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  • 7/27/2019 Ema's charsheet Cleric Spells, dnd 3.5



    Cleric Powers

    Turn/Rebuke Undead

    Turning Check:Times per Day:Turning Damage:



    + ___ + ___+ ___ + ___ = ____+ ___ + ___ = ____Lev




    Check Result Max HD Affected

    0 or lower Level -41-3 Level -34-6 Level -27-9 Level -1

    10-12 Level13-15 Level +116-18 Level +219-21 Level +322+ Level+4

    Domain: _________________


    Domain: _________________


    0-Level Spells Spells: ___ + ___ = ____ Save DC: ____

    ___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Amanuensis Tr VS 1 act Close 10min/lev Will n. Y Copy nonmagical text. SpC9___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________CreateWater [Water] Co VS 1 act Close Instantaneous - N Creates 2gallons/lev of pure water PHB215___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________CureMinor Wounds [Healing] Co VS 1 act Touch Instantaneous Will Y Cures1 point of damage PHB216___ ___ _____________________________________ ___ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Detect Magic Di VS 1 act 60 ft 1min/lev (D) - N Detect spells and magic items within 60 ftPHB219___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Detect Poison Di VS 1 act CloseInstantaneous - N Detects poison in one creature or objectPHB219___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Guidance Di VS 1 act Touch 1 minWill n. Y +1 on one attack, roll, check or save PHB238___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________InflictMinor Wounds Ne VS 1 act Touch Instantaneous Will n. Y Touchattack, 1 point of damage PHB244___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________Light[Light] Ev VD 1 act Touch 10 min/lev (D) - N Object shines like atorch PHB248___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Mending Tr VS 1 act 10 ftInstantaneous Will n. Y Makes minor repairs on an object PHB253______ ___________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________NoLight Tr VS 1 act Close 1 min/lev - N Prevents normal light fromilluminating BVD100

    ___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Preserve Organ Ne VSD 10 minTouch 24 hours For n. Y Protects from decay one detached organBVD101___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Purify Food and Drink Tr VS 1act 10 ft Instantaneous Will n. Y Purifies 1 cubic ft/level of foodor water PHB267___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Read Magic Di VSF 1 act Personal10 min/lev - N Read scrolls and spellbooks PHB269___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ _____________________________________Resistance Ab VSD 1 act Touch 1min Will n. Y Subject gains +1 on saving throws PHB272___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________SlashTongue [Evi l] Tr VS 1 act Close 1 round For n. Y Subject takes -1to attacks, saves, and checks BVD103___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________VirtueTr VSD 1 act Touch 1 min For n. Y Subject gains 1 temporary hitpoint PHB298___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ ________________________________________ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________

  • 7/27/2019 Ema's charsheet Cleric Spells, dnd 3.5



    1st-Level Spells Spells: ___ + ___ = ____ Save DC: ____

    ___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Anarchic Water [Chaotic] Tr VSM1 min Touch Instantaneous Will n. Y Makes chaotic-aligned anarchicwater. SpC11___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Angry Ache Ne VS 1 act Close 1min/lev For n. Y Subject takes -2 penalty on attack rolls BVD85______ ___________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ _____________________________________Axiomatic Water [Lawful] Tr VSM1 min Touch Instantaneous Will n. Y Makes lawful-aligned axiomaticwater. SpC22___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Bane [Fear, Mind-Affecting] EnVSD 1 act 50 ft 1 min/lev Will n. Y Enemies suffer -1 to attacksand saves vs. fear PHB203___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________Bless[Mind-Affecting] En VSD 1 act 50 ft 1 min/lev - Y Allies gain +1 toattack and saves vs. fear PHB205___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________BlessWater [Good] Tr VSM 1 min Touch Instantaneous Will n. Y Makes holywater PHB205___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Blessed Aim Di VS 1 act 50 ft 1min/lev Will n. N +2 bonus for allies' ranged attacks. SpC31___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________BloodWind Ev VS Swift Close 1 round Will n. Y Subject uses naturalweapons at range. SpC33___ ___ _____________________________________ ___ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Cause Fear [Fear,Mind-Affecting] Ne VS 1 act Close Special Will part. Y One creatureup to 5 HD flees for 1d4 rounds PHB208___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________Cloakof Shade Ab VSD 1 act Touch 1 hour/lev (D) - Y Gives protectionfrom heat and sun SaSt112___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________ColdFire [Cold] Tr VSD 1 act Close Special Special Sp. Fire becomesblue and white, emits cold. SpC50___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________Command[Language-Dep., Mind-Aff.] En V 1 act Close 1 round Will n. YSubject obeys selected command for 1 round PHB211___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ _____________________________________Comprehend Languages Di VSD 1act Personal 10 min/lev - N Understand all spoken and writtenlanguages PHB212___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Conjure Ice Beast I [Cold] CoVSD 1 round Close 1 round/lev (D) - N Conjures ice creature tofight for you FB91___ ___ ___________________________________ _____ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Conviction Ab VSM 1 act Touch 10min/lev Will n. Y Subject gains +2 or higher save bonus. SpC52______ ___________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________CureLight Wounds [Healing] Co VS 1 act Touch Instantaneous Will Y Cures1d8 damage +1 per level (max +5) PHB215___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________CurseWater [Evil] Ne VSM 1 min Touch Instantaneous Will n. Y Makesunholy water PHB216___ ___ ___________________________________ _____ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Deathwatch [Evil] Ne VS 1 act 30ft 10 min/lev - N Reveals how near death subjects are in 30-ftPHB217___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Delay Disease Co VSD 1 act Touch24 hours Will n. Y Ravages of disease staved off for a day.SpC63___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Detect Chaos Di VSD 1 act 60 ft10 min/lev (D) - N Reveals creatures, spells or objects PHB218______ ___________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________DetectEvil Di VSD 1 act 60 ft 10 min/lev (D) - N Reveals creatures,spells or objects PHB218___ ___ _____________________________________ ___ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Detect Fire [Cold] Di VSD 1 act60 ft 10 min/lev (D) - N Detects fire within 60 ft FB92___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________DetectGood Di VSD 1 act 60 ft 10 min/lev (D) - N Reveals creatures,spells or objects PHB219___ ___ _____________________________________ ___ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Detect Incarnum Di VSD 1 act 60ft 10 min/lev - N Detects soulmelds and essentia within 60 feet.MoI101___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Detect Law Di VSD 1 act 60 ft 10min/lev (D) - N Reveals creatures, spells or objects PHB219

