BEST COPY AVAILABLE I4 Section 4 Chicago Tribune, Sunday, December 14. 1980 If You re A Successful Stocking Dealer In The Hortet- mess Mcel, And food Service kf Thaw wafkiwa dears ewer ay rnar nee ewr equipvoenr. We'm a nawlrtlam od mm AMPS' Check these listings for est selection in Chicago Nsted firm, with ever decade's experience ke the taawof aetata of air kaMlina an iMenar pal lotion ii ii thTarg We evWiosMS Oy)0)8)fttt4Sitp9f iusiness Opportunities for Sab Busintss OpfXrttrrtirS For Sale Business Opportunities for Mi CHICAGO TRIBUNE CH4RITIES For as. tasiiwss Oppoetunities Fef Sole GROCERY STOR Portage Pk Profitable, newer fixtures, good inventory large 3 BR apt. Super prime comer bkM incl.
Make otter. GOLDTREE REALTY PRESENT otassfhtSS OppOfTfcfljtiM tee- Me Restaurant AAarketplace OEERFIELO full equip no nsoney RUSH ST 5000 SO) ft COLO COAST fully equip GAY BAR Newtown HIGHLAND PK dell er $700400 BRICKYO Ice cream-profitable RAN DEC BECKER 558-3070 A Subsidiary of BERGER REALTY GROUP rm .1 VIMIIllai JI Pi 71 I RUTH PAGE HOLIDAY MAGIC FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY The (Irwin ul'ilic NtiUT.Kkcr iiuni's in life Dcccnihcr 18 4. when Tribune Charities present 'Isi luiknvsky's best-Itived ballet .11 the Arie Crmvn I he.ili r. Tickets iivailable the Arie Crmvn box fillice ami Ticket ron outlets. Phone inns: Call 02) 791-6000.
Group sales. (3121 7'I-Cly(). Croups ol more than 20 are eligible for a lO-percvni discount. Visa and MasierChare Tiikel prises: K.iliitm Sfi.iui. 5.iH M.iia llimi: Slil.dli.iitit SS.i' Pcrltirnt.iiKf stlifilule: Ilet. i pju.a, remt, Dtx. 2 p.m. 7 Div. 1'K P.m.
S.U.. Oct. 21). Tp.m.j Da.
til. 2 p.m. ft 7p.m. p.m. ft 7 p.m.
Dei. 25. 2 p.m. 7 Dev. 24.
2 p.m. Dee. 26. 2 7 S.H..
Dee. 27. 2 p.m. MAILORDER COUPON FIRST CHOICE D.ltC ti. Total SECOND CHOICE Dale Time 1 oflicki'ls Toial Name.
Address RESTAURANT coaaeinr A 14 unit motel toe. e. in Ofarks. $170,000. Owner-Agent Dick 4 Trudy Law 080 EM 42.
Meutt-taln Home AR 72453 501-425-5434 RESTAURANT A LOUNGE 1124 W. Bryn Mawr. Futtv equipped, reedy to eo. Only $25,900. Easv terms, bv owner.
Call Carmen. 595-5012 or 945-4477 RESTAURANT -gross $500400. um i miss in fnce si nu UNITED INVESTORS INC 203-2700 RESTAURANT-TOP LOOP VOL: StJOOOAY stM-nOO DOWN MAM Ol COHEN 4 ASSOC 372-4762 Restaurant In Berwvn. Clears over $35,000 yr. Rent $550 me.
Pr 455400. ovner t-inancins evatia- oie. OAifAjfi yjs-aati Restaurant-Tavem 4- bldA. 14 rm aot). Vic North-Austin.
Bus er over $120400 vr. Full price IW.UUU BMKAM.H 145-0411 RESTAURANT Eaulament Bus! ness. Estab 22 years. Loc. In so.
suburbs In growing area. Owner retiring. 015485-8290 312 242-1345 RESTAURANT-DENVER. CO. High volume restaurantbar.
200-1-seats. Tax loss cany forward. Lar- rv Tia-44j-ji4i RESTAURANT FX4T PcV)6t Loc in Bolinebrook. High population density, must sell. $29,500 Century 21 Olslck 4 Co 257-7100 Restaurant So.
Callfnmia Exc area. Ooen 7 am 4 om. Gross $500day. Good not. Owner.
TfmW VO 12U) 043-5037 RESTAURANT. Ma A Pa. Grass i 4 re $7,000 mo. Full price $30,000. uwner win rinence.
nan 04u-oaw Restaurant $15400 dwn owner car-rv remainder 10'o-47 seats Hlns, dale loc Art 4 pm 239-5975 RESTAURANT GRILL, eood location, near transo 4 business. gay wk. 032-5420 atrer 3 p.m. Restaurant for sale with liquor license. Mid SJO'S 1701 W.
Roose- vett, Broadview. 11. 045-9243 Restourant 4 rm. 2977 Elston. 35 seats full once: siv.auu.Atisaaa-oraa.
RESTAURANT Ex loc. Des Plaines area. Info: call Nick Roumellolls. RE Broker. 593-1523 Restaurant No.
Side. Liquor. Busy 10c. wtj 1 rtoune ouoi 1 Restaurant ullla ok axe business ZITTEL 1 047-5757 RESTAURANT Short Order A Custard Ice Cream. 410- 445-2205 Retail business Door County Inve stmentretail business, with llvlna quarters, shoe repair.
Sturgeon say, wi. Finance on tana contact. Century 21 Douglas. 414-743-4908 RETAILWHOLESALE Profitable Business For Sol Central Florida Well established, small wholesale business for sa e. Low overhead.
good profits, good expansion possibilities. Reason for selllno: Par- enr company concenrraTing run er forts and capital In main product line. Purchase direct from owners. Call or write: task tori d. Aioers P.O.
Box 1937 Sanford, Florida 32771 Tel: I3U5) 323-U4II SERVICE BUSINESS Malor maii location, 'i minion in saies. No Inventory, recession proof. Can be operated absentee. Call collect 3H-43Q-2552. SERVICE STATION For lease.
Gas pumper only. Located at Con- grass 4 Dearborn, call 424-4431 SEWING MACH. INDUS. In Tucson, Am. saies-service-pans, stock of machine 4 parts.
402422- 7518 Or 602-M5-026I SNACK SHOP GIFT SHOP $29,700 Good Investment. Well estab. In large Palatine office bldg. well established. Ideal for couple.
PHILIPPE 358-1800 SNACK SHOP-NORTHLAKE In business here for 10 yrs. Highly profitable, excellent traffic area. Call for details. Asking $50,000. LW REEDY 832-4925 SNACK SHOP NW Volume $5,000, wk.
Parking. rnce: terms COHEN 4 ASSOC 372-4747 SNACK SHOP 24 HOURS VOLUME $900,000 FAR NORTH SUBPARKING COHEN 4 ASSOC 374762 Snack Shop 4 Ice Cream Parlor oevonwesiem. tooo orot ts. $4SOmo. Pr: $18,000.
235-1411 BAHASH 235-0411 SNACK SHOP A3rdKedile Good volume 4 oricej flnan, clno.89ent. cook. 925-1100 Chicago, xi.k sr musi sen. leav ni slate. Call Chuck 2-7 p.m.
539-229' Snack Shop-2 man operation, NW Chicago, traffic area. $45,000 Call: Riooe xeai estate 775-5433 SPORTING Goods Store-Fixture 4 Inventory avail. IS N. Northwest park Rioge, il. 965-21Z0 SUBMARINE Shop 4 Dell.
So. Berwyn. Bldelvo qutrs. Equip lust bought. Owner will fin.
366-0408 TANNING 5ALUM Super opportunity to get In on the fast growing tanning salon flektl Brand new facility with the latest In safe, modern equipment. All booths with private dressing rooms. Call for complete Information I CALL NICK KONSTANTELOS century 21 Mitchell bhos. 492-9460 256-0339 Supper Hayward Wise, area. $175,000.
Will take $100,000 down, can 715-445-3435 Tailoring 4 Alteration Shop (custom). Fullv eauiooed. best area in Atlanta. Gross over 8120400 per yr. Asking $40,000.
Gouen opportunity for right person. For information write Tailor Shop, P.O. fox 21357. Atlanta Gaornla 30328 AVERN Dance Hall (2 bars) 385 ft ROCK RIVER FRONTAGE. Boot launching site.
