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- Evansville Courier and Pressi
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ERTDAT AUGUST 23 1935 THE EVANSmTF! DELIVERED THE TiiT A ATX DAT 18 SCOm SCRAPBOOK EVANSVILLE SECURITIES (Quoted by Theo Stein Inc) 102 Central Union Bank Bldg by scon WHEAT FALLS OFF NEW YORK STOCKS i Hi Thomson A MrElnnon) Central Uniok Bank Building Evsdaviii Ind 11 Wsll St New York ABOUT ONE CENT REALIZING SALES HOLD STOCKS 10 MINOR ADVANCES! i 90 -a -tM SACRED LlVf INDIA to A HEIGHT OF 5 FEEf iM SO DAY AMD REQUIRE? NO AER OR $0)L id Chat Lelca At Co pre! Cha Letch At Co com Curtis Radiocast com Farm Tools Ino prsf Ideal Pure Milk com McCurdy Hotel Bldg pre Regal Cabinet Oo com Sterling Brewers Inc com 8 So Ind Ou a Elec 7 prf 95 So Ind Gss A Elec 6 prf 89 Sunbeam Elec Oo com 300 itsndard E'vllle Realty pref 49 Vdome Ho Co 1st Mtge 49 103 Sl A Because Im nBfr of fry a fAFREr (lit Tlimnuui A McKtiiiion) Closing York Stork compiled hy Profit Taking Tendency Predominates Despite War-Like Implications in Europe CHICAOO Aug Major world iirnln markets today gave a Dow-Jones and company Industrials 128 S3 Ralls 18 BO UtllltlM 2701 up 0 8" off 008 off 0 08 TKl ST SHARKS Number of Small Losses Also Evident at Wind-Up AP Av erage Up 1 of Point Bid Asked Corp Tr Sh Orlg 334 Low High somewhat dismal performance de-todil "pit" warlike Implications In European political developmenU gossip Close concerning which was part of the 68' trade background 1414 Wheat futures prices here decltmd 8s 'shout a cent a bushel under modcr-16' ate profit taking In the absence ol 14 'broad speculative buying Prlcea at 161 i other domestic markets and at Win 84 133 1809 Corp TrSh Ac it AA 334 Corp Sh Ac AA Mod 388 Diversified Tr Sh 54 Dividend Sh Inc 140 Maryland Fund 1673 Nationwide Sec 375 No Amer Tr Sh 1988 375 Quarterly Income 8h 140 344 with Adams Express unchanged with all refiners listing at 510 for fine granulated tTrpentine SAVANNAH Aug Turpentine- -Plrm 384c salea 138 receipts 489 shipment 133 stock 43149 WOOL BOSTON Aug United Htates Department of A good volume of wool waa sold In the market today The heaviest weights moved were on original bag 64 and finer average French combing territory wool at moatly around 68-88 cents scoured baals Borne strictly combing 88s 60s blood territory wool sold at 70-73 cent with some poorer than averse bringing 88-70 cents scoured baals CHICAGO CHICAGO Aug (United states Department of Receipts 60 on track 139 total 8 shipments 335 slightly weaker supplies light demand and trading slow sacked per 100 lba Idaho Bliss Triumphs 8 No 1 1 aOfit 8180 Russets 8 No 1 8150 Wisconsin Cobblers 8 No 1 81O8w8110 Bliss Triumphs 8 No 1 90c mixed Triumphs and Cob-biers 8 No 1 97' New Jersey Cobblers 8 No 1 8120 Mlnne-sota sand land section early Ohio partly graded 80c 8T IOIII8 ST LOUIS Aug Green ranges generally unchanged but there waa firmer tone to the market Ida Tel hprs 8166 Colo Tel hprs 91 28 a 8130 mainly 8125 8140 Stock 4Juote per bu Whlp-ooorwllls at 8140m 8185 mlted at 8145f I1JJ0 Sweet Pair movement at stesdy prices Tenn Halls hprs (new) 11158180 mainly $128-Ala Puerto Rico bu ert 11 is 136 100- lb sacks 8135 INDIANAPOLIS INDIANAPOLIS Aug (API-Produce unchanged Poultry Prices on Page 20 183 28 35 138 33' 1 Alas Chalmers Am Brake Shoe Am Car At Fdy Am For Power Mi 84 151 Ha 161 38 137 33' 7' 9 16' 33 8' 17 24 43 19 53 26 nipeg were correspondingly lower while Liverpool wheat values stiffened after dropping most of the session Chicago wheat closed to 1 Vfc cents below the previous finish December 901 -91 and corn was Vfc -1 V4 lower December 55 Osta lost rye 4-4 and barley 4-4- The tendency to accept profits after a two-day advance which added four cents to wheat prices here predominated urine most of the session Pit 