    ___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Detect Taint Di VS 1 act 60 ftConcentration - N Reveals creatures or objects with taint HoH128______ ___________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________DetectUndead Di VSD 1 act 60 ft 1 min/lev (D) - N Reveals undead within60 ft PHB220___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Dispel Ward Ab VS 1 act MediumInstantaneous - N As Dispel Magic, but affects only wards. SpC67______ ___________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________DivineFavor Ev VSD 1 act Personal 1 min - N Gain +1 to hit and damage per3 lev (max +3) PHB224___ ___ ___________________________________ _____ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Doom [Fear, Mind-Affecting] NeVSD 1 act Medium 1 min/lev Will n. Y Subject suffers -2 to hit,dmg, checks, saves PHB225___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________DrugResistance En VM 1 act Touch 1 hour/lev For n. Y Subject i s immuneto addict ion BVD93___ ___ ___________________________________ _____ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Ease of Breath [Cold] Ne VSD 1act Touch 1 hour/lev - N +20 on Fort save to resist altitudesickness FB93___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Ebon Eyes Tr VSM 1 act Touch 10min/lev - Y Subject can see through magicall darkness. SpC77___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________EndureElements Ab VS 1 act Touch 24 hrs - Y Exist comfortably in hot orcold environm. PHB226___ ___ ___________________________________ _____ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Entropic Shield Ab VS 1 actPersonal 1 min/lev (D) - N Ranged attacks against you miss 20%PHB227___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Extract Drug Co VSF 1 min TouchPermanent - N Creates drug from inanimate object BVD94___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________Eyes ofthe Avoral Tr S 1 act Touch 10 min/lev Will n. Y Subject gets +8 onSpot checks BED99___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Faith Healing Co VS 1 act TouchInstantaneous Will Y Cures 8 +1/lev damage to worshipers of faithSpC87___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Fortify Cold Creatures [Cold] TrVSD 1 act Close 1 round/lev - N Cold creatures gain +1 to attackand fire ST FB94___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Foundation of Stone [Earth] TrVSD 1 act Close 1 round/lev - N +2 AC, +4 to resist bull rush andtrip attacks SpC99___ ___ ___________________________________ _____ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Grave Strike [Good] Di VD SwiftPersonal 1 round - N You can sneak attack undead for 1 round.SpC107___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Guiding Light [Light] Ev VS 1act Long 1 min/lev (D) - Y +2 on ranged attacks vs. creatures inthe light SpC108___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Healthful Rest Co VS 10 minClose 24 hours Will n. Y Subjects heal at twice the normal rate.SpC111___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Heartache [Evil, Mind-Affecting]En VSD 1 act Close 1 round Will n. Y Subject i s help les s for 1round BVD97___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Hide from Undead Ab VSD 1 actTouch 10 min/lev (D) Will n. Y Undead can't perceive onesubject/level PHB241___ ___ ___________________________________ _____ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Ice Gauntlet [Cold] Ev VD 1 actPersonal 1 min/lev (D) - N A spiked gauntlet of ice forms aroundyour fist.SpC119___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Ice Slick [Cold] Co VSD 1 actClose 1 round/lev (D) Special N Creates a 20-ft square of slipperyice FB100___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Incite [Mind-Affecting] En VSSwift Close 1 min/lev Will n. Y Subjects can't ready actions ordelay. SpC121___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Inflict Light Wounds Ne VS 1 actTouch Instantaneous Will Y Touch deals 1d8 damage +1/lev (max +5)PHB244___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Inhibit [Mind-Affecting] En VS 1act Medium Instantaneous Will n. Y Subject delays until next round.SpC123___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Ironguts Ab VSM 1 act Touch 10min/lev Will n. Y +5 bonus on saving throws against poisonSpC126___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Lantern Light (ABSTINENCE)[Good,Light] Ev S 1 act Close 1 round/lev - Y Ranged touch attacksdeal 1d6 damage BED101___ ___ _____________________________________ ___ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Light of Lunia [Good, Light] EvVS 1 act Medium 10 min/lev (D) - Y You radiate light, can use 2bolts for 1d6 dmg SpC132___ ___ _____________________________________ ___ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Locate Water Di VSD 1 act LongConcentration - N Reveals location, size, quality of water sourcesSaSt117___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Magic Stone Tr VSD 1 act Touch30 min Will n. Y 3 stones gain +1 to hit and do 1d6+1 damagePHB251___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Magic Weapon Tr VSD 1 act Touch1 min/lev Will n. Y Weapon gains +1 bonus PHB251___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________MoonLust [Mind-Affecting] Il VSF 1 act Medium 1 round/lev Will part. YSubjec t obsesses about moon SpC143___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ _____________________________________Nightshield Ab VS 1 act Personal1 min/lev - N Gain bonus on saves, absorb magic missiles SpC148______ ___________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________Nimbusof Light [Light] Ev VSD 1 act Personal 1 min/lev (D) - N Lightilluminates you until released as an attack.SpC148___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ _____________________________________Obscuring Mist Co VS 1 act 20 ft1 min/lev - N Fog surrounds you PHB258

    ___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Omen of Peril Di VF 1 roundPersonal Instantaneous - N You know how dangerous the future willbe. SpC149___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Portal Beacon Tr VS 1 act Close1 hour/lev - N Grant knowledge of a magic portal's locationSpC161___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Protection from Chaos [Lawful]Ab VSD 1 act Touch 1 min/lev (D) Will n. N +2 AC and saves; countermind control PHB266___ ___ ___________________________________ _____ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Protection from Evil [Good] AbVSD 1 act Touch 1 min/lev (D) Will n. N +2 AC and saves; countermind control PHB266___ ___ ___________________________________ _____ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Protection from Good [Evil] AbVSD 1 act Touch 1 min/lev (D) Will n. N +2 AC and saves; countermind control PHB266___ ___ ___________________________________ _____ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Protection from Incarnum Ab VS 1act Touch 1 min/lev (D) Will n. Sp. Ward target from soulmelds andincarnum MoI104___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Protection from Law [Chaotic] AbVSD 1 act Touch 1 min/lev (D) Will n. N +2 AC and saves; countermind control PHB266___ ___ ___________________________________ _____ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Protection from Winged Flyers AbVSD 1 act Touch 1 min/lev (D) Will n. N +2 AC and saves; countermind control ShS48___ ___ ___________________________________ _____ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Ray of Hope [Good,Mind-Affecting] En VS 1 act Close 1 round/lev Will n. Y Subjectgains +2 on attacks, saves, and checks BED105___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________Ray ofResurgence Ev VS 1 act Close Instantaneous For n. Y Yellow lightrestores Str, removes fatigue LEoF33___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________RemoveFear Ab VS 1 act Close 10 min Will n. Y +4 on saves vs. fear for 1subject +1/4 lev PHB271___ ___ _____________________________________ ___ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Resist Planar Alignment Ab VSD 1act Touch 10 min/lev For n. Y Subject resists penalties for beingon a Plane SpC174___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Resurgence Ab VSD 1 act TouchInstantaneous Will n. Y Grants target a second chance at a saveSpC174___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Sacrificial Skill [Evil] En VSM1 act Personal 1 min/lev - N Gain +5 on Knowledge (religion) forsacrifice BVD103___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Sanctuary Ab VSD 1 act Touch 1round/lev Will n. N Opponents can't attack you, you can't attackPHB274___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Scholar's Touch Di VSMF 1 actPersonal 1 round/lev - N Read books in seconds RoD167___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________SeaLegs Tr VS 1 act Touch 1 hour/lev (D) Will n. Y Target creature canmaneuver easily on a ship ShS49___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________Shieldof Faith Ab VSM 1 act Touch 1 min/lev Will n. Y Aura grants +2 orhigher deflection bonus PHB278___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ _____________________________________Shivering Touch, Lesser [Cold]Ne VS 1 act Touch 1 round/lev - Y Touch deals 1d6 Dexterity damageFB104___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Sign [Mind-Affecting] En VSM 1act Personal 10 min/lev - N You gain +4 bonus on next initiativecheck. SpC189___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Slow Consumption (LOCATION)[Evil] Ne VS 10 min Touch Permanent For n. Y Caster absorbs healthfrom helpless subject BVD103___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ _____________________________________Snowshoes Tr VS 1 act Touch 1hour/lev (D) Will n. Y Subject walks easily on ice and snow.SpC194___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Sorrow [Evil,Mind-Affecting] EnVSM 1 act Close 1 round/lev Will n. Y Subject takes -3 on attacks,saves, and checks BVD104