Ade-auate oarklnq. tAVERN-Grecerv Store 4 very nice living quorreri. 2 Blocks TO Lake Koshkonong. Call dally or evenings for details 400-004-3301 COHEN REALTY. Inc eogenon, wis ajaja TAVERN Lunch.
vrs 1 owner. Must sell due to Illness. Call aft. 7p.m: Tavern -t- Banquet nan. a fiat bldg.
Vic. Rockwell-Cermak. Oross ,000 vr. uooq proms, pr. oiog 235-1411 BARASCH 23S44T1 TAVERN 4 BANQUET Hall 4 Bldg.
Kediie 4 Archer. Agent Tavern-Cecktalj Vounge bldo. 7 rms. 4 5 rms. North-Laramle.
p. uamen ro-ttug Bus gr 0125,000 yr. Full pr SlUUfUuu win sen aeparareiy. 2354411 BARASCH 23544)1 Tavern-Estab 4 vrs. NortrCantral Av.
Exc prof. Rent saza mo. rr mmm '11 M54411 'avern 1. Pko Llauor. Late nlaht license.
4700NT Money Maker. 1)45400. Simon iGlICk 138-7900 i avern 4 property Includes 4 flats oarage. Vic. Mro-Wettern.
Or $98,000 vr. Excel prom. Pr $97,000. owner win note mree wmm mm TAVERNS North Side: Reporting Priced 131400. 45 seat capacity, favorable lease.
Cicero: Reporting $100400. Price $5040p. 20 seat capacity. Call Ron 201-3451 KtmsisatL weal eaiATB Tavarn-VIc Central Av-Belmont. or SI20.UW yr.
mem Clears over yr. risiijw ISSIAN repair shop' TRANSM Cngo complete liremory. 1100400 annual sales, lo oea ratine cost, grots profit operation now ready for expanslon.tep suburb I6IKT E. LEND CO.
I48-2U1 TRuMMs-GEnl. COMM. III. Intra 4 Interstate eutn. Trucks, tors, trailers, etc.
1400 annuif sales, TAVERN wa rm Ira living quarters. 30 by 70, 2 story brk bide w2 lots. Remod up 4 down central IL rag J290 1 iiiulose slampeil, sell-addressed onvolope and add SI.OO ier order liir limutlinc. Make dark pavaliletoTHB NUTCRACKIiR. Mail to: NutiTackiT Box Ottlaf.
Art? Ciuwii The.iier. MeConnick Hiaee. ILd(l6l6. All viles
Tieke) Mibjeil in availability. at. 1 1 I 1 1 I i I SAM LEVE Dei. 11.2 p.m. I i.
2 p.m. ft 7 p.m. s.i:..' Km. t. 2 p.m.
7 p.m. .1,1:1. 4. 2 p.m. It 7 FOR THE NUTCRACKER Llicilitlll Lot.ithm aoa i.
St.ite.. Oppty. LOOKING TO BUY OR SELL A BUSINESS Specialities In the Sale of Businesses Since 1M BARASCH BUSINESS BROKERS 3324 Dlwerler 235-0411 The Individual capable, hare) working, honest, age In 50's, financially sound, interested In buyln outright or Into est. small profit, able mfg end product or eicluslve distributorship long term potan" tial. Must be N.W., on good farms, not over mil.
MAN-ijrj. Tribune 808)1 Inventor with solid pat. lor radically new aquarium fam (twist of wrist colors) wishes ta contact fluorescent Mfc. In Cngo. area who desires to broaden lino.
P.O. Boi 21721 Chicago, llllnaTt Be, rITl buYer Or SeLLeR- ALLIE0 Business Brokers NATIOfWIOEASgCIATel tOoOQ HlMlns-Rosemont II. 800)1 Lourtdrarriats-OrvcJeariers Hive serious qualified buyers. Need more stores, 12)400 gross 4 up. City suburbs.
Jack Dougherty co. 41MP8B, MOTELS 8. MOBILPJ iME PARKS we nave buyers. all Bill jury er aizjy. 3I2-439-55W OURI Rep vl lor estab line.
Comal, stock rm, sklpplni facli. Central nc. nr, chgo, Loop. irz-4ar PRINTING Businesses Equip, Dougnr ana aota. Business titlon also avail.
321-0533. ALL CASH lot any BUSINESS Wl Sell Ana Two et utir power pus prosars CURRENCY EXCHAWfJI vVi TEO CALL 5494)07 AURANTS WANTEa ALEX. 211.3653 Relnslssel.aL Tail will buy Chlcaoo License. Call 287.7109 bat p.m. Ma frincNie rWorfftft ARCO amem mini market Inn.
chlseavalleble. S.E. slde loih 145,000. Inveitmenf reeu isjeVClil Georoi Cherry, t.74110. I I 11 Mrtartina Pfoarafll that nMuires an pares live Peatertfee.
Our factory luapirt is rk best i tew busiaess, and or prooocti are rent sewed world wide. II re eressive en looking tor an opportunity la a ontapped awrket cMI colioct as: Mr. Tim Adams at: (714) 274-0591 (Monday 0C IS only) er Call Mr. Adams at Meli-day Inn Here Kennedy 471434 Tuesday. Wednesday er Ttotnday (Dec.
16-111. TEPCO, INC. If You're A Successful Stodring Dealer In The Magnetic Media Or Sound Enclosure The you're welkins ke doors every dey thai need our equipment. We're a subsidiary of an AMEX listed firm, with ever decade's experience in the manufacture of elr handling and Interior poliutlon control equipment. We have developed new marketing program that requires an aggressive dealership.
Our factory support Is the best in the business, and our products are represented world wide. If you are ees restive and looking for an opportunity in an ontapped market cell collect te: Mr. Tim Adms et: (214)174-0591 (Monday Dec. 15 only) or call Mr. Adams at Holiday O'Hara Kennedy 471-4369 Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday (Dec.
16- TEPCO, INC. If You're A Successful Stocking Dealer In The Medical Supply Then you're walking In doors every Say that need our equipment.We ave developed new marketing program that requires an aggressive dealership. Our factory support is the best In the aggressive dealership. Our factory support is the best in the business, and our products are represented world wide. If you are aggressive and looking for an opportunity in an untapped markei call collect to: Mr.
Tim Adams at: (214)274-0591 (Monday Dec. IS only) or Call Mr. Adams at Holiday Inn O'Hare Kennedy 871-4369 Tuesday. Wednesday or Thursday (Dec. 16-10).
TEPCO, INC. SPORTS! SP0RTSI SPORTSI Men Women Are you seeking FUN 4 self-satisfaction, EXCITEMENT with unlimited potential, ENJOYMENT plus opportunity for success 4 the advantage of being your own boss In a full or part-time business et your own? WE HAVE IT! If you qualify you can loin winning team of oyer 500 sporting goods 4 sports fashion retail stores 4 home operated dealers. Initial Service Fee only $1500. For application 4 more Information contact: Sport-About, loc. 7691 Central Ave NE.
Frldley, MN 55432 TOLL FREE (000) 328- 45UZ. WN iei2)84-5aiT. INVADER GAMES A rich frontier In Investment opportunities. Gome routes, including locations, available. Cash Investment $1995 and up -secured by equipment.
FULL-TIME INCOME, part-time Hours. Return on your Investment realltable In first quarter. EXCELLENT tax shelters. Interest free expansion financing available. TNese Invader games "gross about $200.
as much as $400 per W.S.J. 813.80. Call Toll tree )-oQ0-327-4794, Mr. Bennett, An innovative teehniloelcai break- through has created a product for the service Industry that has the acceptance and impact that color had for T.V. We have hundreds of users In U.S., Canada and England.
This product will save millions In replacement costs to ho-tels, motels, Institutions, apartments and homeowners. Because of fast growing demand. Distributorships are needed In all malnr market areas thrauohnut the U.S. Call or write; Magic Color systems 444 n. tugias no.
Altamonte FL. 32701 uuai QM-vajr. GUARANTEED Instant Printing, the boom bull-ness of the 80's. NOT A FRANCHISE NO ROYALTIES ONLY $5400 DOWN Investment protected With Our RESALE GUARANTEE MR. QUICK PRINT 3)2284-1140 LIFETIME OPPTY If you are over 40, in relatively gooo snepe, can Denver our inrer estlno entertalnlne story to a van.
ety of groups who welcome your appearance, you owe it to vourseir to investigate this opportunity in the physical fitness field. Absolutely proven results with this sensational merekting plan. Product orovldes a hlah 9 flour potential tor a success motivated Interviews Dec. 22. Call R.
