fcswfc. Country place near Libertrvilli Mum cood cook. No obieetinn in ohiM or puebnd. emplyd. Address 344.
Tribune GENEHAL hsewk. White: assist with child and plain copkiner: own room, bath and mmu. cxvtd me ou. vaj.i nyqp fartc uoiU GEN. h-wfe, No no own rm.
10. Moses. 5416 Cornell-av. But. 0111.
GIRL- ftnkinr and personal laundry; cook supper jitmaays. mesaays, eanesaays; Iree to so Tuu.riay6. Fridays. Saturdays at no rnone iai-ce view GIRL FOR GENL. HSWK small family: own nich wanes io ritui pany.
Aqaress a a ivv. xnoune, I My Experienced licht bouseworlt. No laundry. Own room. bath, radio; 3 children; tSOl Stratford.
2 A. Lake View 0770. GIRL Wfaite: experienced; general house- "ors; assist coo King: own room; Food sal' ary; rei5. J'JJi UCero. GIKI.
or woman To stay on place; extra uaie on: ii-m nonscKeepmff. iroou aome nu salary, noiiy court B14 l. GIRL Whne: cood cook: no laundry ceiil. houpework: email '2. adults: school cirl: at ay: S15.
Bittersweet 5807, GIRL under 40: pen. CO country summer. in iam. host, aovz GIRL White: let. pd.
Job and pay. (37Cn N. Bos worth -av. Cumb. 0436, GIP.L Gn1.
cook: in farm hom*o, Tit), rerrnaneni, morion urove eui-jj: GIRL White: litrht no laundry; utay; cvru ed. pay. 58-1 X. St. Louis, Stern.
GIRL Second: Catholic rectorv eatable under 40, Address A 510. Tribune, GIRL pen. no ckjr no ldr.v '2 children: stay: $10 wk. Briarpate fillSO. GIRL White: genl.
no cookinp: (rood riousekeepei Reljable, high class, full charge, small sub urban home, business lady must be unencumbered; age SO-45; excellent reference must be given in first letter to receive consideration. Bonus Address 429, Tribune HorcEJrrcPER Gnnn rnnff. Suburban home: 2 adults in family jacai position ior runt party; own room rejerencee: aio. Glen view -sub. HOrSEKEEPER Good home for middle aEed farm woman; general housework; Chicago UDurn; salary aiscuseeq at interview.
ADDRESS TRIBUNE. Oi: SEKPEPER GOOD COOK Country home. 2 adults in family. Good fra.ia.ry. own room, bain; reierences.
ire 3054. l-i'Zi -Mercnanoisc Aisrt. HOUSEKEEPER Middle aeed, unencum- to stavr lull eharze a room iiat cookir.s for adults: room, board and reasonaoie salary. Address oea. xriDune, HOUSEKEEPER Middle ace.
capable: must li fee children: own no laundry; 510 EOrEKEEPER White, middle-ace. 2 adults. wile serr.i-in valid: utay: SS week. Call nUnr JZ. 2U13S Pamejj.
1-7: 5iq. ROBBIN. Hollycourt 0787. HCKPR. Wh ptudI.
cole full children: own nr. L-: S12. TVil.glOS aS.Ml. 9. adults Fmall child.
Stay. S15. ref. Delaware 4984. Gen- mid.
age. 3 adults empld, Kocert Park, Address 60U. TrtDune. iaOUs-E work Girl or widow who needB notae; oy conpie; s. tn.
jforesv H5KPK. Whi. or stay; cd. home; emp, mother with 5 yr. child: $6 wk.
AU6. 9801. Mf Genl 2 Children. 4 and no own maw cook, May: cood salary, can Euclid aim. Gen nln.
assist 1 child, No fcvy. nay or own room and bath if star: Kef. -3 hub. il AID -d: white: with living n-nr 5iae; home nifrnts: 3 days wcck ML'. 145.
Tribune. General housework: no washinr: nn windowc; no cookint: adults: own mom anfi oath: 51. uau iiaza urv. WAIIX Cd White: small family: adults: cood azr? relerenees required, uau bVJSDAx Hyde Park 0806, MAID EXPERIENCED. 2 child: olain no stay $12: refs.
rca. Addrec? 58P. Tribune. MAID Thor. exn.
ckc: no Idry. Must like children. Refs. Stay: gd al. She.5058 iiwn SIT'.
Sheridan. Bit.077 MAll cookinjr. ten. email lam. u.v: near yortn Fiae.
ouperior qjlu, MAID Own room-bath: boys. 6 and no laundry, licht hewk. S16 wk. Lak. 6707.
XAID White; not over middle are: sen. work, rood sis. mimctce ioot. "URE girl White licht houeewoTk: Btay. wk.
Call Ambassador 1255. AID To anpifit in raro of 2 chil dren: Chicago nbtirb. Call Homewood 825 or aacirfsw Tribune. SrBSEMAlP care baby and It. ftsu'fc.
S1Q wk. Mtirt have citr refs. Dretel 2flo2. PRACTICAL nurse Glencoe home: care 2 children: pood salary: white; exc. rels.
r.fcesfary. Ph. Glencoe 3o. VOMAN It. 5 days: po; empl.
couple- care of child. 2 plain JlO-fl: Woudlawn Pist, Fat. 7137. WOMAN For litt floor and cookinir: family 4 1 hr, from Chiaco. State wnre and rrirrrncr.
Audrrsit a irunmc WOMAN For general homework and caro of rniiaron. ana siu: moiner empjoyea: rn-d home. 5pauldinr WOM AN" Gpn. hewk TjlSln cook: own naTn. lamny; no jannqry; so away for summer: c-j.
io i start. Pla. 3124. WOMAN no 6 days. Start a.
m. oet. tie. vz-oj. WOMaN Competent, to care for cJderiymnn insist Housework; rets, victory 1T1T.
TR1BCNE OFFERS SPECIAL LOW rate to persons advertising lor positions. rr lurther miormatton stop at want Ad office. Madison and Dearborn-streets, or Tri th lobby of Tribnne Tower. Conples. Jim- lFt to Sent.
1st. Lakft Villa. II'Tioie TTandi' man- wiff. Irnninir. WjV.netka 180G.
or write Mrp. Frank M. JndRon. IS Indiana HtU Road. Winnetka.
Male reierences. WILL pav top waces for an experienced hich muvie: white or coioreA; woman tsM be Food cook: man a hich class and butlpr: some drivine. Call worth H5o between 0-2 Sunday. COtTPLE Exp. houseman and working housekeeper for hotel.
Kiehts free. Good salary and 2 rm. apt. Steady. Ph.
Delaware 2310 ielore 5 3ailr WHITE 40 acre home. Western wife. Funeral housework, cook: no laundry. Man. outdoor work.
Ref. xe-atiired. Addrest 187. Tribune. ARM couDle Woman, cookins" and 1st man care oi couple cows and poultry: 1 hr.
from Chicaso. Slate wapes and ref ercn'Vi. Address A 2C4. Tribunfi. COVPLE While or colored.
Man for Ken. maintenancr. houseman: wife aa chambermaid. 1120 per month and livlntr ouarters. Addrri 530.
Tribune. COUPLE Competent: white; general housework: no laundry: man also assist parden at DeUvan Lake Florida winters. Call Wmnetka 3 SIS. Sunday Il-O p. in.
COT PLE Experienced; referencen; for rar-demnF. cooUinc. housework, laundry: country home, BO mile from Chicato: SllO plus bonus. Call Monday. Midway 10134.
MIDDLE ape, sober Cleaninr in tavern: references. Salary, board, and rm. Apply or write Hi Hat Dub. Route 30 and 83. Cbi-caco Heichts, 111.
Maint. man. turn, sra. repairs: Ihoro no maid or Jan. 585 pri.
ba. Address A 561). Tribune. COUPLE White: salary S150; permanent; own'livin? auarters: penl. fcmall family.
Address 340. Tribune. COUPLE WHITE: COOK AND no or outnidf work: rood wapes: 3 rhlldrrn. Kenwood 0400. COt'PLE Furn.
apt. hotel: husband for g-enl. maintenance wk. Sal. and 1 urn.
apt. Address 547. Tribune. mtTLE Handyman and wile to manape -mU hotel. Good salary.
1220 N. Clark. WK. htivr Modern boy ramnr June 13-Sprt. S.
White. Address A 474, Tribune. Club, Hotels, anil Uetnnrnnl. BG FOODS, INC. Tonnr womin for waitress work or sand' wir-h nreoaration.
We teach you, Oppor tunity ior aaranceraent: poou pay. meais. utuforma furnished and laundered. Full time or shoA hours. Day or eveninff shifts.
Apply morninps f2d 174 RANDOLPH-STREET. AKER Experienced at bakinsr cakes and pitf. Permanent work in Live North. Apply any weekday at 16ii9 -Orrinc-ton-avenue. Evanton.
COOLEY'S CUrpOARD. CASHIER and Food Checker 3 a week in hotel restaurant: exp. desirable; will train hich school rirl with commercial trainlne: talary S3 per night and meals. In reply iate ace. education, religion, etc Addreis 375.
Tribune. CASHIER Far laree loon hotel restaurant; must be neat, accurate: hotel exn. pref. but not nee: Five ape. experience, etc.
AddressX 198. Tribune. CHECKROOM cirl Apply for position be-ixreen 9 a. m. and 12 noon.
Jacques French 900 North Michigan. CIGAR counter cirr-Experienced. Kiclietts. 103 E. ChicaKo.