    Continues on Next Page

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    Continued from Previous Page

    ___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Spell Flower Tr VS 1 actPersonal 1 round/lev - N Hold charge on one touch spell perforelimb SpC198___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Spider Hand Tr VS 1 act PersonalUp to 1 min/l. - N Caster's hand becomes a Small spider BVD104______ ___________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________Stupor[Mind-Affecting] En SM 1 min Touch 1 hour/lev For n. Y One helplesssubject is put in a state of stupor BVD106___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________SummonMonster I Co VSD 1 round Close 1 round/lev (D) - N Calls a1st-level extraplanar creature PHB285___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________SummonUndead I [Evil] Co VSD 1 round Close 1 round/lev - N Summons undeadto fight for you. SpC215___ ___ _____________________________________ ___ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Suspend Disease Ab VSM 1 actTouch 24 hours For n. Y Keeps disease from harming creatureBVD106___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Tongue of Baalzebul (DRUG) [Evil] Tr VSM 1 round Personal 1 hour/lev - N Gain +2 on Bluff,Diplomacy, Gather Inform. BVD107___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________Updraft[Air] Co VSM Swift Personal Instantaneous - N Column of wind l ifts you aloft. SpC228___ ___ ___________________________________ _____ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Vigor, Lesser Co VS 1 act Touch10 + 1rd/lev Will n. Y Creature heals 1 hp/round (max 15 rounds).SpC229___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Vision of Glory Di VSD 1 actTouch 1 min - Y Subject gains your Cha modifier to one saveSpC231___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Vision of Heaven[Mind-Affecting] En V 1 act Close 1 round Will n. Y Evil creatureis dazed for 1 round BED111___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________Wingsof the Sea Tr SM 1 act Touch 1 min/lev For n. Y +30 ft. to subject's swim speed. SpC240___ ___ ___________________________________ _____ ______ _______ ____________ ________ ________________________________________ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________

    tDom. ___________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________tDom.___________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________

  • 7/27/2019 Ema's charsheet Cleric Spells, dnd 3.5



    2nd-Level Spells Spells: ___ + ___ = ____ Save DC: ____

    ___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Addiction (DRUG) En VS 1 actTouch Instantaneous For n. Y Subject becomes addicted to a drugBVD84___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Adept Spirit (INCARNUM,ESSENTIA) Di VSD 1 act Touch 1 hour/lev Will n. Y Spirit canactivate bonus on checks MoI98___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________Aid[Mind-Affecting] En VSD 1 act Touch 1 min/lev - Y +1 to hit andsave vs. fear, +1d8 temp. hp +1/lev PHB196___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________AlignWeapon Tr VSD 1 act Touch 1 min/lev Will n. Y Weapon becomes good,evil, lawful or chaotic PHB197___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________AuguryDi VSMF 1 min Personal Instantaneous - N Learn whether an actionwill be good or bad PHB202___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________AuraAgainst Flame Ab VS 1 act Personal 1 round/lev - N Ignore 10 firedamage/round, extinguish flame SpC18___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________AvoidPlanar Effects Ab V Immed. 20 ft 1 min/lev - Y Temporary protectionagainst planar traits SpC19___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________BalorNimbus Tr VSD 1 act Personal 1 round/lev - N Your flaming bodydamages foes in grapple. SpC24___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________Bear'sEndurance Tr VSD 1 act Touch 1 min/lev Will n. Y Subject gains +4Con for 1 min/lev PHB203___ ___ _____________________________________ ___ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Blood Snow [Cold] Ne VS 1 actMedium 1 round/lev For n. Y Snow drains 1d2 Con/round and nauseatesFB89___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Body Blades Tr VS 1 act Personal1 min/lev - N You gain spikes, harm grapplers . SpC35___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ _____________________________________Boneblast (UNDEAD) [Evil] Ne VSM1 act Touch Instantaneous Special Y Deals 1d3 Con damage to subjectBVD86___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Brambles Tr VSM 1 act Touch 1round/lev - N Wooden weapon deals +1 dmg/lev (max +10) SpC38___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________BrumalStiffening [Cold] Tr VS 1 act Close 1 round/lev Ref n. Y Brittleweapon's hardness reduced by 5 FB89___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________Bull'sStrength Tr VSD 1 act Touch 1 min/lev Will n. Y Subject gains +4Str for 1 min/lev PHB207___ ___ _____________________________________ ___ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Calm Emotions [Mind-Affecting]En VSD 1 act Medium 1 round/lev (D) Will n. Y Calms creatures,negating emotion effects PHB207___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________CloseWounds Co V Immed. Close Instantaneous Will n. Y Cure 1d4 +1/levdmg, even on another's turn SpC48___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________ConjureIce Beast II [Cold] Co VSD 1 round Close 1 round/lev (D) - NConjures ice creature to fight for you FB91___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________ConjureIce Object [Cold] Co VSD 1 act Personal 1 min/lev - N COnjures anobject made of i ce FB91___ ___ _____________________________________ ___ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Consecrate [Good] Ev VSMD 1 actClose 2 hours/lev - N Fills area with positive energy, weakensundead PHB212___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Cure Moderate Wounds [Healing]Co VS 1 act Touch Instantaneous Will Y Cures 2d8damage +1/lev (max+10) PHB216___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Curse of Ill Fortune Tr VSD 1act Medium 1 min/lev Will n. Y Target suffers -3 on attacks,checks, and saves SpC56___ ___ _____________________________________ ___ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Dance of Ruin [Evil] Ne VS 1round Close Instantaneous Ref Y Nondemons take 2d20 damage BVD90______ ___________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________DarkWay Il VSD 1 act Close 1 round/lev - Y Temporary bridge supports200 lbs/lev SpC58___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Darkbolt [Darkness, Evil] Ev VS1 act Close Instantaneous For part. Y Deals 1d8 damage/2 lev, stunsfor 1 round LoM210