Terry, 4U3-r6i-ur. BE YOUR OWN BOSS NEW CONCEPT FOR MULTI BILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRY COMMERCIAL 4 ESI- DENT prey: OSPECT TV ADVERTISED ISED PI ROD- UCT NO FRANCH ise a' TIPULA- TION OR FEES SMALL INVESTMETNT COMPLETELY SECURED BY INVENTORY CALL MR BEST 845.2000 HIGH PROFIT POTENTIAL Leading manufacturer of water purification equiemqnr tor nomes and Industry is expanding. In metropolitan Chicago, DeKalb, Freeport, Sterling end Peru areas. nlan Headed Immediately ta take over territories. Full training prgvtaeu aiarre wriiaia assiaiania, (market potential unitmirea.
eninf mal Imastment. Reply to: nnej va i npune euei i DIGITEC ELECTRONICS Is sioandlna Its marketing area. manufacture revolutionary wireless security system (burglary, tire, panicmeotcai emergency), Chlcaeo area daalerenlns aval la, bl. No Inventory, required. No royalties.
Leu ron tree: Porte-John Corp. Is seeking flnan-clally secure Individuals W1S04M investment cspitpi. master uistrt' butarthies are available far Phila, delphla. New Jersey 4 Atlanta areas. Existing Business In each area and potential Is unlimited, Braxton or Don Wilson MoRufBCfvfhigt We Invite Inquiries to manufacture lent wen tig weioep stainless steel and other special usagealioy tubing.
Sir ran Vs inch to Hi Inch od. Scientific Tubing 410 Interstate Xddlton. II 40101. 312-543-OtSS or 31W43-9191 ask for Jerry. ApeM IMP On 2 CNC Machining canters.
Also open time on 2 CNC Lathes. Dyers mm service, 4re-iw or ye- nil. John or Oanr. Small eawina mam. Proa time al.
ter Jan 1. Sportswear or mis. small Items. Mr. Sew-lt Inc.
744 High St. Murora. il. maxa iiim-Txn- FIBERGLASS Open time In shop, free estimates, can tor peers, oar-aaau Heavy duty stars 4 pinions te your oooooo)S)oooMaftooooooH JwL ooooooooooTaTafaoooooooo FAST FOOD In SUN BELT BURGER KING NH .1 Fr Barter Kings. Oood locations fn malor ssuthweit city.
urestins over mniianyea tea re.Kocrwite, in aioaai anon onico: ansa; VIDEO STORE Needs working partner. Mr. Hoffman, 743-1607. IE VoOft 6vVN loss f'or only 1750, ye can be "prin. Irri No experience or equipment required.
Operate from name ar afflca S77.90SS Party Intaresled In becoming Invol- ved in small ousiness In ttte Chlce- area ror evenrvi end details lo Ace, Wholesale Sewine siatpties In SAN OIEGOXALIF. Gross $175400 yr Est 4 yrs. Mr.Weiss PO Boa 20432 qqfi yitu Wholesale Sawsaee 4 Fresh Meat route, western suburbs. 4204577. WOMEN'S WEAR First time offered.
Choice dee brook loc Well established. Priced to sell. CALOWELL REALTY 774-4141 WISCONSIN VILAS COUNTY WISCONSIN'S FASTEST GROWING COUNTY Favorable Terms Available B20S: Bar 4 Stnseer Clue. 115 ft fronlaee op North Twin Lake. Loose a7 sleeping; rms, 4 baths, laundry rat.
a4er. 2 boats. Onhr $85400. m. onty SJV.vuo.
VJjm moivt owinc ow nwv 91 everlookine Minocaua Lake. 10 units, blacktop parking let, living quarters. Priced te sell. B39S: PtOftst Business, ideal hwy location, good cross, spacious 3 bdrm living quarters included. Inquire for details.
CALL SUN. OR MON; 479-9111 MILWAUKEE, located restau-rant, lift shop 4 news stand fixtures 4 stock for sale. Display cases, cash registers, etc. Gifts 4 novelty stock in lots. Otflce fixture 4 furniture sold Individually or In group lots.
Misc. restaurant equipment, steel 4 wooden shelvlngs. 1st come, 1st served. Open to public 4 dealers. Call 414-747-5230 tor Info.
4 appt. PORTABLE SIGNS LIGHTED FACTORY DIRECT Flashlno Arrow. Tube Stand, 300 letters, 4 line copy, UL Iabel4495. Other models low as $105. Call Toll Free.
Action Sign TAYLOR FREEZERS World's leading producer of soft serve, shake 4 slush machines. Choice of 91 of franchises and 70 of the country. New end reconditioned used. Taylor Distributors 671-0170 Mlddleby-Marshall 1 revolving shelf oven all stainless steel. Col-borne dough roller, 1 burner Vulcan stove, 4 drawer refr table.
Rondo dough roller, Hobart dough mixer 140 qts. 352-7589 INDOOR MINIATURE GOLF COURSES Any store-loft-bem suitable. Max. proflt-Mln. invest.
$8,000. Financing. LOMMA, Scranlon, Pa. 11503. Tel.
717340- BINKS Spray booth, 5x7' wex-ploslon proof motor 4 Andrea filter brackets, 1700. Also 40' heavy guage metal duct work, wconnect brackets 4 elbows, 1145. Call 316-0500383-8574. SPEED QUEEN MAYTAG 4 GEN'L ELECTRIC Used coin operated laundry equipment in excellent condition. Mon-Sat lam4pm 544-4900 Closed 3 branch stores-have micro computer-cash registers, time clocks, phone answering system, steel shelving, flourescent fixture many more irems.
jaa-auu y-o 1'x 20' steel Ocean going containers. Located In the Chicago area. For Information to arrange Inspection and pricing. call interoooi at 920-0333 ESPRESS0-CAPPUCIN0 DIAL 312S-l-L-V-E-R-l Importers World's Finest Machines Eberhardt Opemat bun divider, model 03U. Full auto.
$4125. Acme Rol sheeter, model 8-6 1275. 4 other items. 317-284-5S94284-S463 BEAUTY Salon closino. every- thing must eo.
Equipment only yrs. old. Call days 272-7371 or evenings a weexenos zyr-uooy. Two gas Groen cooking kettles. 120-130 qts.
Also Hobart automatic sllcer. 777-6322 Walk-In coolers. New 4 used. Any sire or shape. Reasonable prices.
24 hour pnone service. 680-1 flu AO Smith water heaters, (2), hol-dlm tank, misc. plumb. Best offer. orr-uus, ELECTROLYSIS eouioment.
Complete setup, tew mo. old 945- 9060 AAMCO Brake Lathe. Drum 4 rotor. All access complete, 1 months Old, $2400 724-4746 ansp-vn mi. eia VH.i"v-WFa, operates on wall Arrant 4 12 voits, exci cono, uvj ejr-ipaj.
131 Pliia Ovens. 12) SS this. SS Doughnut Fryer, (2) racks waO pans misc. all $850, o2-H3, Restaurant Equipment for sale pnone 323-Bsou. ask for manaoer.
Canon Model 5000 Dry Copier. Exc corn. Red 791-0410 6 coin operated dry cleaning ma-chlnes, Reas. 598-1590 or 599-1171 1 Cigarette vending Machines tan 2S4.H4U 50 CENTS Coin Slides lar com operated washers, can 445-0431 Vending machines; cigarette 4 candy. Reas.
paui. lb. Clssell dryers. Best offer. 6524407, aft 6p.m.
ureless oas boiler. 2 yrs. old. 400400 BTUS lor SSIO. 446-244? Snap-on Wheel Baiancer-WBK2C an attach, go cono, 1250, wz-imj.
20R. SS reach In freeierrafrlg, como. vj- '3-0570 2 Paider Barber Chairs Od. cond. 8275 ea.
3274174 SUN Computer II Mod. 1215. 1 yr. Old. $11,900.
594-5075 SS.oM stock of Boat tables, lath. slate 4 assess. 5640444 Service te luslniii PRINTING Call us and save money. Servina Oak Brook, Villa Park and Lombard area DANLO PRINTING 495-4488 Established manufacture seeking Service oraanliatlan to install. clean 4 service air pollution equipment for Chicago and 75 mile radius, can collect.