CIGAR COUNTER GIRL EXPERIENCED. 103 E. CHICAGO-AV. COOK Experienced club work. Good chance for advancement.
No Sunday-holidays. State salary. Addreas 110. Tribune. COOK for institution White: pood mansrer: he able tn furnish references; hv in.
Wilmptte 1665- COOK Experienced: no Sunday worl S47 E. 43d-6treet. Clubs, Hotels, and He tan rant. COOK 1st class for 2d, cook's Job in out of town defense plant. Cafeteria.
MtiBt bo able to live in Joliet. Some evening -work. Address 578, Tribune. COOK White: cooking- only small group in private Prot. inst.
Good salary, maintenance; permanent position. Apply Monday, Englewood 10P3. or Stewart 0870. COOK Gd. workinc conditions: rd.
waKes. depending uoon exper. Homestead HotL 1635 Evans ton. COUNTER. SALAD AND SANDWICH GIRLS Young ladies to train for tearoom positions.
Not over 35. Pull time or short day hours. Apply. DE METS, 312 W. MADISON COUNTER and srriddle eirl Exp.
unneces sary: tuc per nr. tjja js. wesiern COUNTER firl lor ciftarcttes Also -waitress, EXPERIENCED WAITRESS POR PART TIME WORK. Apply Employment Oflite. Mh Floor.
MONTGOMERY WARD 619 W. CHICAGO-AV. FOOD, checker Permanent position: eood wormier conauionfl. Apply ittr. unoate, vicoTKiaa uoiei.
urecmcai liiu. FOOD checker Larsre north sido hotel; slate ADDRESS bZi. TRIBUNE. FOUNTAIN GIRLS finnri Ralarv. rood lin.irs R.oveno j-narmacy.
714 s. juienipan. FOUKTAINountcr sirl Expd. S14. 3 meals.
t. ouq uays. 10 o. xjl.
a. waoasn. Mtn. -uensniKcr b. FOfJXTAJ.V anri counter irfrli.
ls-4n tin-aa no sie. tuncn. unit, hod-kod. no w. acK6on.
soutn joooy. uau liev. bDp. FOUNTAIN ctrls eves, or part time. AaBftor ijtuk.
puuu sneriaan-ra. day work ho Sun. Drug store. 8359 Cottago Grove, FOUNTAIN eirt steady; lull time Job; urus more, oouj. iarK.
jjony. ouoo. FOUNTAIN OIRT.S EXPERIENCED PARKWAY DRUG STORE. 8368 N. CLARK GEORGES George De Met will employ permanently few mfinnrt young ladies as waitresses or soda fountain cjerKH.
Auierienco not necessary: no Sunday work. Wagres and meals while in train ing. Apply eenerat omce. GEORGE DE MET, 75 TV. VAN BUREN.
2D FLOOR. HOTEL clerk Exp. women for steady posi- uon 111 nurin suourDan note). ADDRESS 3S0. TRIBUNE.
HOTEL Maids Full or part time. Will train, xiuiei jiuuBUftecpiin. AJepi. KITCHEN helper White; institution: 350 rm. sag ooarq.
wumetto i(jb2. MAIDS White: general cleaning: go. MAID Institution white: 8 hour day; live wumette iuu. PASTRY COOK Experienced in AH Types of Pastry THE FAIR State, Adams, and Dearborn 9th Floor, Employment Office Soda Fountain-Counter Girl Exper. not very good pay.
STEAM TABLE GIRL. 68 WT VAN BUREN. WAITRESSES Good opportunity ior waitresses, bakery sales and fountain help: both full and part time positions available. jjuur, a. m.
unui noon. WIEBOLDT'S Ashland, Monroe, and Ogden WAITRESSES Counter girls. Apply to Mrs. M. Smith iier iu a.
m. iteiau Hiore. MAIN FLOOR. MONTGOMERY WARD CO. (H ft W.
CniCAGO-AV. WAflTRESSES Exncr ahort honm nn Snturiinv. annrtnv or bolldayH: 1 a. m. to 2 m.
ftodkin's. opposite McrchandiBo Mart. 333 N. Wells. TVA1TRESSES 10: no nifrht or Sunday worit: unnorms and meais iurnished: cood ay.
Apply The Inters lata Co. 71 B. ake-stM gd floor. WAITRESS Short hour dinner work: neat appearing: nmiorm lurnisnea. naroor view westaurnnt.
i-Jtn noor. Webster Hotel. 2150 Lincoln I'ark West. WAITRESS married preferred: very Kuinj tvohvb; a. 10 ni.
md aunasy jjuimajH. ooa vv. jacKson. WAITRESSES Experienced See Miss Catlin oeiween ana 11 a. tn.
iitei i'ieid umia-ing Restaurant 130 S. Clark-st. WAITRESS Experienced. Golden's Restau rant. oso naisted-street.
WAITRESSES flays. SIS "Week. iijj w. uermaK-roaa. WA3TKKSSES flood salary ami hours; air conouionou.
urutf ioro, iuui k. it-t. WAITRESS EXPERIENCED; DAY WORK; AITRKSSRft Etti rAlin'hlo lnnr. hp wa ijiiea. waieoD vuua a.
ABmapq, WAITRESS Neat reliable, steady umpuu uiuy. mman ao vt. ivanaoipn, uxcei. uph. Anneita 'zil a.
oaav. WAITRESS Rood pay. Chatham vo8i Jtcstaurant. vmiq cottago urovc. WAITRESS $2.60 per day.
Davo Wilson's jisn una unip lut is. ujqstreet. WAITRESSES Experienced. Apply In person. irony restaurant, doo w.
niaatson. WAITRESS no holidai-s. no Sun. uayn; jfoou wapes. unit ix.
jfliana-av. rme vzif n. ijaKe-si. WAITRESSES Gond nn. and tips.
The New yuggy wnip. aoB v. jetcrson. Amn.uaje. WAITRESSES $15 WEEK.
Apply Truck and Josic'e. 804 S. Western. WAITRESS Experienced: 515 week: tint- xornir. inrniBneo.
ibu vv. uan. WAITRESSES Full or part time; salary and row iit's. 'a own jiouhb. onenaan.
WAITRESSES Niirht day. Apply 813 ifcooBeven-roaa. WAITRESS Experienced days: no Sundays WAITRESS Hours 10 a. P. no Sun- urf.v or nuiiaay: aai.
sip, Arcner. WOMEN 17 to 30, Neat, pleasing, person- aiiiy ior caicicna worK. rno experience necennarv. Rnlarv S.irt ncr vcrnlr FORUM CAFETERIA. C4 W.
Mafllson-at. OMAN For lunch counter. Cinderella Itec- rcation. 5B1S W. Madison.
Saleswomen. SALESWOMEN 35 to 60 years: formerly active wiin eaucationai or cultural services; ability to make appointments and clllfllVA tpn'itnrlna nvnllnKla. Onmnlli'ilnn 3.1pIy hone State 0436 or address Tribune. COSMETIC SALESGIRL Prefer with rnr. for nstlnnallv cosmetic Arm: free to travel: liberal salary aim expenses, inone oupenor ior appointment.
REAL Estate, saleswoman with car Expe- imireo wreinrren. out not nee. to nc r-orlh and Northwest nldo improved comm. Irvine 712. Mr.
Stnhl. for nnnt. LADIES Take orders your neighborhood for me new jvenuex aiocKinRs, new wartime nnderirarments. Rlack milts, icrspv drctiiH. complete rnn's line.
Commission and bonus ruin ircc nosiery to prooucers, fiione Franklin 0708 for Information. SALESLADIES The public reafllnt; more current pood bonks than ever. Our repre-pentatives arc averaffinF 5 memberships daily, enrollments a day to our monthly club will earn S33.2G a week. Contact Miss Do Mars. Rm.
1330. 440 S. Dearborn. SAMPLE DRESSES FROM NEW YORK On consignment. Silk and cotton dresses, hosiery, and lingerie.
Operate a Bhop from your home. Earn up to 40 comm. Miss Hall. 120 Wells-street. AMBITIOUS LADIES To assist buBy real estate executive: must be over 30 years of afre; no experience nee.
as we train you and help yoti close deals; drawing- account and commission. Address LX 237, Tribune. MARRIED WOMEN If you have to work make money the easy way. Supply your friends with hosiery, housedresses, lingerie, etc. Also for your own personal use.
Per-centage. Mrs. Reed. 126 N. Wclls-st.
SALESLADIES To call on business con cerns; sell ArlUtic Honor Rolls and Mae-Arthur plaques; dltrnifled and profitable: guarantee S2- day. National pjaqties, 83 W. Boom-625. EXCELLENT opportunity for reliable women Part time work for iarire dress house. Xt you can spare a nours aauv.
you can net S15.0Q in weekly comm. Call Can. 2753. AMBITIOUS, resource, teacher or college student Conlact Prot. church folk: summer or permanent: gunr.
income; bonua, future. Address 570. Tribune. WOMAN We will select and train one over marr. or single, ior permanent connection corsetry sales short hours.
Give phone. Address 441. Tribune. EARN SO to SIS commission daily Dignified work: no experience necesary. Art Associ-ates.
581 New York. SELL famous Massachusetts Birthday. Every-flay asst. Comm. Boulevard.
218 Wabash SELL BIRTHDAY. EVERY DAY CARDS. Big commission. Grogan 30 E. Adams.
Jo BE BE Saleswomen. SIX TEACHERS WANTED VACATION. Larpe educational institution needs six live ILLINOIS and INDIANA teachers. Ae 28-45: enthusiastic personality; at least 6 years experience in procrcssive school systems: familiar with your state- and local courso of study: able to work 8-12 weeks. Unusually attractive percentaKo income.