    ___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Darkness [Darkness] Ev VMD 1 actTouch 10 min/lev (D) - N 20-ft radius of supernatural shadowPHB216___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Death Knell [Death, Evil] Ne VS1 act Touch 10 min/HD Will n. Y Kills 1 creature, gain 1d8 hp, +2Str and 1 level PHB217___ ___ _____________________________________ ___ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Deific Vengeance Co VSD 1 actClose Instantaneous Will Y Deals 1d6 damage/2 levels (max 5d6)SpC62___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Delay Poison [Healing] Co VSD 1act Touch 1 hour/lev For n. Y Stops poison from harming subject for1 hr/lev PHB217___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Desecrate [Evil] Ev VSMD 1 actClose 2 hours/lev - Y Fills area with neg. energy, strength. undeadPHB218___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Desiccate Ne VSM 1 act CloseInstantaneous For part. Y Deals 1d6/2 lev damage and dehydratesSaSt114___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Detect Aberration Di VS 1 act 60ft 1 min/lev (D) - N Detect the presence of aberrations LoM210______ ___________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________DispelFog Ab VS 1 act Medium 1 min/lev For Y Cancels natural and magicalfogs in the area ShS46___ ___ _____________________________________ ___ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Divine Insight Di VSD 1 actPersonal 1 hour/lev (D) - N Insight bonus of 5+lev on one skillcheck SpC70___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Divine Interdiction Ab V 1 actClose 1 round/lev Will n. Sp. Turn/rebuke attempts fail within thearea. SpC70___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Divine Protection[Mind-Affecting] En VSD 1 act Medium 1 min/lev Will n. Y Alliesgain +1 to AC, saves. SpC70___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________Eagle'sSplendor Tr VSD 1 act Touch 1 min/lev Will n. Y Subject gains +4Cha for 1 min/lev PHB225___ ___ _____________________________________ ___ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Ease Pain [Healing] Co SD 1 actTouch Instantaneous Will n. Y Remove l ingering effects of painBED97___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Elation [Mind-Affecting] En VS 1act 80 ft 1 round/lev Will n. Y Allies gain +2 to Str and Dex, and+5 ft speed BED98___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Energized Shield, Lesser[Special] Ab VSD 1 act Touch 1 round/lev - N Shield provides res.5, bash deals +1d6 dmg SpC79___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ _____________________________________Enthrall [Lang-Dep., Mind-Aff.,Sonic] En VS 1 round Medium Up to 1 hour Will n. Y Captivates allwithin range PHB227___ ___ ___________________________________ _____ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Estanna's Stew [Healing] Co VSF1 round 0 ft Instantaneous Will Y Conjures stew that heals 1d6+1 (1serv./2 lev) BED99___ ___ ___________________________________ _____ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Extend Tentacles Tr V 1 actPersonal 1 round/lev - N +5 ft. to reach of tentacle attack.SpC86___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Eyes of the Zombie [Evi l] DiVSF 30 min Personal 1 hour/lev (D) - Y Caster sees through azombie's eyes BVD94___ ___ ___________________________________ _____ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Find Traps Di VS 1 act Personal1 min/lev - N Notice traps as a rogue does PHB230___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________Freedomof Breath Ab VSM 1 act Touch 10 min/lev Will n. Y Protects againstsuffocation and vapors SaSt116___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________FrostBreath [Cold] Ev VSM 1 act 30 ft Instantaneous Ref Y Icy breathdeals 1d4 damage/2 levels. SpC100___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________FrostWeapon Tr VSM 1 act Touch 1 round/lev Will n. N Weapons deals +1d6cold damage FB95___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Frostburn, Lesser [Cold] Ne VSD1 act Touch Instantaneous For Y Touch deals 1d12 cold damage +1/lev(max +5) FB95___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Fuse Arms Tr VS 1 act Touch 10min/lev For n. Y Multiple arms/tentacles stronger limbs SpC100______ ___________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________GentleRepose Ne VSD 1 act Touch 1 day/lev Will n. Y Preserves one corpsePHB235___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Ghost Touch Armor Tr VSM 1 actTouch 1 min/lev Will n. Y Armor works against incorporeal attacksSpC102___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Hand of Divinity [Evil/Good] EvVSD 1 min Touch 1 min/lev - N Give +2 bonus to worshiper of yourpatron SpC109___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Healing Lorecall Di VSM 1 actPersonal 10 min/lev - N Can remove harmful conditions with spellsSpC110___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Hold Person [Mind-Affecting] EnVSD 1 act Medium 1 round/lev (D) Will n. Y Paralyzes one humanoidfor 1 round/level PHB241___ ___ _____________________________________ ___ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Hydrate [Healing] Co VS 1 actTouch Instantaneous Will Y Heals dessication damage SaSt117___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ _____________________________________Infernal Wound [Evi l] Tr VS 1act Touch 1 round/lev - N Weapon deals persistent, bleeding wounds.SpC122___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Inflict Moderate Wounds Ne VS 1act Touch Instantaneous Will Y Touch deals 2d8 damage +1/lev (max+10) PHB244___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Inky Cloud Co VSM 1 act 30 ft 10min/lev - N Obscures sight underwater beyond 5 ft. SpC123___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________Insignaof Alarm Ab VSF 1 act Long Instantaneous - Y Alert bearers o fspecia l insigna RoD166