Tim Aoams ar 1214 2744591 ALIO A Axle load Indicating svs- tern. Trucker knows weight on any exle-anytime-anvwhere. indicating unit In cab. Selecting distributors end nttallers. ALIS 070-9590 or yvi-aior free, crEaYive A6vEftTi4- iNO-wnen you buy priniing-ao-dressing-mailing from us.
Our Ide as, your Pruoucr or ai an poo Tigerman e4-4ira Sell your product lor ot profits. We Have national TV time end od space rnrougnour upa. 4uu Kiyep rxo, 3)2) 6VaW 1 fturSYnTVPESETf Ihia HI lo prices. New COPV or complete Pesre up. 30 mln.
TElEX mln fmm Chicago. 2191 663-71 Tidwl ELEx cost effective world wide sendrecelvlna service, can Action Telex. 940-7470 Heating, air conditioning 4 rgfrtg, eratlen sales, service 4 Install, tions. very reas. prices eeu-irsv Baa awl lar attah line.
Cornel. office, stock rm. shipping Central toe nr chop. Loop. 572-4447 1 Mrs EASE SALES with our mall list and personallied letters.
All compuTomoo. err-ri. fomnutei WST IFBvlCR all caalers. ServTce.Ta. Puinnlno TjMn Typesetting 4 camera work done in homa-Niiem.
Reas rates 945-42W C8px8mU)pj (s UcsiiiM rour own business for 112.500. otally self-contained fresh or. arne-lulce 4 Ptmonade eoncetslen unique Tigereief WSSF arrv Out 4 ready te open, Chain Lakes area 1 Liquor nc. avail. 5,000 dn, 11200 mo S44.71 7711 lecani store cha needs parmer.
Koro invest no money hist herd work. Nii.mai Faverri bldg. for sale er lease, RaraMlpfTli'vVabasrtupslalnAt A.ile ala 714.0978 liyiiym BrisnitatTi tst ttiv JOewWTht, P4sHl.tJ8.rM Out this nai untri uniqve Tioeretais siorwj oi machine, es teen at CMcieofetf. Josaari MusuWi. 022-4100.
-Carry Out for. lease. MONUMENT-Long Estb. otflce 8, 0 rm. house.
Chicago Ridge. Ask steuoo Lena Realty an-ajus MOTEL 40 units. 40 miles from Chicago on 4 acres. Terrific value i location. Price $350400.
Motel consuitanr 719-934-9411 MOTEL 24 units. In Wisconsin Dells area. Assume land contract 7t, sag.ogo. 4Q8-35o-y4ai MOTEL Price reduced. II unit motel living quarters in eic cond.
Contract mil. 219-442-4308 MOTEL-Deming. New Mexico. 14 unit bv owner. Newly remod.
Exc cond. Owner retiring. 505-544-2441 AAOTELS On Interstate highway I Kenosha County. 10 units. Room for expansion.
$50400 down. We can help you find motel anywhere in the U.S. Call today for more Information. SMITH REALTY CO. INC.
10125 WNorth Ave. Milwaukee, Wl. 53220 414 474-3460 MOTELS WISCONSIN DELLS 12 Unit Motel $110400 14 unit motel $155,000. IN Realty 1 no Lake Oelton, Wise. 53940.
1401) 253-5471 MOTELS FOR SALE-FLORIDA FREE list and Information write LIONEL RLTY 12X Gateway Rd Lk Park.FI 33403 Realtor MOTELS NATIONWIDE WISCONSIN-ILLINOIS 53 unit Best Western-101 units doing in rooms-34 units doing per unit and many more. Call or write. NATIONWIDE MOTEL BROKERS MILMARK REALTY 9700 W. Bluemound Rd. Milwaukee.
Wisconsin 53224 Chicago call 876-0864 Milwaukee call 414-774 0781 MOTELS NATIONWIDE MULlttAY INNS RAMADA INNS BEST WESTERNS INDEPENDENTS Price $250,000 to $10400,000 Dn Interstate AAotel Brokers Mbr JiiLESUL. MOTEL SPECIALISTS NATIONWIDE LISTINGS ILLINOIS 18 UNITS, attractive 2 BR llv qtrs. $40400 Income. $50,000 dn. 45 UNITS, Chicago.
Excel Ik. income. Owner financing. 50 UNITS, $230,000 rm income. Excel repeat bus.
$170400 dn. Others! FLORIDA 20 UNITS. $103,000 room Income. Rest, AAA, 2 BR llv qtrs. 51 UNITS, rest, lounge, resort, $286,000 Income.
$325400 down. COLORADO 26 UNITS, $1324004- Income. 3 BR llv qtrs. AAA. $125,000 dn.
54 UNITS, rest, lounge, $340,000 rm income. Exc loc. Best Western. $350,000 dn. Others! -t-SH REALTY MOTEL BROKERS ASSOC 5216 N.
Lincoln 271-7000 MOTEL-Sunnv west. Owner-Oper ator needed for 30 unit motel in Lordsburg. New Mexico. $10,000. down.
Owner. Call 214824-7830 (Dallas, Texas) or David, 214750- U535, MOTORHOME RENTAL-excltlng business available, Las Vegas, Nevada, with Nat'l. reservation service. Low overhead, grossed over $100,000 1st vr. (213 449-5010 MUSIC 4 GAME ROUTE In Central Illinois college town.
Sortie vending, mostly clgatettes, solid state 4 electro-mech pins pool tables, shuttles 4 video games (app 125). Coin sorter, coin counter 4 truck with lift tailgate 4 dollies. Reply MDM 329, Tribune, Chicago I 60611 NIGHT CLUB-MADISON. WISC Downtown growing, successful showcase club. 0500 sq ft.
Liquor gross, $250,000. Great lease 4 loc. Ex. book, contacts for nail. acts.
Capitol Realty Serv 408251-0047 NURSING HOMES- 90 bed, Skll- led. Lasaue cry. Moneymaker. 220 BED, skilled. Southern III.
newer one fir. Excel opptv. LEADER 465-4200 OPTOMETRIC PRACTICE cnicago Nortn side Established Private Practice Low operating cost, Priced for Immed. sale. Call 675-8085 Sunday or evenings.
736-2800 weekdays. PAINT STORE Located in NW suburban shopping center. Priced for quick sale. $7500 stock. CENTURY 21 PLAZA REALTY B33-72J0 PAINT 4 WALL PAPER In Ar-llngton Hts.
Sacrifice) Hurryl HBB 640-8330 PET SHOP-SW Suburb, smaller. $45,000. Agent AU 7-3277 PHARMACY Choice growing N.W.'suburb, business steadily expanding, owners retiring. Store has excellent living Juarters. Call for Info.
YOUR RELO BROKER ESSEX-C0STELL0 OtS-454-3066 330 Vireinla(Hwy 141Crvstal Lake PHOTO STATC0PYING This highly successful 4 profitable 40 yr.old company Is located In Chicago's Prudential Plan. With a long list of old, well established accounts, this business grossed over $200,000 In sales last year 4 netted over $40,000 in profit almost totally absentee owned. Due to owner's recent death the estate will sacrifice for only $112,000 cash including all Inventory 4 equipment. Call 329-9000. THE AUSTIN-GREGG CORP.
Pizza- GrandAshland Price: $10,000 down COHEN 4 ASSOC 372-4767 PIZZA REST Loc. In W. sub Delivery, carrvout, dining room. $37,500. Century 2) Homewood.
963-3000 PIZZA A RESTAURANT LawrenceKimball. Owner must sell-only $20400. Call 989-0749 or marcel Keaity: 34B-70M PUZERIA Arlington Heights heavy traffic area. Must self. In ws.
marcei tceairy 344-7000. PIZZERIA 2 Nlln A Glenview. Hi volume. Serious inquiries. 299-0887 PRINTING TYPOGRAPHY 4av.uuu sjross nets $1 15400 Very outstanding steady accts, business can easily be doubledx-cel stafUlne suburban area ROBERT E.
LENO CO. Elk Grove Office 364-4545 PRINTING PI ANT $225,000 profitable sales In all modern production facility located, Elk Grove Office 364-4545 PfeiNTING-Bulv loh shoo In SIM WIS. (400 437-8744 Or 437-8W2. Printing shop property 4 bus excellent loc ZITTEL 087-5757 PRINT SHOP A Office Supply 2 lor the price ol 1. Modem shop, excellent location.