Rush information about self. Including bhonc, ADDRESS 324. TRIBUNE. OUR Family Group 51.00 per month Life Policy is sound, honest, and greatest insurance value ever offered. Instant appeal.
juvcry oiw w.inia it. L.immi commission. Itcncwals. No cliarco backs. You can avcrniro ,510.00 a day and increase this (Mivcral times with lielu Company will lve.
Knowlcdco of business but not essential. Interstate Reserve Life Ins. Sd Floor. 10 East Chicago. LADIES to sell coal Lnrcrc comm.
Every body buyinn- now. Apply Sunday, 3 to 6 aau iv. A eronta. OPENING FOR WOMAN who can use car to days per week on RawleiKh jouie your cuy.
no experience to start. Good appearance and knowledge of housewives' needs helpful. Products well known. AYntotoday. BawleJgh'a Dent.
GIRLS-16 TO 19 YEARS for pleasant, interesting work: Rood pay; experience unnecessary; brine social security number and birth certificate. Apply Mra. Anderson, The Western Union Tclotrraph 417 S. La Salle, before 11 n. m.
RESTAURANT HANDS Women wanted for restaurant work in large industrial company dolnc do- fenso work: experience not neee-sary, but preferable: steady work. Stato nse. Address 557, Tribune. YOUNG woman Complete charge of newsstana; nours p.m.. no Sundays or holidays; other help; srood salary; chance for advancement; private owner; have other business; position permanent to right party; no exn.
necessary: refs. and bond required. Address 02. Tribune. EXECUTIVE TYPE WOMEN lor V.
S. approved home insulation. Dttmi-, lied woric tor ladles wo select to supervise work inakinir surveys of homes. Salary and comm. 28th 533 N.
Michigan-ay. YOUNG ladies To exnloit nnd dirftpt home laient mays in etnau wisconsin-JiunoiB lowns. jioara. room, transportation and no-rnl comniissions. Writo INGRAM.
PRO- uuvjajuoo. jtocK jsianu, in. MODEL SIZE 14, FOR HIGH CLASS DRESS A. WEISS 337 S. FRANKLIN.
WOMAN solicitor Tn wnrfc vtnrtliwMf. afrlo in us uo nuai, attracuve personality; 5lo a n. iJiua cumm. ATVine oxo lor appt. LADIES 1845: to distribute enmnlcR "Wata- vn.
Bicauy worn: no experience: salary, Thompson Distributing. 1 N. Cicero-avenue. FASHION Coordinator for part timo work; uvuiuukh. jan uearoorn uiut until GIRLS Under 30: for bakery work; Btartinff Bdiuijr wcck, Appjy jtaciue bring social security card.
3 YOUNG ladfes Pleasant outside distribu- turn wura. io seiung. sat, xoao iieimont, MARKERS, sorters, and) listera For night worn. aoa wentwortn. uaiumet ppsa.
MODELS Exp. ior theatrical not under Pinion acnusier. j.ay is. jearoorn. Nurse Itesltttlea, OUT OF TOWN OPENINGS FOR PhyslcianB.
Graduate Registered Anaesthetists. Technicians. Dietitians. ZINSER PERSONNEL SERVICE. 140 S.
Pearborn6t. lioom 154f7. GRADUATE nurses lor staff duty, privato uuniiiuii, iou oeus. ueiron. oaiary siuu-5105 per month with full maintenance.
Address 388, Tribune. GRADUATE nurses Gen'l floor duty. Apply nuiv. ui jjurtwH. xeiroji-xuocrcuioBis aana-tormm.
1800 Tuxedo. Employment AKftnctes. TUCKER PERSONNEL 120 S. LA SAM.E-ST. SUITE 063.
Secretaries; Diet. OpcratorB. AsBt. BillcrB: Compt. OncrB.
Postine Clerks: Switchboortl OperatorB. CElJlBAL 30U3. Zinser Personnel Sorvica INTEBKSXINO OPENINGS. won HIGH SCH00I. AND COLLEGE OttAUDATES.y 140 5.
DEAnUOBNtf. 'BOOM 1548. SO W. JACKSON. ijany high positions open.
StenograDliere. rypiBts. ClerbB. Messengers. COL.
punch press opera ,....,.522 AVAILABLE. 343 S. Dearborn. 2a fl. II.
S. GRADS. TYPISTS: OFC S7B UP. ituiAuja tJiiBS xoungj. staxe, OFFICE HA1IN-MART1N.
MODELS LARGE DEMAND. BUSY SEASON SOON. Extra or steady employment fn STYLE onuna, jJH.s aAXiurta. ruaiflu BUSINESS GIRL'S CHARM COURSE. Correct walk, posture, -wear clothes makeup, business, bo-cfety; hair styles, weicht correction.
Day or eve. classes. Low tuitions. Visit Studio. Write for book.
YOUR 3 STAR CAREER." Name Address Phone MALLON FRIEL STUDIO 32 W. Xea. 3106 TATTR TIT "FTnTPT. A CSTCM'KN'P Women call or writo for details about opportunities for steady employment in bo- wih nnu apt. noieiH, salaries oiien incman complete living, meals, and room or apt.
4 weeks' courso of training ffiven by welt known manager of splendid ChicaffO hotel; covers duties of hostess, apt. hotel nuvmi cJtBcuiive. usK cierK, notei nouse' Keener, linen rnnm. InsnnMreRn nfnrma KJlcIerk. etc.
40 papo book free. HOTEL EXTENSION Dl 203 N. Wabash. NILAH BROOKS, INC. Preparing for an early season.
Startine elaases May 17. Day and Also classes pirls who are in offices. ucteusu worn, eic, KEEP FIT FOR YOUR JOB. 540 N. Michigan.
A PROFESSION: LIVE BOARDS. RECEPTION. Real placing aerr. Many callB. Defense aid, All boards, offloo nnd hotel.
Individual Inst. Actnai exper. 9 das. or evee. Visit Amer.
Field Annex. Zi N. Wabath. Cen. 6646.
Northwestern Secretarial Prepare lor Defense nnd Civil Snrvico Clnss. cr nnw formlns: for Comnloto Trnlnlnr ffhnrthnnrt. Expert Tyninir, Dletnphonn. Comptnniotry. S10: Swttchboaril.
Every Day-Eve, ggp s. StRle-m. Wubauli 1477. WOMEN PAST 40 and younsrer Quality for iiuitu, uud, i.iBiiiuiion, jiovi loon, noiiBinfr, reereation positions. Nationwide opnortu nities.
Qualify spare tlmo at home. Placement Bureau free of extra charco. Write lor Tree Book. Le-wls Hotel Trainlns SchoolB. Dealt 734, Wnahlngton.
DAT OR EVENINGS. DEARBORN OKU. BE A NURSE BIG PAY wbiln lenmfne. Pn. Vn am Wlnthron School.
Est. 38 yrs. NEW LOCA- ji. j.xao urranvnie, odd. uranvjjj ij.
PILING. TYPING TAUGHT 4-8 WEEKS. Women an imtnan a field -where woik is interesting, salaries uuu, coasiunt. -uay ciasa Aiay 2D. Chgo.
Schl. Filing. 25 E. Jacltson. Har.
8780, RTRKnGRAPTTPTiq Tlru.h lln np cnmnlelA oi.ran xpn Ipnln vim. in groups ot 4 for Commercial or Civil nurv. pub. paying a year to etari. Century Bn.
Call or write lor free teat chart. Keith, 14 W.Lake.Dea.01S4 A POWER SEW. MACHINE OPERATOR Jay or on single neeuio. Zig-zag, and Merrow; big demand: easy to learn. MASTER COLLEGE, 400 S.
STATE. COMPTOMETER Complete or Review. Individual instruction. Day-Eve. Free PInclng.
Century Bus, 30 E. Adams. Fra. 8478, A Medical Secretary or Lab. Technician.
Complete x-ray course. Free catalog. Century College, 30 E. Adams. Fra.
.8478. KEYPUNCHING and tabulating course Great demand for exn. opera. Punched Card AC-counting S3 W. Jackson.
Har. 8886. MODELS Individualized training at a minimum chanre. Call Or see Miss Taylor. 5-6 Model 75 EWacker.
Dea. 7330. PRACTICAL NURSING S3S: 3 earn na you learn; da-eve. DelHar, lis S. Michigan.
Farm nnd Garden ITeln. FARM MANAGER'S POSITION WANTED. Well known, fullv convGrsnd nurchrii1 Hvn stock, all breeds. BClenlific farminfr. any Mzo proposition: can set results.
Married. exceiieni character, reierences. Address 32, Tribune. GARDENER, caretaker; marr.i no child, orait an priv. estate, stay go.