    ___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Iron Silence Tr VSD 1 act Touch1 hour/lev (D) Will n. Y Armor touched has no penalties SpC125______ ___________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ _____________________________________Lastai's Caress [Good,Mind-Affecting] En VSM 1 act Touch 1 round/lev - Y Feelings of goodaffect evil targets BED102___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________LavaMissile [Fire] Co VSD 1 act Medium Instantaneous Ref N Missile oflava deals 1d4 fire damage SK156___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________Lightof Mercuria [Good, Light] Ev VS 1 act Medium 10 min/lev (D) - Y Youradiate l ight, can use 2 bolts SpC132___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________LivingUndeath Ne VSD 1 act Touch 1 min/lev For n. Y Subject immune tocritical hits/sneak attacks SpC134___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________LocalTremor [Earth] Ev VS 1 act 30 ft 1 min/lev Ref n. N Light tremorshakes in a 30-ft line RoDr114___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________MakeWhole Tr VS 1 act Close Instantaneous Will n. Y Repairs an objectPHB252___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Mark of the Outcast Ne VSD 1 actClose Permanent Will n. Y Subject has -5 on Bluff/Diplomacy, -2 toAC SpC138___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Obscuring Snow [Air, Cold] Co VS1 act 30 ft 1 hour/lev - N Obscures sight in 30-ft radius aroundthe casterFB103___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Owl's Wisdom Tr VSD 1 act Touch1 min/lev Will n. Y Subject gains +4 Wis for 1 min/lev PHB259______ ___________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ _____________________________________Peaceful Serenity of Io Ab VS 1act Close 10 min Will n. Y +4 on Concentration and vs. fear andcompuls. RoDr115___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Portal Well Tr VSM 1 act Touch 1round/lev (D) - N You wait between portal's entrance and exitCoV56___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Protection From Negative EnergyAb VS 1 act Touch 10 min/lev Will n. Y Ignore 10 points of negativeenergy/attack SpC163___ ___ ___________________________________ _____ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Protection From Positive EnergyAb VS 1 act Touch 10 min/lev Will n. Y Ignore 10 points of positiveenergy/attack SpC163___ ___ ___________________________________ _____ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Quick March Tr VSD Swift Medium1 round Will n. Y Allies' speed increases by 30 ft. for 1 round.SpC164___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Razorscales Tr VD 1 act Personal1 round/lev (D) - N Your scales beome razor-sharp SK157___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________RemoveAddiction [Healing] Co VS 1 act Touch Instantaneous For n. Y Curestarget o f drug add ictions BED105___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________RemoveParalysis [Healing] Co VS 1 act Close Instantaneous Will n. Y Frees1 or more creatures from paralysis/slow PHB271___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________ResistEnergy Ab VSD 1 act Touch 10 min/lev For n. Y Ignores 10+damage/attack from energy type PHB272___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ _____________________________________Resounding Voice [Sonic] Tr S 1act Touch 1 min/lev (D) Will n. Y Your voice c arries 100 ft/levHoB127___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Restoration, Lesser Co VS 3 rdsTouch Instantaneous Will n. Y Repairs 1d4 ability damage PHB272______ ___________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________RigorMortis Ne SM 1 act Touch 1d6+2 rounds For n. Y Suspends all vitalfunctions;target appears dead HoH132___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________RockCatch Tr VS 1 act Touch 1 round/lev (D) Will n. Y Catch hurledrocks ShS48

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    ___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Sap Strength [Evil] En VSM 1 actTouch Instantaneous For n. Y Subject becomes exhausted BVD103______ ___________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________Shatter[Sonic] Ev VSD 1 act Close Instantaneous Special Y Vibrationsdamage objects/crystalline creat. PHB278___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________ShieldOther Ab VSF 1 act Close 1 hour/lev (D) Will n. Y You take half ofsubject's damage PHB278___ ___ _____________________________________ ___ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Shroud of Undeath Ne VSM 1 actPersonal 10 min/lev (D) - N Makes undead perceive you as undeadSpC189___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Silence Il VS 1 act Long 1min/lev (D) Special Sp. Negates sound in 20-ft r ad ius PHB279______ ___________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ _____________________________________Soulmeld Blessing (INCARNUM) EvVD Swift 20 ft Instantaneous - Y Allies can reallocate essentia forfree. MoI105___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Sound Burst [Sonic] Ev VSD 1 actClose Instantaneous For part. Y Deals 1d8 sonic damage to subjects,may stun PHB281___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Spawn Screen Ne VSD 1 act Touch1 hour/lev Will n. Y You resist trasformation into undead spawnSpC197___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Spell Immunity, Lesser Ab VS 1act Touch 10 min/lev Will n. Y As Spell Immunity, but only 1st- and2nd-lev SpC199___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Spider Legs Tr VSF 1 actPersonal 1 min/lev - N Caster grows spider legs, speed 30 ftBVD105___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Spiritual Weapon [Force] Ev VSD1 act Medium 1 round/lev (D) - Y Magic weapon attacks on its ownPHB283___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Spores of the Vrock [Evil] CoVSD 1 round 0 ft Instantaneous For n. Y All within 5 ft take 1d8dmg +1d2/rd fr 10 rds. BVD105___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ _____________________________________Stabilize Co VSD Swift 50 ftInstantaneous Will n. Y Cures 1 point of damage to all creatures inarea.SpC204___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Status Di VS 1 act Touch 1hour/lev Will n. Y Monitors condition and position of alliesPHB284___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Stone Bones Tr VS 1 act Touch 10min/lev Will n. Y Corporeal undead gains +3 natural armor SpC208______ ___________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________StoneFist Tr VSD 1 act Personal 1 round/lev (D) - N Your fists inflictdeadly wounds RoS163___ ___ ___________________________________ _____ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Summon Elysian Thrush [Good] CoVSD 10 min Close 8 hours - N Summon an Elysian trush, accelerateshealing SpC214___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Summon Monster II Co VSD 1 roundClose 1 round/lev (D) - N Calls extraplanar creature (1 2nd or 1d31st) PHB286___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Summon Undead II [Evil] Co VSD 1round Close 1 round/lev - N Summons undead to fight for you.SpC215___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Sun Bolt [Light] Ev VS 1 actMedium 1 round Ref part. Y Ray deals 2d6 damage, more vs. undeadShS51___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Suppress Magic (ESSENTIA) Ab VS1 act Medium 1 round/lev (D) Special N Suppress magic item orsoulmeld MoI105___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Thin Air [Cold] Ne VS 1 actMedium 1 min/lev For n. N Creatures suffer from altitude sicknessFB105___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Tyches Touch Ab SD 1 act TouchSpecial Will n. Y Confers bonuses on next 4 saving throws LEoF35______ ___________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ _____________________________________Undetectable Alignment Ab VS 1act Close 24 hrs Will n. Y Conceal s a lignment for 24 hrsPHB297___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Veil of Shadow [Darkness] Ev VS1 act Personal 1 min/lev - N Darkness grants you concealment.SpC228

    ___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Wave of Grief [Evil,Mind-Affecting] En VSM 1 act 30 ft 1 round/lev Will n. Y Coneimposes -3 on attacks, checks, saves SpC236___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________WitherLimb [Evil] Ne VS 1 act Close 1 round/lev For n. Y Reducessubject's speed or hampers it BVD110___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________Zone ofTruth [Mind-Affecting] En VSD 1 act Close 1 min/lev Will n. YSubjects within range cannot l ie PHB303___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________

    tDom. ___________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________tDom.___________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________

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    3rd-Level Spells Spells: ___ + ___ = ____ Save DC: ____