Must sell. It you are looking for a franchise, see us before you buy. Write Complete Accounting, 6141 W. Cermak, II, WOWi PRINT SHOP NEAR LOOP 3 STORY BRICK BLDG Quality letter press operation, ma chinery, equipment, more. Owner retiring.
Will finance. ftvTlft WE ALT 710 PRINT SHOP NORTH 00 70 steady accounts in own area ready tor expansion. Exceptionally well eqylpUow rentgood lease KUBtKI t. LEND CO. Elk Grove Office PRINT SHOP With bldg.
SW. Call 254-1122, REAL ESTATE-Century 21, Oak Brook money maker. Leaving stare, soa.wu, can Tro-aajr. REAL ESTATE-Century 21. Oak Brook money maker.
Leaving State. $65,000. Si! 9204537 RECORDING STUDIO-14 Irk wtxeei est, terms 4oaa37-yeue. RENTAL BUSINESS In Central Alabama. Authorlied tractor dealer.
1 yr. old bldg. set en 11 Ycres on eoge or growing city, rade area of 10,000 sq miles equal Sacrl Is oreat aieanslon aotentlal. iacrlflce price melds, equip. 4 Inventory.
Contact Ray Reeves, zya.era.j4uu 1 Rentals, 2400 "0. Ala, S701 or. write: Reeves 14b, Ml- RESORT. LAKE OF TH U4AKK3. ie units, 800 shoreline, ivy acres, boat docks.
tec. room, 4 001 Owner flnancim owner's hom*o. Motel ii an-wwiu, Re SORT (NORTHER sealon. (LakeSki) Supper $204's, Tp club. aieae.
ansiwauxoo. wis, uni Restaurant with Liquor. PI Time Offered. Upwards of oar year. Owner ooaratad far years.
Will Finance. Quallfl ewers vmv. First Time Offered. Money maker. Pest Pott Western Suburb, day week.
Owner will tram. Lounge and feed In North Snore onoipa. CLOCK SHOP Retail sales and service, well Overused, active clock Moo. Sales in eacess of 1350.000. Meal opportunity for rightoerson.
Write 1 owner; MUM Ml. Tribune, Cngo Clothing sub. shopping Plata. 15,000 Inventory. 830-314 rAtucrir tHnp.Merle Norman Located in Norridgc.
Due to health owner will sacrifice for only $19,900 including $4000 in inventory. Call 329-9000. THE AUST CUBr. CURRENCY EXCHANGE The Huddle Currency, 71 E. 147181 Harvey.
II. For Information, call Mrs. Mlqueion. receiver 234-4745. DELI RESTAURANT Eacellent opportunity for eieefl-enced restaurant person or couple.
743-5185 Ask for Frank dfli A carrv Out. Groceries. Belmont 1 Cicero. Must be seen to be apprec. Owners ill.
Best ofr industrial area, aar-414 Deli Northslde Dollar Maker Owner Sick Must Sell Save 25000 Income 180000 mom 830 338-5500 rental Denture work. SIOQNISOOW. will sell equipment. Priced for euick sale. Call 8A-0-250).
between 10-2 pm. DENTAL PRACTICE-1 operate-nr. 4 rooms. New bide. Low rent TounyMiiwaunee mies sin-jaw DISCO- VOLUME $300,000 TOP NAME.
NEAR NORTH COHEN ASSOC 372-4787 DOG KENNEL-43 runs, horse barn, 3 bdrm home, 24' trailer, 10 acres wooded property with duck pond. Call for details Barry Weiss nnarnieu K.e. irtntyj. SONUT SHOP-Dunkln Donuts. suburb.
HI volume. Enc loc. Very good potential to grow. By owner. can orwn u-apm, ow-voau.
DRUG STORE-V0L: $100,000 I ioi UOR. SUNDRIES, etc PRICE: SS0.000 Inv. NW. ASSOC 372-4787 nRvrLEANFRS ARCHER KEOZIE. YOU Can be the landlord here.
3000 so ft bldg aV fully equipped plant. Excellent neiahhArhoad. Owners aniioue to retire-will finance, train ne- ootiate Jack Doi lotiate ideal tamiiy business. mgherty I Lo. ism DRY CLEANING PLANT-ln sun ny Tampa, Fla.
Main plant perc. Back up plant petroleum. Doing $155,000 vrly. Gd. opptv.
Call Dry Cleaning 8, alterations. Win-netka, park lot SUM annual grots. jjo-yhs arr pm Dry cleaner and laundramat ooer- tion soutn suouros w-wt DRY CLEANING PLANT It Coin can ot-aoao Dry Clean Plant in Addison, IL. inc. siajrfwu.
mrr rw-oflw ELECTRIC ORGAN SERVICE Long establ.steady sect. list, good net. Now located N.w. In city can be relocated or based at home ROBERT E. LENO CO.
598-9500 ENERGY CONTROL BUSINESS TAMPA FLORIDA OPPTY. 12 year established company, national company affiliation. EXECUTIVE SEARCH Establ orient lv an man operation, txcellent reputation ion hit mtistibo clients, now rcwlv for tKPinslon.owner retiring ROBERT E. LEND CO. Om n.
LaSelle, II. 0M2 Financial 6-2111 For Businesses THE Broken HICKORY HILLS OFFICE 7447 W. 95th 3 98-95O0 ELK GROVE OFFICE 400 E. Hltgins Rd. 364-4545 FAST FOOD CARRY-OUT Estab 10 yrs.
HI density suburbs. Atrractlvt fin. It will train. Call Tues thru Sun. betw 4pm 0, 7pm, 297-2742.
FAST FOOD FRANCHISE.N. sub. Very successful. $175,000 UNITED INVESTORS 283-2700 FAST FOOD CARRYOUT Mom a. Pop operation; good location.
Priced right. Jollet, III. 0I9W4-JJ34 FAST FOOD BUS, in Oak Park. Call for I into OLIVER-REDA 386-5800 Firewood Processing Plant For Sale or partnership. Established Accts.
for loose cord Firewood and package firewood. Eic. growth potential. Reply P.O. 1 459, Burks Falls, Ontario Future Control Salon Well established.
Full training. Reas. 234-5372 or 948-0830 FLEA MARKET-lndOor, 10,000 so. ft. steel bldg.
Now housing flea market w3 ac. for parking outside spaces as weather permits, a house 2 out bfdgs. bringing in $475 per mo. Income. Hammond anajd loc.
Asking $175,000. Call ju rvy-eaa FLORIST SHOP- Established multi-service located In center of N.W. Iowa rural trade area of over iuu.uw. modern witn a terrific reputation for quality A service, 2 wire services. Custom designing.
Unlimited potential. Contact Rich Dei-one. au-rja-Mm- FLOWER SHOP-Green House, craft shop potential. Own your own business. Srower shop, craft shop purenuat.
est vrs. Keas. price on inventory, nice bldg w4 apts, greenhouse turnkey operation, call JR at 579-2247. FOOD MART ONE PHONE CALL MAY PUT YOU IN BUSINESS New Convenient Food Mart Stores have been opening at the average of one new store per week. Operational units are now available in the-Chlcagolana area and suburbs qualifying parties.
This Is the Ind of business that may be lust what you've been looking for. Ideal for family. The cash requirement is modest and the income potential may be lust what you have In mind. The training program Is super) Call for an appointment Information. Contact Mr.
Jack Rdach. Conveelent Food Mart, Inc. 410 York Rd Elmnjrstj II 40120 FOOD wk easv profit opr. 1742 E. 55th 007-4070 Fruit Store 5000N ISOOOBuys IncomelOOOOO mom 163 330-5500 FURNITURE AIISIMFSS Carries top line furniture.
New bldg, 15,000 sq. ft. of showroom, 2100 so. ft. of storage.
Gd location on u.S'. Hwy 40. Located in energy related NW Colorado. Contact Bob Mitchell Real Estate Inc. PO bps 180.
Craig, CO. 01425, 303-824-4544 attn: Jeff. FURNITURE STORE SW Sub. 11,000 sq ft. Low rent.
Estab. 20 yrs. Volume $550,000. Terms avail. Would consider partnership buy evi, or ary-aiu.