Beat rets. Address 45a. Tribune, CARETAKER, pardoner, houseman Expert' eneed; take clipe. Col. prefer, suburbs; rel- GARDENER Handy man: 17 yrs.
last GARDENER Exp. care auto; privato YOUNG couple Work and mnnano larm. Nr, yngo. prer. Jr.
stultz. JlaiiBilcld 74as 3Ionse Seryanti. iiUTLKR-Hnnseinan Cnauffctir. younff ivtiimuie. jiAuei.
riiia. tvi'iu, inuo. StenoKtnphers, Typists, Etc. CLERICAL-Typist-Swbd. 3 years H.
loop draft ace 23. Address 570. Tribune. BEST IN CITY. FOR DE- nnai, urait exempt, num.
xxt: Sllsccllaneous. MY position pays mo S200 monthly for S5 niarrlert! nnn child i drnft nlnKsi'fiention suitabln lor exeeiitivo nersonnnl: nrnihic- tion; supervision. Address 590, Trilmno, MAN fi vm. 1nt. fnirlnnnr l.l vra nirn car lubrication; willing to learn anything who iuiurn; u.
a. citizen: goon, reierences: single. Address o32, Tribune. YOUNG- man 20. 3A draft, managed order exp.
in wnoiesaie and rciau saicb and mail order: willing worker, opor. lor auvaucenicm. Anaress asu. 'jTioune. WILL do typing, and awtchbd.
In exen. ior instruction on clarinet or coronet, Attrcgs 325. Trtbutte. MAN 52: 39 vrs. vera.
exn. lctrnl. mall order, literary, ctcl. seeks job. ju BCHing, jvqureaa xr oou, UTioune STORE or ant.
manager Exp, in buyinjr, casiuennB-, raanagea giris: capable, reliable. Address 151. Tribune, FACTORY wk. Part timft; married: ace 38 approx. nours evenings ana Aaaress Tribune, COLL.
student Wants light hswk. in exch, ior ooaro. rm. unu pay. Jlicu.
DRIVER with 5 ton truck, also 1A ton: sured: 20 yrs best ref. Rad. 1800. AMB. yngr.
man with iam.Vcs. eves, work oi any mna: nrs. a wit. uav. ou-iu.
REL. MAN with ton '40 truck; ex. cond, wan is sienay woric, jir. Alien, x.on. tux.
COLLEGE man 20; draft deferred; office ana Bales exp. Merrlmac 7300. u-il a. STAN. 31-Storo, office, stockroom varied dratt exempt.
Kuciid 3781-M. HIGH SCHOOL graduate, ncn 10 exe. rnfa. Btiiury ou io ao. Adiircfls j.
a'y, j-nouiio. JANITOR-Porter 19 yrs no outside niurnmgH. jvuaress xr uo. xnoune, SITUATIONS WANTED WOMEN, Accountants and AutlltorM, All taxes, lln. costs: full part iimo; cxc.
reis. Jioiiycourt ujuo. STATISTICAL sec'y nni. excel, UUV UUllKl. Ci-UU mo.
Address 01, Tribune. llookkcopcrii nnd Clerics. BOOKKEEPER Billing experience, general umco ruuniie. nei. inone jNevaaft onu.
BOOKKEEPER Full charEe; ace 25; eXD payroll, typing; reis. itep. iiUo. CASHIER-BKKPR. or een.
off. Thoro pxxs. Boverai eves, a wk. AaoregB aYfl.Trlbune, STOCK record clerk Sales typist. Burr, exc.
reis. Aggress a pmb. MTioune. l'NG. lady assist in ofl.
No mod. sal, pp. or xioop. Aggress if aax. 'mpune.
Executives and Manaeera. MANAGER FURNISHED APT. 160 lfiw. upj. xu conseeuiiYo yrfl.
tflffo, Jii-prade bid, mngm. exp. Amer. ot Swed. desc.
mm-agea. marr. Aaarcss xnoune, Professions and Trades ARTIST Expd. fashion, shoes. free isnce; regular.
Aagress jt -au. inoune, NEWSPAPER or mairnzino pditnrial Oriel. nai, energetic youn? woman: empioymeni tuuee. city oeaK umvcrsity eaucauon Address ja au. xripune.
Domestics nnd Cooks. COOK Wliite; 2ong cxc, references. gl8-g30. GREEN LEAF 4270. COOK Al, nil round; top refs.
Will leave oiii. 3cu. Auuresg xriuune. COOIC, housework No washing or windows dot 0 oayBi uo. 74i.
COOK and 2nd maid $13 each; city or couu- iry. rei. AmireBS zoi. xnouuo. GRNKRAIj hmifmwnrlc.
ennlrdiir Cnlorrd gumi roiercnccs; nonio nigma. ivcn. GEN. hswk. Hungarian; pi.
rook; exp, amy, imd ingiesme. xbi noor. GENERAL HOUSEWORK PART TIME. GIRL COLORED; HOUSEWORK: DAYS Al refs; 10 a. m.
thru dinner a.i.ou ciay. mro; city. Jiiqway unou. MA in otr Nr SMa. Nn jtnn.
dlu. Adults. Stay. Ref. Can tako full chgo.
MAID Colored; Drexel 4851- rcliablo: by day or week, MA1I Experienced; days, mornings, pre- jerrea; reierenceB. ivenwood RELIABLE colored women By day or week. Yeniworin xuo. WOMAN get dinners for couple or ciunriy pnrgn; nay or ween, ami. 9000.
Couple. COUPLE Cct, waitress, privnte or no cuy or out; best rel. sat, xiuc. iioot.
apt. tu, xaner. COUPLE Japanese. A-l cook and maid, suitable, high and moderate, vie, 3059. CI lis, II tcli, and It estati rants.
COOK Exp. manager, Resort, instltu- on. tearoom. AJnaress xr an. Tnoune.
COOK CAN OPEN MORNINGS. ARDMORE 1025. Honsckncpur and CaretaUem. eapiiDic, koou cook, ii gni, nouseworit; teen ukc cniiaren. xuper.
ooov jaontrose-av. HSKPR. Cap. cd. cook; iinenc; city ui- reta.
AauresB x- oav. 'XTioune. HSKPR. Gd. cook, will ltp hse.
for eld. cpl, HSKPR. Honest, efficient: plain cook, iiwn ago Address on, xnouno, HSKPR. Exc. oook: cap.
ffull chce. bach. nome: adults, spa. aaatj, API. 3U.
HSKPR. Mid age. plain cook; aauits. nary, xwoa xiayvou-st. HSKPR.
refined; for family of two adults. Pensacola 3b37. HSEKPR.Expd.; templ. adults; gd. cook; iuu cnarge.
uato. qgok rcflned: refs. Address 384, Tribune. refined: efficient: 38; HOUSEKEEPER Prae. nurse- reliable: good cook; stay, iteis.
xao. vuau. LADY Aged 30, desires position in suburb or jaKu dist. to taito cnargo or care 01 liomo or rhilrfren. Prefcr.ililv whero dau en ter, aged 12.
can spend summer. Also secre tary, xxcci. rois. Address 07s, 'xnuune. Intel, woman, mid.
aeo, cxc. cook and ucs. pos. in nome 01 men type widower or bach. Address 341.
Trlbuno. Nnraci and Governemics, COMPANION or practical nurse to elderlv or nciiii-iiivjiiiu, i.rvo iiiivfji, tout uilvc, rets. Address 340, Tribune. COMPANION For old. or con vales, lndy; ro- imcd: cxc.
reis. xtnndoipn imiu. itm. mu. GOVERNESF.TeacIierExc, knows hnw 10 onus out dcbi your acnaoi rpo emia, S25 wk.
Atlantic 5400, Room 220. LADY Recently from Paris: conservatory cxc. moacra piano teacner; pupus 5 yrs. up. New.
interest, method. Highest Europ, refs. Speaks Fr Germ. Consid. few hrs.
per day other duties. Also with children. Address 440 Tribune. NURSE. INDUSTRIAL 8 yrs.
exp. super- viflinir nurses in tnuust. plant. Also exp. computing1 costs for insurance Co, in lii-dUBt.
uccidoitts. Ref. Auircns x' a.iY. j.ritnme. NURSE, crad.
Will nervo child patient, or aRcu: 10 snn jfrnncmco, ouno xr, ior ra. trip cspcuHQs. AnnrcBS ovo. unpune. NURSE-GOVER-NESS-COMPANI0N.
Teacher; education. Ravens wood 40H1. NURSE any caso; hslipr. perm. AaurcsB 1 ituv.
xriuunc. NURSE Prnc. mcntatfi: chronfe: ncrm. room: gooa fiaiary. aun jtosepcrry.
NURSE companion lndy; chronic case; u. xuick. vatig. REFINED woman To care lor children ouc exc. reis.
Aramoro vaaa. LnnmlrcRses anil Day Worlc. CLEANING-laundry By day, 6 years refs. DAY work Genl. S3.50; N.
siue reis. vicu. xxvv, a iticn. DAY work Whole or half days: cleanine-Iaun- nry coiorcu: reis. j.ngievooQ ooiu.
DAY WORK RELIABLE: WHITE; S3 AND GUU Neat: colored: laundry or cleanine; oy any, vngicwooa vm. WOMAN day work. S3, carelaro or uay. Will co to country, bee. U24.B.
Stenoarrnnliers. Trniata. I2tc. SECRETARY to relievo busy exeeutivo nt icnious aetaus, la years 01 experienco an ofllco detail. Want permanent connection.
Sceley 2478. RECEPTIONIST GENE RAI OFFICE. exp. Assunm resDonslbHity. Prefer no shorthand.
Good rota. State 3423. 0-5. Capablo and 12 oft. rapin mew; assume nig-lt role.
aju hh. min. Anoress jt- jh, 'innune. 1 GIRI. OFFICE.
S35 per refs. Address 528, Tribune. SECY. 10 yrs. unusual desires rcspon.
Desires resp. posltlou. Chicago Commercial College Prepare for Civil Service Defense "Work, COMPTOM1BTRY, $2 COMPLETE COURSE. Complete course. Free demonstrations.