    ___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Affliction [Good] Ne VS 1 actTouch Instantaneous For n. Y Infects evil subject with chosenaffliction BED89___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Aid, Mass [Mind-Affecting] EnVSD 1 act Close 1 min/lev - Y Allies gain +1 to hit, +1 vs fear,1d8 hp +1/lev SpC8___ ___ ___________________________________ _____ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Air Breathing Tr SM 1 act Touch2 hours/level Will n. Y Subjects can breathe ai r f reely . SpC8______ ___________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________AlignWeapon, Mass [Special] Tr VSD 1 act Close 1 min/lev Will n. Y Allies ' weapons become a ligned SpC9___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ _____________________________________Anarchic Storm [Chaotic, Water]Co VSMD 1 act 20 ft 1 round/lev (D) - N Chaotic-aligned rain fallsin 20-ft. radius. SpC11___ ___ _____________________________________ ___ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Animate Dead [Evil] Ne VSM 1 actTouch Instantaneous - N Creates undead skeletons and zombiesPHB198___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Antidragon Aura Ab VSMD 1 actClose 1 min/lev Will n. Y Allies gain bonus to AC and saves vs.dragons SpC14___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Attune Form Tr VSD 1 act Touch24 hours - N Temporary protection against damaging traits SpC17______ ___________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________Aura ofCold, Lesser [Cold] Tr VSD 1 act 5 ft 1 round/lev (D) - Y Colddeals 1d6 damage to creatures in 5 ft FB88___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________AwakenSin [Fear, Good, Mind-Affecting] En VSD 1 act Touch InstantaneousWill n. Y Subject faces its sins, takes 1d6 nonlethal/lev SpC21______ ___________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ _____________________________________Axiomatic Storm [Lawful, Water]Co VSMD 1 act 20 ft 1 round/lev (D) - N Lawful-aligned rain fallsin 20-ft. radius. SpC22___ ___ _____________________________________ ___ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Battlemagic Perception Di VS 1act Personal 10 min/lev (D) - N Sense and counter spellcastingwithin 100 ft HoB125___ ___ ___________________________________ _____ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Bestow Curse Ne VS 1 act TouchPermanent Will n. Y -6 to ability; -4 to rolls; or 50% lose act.PHB203___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Binding Snow (FROSTFELL) [Cold]Tr VSD 1 act Medium 1 hour/lev (D) Ref n. Y Snow freezes , impedingmovement FB89___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Black Sand [Darkness, Evil] NeVS 1 act Medium 1 round/lev Ref n. Y Creates a 20-ft radius area ofblack sand SaSt111___ ___ ___________________________________ _____ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Blade of Pain and Fear Ev VSD 1act 0 ft 1 round/lev (D) Will part. Y Creates blade of gnashingteeth. SpC30___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Bladebane Tr VSM 1 act Touch 1round/lev Will n. Y Weapon becomes bane for enemy UE48___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________BlessedSight Di VS 1 act Personal 1 min/lev (D) - N Evil auras become visible to you BED92___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Blindness/Deafness Ne V 1 actMedium Permanent (D) For n. Y Makes subject blinded or deafenedPHB206___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Blindsight Tr VS 1 act Touch 1min/lev Will n. Y Grants b linds ight out to 30 ft SpC32___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ _____________________________________Boneblade (UNDEAD) [Evil] Ne VSF1 act Touch 10 min/lev - N Turns a bone into a magic weaponBVD86___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Chain of Eyes Di VS 1 act Touch1 hour/lev - Y See through other creatutes ' eyes. SpC45___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ _____________________________________Checkmate's Light [Lawful] EvVSD 1 act Touch 1 round/lev - N Weapon becomes +1 axiomatic weaponSpC46___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Circle Dance Di VS 1 minPersonal Instantaneous - N Indicates direction to known individual.SpC46___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Circle of Nausea [Evil] Ev VSF 1act Personal 1 min/lev For n. Y Foes are denied any actions or takepenalty BVD88

    ___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Cloak of Bravery[Mind-Affecting] Ab VS 1 act 60 ft 10 min/lev Will n. Y You andallies gain a bonus on saves vs. fear SpC47___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________Clutchof Orcus [Evil] Ne VS 1 act Medium Up to 1 rnd/lev For n. Y Deals1d12 damage/round and paralyzes foe. SpC49___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________ConjureIce Beast III [Cold] Co VSD 1 round Close 1 round/lev (D) - NConjures ice creature to fight for you FB91___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ _____________________________________Contagion [Evil] Ne VS 1 actTouch Instantaneous For n. Y Infects subject with chosen diseasePHB213___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Continual Flame [Light] Ev VSM 1act Touch Permanent - N Makes a permanent heatless torch PHB213______ ___________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________ControlSand Tr VSD 1 act Long 10 min/lev (D) - N Rai se or lower the level o f s and SaSt112___ ___ ___________________________________ _____ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Control Snow and Ice Tr VSD 1act Long 10 min/lev (D) - N Raise or lower ice or snow FB92___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ _____________________________________Conviction, Mass Ab VSM 1 actMedium 10 min/lev Will n. Y Allies gain +2 or higher save bonus.SpC52___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Corona of Cold [Cold] Ev VSD 1act 10 ft 1 round/lev (D) For n. Y Aura of cold protects you,damages others. SpC52___ ___ ___________________________________ _____ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Create Food and Water Co VS 10min Close 24 hrs - N Feeds 3 humans or 1 horse/level PHB215___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________CureSerious Wounds [Healing] Co VS 1 act Touch Instantaneous Will YCures 3d8 damage +1/lev (max +15) PHB216___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ _____________________________________Darkfire Ev VS 1 act 0 ft 1round/lev (D) - Y Deal 1d6 damage/2 levels, touch or thrownSpC59___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Daylight [Light] Ev VS 1 actTouch 10 min/lev (D) - N 60-ft radius of bright light PHB216___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________DeeperDarkness [Darkness] Ev VD 1 act Touch 1 day/lev (D) - N Objectsheds shadow in 60-ft radius PHB217___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________DefileSnow and Ice [Cold, Evil] Ev VS 1 act Medium 1 min/lev - Y Grantsbonuses to undead and cold creatures FB92___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________DelayDeath Ne VSD 1 act Touch 1 round/lev Will n. Y Losing hit pointsdoesn't kill subject RoD165___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________DemonDirge Tr VSD 1 act Close 1d6 rounds Special Y Demons are stunnedand take 2d6 dmg/round SpC63___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________DetectMetal and Minerals Di VSM 1 act 60 ft Up to 10 min/l - N Detectsaccumulations of metals and minerals RoF189___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________DevilBlight Tr VSD 1 act Close 1d6 rounds Special Y Damage and stunbaatezu SpC64___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Devil's Eye [Evi l] Di VS 1 actPersonal 1 min/lev - N Caster can see 30 ft in even magicaldarkness BVD92___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Dispel Magic Ab VS 1 act MediumInstantaneous - N Cancels spells and magical effects PHB223___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ _____________________________________Downdraft [Air] Ev VSM 1 actLong Instantaneous Ref part. Y Fly ing creatures knocked down.SpC72___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Energize Potion Tr VSM 1 actClose Instantaneous Ref Y Transforms a potion into an energygrenade BED98___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Energized Shield [Special] AbVSD 1 act Touch 1 round/lev - N Shield provides res. 10, bash deals+2d6 dmg SpC79___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Energy Vortex [Special] Ev VS 1act 20 ft Instantaneous Ref Y Burst of energy damages nearbycreatures SpC81___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Entropic Shield, Mass Ab VS 1act Close 1 min/lev (D) Will n. N Ranged attacks against recipientsmiss 20% ShS46___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Faith Healing Wand Tr VSD 1 actTouch 1 min/lev - N Changes a wand into a faith healing wandCoV55___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Favorable Sacrifice Ab VSM 1 actTouch 1 hour/lev Will n. Y Sacrifice gems to get better protectionSpC89___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Fell the Greatest Foe Tr VSM 1act Touch 1 round/lev For n. Y Deal extra damage to creatureslarger than you.SpC90___ ___ ___________________________________ _____ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Flame of Faith Ev VSM 1 actTouch 1 round/lev - N Gives weapon the flaming burst specialability. SpC95___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Flesh Ripper (UNDEAD, FIEND)[Evi l] Ev VS 1 act Close Instantaneous - Y Black claw deals 1d8dmg/lev, critical bleeds BVD96___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________GhostTouch Weapon Tr VS 1 act Close 1 min/lev Will n. Y Weapon worksagainst incorporeal creatures SpC102___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ _____________________________________Girallon's Blessing Tr VSM 1 actTouch 10 min/lev For n. Y Subject gains one additional pair ofarms. SpC106___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Glyph of Warding Ab VSM 10 minTouch Until disch. Special Sp. Inscription harms those who pass itPHB236___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Grace [Good] Tr V Swift Personal1 round/lev - N +2 Dex, +10 ft spd, attacks as good; -20 HideSpC107