GARDEN" CENTER 8. JBR pome uak rars sm.uoo 524-0371 GAS STAT IHM Clin OVER $50400 YRLV NET OWN 8 BAY COR. BLDG) $40,000 HANDLES ROBERT E. LEND CO. Hickory Hills Otflce 598-9500 GAS STATION PUMPS For Rent-So.
sub. interstate loc. tor avians. imcrtuminenTOl estate uey Gas Station Harlem MAntmte 1 3 bays lane oas volume ei aaoor I I a A mm Practice. Estab.
aenaral practice in luctative area of southwest Florida, bide 2 yrs old, fully turn 8, equip. Practice 1 ri docl ornce suireoie tor I qocrors. tmi ce space eractice. wer ce space ptectlci Retiring, Libr Sarasota r.o. DOK 5JTi, GIFTCARD SHOP Located In the heart of Chicago's near norm side eon toast (very near Water Tower.) Owner Is asking only 870, 00 for entire store uo na I2U4K i REASON! WILL BE REFI GIFT SHOP -MALL Profitable $1MJX, Yrty Grass tat-4747 GROCERY, opportunity to open producemeat mkt.
nest to ALDI 2309 E. 95th, call Oary, 134-5400 1 GROCERY PRODUCE STORE Escel S.W. side toe. ft facilities. GROCERY STORES FOR LEASE 1120 N.
Stott (Rush and State), Chicago, 3,700 sq. ft. I mil Harlem, Polos HtlajtitV-cUXX) tq. ft, 196th Governors (twy, Hotimor, 6,000 sq. ft, ANSWERING SERVICE-Sever- lc.
in Hie tieal sw Sunbelt. well-esl. in e. loc. 4 WCilities.
802 204092 or write: 71 E. WeWon. Suite iat. Pkoenii AZ Patented speciattv items function teeturei guarantee Huge market hi millions. ao.000 Ki so 10 locally now reedy for national distrib P-VBERT E.
LEND CO. 36 3111 EpSREt STORE-Ledles. NW psr nr. i yr lease, SdS 2600 APPAREL (WOMEN'S) lingerie Shoo downtown Evamto, pnettf toe uk sale. Women's Wear la Skoete-oeeratlng 'i vwner rennne.
CALL NICK knutTiiiTBi nc CENTURY JIMITCHELL BROS "0 256-0339 APT BUILDINGS-nrimo Inrnme Paoportioa. central business. I improved parcels. Flenible development. Call Mart stailer tor oe- CEMTURY 21 LAKESIDE "') 432-1500 AHCMERV-Retall on shop.
SW. suburbs. SMOO Inventory. I nor practice ranee and store futures included. Owner financing possl- vt.
Mil, to. Art Material store N. side. JJO-UZW AUTO AGENCY 501 S. LaGrenge Road.
0M sq ft lot building. Call 332-3683. AUTO PARTS Near N.W. In Chicago 1180,000 cash over the counter sales last vr. Highly profitable.old populated area tWMp Annual Net Prpft fujrcasri Price S5O0.0O0 ROBERT 6.
LEND CO. 598.S0O AUTO PARTS suburbs, less than 2 vrs old. 1330,000 Sross last I mos. Buii-ing also avail. 839 162a eves.
AUTO RELATED; S. Subs. Auto Body Shop. 2S100' Binding, 25125' fenced parking 25' rear overhead door. Many uses.
Financing. Mothleu R.E. party vveiss w-aasq Auto. Repair-, prop, all tow truck turn 1 BR apt Fort Meyers, pl luagi-mg eves. Auta TowilM BusineM North ICC Permits Many Contracts Earn over 1100,000 Owner Finance EOELMAN SU4-8773 AUTA TRANSMISSION RPR.
Solid going business meior S.W. suburban area. Reported sales $3,000 wkly hoists. Terms. ROBERT c.
LEND CO. Hickory Hills Office 591-9500 AUTO TRUCK Sales lot So. wesrem Ay, 8oir, Me-awo. BAKFRY.aida Butineie h-hvv. nAptwo 701-1100, BAKERY Es loc, gd business.
i-inaen pnqppmg -wen, Lin-denhurst, II, 3-4 wan Iha, 358-2929 BAKERY, NW Suburb. Perfect for Ma 8. Pa. Owner will finance. Hurtyi hub aao ajjo BAR 4- BLOG Nr North.
Beautifully renovated. CONTEMPORARY 280-0400 BARBROADWAY-DIVERSE Fully equipped bar a sandwiches. 4 AM He. Own. will fin.
Dale. GRANT WOODS 8, CO 935-9883 BAR NINE STORES Tremendous New Town location. 1 25,000 down takes all. Owners will finance. Ideal for partners, Down payment returned from busi ness In 2 years.
Principles Only Cel efitury 21 Stanmeyer 34i-iiu Bar 1 package llcense-2. Doming, New Mailed bv owner S05-346-2U1 Barftestaurant-20 unit motel 8. 30 unit trlr court loc. lust 4 miles below Libbv Oam on the beautiful Kootenai River. Bar It rest Armco All-steel bldg.
Will sac. $450,000. Riverside Inn, Bon 2025, Great MT 59403 (406)7l-755 Bar Restaurant (Large) downtown Minneapolis. State wide Realty, 012-333-7311 BAR- 4 A.M. LICENSE 15 YR LEASE- TOP RUSH ST COHEN ASSOC 372-4707 Beauty Salon-a 2 sty bldg.
Owner finance. Exc oppty. NW. 079-0307. BEAUTY SCHOOI FamOul beauty school nets $100,000 yr.
Selling $225,000, Owner will finance w-i3 down. Call Bea Pappas KOENIG STREY wCOMM.L.NOUSTRIAS70.VM BEAUTY SHOP-Located In snoop, center In Glenview 829,000 beau i onur-5nop nouse in raianne, alatine. I cons der contract ale. $78,000 VENTURE 253-4800 Beauty Shop Unlsen Harlem-Fosrer area, 5 station, 3 bowls, yust see 45-748o wknd 8, dy alt 4 BOWLING 18 lane Brunswick center. Sunny S.W.
Building equipment. Appron 4 acres of land, Ek cond. Snack bar, beer. Strong teak-structure. Ask for Mr.
or Mrs. nAc Daniel, 501-774-7421 or 501-773-777 or write P.O. Bon 144, Teier-kana, AR 75504. BOWLING 14 lane-Moneymaker. Incl real estate, pkng, So.
side. $350,000. Terms. Also others up to 40 lane. Northeate 774-38Q0 or 945-8182 BOWLING CENTERS Several small centers In central 1 southern III.
Most nave bars. Mln. $50,000 dwn. Call collect 313-343-1810, Sandy Hansel) i Assoc. 2555 Evergreen soutntieio.
Mien, aaura. BRAKE ft REPAIR SHOP user w. norm Ave EOELMAN SU4-0773 SALON Ec N.W. suburb. Terms avail.
4S3009452-4281 Business Properties Restourant Service Station Owner states over 0180,000 gross receipts last year! On busy state highway In Iowa town, 50 miles Dos Meines. Fullv-eeglpt 90X40 restaurant building seats. 44. 3- Rump tag station with 2 floor gists, grease rack. un-derground fuel storage tank.
$144,000, excellent long-term owner Hoaxing. 4-Season Resort On 2 Pretty Lakes Features ever 2,400 ft. frontage on 2 Minnesota lakesl 3-story 16-room lodge, 5 bedrooms, 2 unfinished apartments, dining room seats N. Seven 2 and 3-bedroom CABINS. 0 acres, boats, equipment Included at $243,000, $40,000 down, owner financed at 7 per cent annual percentage rate.
Free 'Business and Income Property Bulletin' of over 900 outstanding buys coast to coasti UNITED FARM AGENCY 20I2 A Tribune Tower, 435 N. Michigan, Chicago, III. 40611 Ph: 31242-9608 1 6USINE55 srtftcM Let professionals help you In 'selllno or buying your business, CHRISTMAN ASSOC. Menard" ARLINGTON HEIGHTS PAL WIN SHOPPING CENTER Thriving butcher shop-best loca tion 8t vaiuei run inventory complete equipment. 1500 sq, ire eevif ited nmf Unlimited i meed I PTOTII irmninvni JVfc- considered.
e. rriw IV sen. mi grrcrs S14J00. Clarence Gehrke 294-1055 Baird Warner Tit Lee SI ilreet Pes Plalnet BUTCHER SHOP Prime, raeats-retail. MriMtMlkl award! of $500,000 Yr.
