IIIBusiness strategy: Introduction to Business Strategy, Strategic implications of IT, Technology, Business Environment, Business Capability, Existing Business strategy, Strategy Formulation and Complementation Planning, e-commerce implementation, e-commerce & evaluation.

MODULE - IVB2B e-Commerce Part1: Inter-organizational Transactions, The credit transaction trade cycle, Variety of transactions, Electronics Market, Advantage and disadvantage of electronics markets, Electronic Data Interchange, Benefits of EDI.

MODULE - VB2B e-Commerce Part2: EDI technology, standards, communications, implementation, agreements, security, EDI and business, Organizations, Trading pattern, Transactions, Adoption and maturity, Inter-organizational e-Commerce, Purchasing online, After sales online.

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (81)

MODULE – VIB2C e-Commerce Part1: Consumer trade transactions, Internet e-Commerce, The e-Shop, Internet shopping and trade cycle, other e-Commerce technologies, Advantages and disadvantages of consumer e-Commerce

MODULE – VIIB2C e-Commerce Part2: The elements of e-Commerce, e-Visibility, Online payments, delivering the goods, After-sales service, Internet e-Commerce security. E-Business: Introduction, Internet bookshop, Grocery Supplies, Software supplies and support, Electronics Newspaper, Internet Banking, Online share sealing, Gambling on the Net, e-diversity.Conclusions.

Text Book :7. David Whiteley - E-COMMERCE: Strategy, Technologies and Applications, TMH,

New Delhi,2000.

Reference Book :16. Ravi Kalakota & Andre B. Whinston - Electronic Commerce A Manager’s Guide

Pearson Education, 2005.Efraim Turban, Dennis Viehland, David King, Jae Lee – Electronics Commerce: A

Managerial Perspective, Pearson Education Asia, 2006/4E

APPENDIX - Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra · Web viewTopics Covered: Single word substitution, Idioms& Phrases, Pair of words, Common errors, Précis, Comprehension and Expansion. - [DOC Document] (2024)
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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.