Switchboard, Key Plug, $5 Typing, $8 Per Mo. Days SO PER MONTH. EVES. Stenography, $13. 50 Mo.
Day 57 evenings Grcffg1. Muuson, Pitman. Beginners, Review, TvpIiib, Switchboard, fttWA r.fl fK PJL1NQ. S10; BOOKKEEPING, SB MO Free Catalop. Exp.
Universlly Instructo: Free Effective Placement Day and Eveniniy Men and Women. 127 N. Dearborn Fra. 4803 Chicago Business College Oldest (Inc. 18001.
Largest (liG roomsj Can't fill call for Brads, now. SPEED WRITING WAR DEMANDS SPEED. Alert adults, both sexes, nrmv-nn vv riraftpen ninrrlm women, everv nOfcn wnrlrnr nRidn nhnr-ilinriH QUieltly. Conio in, for siirpriso details. Not machine, b-8 wks.
complete with TftlKrht Klr vonro Vrnn nmnutr. iiuun uniiy. (iiucmi ecu OO I. nnMWflM'RTKIl ft 'Vf WPITlfO Includes Rurrouirlm und KlnciriPH. km crad.
teachers. Many lino calls in all de- Grccff, Munson, Pitman, Switchbnnrrt Rpo. Hi- (Inlnlno- 1rn Don't bo confused. Our only school. Come in ami Bee now nice me scnoot reany is, LOWEST KATES, with mipcrlor facilities, NEW ClASSES THIS WKEK.
PRRS, xuu r. otaio. sioin Boxes. ai: AIR LINES NEED YOU Steady, well-paid ground positions tn tho Teletype. 'Reservations, Sales and other de partments await trained women who arc between, nces IS and 40.
Short training period supervised by rqen released to us by major Airlines and di rected By Alrllno Advisory Board. In vestigats our deferred payment plan. Call in person, pbons SANdolpu 4015. or wriio 9 a. m.
to 6 p. m. Evenings and Sundays oy appointment. No obligation, MIDLAND SCHOOLS StJITE 707. 30 N.
LA SALLE-ST. to u.j. flrar signal uorj8. WOMEN WANTED AIBCIt AFT PLANTS NEED YOU TO nclD Undo Sam build 186.000 planes in rdnco the rapidly iffmfnislifng man power beinff dratted Jrom industry into tho armed Train In day or evening classes at Chicago's original STATE APPROVED Aircratt School lor Women. CONTINENTAL AIRCRAFT INSTITUTE 830-43 a 'WabaBh-avenue.
131.fSnn ITawluin OA.IC Open dally, to 10 to G. ATTRACTIVE OIRLS Excellent opportunity for those who can Y'tiur mm very proiltaDJO proies- sion of fashion and photographic modclinir. Small fuilfon fee. FREE placement service. Writo for Frer 30 naco book, A FASCINATING Namo Address JANE STUDIO "ONE OF AMERICA'S FINER AND BETTER KNOWN MODELING STUDIOS, b4 E.
Wabash BE A VOGUE MODEL Inlenslvn course, hy rATIUCIA oiKvnns, iiiriuoriy n. Joim J'owor. mouei, enubloB jnu In six uliort weolia to lonrn FiiHhlon. Pliotocrnphlo und Television Mod- roicHB.nni.1 Aiaitoun. COMPLETE COURSE.
Our placement radio stations for trained broadcasters-announcers, script writers, etc. Our special fipoed-up summer courses prepare people for these opportunities. Dny and Evening: classes, ReKistralion now open. This is your chanco to iret into Hadio. Phone Miuunji or wriw or can COLUMBIA COLLEGE Fine Arl Mlclilnan near Congress.
TEACHERS NEEDED PRIMARY. Thn IL S. flillN. nHn.Un reports a shortage of teachers. Our speedup short term courses aro designed to meet nwi.
j. i it in now summer courses. Day or Evo. Phono Wabash 0733 or call viiiu ill PESTALOZZI FROEBEL TEACHERS COLLEGE. 410 S.
Clllcnco. Girls Must Replace Men I Wo cannot meet the domand for Girls from 18-35 to All positions with railroads, truck lines and trainc dopts. of industries. This T. oia.
nut war lias opened the (lonr of nnnnrtnnitv 1i girls. Get into this work at oncel Short beginner's courso now fornilnc. Visit 11 a. p. m.
for frco nplltlldo test. Day COLLEGE OF ADVANCED TRAFFIC. 14 E. Jaclcson-blvd. Dept.
Har, Kfl4fl PLASTIC Hero 1b the ideal war work for women, short. Intensive, practical training: no heavy tools or metals to handle. Apply AMERICAN TELEVISION INC. 4II3 E. ERIE-STREET.
ENROLL now Dress deslim. Factory cuursci pw. macnB. unpo. js.
near, SITUATIONS WANTED MEN. Acoonntftnta nnd Autlltorff. C.P.A. offers ACfyrn. jtrnm.
ACCT. Desires reap, profcr Iro. ore. jiko univ, ana consir, utui. vAuuiiib; wry uup.
Address 4, Tribune. Monthly sorvice. S5 uur anditB. taxes. Call Cen.
00m days, Koy. 4523 ovea. ACCT. OF OUTSTANDING CAPABILITY. U.
W. 24 povt. acct. Bcelis reap. POa.
Address 300, Tribune. ACCT. Colletce 20 yra. full exp. Een, uuu voat an eiaia, inxcs; cooa record.
Addreas 432, Tribune. Lisc; several years pub. ncci, areas noaiiinn wirn acer. nrm, part or full tlmo, AddreaB 378, Trlbuno. ACCOUNTANT, bookUcepcr, stenographer Kxnoricnccu: lull charge.
Kcilrln 78t. ATTENTION BUSY EXECUTIVES. A Reasoned accountont-auditor with many years' practical nnd diversified experience oflcrB to furnish to you by tho uao of modern methods, information indispensable to executives. At present employed by one of nation's leading public accounting ftrms. Address Tribune.
BOOKS hept part time Stmts, taxes: ago so, Amwy.t, m.irr.. cu.i, HrilU. Umv, PRICE. CEILING TAXES Offered by CPA firm to retailers, wholesalers and manufacturers: small fee. Address 82, Tribune, Bookkeepers nnd Clerks.
BOOKKEEPER-Caahier 15 exn. whoUv sale fruits: Pay rolls: draft ex. ref. Addreas 573. Tribune.
BKKPR.Full 42 yrs. old, 18 yrs. exp. Pea, part or full time. Spaul.
6104. Draft exempt. Exp. Exc. refs.
AddreaB 035, Tribune. SHIPPING or junior rate clorlt: traffic miiuui yrs. exp. UCg. 7HPB.
Executive 11 and Mnnneers. DYNAMIC, versatile ofllco mgr. or asst. to kawuii cap. auv, sales, prod, control, tlmo study; draft exempt; 35.
Address 330. Tribune. EXPED1TOR. Wide eenri bus. exp.
Highcut bank, personal character refs; 47. Self employed. Avallahlo now. Address 680. Tribune.
NEED in tell. EXEC. ASST.r Coll. J3 yrs. uar.
uus. 8 yrs. in present admin, wk. Draft 3A. Addrcaa 30S.
Tribune. CONTROLLER-Treasurer Broad industrial Suujic uceig, ana tax coiiego Address 323. Tribune. EFFICIENCY mechanic I can incr. prod, by ucvci.
luviB, ux. meinoas. etc. jjra ci Univ. A.
Address 326. Tribune. TZRCHASING Agent Broad experience, avail-nble June 1. Address 8 107. Tribune.
MGR. Furn. Apt. Hotel 10 25 yrs. oincr uu, exp.
CPA PhB-Commercel now tn public practice desires position in which his 8 years ol cxpcricnco in Account. hr mul ninnueo-HUrvoy work jay bo used to adnm-Iiikc. Member Amor. Inst, Acuta. Licensed ior practice before Trcas.
Dept. and Bd. or Tax Anneala. Ability to tako complete cnaruo of Jinancfal, department; ape 30. married and family; dralt cIubs il-A.
Address fi74. Tribune. MACHINE SHOP-FACTORY SUPERINTENDENT Middle aged, healthy American, excellent nrouumoii expert, wim practical ideas on uvBiKiuuK uiui uuuanijr rcai lauor savmi; equipment. ComprobetiBivo die. and Address .108.
Tribune, SALES EXECUTIVE. Desires connection old CAfattlfdicd manufacturer; Zll years expurieiico domestic, ioreinn trade; recently returned nevun montli trip Jjutin America: at present located cant. American bom, 4It; salary or commission uasia. AUuresB j-i Ti'iuunc. EMPLOYMENT and industrial relatlonn mirr.
abrhb" urau Hiatus yrs. neau ru m.Tjpuonai personnel unreau, inoro khowj, emp. all phases; sources oi bud. jvkc inc. nsycliol.
nnd social, asp, labor litw. uictjro uuy; nnyitmo or write, ADDRESS 437. TRIBUNE. PURCHASING nfircnt Now employed; exp liicmucH oric wiiii nniirniniPv irtinu'ti t-in. ccriis; lliorolv CXO.
Ill nrinrltina nnH rrnvt contracts; chemical enRrineer degree; ace a7. address aaa. TRIBUNE. APT, HOTEL MANAGER Employed sales exec, wants administrative I'uainun in apv. uoiei iur niBnis, wccK-enus, Jfoucrato salary and residence.