    ___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Guardian Spirit (INCARNUM,ESSENTIA) Di VSD 1 act Touch 1 hour/lev Will n. Y Subjec t canactivate bonuses MoI101___ ___ _____________________________________ ___ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Haboob [Air, Earth] Co VSM 1 actMedium 1 min/lev Special N Cloud of dust obscures sight, abradesSaSt117___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Hamatula Barbs Tr VSM 1 actTouch 10 min/lev For n. Y Subjects grow barbs, which damage foesSpC109___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Handfang Tr VS 1 act Personal 1round/lev - N Create a fanged, biting mouth on your hand SK156______ ___________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________Heart'sEase [Mind-Affecting] En VSD 1 act Close Permanent Will n. YRemoved mind-affecting effects BED100___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________HelpingHand Ev VSD 1 act 5 miles 1 hour/lev - N Ghostly hand leads subjectto you PHB239___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Holy Storm [Good, Water] Co VSMD1 act 20 ft 1 round/lev (D) - N Good-aligned rain falls in 20 ft.radius. SpC115___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Ice Axe [Cold] Ev VSM 1 act 0 ft1 round/lev (D) - Y You create a battletaxe made of ice. SpC118______ ___________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________IceShape [Cold] Tr VSD 1 act Touch Instantaneous - N Sculpts ice intoany shape FB99___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Inflict Serious Wounds Ne VS 1act Touch Instantaneous Will Y Touch deals 3d8 damage +1/lev (max+15) PHB244___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Insignia of Blessing[Mind-Affecting] En VSF 1 act Long 1 min/lev - Y Bearers ofinsignia gain +1 to attack and vs. fear RoD166___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ _____________________________________Insignia of Healing [Healing] CoVSF 1 act Long Instantaneous Will Y Bearers of insignia healed for1d8 hp +1/lev RoD166___ ___ ___________________________________ _____ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Insignia of Warding Ab VSF 1 actLong 1 min/lev Will n. Y Bearers of insignia gain +1 to AC andFort. RoD166___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Inspired Aim [Language-Dep.,Mind-Affect.] En V 1 act 40 ft Concentration Will n. Y Allies inrange gaion +2 on ranged attacks BED101___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ _____________________________________Interplanar Message[Language-Dependant] Ev VS 1 act Special 24 hours/lev Will n. YSend short message through planes SpC124___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ _____________________________________Invisibility Purge Ev VS 1 actPersonal 1 min/lev (D) - N Dispels invisibility within 5 ft/levelPHB245___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Invoke the Cerulean Sign Ev S 1act 30 ft Instantaneous For n. N Aberrations become sickened,nauseated, etc. LoM211___ ___ _____________________________________ ___ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Knight's Move Tr VSD Swift 5ft/2 lev Instantaneous - N You instantly move to flank a subject.SpC129___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Know Bloodline Di VSD 1 actClose Instantaneous Will n. Y Reveals targets type, subtype, race,subrace LEoF32___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Know Opponent Di SD 1 act CloseInstantaneous Will n. Y Learn strengths and weaknesses of foe.SpC129___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Know Vulnerabilities Di VS 1 actClose Instantaneous Will n. Y Determine target'svulnerabilities/resistances SpC129___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ _____________________________________Laogzeds Breath Co VSM 1 actClose Instantaneous For n. N Nauseating vapors, 10 rounds SK156______ ___________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________Lightof Venya [Good, Light] Ev VS 1 act Medium 10 min/lev (D) - Y Youradiate l ight, can use 2 bolts SpC132