Mian income N.W. suburb. CALI CENT 492-94 a tMki If AaltTAalTBI AC IRY JIMITCHELL BROS. ttbUX ARO OIFT SHOP Hallmark card fc. oift store in norrnem vntw uwi aearoumarerr jw.uuu.
ki elonal mail otioy. rr yff1 liH 01S.722-0043. CARPET" CLEANING I CO itm steam unit. CAR WASH PLUS GAS STATION HIGH VOLUME LOCATION TRUCK RENTAL DAILY PARKING MINI FOOD MART 2 MECHANICS BAYS Money maker MMetuuMt side Chicago rinentine nvenaere or ara- rv. I oftitmat.
trlr trlr rtntojit Ltast ntm Loco) tcofflc 500,000 visitors frame vtstiort KioPPlno center location. '4 til ml 729-9440 T1X Grocery Store-Ex. loc. od. 155,000 Inventory.
Bob or Fred, at 477-220, 8am-2pm Grocery 4 flats -t- 2 car gar. Brick. Vic VesTern-Oivision. Gd income omfits. Pr S85.orj0.
Reas dn pymt. Owner will hold mt9e. I P4HAM.H 2jyB4M GROCERY. NW Suburb. Gross over Owner will tinan-Ce.
HBB 640-n0 HARDWARE STORE. $75,000 Personal Investment. Coast TO Coast Franchise. Call: l. Bowser, jt 362-ywq HEALTH SPA Women's figure salon.
Tremendous oppty. W. sub- uros. can tor details 424-wiw HEATING A AIR COND. $300,000 gross with obsolutely finest reputation and accounts in choice N.W.
suburban area. Own 2 acreSjOus wag, separate resio ROBERT E. LEND CO, 344-2111 HOT DOG 4 BEEF-Reduced to $27,500. Terrific Oppt'y. Well established business In N.W.
Chicago. Money-maker. Gross $50400. Only $15,000 Down. SWI Realty 478-8575 HOT DOG-No.
Short hrs. Bio po tential. Agent AU7-3277 Hot dog pine bus corner loc must sell ZITTEL 047-5757 HOT DOG STAND. N.W. eci 743-0430 HOT DOG STANO- Near Waukeoan, II.
$17,500. 405-0629 ICE CREAM-Franchlses Avail Total investment opproa $65,000 Joe Marlev 227-6700 Ice creamsnack shoo. 1st offer. $25.0001 HI traffic Howard 'L'. Owner fin.
Good Realty 673-7711 INSURANCE AGENCY Special- Izing In Senior citlien marketlife and A products. 312697-6757. ITALIAN BEEF HARLEM IRVING Large store parking for 30 cars. Doing $3,000 Wk. Price 65M.
MID-AMERICA 792-0909 JFANS-Pants. NW sub. $15,000 Stock optional. Agent AU7-3277 JEANS STORE NW Suburb In growing area. Ladles and mens designer merchandise.
Priced to sell. High traffic area. poi wun 46a irioune ouom JEANS STORE VIC. Clark Si Foster. Established 0 years.
Priced lor quick sale, 334-4783 JEAN STORES (21-Chlcaooland regional Malls. Futures, equipment 4 Inventory. Ask for Rich JEWELRY store well established must liquidate in west side shopping center. 50 hand crafted, large following, all equipped with-without Inventory. Severe illness.
386-5272 keep Irvine LAUNDRAMAT SW suburb. 57 machines full professional dry cleaning tailoring. Near 100's of apts. Parking. Lone lease.
$35,000 cash down Jack Dougherty Co. 432-5960 LAUNDROMATS Busy shppg ctr Des Plaines. Gross $32400. Priced for stulck sale. (2) laundries, SE' Chicago, Low eioenses, high net.
Laundry 1 cleaners, Franklin Pk. Perfect owneroperator. j.VAasiHAPca 745-sorr LAUNDROMAT-Vol $55,000 93 WASHERS. 10 DRYERS MLB DRY CLEANER-SW SUB COHEN 8. ASSOC 372-4747 Laundromat SW location.
Terms avail. Reas, 598-1590 or 5Q9-187) LAUNDROMATS (2) Mokena Oi Justice loc, Flnan. avail. 479-2099 LAUNDROMAT A Orvcleaner jooo location, jae-yavu Laundromat with Tailor possible clean 25m mgm rye aja-ssw LEATHER GOODS STORE IN LAKE FOREST. BUSINESS FOR SALE Features country 8, western accessories.
Immediate takeover possible In time for holidays, $26,000 (wholesale) ol up-to-date merchandise included In sale price of $50,000. Owner will carry 50 on contract. RECORD STORE successful store near NW suburbs. Inventory, fixtures, furniture 4 goodwill-all for $59,900. CENTURY 21 TJ GRANT INC 234-8300 LIGHTING GALLERY Wood Dale, III.
for sale, $75,000 with Inventory, cash buyer only, 5V5-4U won-rri y-y LIMOUSINE SERVICE Serving NW suburban areas with numerous malor commercial accounts for sale to qualified buyer. LIOUOR PACKAGE STORE DELUXE NORTH SUBURB 4000 Sq. Ft. in Strip Shopping Center, Gross 0500,000, Terms! Martln-Marbry T95E 877-1200 Liquor store. Western Suburbs.
Package goods store. Grosses In excess of $250400 annually. gross profit. Located on Main thoroughfare. Ideal for young, ambitious or retired couple.
Call for details. ROBERT. E. HECK 4 ASSOC. 543-7980 LIQUOR STORE Excellent location.
$500,000 and Jirowing. Must sell to devote time other Interest. $100400 down. Will arrange terms on balance to quaiitieo ouyer. eeq-sura.
LIQUOR STORE 4 BAR Gross $400,000. Price only $75,000 UNITED INVESTORS 203-2700 Liquor Store-Northwest suburb. 4,000 sq It, in strip shopping center. Tremendous growth potential. Lail 43V-IM LIQUOR STORE-Estab.
In prime St. Charles Ik. Must sell. Sacrifice price $29,900. Bobby King LOUNGE-Llve music, suburb loc.
Priced tor Immed sale. 060-2822 LOUNGE-NORTH SIDE Est. Bus. come, renoy. bars dance fir.
$35M wlerms. Call for details. Blankfleld. 271-5300 TAVERN BUS. ROGERS PK.
BUSY CRNR. $18,000. Oscar 445-7984 LEB0VIC Realty 4 Management LOUNGE- Well estab. lounge going business for sale with restaurant facilities). For info call 479-2143 ask for Mike or John.
MACHINE SHOP Mold Maklno. TAD Caaablllty AAA accounts.estab 1948 dlsolvino partnership, one continue ac tivity. Own JJOO sq It bli RUBEKl e. Elk Grove Office LEND CO. MANUFACTURING $400400 profitable gross In wire specialty fabrications sold to food houseware 4 display Industries, Own 30.000 sq ft stall ROBERT E.
LEND CO. ELK GROVE OFFICE 000 E. Hloolns Rd. 3p4-4545 MarbLE prodUcTs $300,000 profitable gross In cut, tnmlred ana stock nrlees sold di. reel retail and thru decorators and architects.
View room 4 production ROBERT E.lnD CO, 344-: 2111 ARINAS In MldwesLBiarks. Florida others and related marine businesses available nationwide, CHARLES STOKES, Marine Consultant 4 Broker2-C Fairfield Drive, Coldwater, Michloan. 49038. rnono: taii in-ejuo Markei om pm mini market -Convenience Tood store franchise ovailoble in near W. Initio! Investment approx.
$60,000. CaJI Bill Crogo 967-8110. An Atlantic RichfleM Franchise MEAT MARKET-DALLAS' Sain $45400mey'09 very profit. oearsn. 4iajaa-fa Mens Hair Roplocorient Ctr.
imiwaaa nrmnure, flktures. i inventory. Unlimited rke. win irain. gay.
a Clilria, METAL STAMPING orowth. Ptlci Oat 9. a rviinwnjncuoing 1 Including reel estate, 'it MONEY STORE MBAT MARK! pejOyRMET OreeT loe. 4 op cvf. MB AT MARKET'WAII fstab South suburb.