Address 108, Tribune. Capable executive; yra. of eomml, and fruunB, loans, iinancc. ixccpiionai uuiuiy ni uprrcBPonaence ana eneciivo metn ods. Abo 37; eal.
reasonable. Address 155. Tribune. 33 yrs. old.
now employed, desires same capacity with progressive eo, or assistant io neau oi personnel aca. with all vuitsvtj oi cmpioyeo prooicms: dratt exempt. Adtfrofls 70. Tribun DEPARTMENT storcsYountr man, 30. mar- ly emcient.
also nnowlcdgo oi sloclt control ouuHUJK poaiuon ni once, Address 420. Tribune. XKCUTIVii Over 20 years present firm. wiue A.iii:neni;o covers oiiico crea- ponality. Married.
Dralt exempt. Pcnsacola vr jyuurPBS mo, 'xriuuuC. OFFICE MANAGER Tltoroly expcrtcrtccd In nil account' iiitr, credits, collections, oMcu inanaccmeut, etc. Address 542, Tribune. ACCTG.
ofllnn vnar nt ric- x-xecunvo lyne. reri. neaun, ac- uvu; ttv uiarncu. aaiary cau.uu ween. Ready Monday.
Phone Highland Park 3584, EXP. IN organization, planning, scheduling, prouueuoa coniroi, piani-omce layout; permanent or part time; avail, at once. BARGAIN IN BRAINS. S45 weelt lor college, man, 28, draft tree; was office manager and asst. adv.
mgr. What have you? Lake view- 60S5. SALES Corres. Food lino not essen. rtiiiuuiuuri, uu xui uiurneu laniuy urnii 3-A; ll yrs, dir.
mail med. lam. all outlets U. Addreas 104- Tribune. EXPERIENCED business man.
iiO Vigorous, wamo cuniiuciiDH in cnmracrcjai esiauiiEn uunt. Best city references. Address 80. Tribune. CREDIT MAN Ten.
yrs whlse. exp. Acctist. tiL-uvy reap, ha. AQureBa qxioune.
XraCenlQnii and Trades. ARTISTCollego Junior mnlorlng In commer cial an wants summer joo in stuuto. AddreBa 318. Tribune. BLACKSMITH, Welding, sheet metal worker xv yra.
prefer ucicnsc. Jion. BLDG. maintenance Man 52 all around lueuiiauic. carpcniry, aowerago, painting', rcna.
Bal. Jj. B. Jlussell, OftkLiiwn. lit.
Phono Oak Lawn 480. CABINET Pattern maklnsr, want to learn. jirau exempt. yrn. out, xu yrs.
Wollington 7580. attnr 0 I. M. CAHPENTKH Hy day or contract, ttemodel. arcn.
rouuiuor. uoc. juansnom CARPENTER and nil around man Wllllne io icavo lown. itcpuouc n-nii. CARPENTER Contractor.
A-l altera- itons ana reas. rates, wei. aa. CARPENTER Day or contract: 1st class wont; au yrs. experience, jtopiipnc uj-ti.
CARPENTER Wants work. 00c hour. Kin- lHnmg, rep. AdarcBB xnoune. CEMENT work, of all kinds Licensed nnd CHEMIST 15 yrs, in charge of rufg.
syiP I ineiics, cements, lacquers. Man wim exp. university nost Kraa. in encm. AVUHttSa 'X 1 M3.
TJ( CHEMIST. 102 yrs. qualitative: orgai nic. AaaresB -inoune. CTITEP TNSPRCTOIt.
SO years mechanical and electrical, AdurcsH i' i.ruuino. COMMERCIAL tthotocrnnhci'-HxiTOricnccd i lucnmcai worn; mm. mouon piciurott color process; Kodnchromo: mlcrofllmlng Photostating: mao work: has ltnowledco femplafo photography; desires position in inuusmai plant. Address Tribune. CRANE 'Oper-12 yrs.
elec. 0 yrs. stm. all types; aieaay. urn, xoxis.
Ape, am, aiier o. DECORATING 4 rm. flat S28.50 and up. -t'nono vnn uuren UH77. aaia w.
narnson, DRAKTINO Work done reasonably: machine nnd nnfmlf ilrnojtnrr mif- Mnnnlnllv 0'0 N. ICcdvale. Albany 7710, artcr 0 p. ni. DRAFTSMAN MECHANICAL; LONG EXP.
DESIGN-LAYOUT. AUSTIN 3711. ENGINEER tako charge any kind plant. a can travel; jr. rianer, jrox jttiver wove.
FACTORY ENGINEER M. IS vtr. f.Yti(rIpn!: fnlorv tilnnninr: tihnii layout methods nnd wnlpntant: prf? uiriiiir oi cquinmoni; momi iiiuHiunK. nuavy light aRsombly; conveyors; tako charge oi ticpanmem. Auoress jj 7.
unpano. FLOOR Insp'r. 30, Unl. 3-A. Prod, con- iroi exp.
qtart at once, imqway auui-. LATHE hand 42. pnml worltnr: tnitehiriifitn1 rtcnooi and snort apprentices nip. start at flOc. with understanding ro gradual lucreaso 10 scaic.
Address 10-. xnoune. ago 51: reas. sal. Address 543.
Tribune, MACHINIST Competent, energetic man with yrs. Droaa exp. as macniiust.anu tooi- anu precision xoot worn; excmnt. Address a 4i. xTipune.
MECHANICAL ENGINEEH a-1. ir vns -RXPEnTENrE- jiciiLiUK. mi 1.UUU1 mill! lift, ijiuiiiutiib, electrical, sewers, power plants, piping all types: 'just nmatica iitreo ociojisq vrojcci. Adaress xr au. unpunc.
MECH. ENG. Can handle some designing evenings ap yrs exp. aun. ooau.
PAI NT-dec Interior or exterior; best na- tcriais, wont; go anywnorc, xY. PAINTER WW to; beginner-positively sober nroier no 101. AdtircBs 1 r. xripune. PARTING, paper haneiaeRcas.
Prompt uervico. J.BI. cinss worn, uaiuana vtsvu, PAINT1NO. decorating; interior, exterior; in- flurea; city-wide serv. Erickson.
Mon. PAINTING and paper hanging. Furo. tools, Will take 50 in trade. Fairfax 3402.
Ray. PAINTING and Decorating Reasonable. Neat worn, spawning pu'a. ARTKItlNn lnt-hlnir hrtolr nnH wmnnt worn; cuy-wido scrv. EncKson, Moll.
fr7v. OStTlQN wanted in war production plant, 1.11K0. fir vie nnvo 111 yrn. exn with internal rntnhiiRtinn iiirinoH- much. inspect, and other precision also over yrB.
01 Rcnerai macn. wk. j. vrs. at pres.
employ. "Address 344. Tribune. PRINTING foreman-supt. Office, sales, taito cnarge.
Address 1 'iTinune. SCREEN process Comb. des. Cut and nrnd. lorcman.
exn. nepenaents. JVUUtUBB x- OUU, -IIIUUIIC. SUPERVISOR Carhido and hich uneed Esll niaunc ana snop, xt years" exp. lieis.
Emnu Address 375. Tribune. nvOT. ANn DTP trade nehool trainee desires apprenticeship or similar work; 3-A; 35 yrs, old. One ear tooi crm experience, niuepnnt reading.
Address xr oaa. -xri oune. TOOL f-neinner. oRtimntor. stinervipor Ex pert nu types stamping oies.
jigs, nxiures. special iuncniwes. piasu moiH; xt yra. ace 37. Address 03.
Tribune. TOOL ROOM ENGINE LATHE SOME GRINDING. ROCKWELL 7330, ALERT man 34, 3-A dralt. dependents, wants opport. to learn tooi die, pattern male, lathe, etc.
dofcnsR industry; night shUt. IS. 3. pref. Pros.
2020. YOUNG man; 18; H. S. mech. free hand exp.
Call Bivcrsido3673. Salesmen. LISTEN WORLD I I CAN SELL 7 yrs. euc-oesslul sales record. Ago 25, draft exempt.
Sell anything; pref, war materials. Must have 3150 per mo. 5" 11'. 100 lbs. Beat ref.
Address 540. Tribune. Clubif, Hotels, nnd lie at an rants. BARTENDER Married, sober; 13 exn. club, hotel, bars; continental, tropical; standard drinks: pleasing personality; neat.
Longbeach 0333. Rodney pu Bois. BARTENDER or bar manager 7 yrs loop hotel exp. Address 381, Tribune. COOK A-l, All around dinner, fry or nights; refs.
Wcl. 7336. Apt, 30. WAITER Good worker, at summer resort; reis, Addrcsi 438, Tribune, 5 Stenoffrnpliers, Typists, Etc. SECRETARY TO EXECUTIVE 112 years' CXnerieilPn nnnratlllfr nrtlV.a fnf t-n nafinn.
ally known engineering concerns: present employment discontinued due to war; fully utiiii; UKB OU 91 4 a to start: excellent references. Address 580. Tribune. r-VSiETT STENOGRAPHER EFFI- DLE OWN rnHin.liflNnPVPf r-nrm ME3fORY, DESIRES NEW OFFICE AC iWTCPiVm rrr nncv wv. EOUT1VK.
IRV1KO 481C. SECRETARY 34: 18 y. employers; present sal. S1S0 mo. Smith.
