Crazy Eights - Play Online on (2025)

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Crazy Eights is a fun card game. Be the first to get rid of all your cards. This version uses the basic Crazy 8s rules.

How to play

Crazy Eights - Play Online on (4)

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Crazy Eights

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Crazy Eights game info


Crazy Eights is played with four players.


Crazy Eights uses a regular deck of 52 cards. In this fun card game, the rank of the cards is only important when matching with that on the card face in the discard pile.


To start the game, each player is dealt eight cards. The dealing direction is clockwise.


The version on our website uses the basic Crazy Eights rules. The objective of this game is to be the first player to discard all their cards.

As mentioned, each player starts with eight cards. The remaining cards are placed in a pile in the center of the table, facing down. This is called the stock pile. The top card in the stock is then turned upwards to act as the beginning of the discard pile.

In a clockwise direction, players take turns to discard cards one at a time. Players can only get rid of cards which match the suit or rank shown on the top card of the discard pile. For example, if the card face on the discard pile shows an Ace of Diamonds, only Aces or Diamonds can be discarded by the next player.

Exceptions to this are cards with rank 8. These can be played at any time, regardless of what card is on the top of the discard pile. Playing an 8 allows the player to change and choose what suit the next player must subsequently play, though they may also play another 8 if they hold one.

Where a player has no available moves (i.e no cards they can discard) they must pick up a card from the centre pile. A useful feature of our version is that the game will automatically inform players if there are no possible moves, prompting them to draw cards. When there are no more cards left in the center pile, the discard pile is shuffled to form a new pile, though the top card remains in place.


At the end of each round, each player will earn points based on how close they were to getting rid of all their cards. The player who discarded all of their cards will earn the highest number of points. Points for the remaining three players depend on the value of the cards left in their hand. They should count the value of their remaining cards (50 for anEight, 10 for a picture, and other cards at face value). The player with the highest value of cards in their hand gets 0 points. The winner gets a score equal to this highest value. The other 2 players get a score equal to the highest value reduced by the value of the cards in their hands.

Game end

The first player to get rid of their hand wins the round. The game plays for four rounds, and the player with the most points at the end of all rounds is declared the winner.


There are multiple variations of Crazy Eights. A popular variant in the United States is called Crazy Eights Countdown, while Switch, Mau-Mau and Uno are also similar to the base card game.

Crazy Eights is one of the simplest games to add modifications to through the introduction of additional rules. An example of this is the rule ‘Queen Skip’, where playing a Queen leads to the next player skipping their turn.

System requirements

Crazy Eights can be played in all modern browsers, on all device types (desktop, tablet, mobile), and on all operating systems (Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS, ...).

Classification: HomeCardCrazy Eights
Rating: 78% (925 votes)
Developer: Zygomatic
Technology: HTML5
Wiki's: Wikipedia

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Crazy Eights - Play Online on (2025)


How do you play Crazy Eights? ›

How to Play: Players try to get rid of their cards by placing them on top of the flipped up card in the center. Players may do so if the card they want to get rid of is the same number or suit of the card flipped up. 8s are wild and if a player plays an 8, they must state what suit the 8 will be for the next player.

How many people do you need for Crazy Eights? ›

Crazy Eights is a shedding-type card game for two to seven players and the best known American member of the Eights Group which also includes Pig and Spoons. The object of the game is to be the first player to discard all of their cards.

Do you pick up 2 in crazy 8? ›

Playing a 2 forces the next player to play a 2 or, if unable, to draw two cards from stock and miss a turn.

Do you shuffle in Crazy Eights? ›

Shuffle the cards and deal five cards to each player (eight cards if there are only two players). Arrange your cards by suit (color) and number. For a more challenging game add one or more of these variations. When a 1 is discarded, the next player in rotation loses a turn.

How to win Crazy 8 every time? ›

If you have a hand full of spades, play the high one and stay in the suit. If you have a hand full of clubs, play your five of clubs to switch to a better suit. Generally speaking, if matching the suit when you play your card, you want to play your higher cards first.

What does Queen of Spades mean in Crazy Eights? ›

What does the Queen of Spades do in Crazy Eights? Some house rules play that the Queen of Spades is a “draw 5” specialty card, but must still be played on top of either a matching suit (spade) or rank (queen). However, in a standard game of Crazy 8, the Queen of Spades doesn't have any special attributes.

What does jack mean in Crazy Eights? ›

Jacks: When a jack is played the next player must play a picture card but does not have to follow suit. Eights: When an eight is played the next player misses a turn.

What does ace mean in Crazy Eights? ›

If a skip card (Ace) is played, the following player is not allowed to take any action. Their turn is skipped and the player after them continues. Alternatively, the player may play a skip card themselves and pass on the effect. If a player cannot play, they must pick up a card from the deck.

What does "king" mean in Crazy 8? ›

Typically you give 10 points for each face card like the queen or king, the face value of the number cards (6 points for a 6), 1 point for an Ace, and 50 points for an 8. Better not hang onto those eights! Allow players to continue to discard more than 1 card if they can on each turn.

What happens if you don't say last card in Crazy Eights? ›

A player who has only one card left in their hand must alert the other players by saying "last card". A player who fails to do this before the next player takes their turn must draw two cards from the top of the stock as a penalty.

What does joker mean in Crazy 8? ›

When a 2 or a Joker is played, the following player must draw two or four cards accordingly. Alternatively, they can play a draw card of the same rank, but regardless of suit, and pass the draw obligation on to the next player. Note: The 2 and the Joker cannot be combined.

Can you end on an 8 in Crazy 8s? ›

A player may use the 8 to change suits, as well as also block draw cards. Therefore a player who uses the 8 as their last card is almost guaranteed victory. If a player's last card is an 8 (or multiple 8's) then the player must not only announce "Last Card" but also show the 8 to his/her opponents.

How to play Crazy Eights easily? ›

Eights are "crazy,” which means they're wild. You can play any Eight on any card, regardless of color or number. If you play an Eight, you get to name the color that the next person must play. Play continues until somebody plays his or her last card, or until nobody can play any of their cards.

What do you say when you have one card in Crazy Eights? ›

Crazy Eights rules last card rule

Just like in Uno you have to declare that you only have one card left on your hand when this is the case. You do this by saying “last card” and if you fail to do so you must draw two cards from the draw pile as a penalty.

Are Uno and Crazy Eights the same? ›

Crazy Eights is a fun game similar to the game Uno in which players take turns placing cards that match either in face value or suit with the goal to eliminate all cards in their hand; the only difference is that it is being played with a normal card deck instead of a specially-made cards.

How do you play Crazy 8 with two players? ›

If there are two players, deal 7 cards each. If there are more deal 5 cards each. The remaining cards go in a stack face down in the middle. Turn the top card over.

How to play card rules? ›

Play begins with the person on the dealer's left putting a card face upon the table. The next person to the left must play a card of the same suit if he has one, and the third player must then do the same to complete the trick. If a player has no cards of the right suit, he may discard any card of any other suit.

What are the rules for blazing 8s? ›

The rules are simple — on your turn, discard a card from your hand with the same suit or number as the previous card. Playing special cards allows you to skip other players, reverse the direction of play, and even swap hands with other players. The first person to discard all their cards wins!

What does a Joker do in Crazy Eights? ›

When a 2 or a Joker is played, the following player must draw two or four cards accordingly. Alternatively, they can play a draw card of the same rank, but regardless of suit, and pass the draw obligation on to the next player. Note: The 2 and the Joker cannot be combined.

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.