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    ___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Locate Node Di VSFD 1 act 1mi/lev 1 min/lev - N Finds closest node in 1 mile/level radiusCoR31___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Locate Object Di VSD 1 act Long1 min/lev - N Senses direction towards object PHB249___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________MagicCircle against Chaos [Lawful] Ab VSD 1 act Touch 10 min/lev Will n.N +2 AC and saves in 10-ft, no mind control PHB249___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________MagicCircle against Evil [Good] Ab VSD 1 act Touch 10 min/lev Will n. N+2 AC and saves in 10-ft, no mind control PHB249___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________MagicCircle against Good [Evil] Ab VSD 1 act Touch 10 min/lev Will n. N+2 AC and saves in 10-ft, no mind control PHB250___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________MagicCircle against Law [Chaotic] Ab VSD 1 act Touch 10 min/lev Will n.N +2 AC and saves in 10-ft, no mind control PHB250___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________MagicVestment Tr VSD 1 act Touch 1 hour/lev Will n. Y Armor or shieldgains +1/4 levels PHB251___ ___ _____________________________________ ___ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Mantle of Chaos [Chaotic] Ab VS1 act Personal 10 min/lev (D) - Y You gain SR 12+lev against lawfulspells SpC137___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Mantle of Evil [Evil] Ab VS 1act Personal 10 min/lev (D) - Y You gain SR 12+lev against goodspells SpC137___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Mantle of Good [Good] Ab VS 1act Personal 10 min/lev (D) - Y You gain SR 12+lev against evilspells SpC137___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Mantle of Law [Lawful] Ab VS 1act Personal 10 min/lev (D) - Y You gain SR 12+lev against chaoticspells SpC138___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Masochism [Evil] En VSM 1 actPersonal 1 round/lev - N Gain +1 to hit, ST, checks for every 10 hptaken BVD99___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Meld into Ice Tr VSD 1 actPersonal 10 min/lev - N You and your gear merge with ice FB102______ ___________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________Meldinto Stone [Earth] Tr VSD 1 act Personal 10 min/lev - N You andyour gear merge with stone PHB252___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ _____________________________________Nauseating Breath Co VSM 1 act30 ft Instantaneous For n. N Exhale a cone of nauseating gas .SpC146___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Obscure Object Ab VSD 1 actTouch 8 hours (D) Will n. Y Masks object against scrying PHB258______ ___________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________PhantomPlow Ev VSM 1 act Special Permanent Special N Turns aside raw earthin a furrow LoD187___ ___ ___________________________________ _____ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Plague Carrier Ne VS 1 act TouchSpecial For n. Y Infects subject with chosen disease RoF190___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________Prayer[Mind-Affecting] En VSD 1 act 40 ft 1 round/lev - Y Allies gain +1on most rolls, enemies -1 PHB264___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ _____________________________________Protection from Dessiccation AbVSD 1 act Touch 10 min/lev For n. Y Absorbs 10 points/lev dmg fromdessiccation SaSt119___ ___ ___________________________________ _____ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Protection from Energy Ab VSD 1act Touch 10 min/lev For n. Y Absorbs 12 points/lev damage fromenergy PHB266___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Redirect Spell Ab VSD 1 actMedium 1 round/lev (D) Will n. Y Spells targeting ally target youinstead ShS48___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Refreshment [Good, Healing] CoVS 1 act 20 ft Instantaneous Will n. Y Cures all nonlethal damageto one creature BED105___ ___ _____________________________________ ___ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Rejuvenative Corpse [Evil] NeVSD 1 min Touch 24 hours Will n. Y Negative energy fills corpse,healing undead SpC172___ ___ ___________________________________ _____ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Remove Blindness/Deafness[Healing] Co VS 1 act Touch Instantaneous For n. Y Cures normal ormagical conditions PHB270

    ___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Remove Curse Ab VS 1 act TouchInstantaneous Will n. Y Frees object or person from curse PHB270______ ___________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________RemoveDisease [Healing] Co VS 1 act Touch Instantaneous For n. Y Curesall diseases affecting subject PHB271___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________RemoveNausea [Healing] Co VD 1 act Touch Instantaneous Will n. Y Cures anauseated or sickened character BED105___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________RendShadow Weave Ab VSM 1 min Close Instantaneous - N Create ShadowWeave dead magic area CoV57___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________ResistEnergy, Mass Ab VSD 1 act Close 10 min/lev For n. Y Subjects ignoredamage from one energy type SpC174___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________ResistTaint Ab VSD 1 act Touch 10 min/lev For n. Y Bestows +4 bonus onsaves against taint HoH132___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ _____________________________________Resurgence, Mass Ab VSD 1 actClose Instantaneous Will n. Y As Resurgence, but multiple subjects.SpC175___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Revitalize Legacy, Least Tr VSF1 act Touch 1 hour/lev - N Get extra use of chosen least legacyability WoL17___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Ring of Blades Co VSM 1 actPersonal 1 min/lev - N Blades deal 1d6 +1/lev (max +10) dmgSpC177___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Rockburst Ev VS 1 act MediumInstantaneous Special N Stone objects explode, dealing 1d4 +1/levdmg ShS48___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Sadism [Evil] En VSM 1 actPersonal 1 round/lev - N Gain +1 to hit, ST, checks for every 10 hpdealt BVD103___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Safety Ab VS 1 act Touch 10min/lev Special Sp. Creature knows shortest route to safetySpC179___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Searing Light Ev VS 1 act MediumInstantaneous - Y Ray deals 1d8/2 lev, more if undead PHB275___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________Shieldof Warding [Good] Ab VS 1 act Touch 1 min/lev Will n. N Grants +1on AC and Ref/5 lev (max +5) SpC188___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ _____________________________________Shivering Touch [Cold] Ne VS 1act Touch 1 round/lev - Y Touch deals 3d6 Dexterity damage FB104______ ___________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ _____________________________________Shriveling (DISEASE) [Evil] NeVS 1 act Close Instantaneous Ref Y Subject takes 1d4 damage perlevel BVD103___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Sink Tr VSD 1 act Close 1 roundWill n. Y Subject sinks in water, must make Swim checks. SpC190______ ___________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ __ ___________________________________SkullWatch Ne VSF 1 act Touch Permanent For n. N Skull shrieks whencreature enters warded area. SpC191___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ _____________________________________Slashing Darkness Ev VS 1 actMedium Instantaneous - Y Ray deals 1d8/2 lev damage, heals undeadSpC191___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Snowshoes, Mass Tr VS 1 actClose 1 hour/lev (D) Will n. Y As Snowshoes, affects onecreature/level. SpC194___ ___ _____________________________________ ___ ______ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Sonorous Hum [Sonic] Ev VS 1 actPersonal 1 min/lev (D) - N Removes need to concentrate to maintainspellSpC196___ ___ ___________________________________ __ _________ _______ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Soul Boon (INCARNUM) Ne VSD 1act Touch 1 min Will n. Y Grant 1 po int o f e ssent ia/3 levMoI104___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Soul of the Waste [Earth] Tr VSD1 act Personal 10 min/lev (D) - N Meld into surrounding sandSaSt121___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Spark of Life Ne VS 1 act Touch1 round/lev Will n. Y Undead creature loses most immunities.SpC196___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Speak with Dead[Language-Dependent] Ne VSD 10 min 10 ft 1 min/lev Will n. N Corpseanswers one question/2 levels PHB281___ ______________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ _____________________________________Spiderbind Tr VSM 1 act Close 1round/lev For n. Y Target is slowed and does not use poisonCoV58___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Spikes Tr VSM 1 act Touch 1round/lev - N Wooden weapon deals +2 dmg/lev, 2x threat SpC202______ ___________________________________ __ ___ ______ ___________________ ________ _____________________________________Spiritual Charger [Force] Ev VSD1 act Medium Instantaneous - Y Horseman of force attacks enemyHoB128___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Sticks and Stones Ne VS 1 actClose 1 round/lev - N Create wood skeleton with energy drainShS49___ ___ ___________________________________ __ ___ _____________ ____________ ________ _____________________________________Stone Shape

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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.