Stato 5102. SOLVE TOUU SECRETARIAL PROBLEMS I 'Prize' SPPV rircirna mnn.citn mennn perm, position and pat. law: cnir. anH vuciiu ui win tacKio unyuung; oper. all off.
detail: now S175 mo. AddrcsB 588. Tribune. STENOGRAPHER-Seoretarv Nrat. c-onrt nn pearanco, young, compensation insurance and legal experience, 11 years one loca- nu.
jmu iiiu. jiuuress xr uoo, xrjoune. Technical and general efllcient. Address 321. Tribune.
Rapid, ace: of ojj. mull aim uiub jm. t. TTPIST-JVOltK AT HOME. THOKE PLAZA 0317.
0201 W0ODLAWH. DO yoii need Birl Friday? I have 10 jpi. em. biller, eood assume resp. Ago 2S.
Address lo3, Tribune. AIlftGclIancoiiB. WIDOW IN tn. position ns nBcful eompanion to ladv or elderly couple, iu refined hom*o; kind, tact- jui, picafiin? appearance. IierBQiinilly.
Addreas .131, Tribune. ART School irrad. Int. sold nntiancs; u' uiivc-, jo; eapiiuie, cnerpcuc, pcriionable. Full or part time.
Address 3S0, Tribune. MATtJRE teacher with mother, exchance oui vitra in iiuie. resort, or pnv. nome ior summer lodging. Address 480, Tribune.
U. S. TEACHER 28. Summer Boe- tura. uemiBis.
or iiOfipnal ollleo lio stenography. Address 602. Tribune. 7 worli 2 sev. e-es.
Have mach. Bri. 4300. apt. S08, Meyers.
RECEPTIONIST WAKTS POS. EXP. Trtth M. -west side pref. Col.
0449. SUMMER high sen. tchr.Ene Hlsf. ASlr. nvv.
Auuress i qjo, xriounc. COMPANION to lady Licht hswrk. Good icia. atiq ey. AUUreSB A bJU.
TnDUnC. Employmeut CLEAN. laundry Fast: S2.B0-S3, car fare. RADIOS, SUPPLIES, AND SERVICE. BISSELL-WEISERT DE LUXE CAPEHARTS Reconditioned.
All with nejr instrument warranlies. Priced from to S7I5, JIaka your mlection Irom our largo stock. CAPEHART DE LUXE 400. With famous turno-er" record changer. Beautiful cabinet; good radio; ior over 51,000 new; now only 5209.50.
CAPEHAKT-PARKSWORTH. Latest chair-side model. In original carlon if you wisht Lists at S14U.50. Limited number available at S125. A'o phono fniuires.
Sfora hours 8:30 to 0 BISSELL-WEISERT Capehart Representatives. 845 -NORTH MICHIGAN! StromIbergCarloiti AUTOMATIC PHONOGRAPH RADIO COMBINATION Former Price 14 Tuba High Fidelity Radio. Twin Speakers. Itecord Changer, Entirely Reconditioned. Easy Terms.
RADIO CLEANUP SALE of all new 1942 samples G. RCA. ZENITH. CIIOSLEY. J'lnrm AriMlRAT.
ATA these NfW Zpnttll nnnsnln. Iiftmif fiUinnl ln Art Now Admiral cnnib. aulo chiuurcr. JSew 1043 combliintlop fip.OU givw way ri'coni. only 117.00 Now I'Jdlco combiiifitlon illl.OO hhiiv.
Ji- lorittH, sco. -Ji-ll CENTRAL WAREHOUSE 775 W. Jackson-bl. Op. Eves, IMMEDIATE DELIVERY I Complete utock of brand new Philco.
vuivu, ijiwciuy, vr, Auimrai, consoles, G.B. combination, plays 10-ia in. PH1LCO nulo. record HCA MiBbbullou alo. cbanxer.
71) K-Z term No finance eo. in deal with. rto 1-. wAiiRiiuusis COMPANY CLQSING OUT KADIO DEPT. several uraua new wensicr do luxe cuanp-ers.
Mcissner cabinet radios wlln FSl oiina, Jensen conxiai enenitcrs. ARMITAGB 7700. CASH, uop prlceii for account k. notei, ni or tares. luamiiiurjuL imprr, juuirmenii nnET plan nn.
188 W. Randolph. Fra. 2618. New Hepplewhito model Stromberc-Carlson yiien evenings, mnnj's, zzts S.
wanasn. 1VTLC0X-GAY" radio-phono, and recorder miinDs- console, likq new. B3g Shefll eld -tcrrneo. SkoMo 20S3. CX-OSlNQont our radio dept.
Will nac. all SAVE UP TO 40 on all rndlon. radio 'his annuo, uux t. trKaiingioTt. up.
aun. 043 ZENITH comb. ant. 10 tubes; v-miomu. JHIV.
JIUl, ItitV, SAVE TO 50 New MO-Hl-HiZ nuto radios; a mMia; ubcq; oo-giu. uun wasningion. NEW B. C. A.
Rndto CombinalionB. S40.50 nnu vp, junaiFon-si. NEW JIMS nioriolR SH.llfi up. Kany crrHltt. MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC.
COMPLETE reeordtnir service 10 2 eldcn, xo in. siu.uu, Now radio inlnilt ntirillinnn 1ren. Mntiin Tin. 1WOM 71H. WABASH 0711.
voo at. vccnc by RiiSFell BrookP. Jormor Wayno Kinfr lessons, a. liroKri tjoueffe. suite "''i.
n. weijsicr nob. MODERN PIANO ALTj LATEST STYLES. jiocmncr or Advanced. Free demonstration, oiiaron a.
1'Gase. tit is. JacKflon. wab. HmiO SINGERS Ilavo limn for n.
fiv mmil. ruacmntr exriURivciy; not vocal teacher. vnn i'nii neuwnriz, Diaio nU'i. niETimiinT.iTAv nmrwA th VofCIl irilinlntr. radio.
Ollrm rnnnftnlrit JMvalo or class. Delmvaro fiS4.l. CHICAGO radio chorus needs voicep Micro- pnono ir. ireo ior mcmners. web.
lutiu VOn AT. T.KSSOS H.nin jW, Sclnplo. 04 E. JflclfPOJi, Jl. 005.
Web.20.9f), 'I). Aninteiirft inlfrMtH in mncUfii tlruinatloH lo ooach for whown. Spa. 1017 RAl)IO artist will make you sine in no days, ACCOMPANIST available SI an hour: own ')' oumtu. miuiTM I V'M, XTlDUlie, SWTNG PFANOt Thrfctinnenn Mlc 300 S.
Wabash. flA3 Belmont. 3945 Madison ILL bllV OniTITltptn nrnrn nnnn CnmnsnH. MUSICIAN Man who mtt winy piimo wit j'or i'rn. woiii KITKUS WnnU nr a -my Jnuuuiirr.
at ri i a vers, RADIO TRAINING AND HOOKING. I. 12fi8 mat. 700. SONGS arranped for piano or rens.
FINANCING, prnmotinir voices of excellent mmm. ourepa 1 'kits, urinunc. RECORDINGComnloto rcttJco, CHRISTEN- og.w axujJiu. iwi a. waoash.
web. 7705 SINGERS who enn net To try out for radio. jvuijurpn ji 11 Hon. utitursi-j. BARTER AND EXCHANGE, 120 A.
CHICKEN tnrm Cent. gd. 0f. iiuim; winuK jjriuo piiini. elite.
Use. 18x124; brooder b. 14x20: barn, S4.5QQ-. mtc; S1.500 wbu; si.uuu uulos: roiutr imB. or i AddrcBa 342.
Tribune. ROYAL, Underwood, Smith typewriters Also add. wo buy. rent, repair any ACCEPT cood used car and fmall amount wbu ir cruiser; seniWHCHei engine. ADDttESS 433, TRIBUNE.
ACCT. death, yiiW trade comp. at. S2.0nf( xrlv ine -hlvrt nr. Kildarc.
for small larm. Jfaywood 241. DODGE 1040 coach: Bd. Ior small noat or lauo cnttace in Miller. or TRADE 75 A.
N. Wis. farm for room. hue. WIt.Ii exchanco Paintlnfr nnd decoratinj lurituoui useti cimoni oiuu.
SETjli or trade Sealer, Folder. Want old addinF mach. Har. 1480. GORDON, 10x15, C.
P. nmo. feed, and eqjiln. Trade- for car, multllith or? Irvinir 0807, PAINTINQ AND DECORATING. PAINT, uapnr Interior, exterior'.
Export; reas. Sooth, Spauldinr 2667. Hotel $7.00 WEEKLY S7.0O Large, airy, outside newl-r dec; mod. iura. All priv.
baths, showers: 5 min. to Id. CARLTON HOTEL 1617 S. M1CHIGAN-AT. TO RENT ROOMS SOUTH.
9023 To rent Island: gentleman preferred. BENNETT, 8000 Lge. Irt. suit. 1 or a men; priv.
family. South Shore 331S. ELACKSTONE. 6510-Lge. sleeplni ra.
1st water, semi-pri. bath: nrTl. C. CLYDE. 7021 3d: airy priv.
bath; exc. priv. reas. But. 45ti.
CORNELL, S402-LAJIGE FRONT ROOM for business man. Private adult family; air transportation, near. park, and lake. Hyde Park 7250. CORNELL.
53-1 attr. unusually mu. cum, imaa. uor. 4.
CORNELL. 6510 Exclus. home; light, airy uujuuiiu. uaiu nr. lane, ail iran.u.
CORNELL. 6404. 2d-Altr licht rm. blk. ot I.
pk. Morrison. Hyd. 334S. EAST 6955 Large rm.
adjoin. mi. x. OU5. L.