799-041 i or 79M014 Restaurant Marketplace West Sub weouip, sq ft 8000 Rent 3200, or vol 1.2 mil Asking Price $150400. RANOEE BECKER 558-3070 A Subsidiary of BERGER REALTY GROUP RESTAURANT-ACTIONI NORTHWEST SUBURBS! PRICED TO SELLI OWNER FINANCING! Palatine. 10 years old. Busy street. Features co*cktail lounge, Plata end Italian food.
Fully equipped. Optional: Land end DUlioing very attractive, toperee. LES PEILET 368-5461 ARTHUR RUBL0FF CO. RESTAURANTBAR WATERFRONT IN MCHENRY. Well established business, bldg 4 Ire residence on acres-more than ample parking.
Approx 300 ft water frontaoe-18 boat slips for marine trade. Main dining rm seates-05, bar-10, screened In pe-tlo-75i could easily convert for year round use. Good heat, AC, exhaust systems. Asking $350400. Terms to qualified buyer.
EOGETOWN REALTY INC. ai5-33B-3UVJ RESTAURANTS ELK GROVE $1,500,000 One of the best loco-lions In the area. Price Includes 4 acres of prime real estate. SI 50400 Buys this off N. Lake Shore Drive location.
Street level. Parking garage next door. PH: 251-2372 TED SMITH RESTAURANT SERVICES INC. RESTAURANT OF THE WEEK Top name near North. COHEN ASSOC 372-4767 228 LASALLE Restaurant-Beaut.
Multl level bldg loc on scenic shore of Sw Minnesota Lake, could be used as resorts, exclusive retreat, presently used as restaurant. This uniquely designed structure has 21,600 sq ft on 3 levels. Additional 2 ml of Shore line and 300 ac of land whwv frontage avail. Development possibilities endless) 507368-9555 or 507340-9554 RESTAURANTS Suburban: Countryside, Tinier Park, Woodstock, Villa Park, Carv. All priced to sell.
Downtown Vicinity: 2 locations wstrong lunch 4 bar business. For inlormation: Call Ron 201-385) KtllMSiaStl XCftL oza 1 a 1 cs RESTAURANTS 1 Prime Bridgeport location! Italian carry-out restaurant, owner will finance! SCHILLER PARK Italian carry-out located In strip center, great potentlall Call mora details. NARCISI 4 CO. 777-0422 RESTAURANT-LOUNGE Be: TOUR OWN 0U55I Invest In an estab. neighborhood pub.
Bldg. incl. 2 apts. for additional Income. Restaurant 4 lounge-also estab.
Yearly grosses $435400. HomewoodFlossmoor area. $185,000 will purchase this unique business the name 4 all rights. 799-3900 RESTAURANT NEIGHBORHOOD ESTABL Villa Pk, 44 vr well establ tavern wR.E. Full liquor license.
Packaged liquor, food 4 entertainment. 2100 sq ft wseatlng for 9095. Increasing volume of business 4 profit. All equipment Included. Only $195400.
Call Bill Sullivan. xt'WM eJ4-yp4u REStAURANt-LaUNOE-Bxcel. opportunity for attractive restaurant lounge In Franklin Pk. area. All fixture 4 kitchen equip, included.
Seats 100, ample parking. Lease 4 liquor license. Owner financing-liberal terms. Ask for BORIS BROWN INC Restaurant. Banouet Newer Choice N.W.
Suburb 14 Down GROSS $1450400 Can't Duplicate Today 3 yr. old 14,000 Sq ft. Owner finance Excl. Terms 2 Acres parking Will have invest back in yr. Strict Apets We have buyers for yours too catplnalll- Oloa 431.7400 RESTAURANT PROPERTY Worth, III, South suburbs.
Rldggland Perm, established 40 years-over 1 acre land-seats 250-parklng 125 cars. Oreat potential. Owner flnanclng-10 Int. Mr. Mar-eolls SHELDON GOOD 4 CO.
348-1500 RESTAURANT One'of Ou Page Countv'l Picturesque 3 acre site on main artery of prestigious community. Wall estab bits, for over 40 yr. In excess of one million volume. Owner participation In finance. LW REEDY 833-7755 RESTAURANT1 SK6KIE GREAT EATSI Business 4 property.
All-Amerlcan Menu. Super location. Established over 20 yrs. Excel, volume. Low price 4 attractive flnancina terms.
SHERWIN (T510) 256-4950 RESTAURANT-Owner III. Price reduced. 100 seats service bar. Newly remodeled, new price $125400. WS40400 down.
SW sub. location. Mr. Feldman R.M.C. REALTY 679-6680 RESTAURANT GLENVIEW SON er 100S ownership.
Fin. avail. $400400. Call B. Paeeao KOENIG STREY COMM'L INDUSTRIAL OIV ails iiiatt EsTaURanT-glen ellyn Profitable Restaurant on busy Roosevelt Rd -5 vrs ald-Nlulv de- Signed.
Adlacent property availa ble tor expansion, oross s'Uflou, L.J. SHERIDAN 4 CO. KESTAURANT-Fast food 4 bar, lactory area. Short hrs. Meal for 110 family easily converted Into -hlnese restaurant, orooortv 4 bus $295400, bus only $125400.
29H down owner will finance, Make restaurant business located In growing community. 30 ml 8. Of Chicege on meln thorougmare. New equipment, omple perklrr Lunches alee senied, Owner wish es to retire. as mm RESTAURANT TAVERN Prime location, -full service seats 100.
Excellent prkg, close to Trttpn College, ell equip Incl, approx 2000 st bldg. Reduced to RESTAURANT with co*ckta Bar eqpd 4 (urn pooh Wontei Builneii Oppty. BUY OR SELL A BUSINESS. Manufacturing Job SMops Wholesale Distributing Service Businesses Accounting Practices MERGERS-ACQUISITIONS Partnership Searches Call for confidential Interview without obligation. EKperlenced Professional JOHN JANSEN ASSOCIATES BUSINESS BROKERS Financial 6-0012 Wi mm it.
cMca.0 dm ROBERT E. LEND CO. MERGERS-ACQUISITIONS The Original SPECIALISTS IN SALES OF Manuring, lob shops, processing Oistrib, and service businesses Consultation with no obligation Qualified Buyers Quality Offerings License No. 1 City of Chicago Financial 6-21 IT One N. LaSalle St.
Chicago 00801 hickory Mills office 7M7 W. Mth ST. 591-9500 ELK GROVE OFFICE IN E. Hloilns Rd. 364-4U1 For Businesses THE Broker SELL YOUR BUSINESS FAST Let professionals sell your business for you with speed, efficiency, knowledge end without worry to you.
If your business Ii worth a minimum of 180,000, contact Chicago's most enparienced and talented business sales firm and (at us sail It for you qulcilyl THE AUSTIN-GREGG CORP. IS N. Michigan Av. Chicago eOaU (312) 329-9000 LOOKINO for small tnf ast'd accts. aamia.
ft TRAVEL VACATIONS Boxorna part of a tnultl-mllllon dollar Induatry Help paople acriteva their dreams luxury va. cattone at reasonable prices. Rosort rxocMrtjea In Hawaii, Coforadp, Mexico, ttta Bahamas 4 many mora will be available to your Clients. Time and coat sharing vacation propertee haa grown from $500,000 in 1977 to $1.2 bHiion In 1980 and la projected to be a rrulu-billlon doftar -Industry by 1985. We are one of' the fajtaot' growlm frartchlsea In the U.S.
A total Invest, mant of $6500 can change your Ufa. Our aVaratTt; fa eorrtptete. We train your staff, provide advef Using assistance completa managemartt sup port. This a unique ofJfMrtut.Forrrtofalrrio; pun arm BirjAwu truck sales 4 Service In. top Mo.
locotlen dolne ever 1147400 IU If StBAMrMISt. I IN SHOPPINO MALL Outsttndlite oppertunlty To walk into established business and start ftielHMnWlWllVlirtiiresl'jr fmfftTOcfcc Uk, VacatlonQuMt of MICr-AiTMiica, Inc. 1011 E. Touhv Avuniias BirnfiToii. iiMniB Des Plalhaa, Hi.
60018 312695-I000 evaiieete tor tea so in tear eta ft E. equip. Ijaw fgfR asewdff Pjpll IISI fTn,.