SUnaCC EBERHARDT. nr. 7Rth frrmt unv. mmiiy; gent, an 6-. EMERALD.
5239 Nice light slpnff. rm. Pri- uumc. j-t eacn. nouiovarq hoq-j EUCLID, 7150 Lge.
rm. in priv. home: lovciy yara: nr. i. c.
bus, S3.50 an. EVANS. 8221 Pleasant home orivt. kuuh ous. gin: reas.
ilovvaro. iiARPiH. 5343 Lge. frt. sgle.
or dble. u). ua.n; nr. i. dus, surf.
A. English. HYDE PARK. 103G Light, comf. conn.
in: imv. nome; ail transp. Ken. Shno. 0351-53 Modem, run- wmer; main service: aj.
transp. reas. KENWOOD, 6201. 3D APT. Large, nicelr Aurnisncq yront room; near I.
C. 1. KfitBARK. 6407 Let. sgl.
up: new. ly dec: I. c. bus. L.
surface. Mid. 3048. KIMBARK. 6454Cheerful frt.
bachelor 1. C. L. surf. S4.50.
Godwin. b'40U ENGLEWOOD 3700. NORWOOD HOTEL, New dbl. inador bed, ad), bath: all cale; S1.5U and per day; also kit. apt.
OGLESBY. 7310 Lge. attrac. priv. ad.
I.e. suit, for 2. Sou. 533S. PAULINA.
6445 S. 1 light airy room: eic. neasonauie. jiemiwric jjoa. PAXTON, 7010 Nice nn.
in lovely home, for vcrson. j.igni Kitn. garage. PERRY. 0640 113 min.
to loon on R. 1.1 Outside sgl. adj. bath. S4; surface.
PHILLIPS, 7300. 1ST APT. Large, light. cunuuri. room ior jaqy: i.u., suriace.
ous. RHODES, 7940 Lgt. rm. for 1-2: adj. hath: 3 pri.
bus. I. surf. Ste.1132. SO.
7241 Attr. sunny rm. at lake: man; pn. Home, boutu Mine o443. UNIVERSITY.
0206. 3d Lge. frt. beau. iurn.
priv. lamny. caococs. fiaza WINCHESTER. S735 lgt.
r. innerKpring. pus: reas. tep. WOODLAWN.
6227 2d outside ner spring: nr. pain. ait trans. HYDE PARK M. C.
A. 1100 E. 53D-ST. FAIRFAX 5300. For men only.
All club facilities: convenient lo everything; 1. bus. surface; 4 blks. lake: full 24 hour service: single. S5 to S7 weekly; double.
S4.5Q to a. DORIAN HOTEL. 4545 WOODLAWN ATLANTIC 1S10. All rooms with priv. baths; all coa-Plele hotel service: S6.50 wkly up.
NOW OPEN 1 room home for a refined business woman in quiet, well maintained bldg.t S22.50 a month. Miss Roush. 6564 Yale-ay. Enr. 6662.
BEAUTIFUL lare corner room lor employed lady, afewly fum. and decorated. PriTata lamily. Near all transp. Vin.
1605. 1422 3d 2 lieht: twfn or JWe. Priv. home. oainide: surface; 1517 1st For 1-2; nr.
bath; innersp. pri. I. C. bus.
L. sarf. r3D. 2423 E. T.GE.
dble. tw. mi.s: 51. prir. 1 blk.
I. C. gurf. Sou.54ll. CHARMING home for refined person: use ci kitchen; I.
bus. Kenwood 2432. S4 Tlf 1 52 fi E. Private cn trance and bath; radio; S5-SB: coohin opvi onal. 1734 K.
1 3d E.I Nicelv iurn. Irt. rta. Priv. family; (rood transp.
Rtr. fifll.l. 2010 2d. lovely frt. cUz.
priv. 1 blk. I. I MGZee. rm, adj.
pri. Nr. nark lake. I. surf.
Hyde Pk. osth. yv or SS3 near Viath; surlaco. Aberdeen 4rt0fl. 1722.
Kvr-Urht room; cood out, ria. OlHT-PLAClil. 4F7, airy. rma. twin bdtt nr.
bth. AIbo a rma. adj. fa. Wen.552 0 front rm.
adj. emp. woman, SO. Pla. 3433 alter 6 or Sun.
1354Priv, bath Quiet; Rood man prel. Mulder, 2d fl. 1140, 2D Ir. ait. 1-2: art).
pr. I. bus. eur. Brc.
1S2S. ELDERLY couple- will rent room to coapli mum. xncwi.t lurnipuca. r.orrni -ino. Coot ref.
home, 55: I. C. laVe. Sou. S0I8.
i LARGE rooms Couple or penm: I. C. trac-portatlon; reasonable. Plaza 2050. FIFTY-SIXTK.
1,121 Nr. lake. I. mill pemi pri. oatn: lor pent.
Hyd. vot-. com, nn. for lndy 2 in trans. Dor.
1S.W. ROOM in nrlv. lamily Caro ol child r.d Kiicn. pnv. very reas.
mo. yo-i. Hotel Jtoom. PARKLAND HOTEIi $7 wit. room -vvitli priv.
batla Unexcelled service- and transportation. 1550 E. 63d-st. At Jackioa park. Phono Plaza 2710.
Nicely elev. 24 hour witeli-boardr clone all Sl.50 dflr izp. DREXEL VIEW HOTEL. 4358 Dnxel-blvd. TO REHT ROOMS SOUTHWEST.
TRUAIBULL. BG30 Nicely furn. sel. sarago dub, suriace. nepupiio WESTERN.
3423. S. Ltr. rm. lor man: 3 board opt, isr.
Central JJistnct. KOORC Cboard optional! Qufct, private Bimauio ior one. Jiepuuiic -ious. ly. A verj- 11..
nine. JOBENT BOOMS W08TH. AGAT1TE. 2148 Frt. sgle- S3.
50: yen, bids, gd. trans. Anl. 8S03. ALDINE.
553 Larce. nice room in sm. adult family Gd. nr. park.
Buc. 6eB2. ARDMORE. 1001 let. rent.
only. Gd. trs. S5 w. or 20 mo.
Burch. Sun.0250. ASTOR, 1320 beaut. yoodb. refr.
Also rra. ASTOU. 1207 PLEASANT ROOM: TOMinf water. Dearborn 2572 between 10. ASTOR.
1435 BeauL double room: crtvaf. bath and Also single, private bata. isTOH.qT.. 143rt Slnclo BUKllo: share bath; 135 mo. BALMORAL.
1014 I.b-. front rm. with ua porch; nice, furn. for 1 or 2. Younerern.
BKLMONT nr. dr. New. alrv. homs-llke: )dl.
but. Ctrl. Welt. SHH. 2243 Homelike, clean, aulet rm.
S4 -week. Exe. trans. Sunnyslde 6565. 442 Belmont Harbor dn large, ngnt amgie ana double rooms.
CEDAR. 61 E. CANTERBURY HCUSE. Single rooms. S6 to S7.
Walk to loop. CHASE. 1445 Beau. lge. rms.
in pnr. home. t.vic. nr. pus; reas.
Kog. Pk. W)52. CORNELIA. 7122 furn.
td. ciean. pleasant: priv. family, uuc. CUYLKft.
SOS HOBO N.I Clean, wrll furn. itiimiiiu fmi. wwr; iirta cioaei. 31.1. DAION.
001. Nlco clean 1 room Kitchenette, s-i up, 3 room basem*nt Frigldalre: is. DEARBORN, 1214 3dl Don't mind the oat- muu. iurniiine.1 -J rm. stu'e; twin beds; $7.50 for 2.
Prlrate family. DEMING-rL. Nr. park; adi. hath- t.i n.
mn. uivera-j o--to. DOVER, 4723 Nr. Itwrence-Clark: attr rra. pnv.
cross priv. entr. api. 4454. 1ST, Apt.
Pleasant troal rooiu. excellent trans, aun. ipuo. EWt, 54 Kms. for dlscrimtnatlng yonnr wuiimn: ueau.
pnv. nome: grann piano: kit nr. lake: walk, djs. lo Ip. ESTES.
IS30 Beau. em. frt. sr. jaiw-i an pri.
resrr. uoi. wuol. FLETCHER, 833. 1st Light, clean room: suitable 1 or 2: near Belmont S4.
FOSTER. 943 Plcaeant room In comf. home; j.uKewaier xieacn nr. lake: exc. 022 Newly Iurn, dec.
-m-si'iHK wa. -l, anu ai aoor. 841 3d Comf. tru all S4.5U. Dlv.
5890. GLENLABE 1252 Attr. sing, room in pr. nome; ga. rerc.
Bri.o303. GORDON-TERRACE. 910 T4200 "-l Lr. rm. siuiaoio ior nr.
an xransp. U644. .851 2d loTely frt. num.
jui uai. unYueges. CXC. GJiEE.VL?2AF. 1348 Large rm.
1-2: iiBupg. i oi. lake. L. mis.
Hog, nisr. 1438 Lge. adi. bath: iiu. luib.
nowiiiq u. pus, bne. KENJfORE. S327 Large. light rooms: arapl jnen.
u. ous. suriace. r-ear laae. EENMORE.
68.13, Apt. 3 Lorely tn-ia ueun. Bui. oaui. jsr- jaite.
aji KENMORE. 6018 Large rm. tn lovely horn iai x-a: cioaeia: aa: an nr. lake. Continued on follotrniff.