281 189 ii 33 8 4 17W 34' 4 'a 45 4 30 84' WALL STREET BRIEFS NEW YORK Aug Class one railroads at the end of July had 398984 surplus freight cars In good repair and Immediately available for service the Association of American Railroads announced today This was a decrease of 21228 unit as compared with July 18 when the surplus toUled 317313 cars 16' 34 84 18 24 44'3 19 Hm however closing levels were "below the beet the dav Msrv steels ww peak for 1938 or longer tor time Ball were a little soft The Associated Press average for 80 stock 1 of a point higher at the ftnlab at 48 5 Industrials were best with utilities tie 18 rails 1 of a point lover J38 Tarnew in the stock excharu-e was 1666360 ah arm a little alower than lr the previous session Leading eommoditlMi provided no i Am 1 Am Tobacco Am Water Wks 54' 'brokers reported moderate magma 36' ioperatlons slso Early failure of Liver-394 jpool to respond fully to yesterday's 00 upturn here with the world wheat 16 situation considered bullish by many 8' traders caused some professional ST LOUS ST LOUIS Aug Unchanged Wheal 3a likewise were VWnR MOT LIKE -to FISH yu jjPW BU HE LIKES lo EAT FISH -iLikA -TrlE EAGLE PLAN 0 WATCH UHTlL A FISH HAWK HAS CAUGHT A FISH AMD 'iklH PURSUE AND ROB THE HAWK OF ITS "PRIXE CopyrigM 138 by Csntrsl Prsai Associsnea las 1 44 4 514 35 334 i 3 nar- Al Si rettons At Coasi I tne 51' 36' 34 251 23 'a For Sanitary Washed Wipers or Cheesecloth CALL THE Hoosier Sanitary Wiper Co Phone 3-3681 tge circles chief st- Ohio 26 101 NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS OF TAX LEVIES Purposes by the School Corporation of Evansvllle Bo rLof Vnderbureh Countv innun School Trust Corn and oaU mainly followed wheat action Unfavorable crop reports from western sections of the corn belt were largely offset by good prospects tn other growing regions Nearby lard deliveries were weak with the hog market GRAIN QUOTATIONS CHEW A KB OLD) Quoted by Igleheart Bros WHEAT At Evansvill 0c At stations lo to 3c less than local depending upon location CORN (Quoted bv Diamond Mills) No 3 white 70 lbs 70c No yellow 70 lbs 89c CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS (By Thomson McKlnnon) WHEAT axPyr ot Vnderburgh County Indiana 25 4 484 43' 45 64 mtin T' of said school corporation at thlr regular 222S2JKJfL2 th' IOth dy of September 1935 will consider the fo" Bucvrus-Erle pfd 134 school 0 ne Tf 1933-36 the tentative budget for the school yesr 1936-37 and school levies for the year 1936: Burroughs Ad utilities lar In the 18' 164 10 184 37 354 74 43 4 is 4 17i 184 344 54 104 104 684 28 55 44 454 14' BUDGET CLASSIFICATION FOR SCHOOL CORPORATION 16' 10' IB4 484 38 354 481 434 45 64 134 174 184 344 54 10' 104 704 384 564 6 4 46 14 34 GOVERNMENT BONDS Proposed TenUtiva bare market FricrorseerreTtt the score of the (Bv Thomson A McKlnnon) Bid Asked Budget School Year 1936-87 Budget School Year 1935-36 GENERAL ADMINISTrS- $925 packing sows $925 $1000 Receipt 800 calve receipts 600: undertone easy on steers few loads downward from 61100 she stock steady moat heifer under $900 choice grades absent beef cows $4 25 $600 low cutters and cutters $275(f $400 veaiers 50c higher $1000 down Sheep Receipts 2000 lambs steady to 35c higher bulk better erade ewe and wether lambs $900m business trend was strengthened during the day by the report of a widening Improvement In bank clearings ore last year and by estimate that shipments of Iron ore from the lake rfglan reach a five-year high tn nkti 1 uoara or school Trustee 38 87 i'ii 46 Liberty 4th 4s 1014 1017 Treasury 3s 1965 10230(4 103 2 Treasury 3s 1948 10222 8J 102 26 Treasury 34s 1949 1042 Treasury 34 1941 10814010818 Treasury 3s 1946 10618(8 10622 Treasury 34s 1940 108 1088 Treasury 3 1941 1088 10612 Treasury 3s 1943 10828107J Business Director OtAct Flnsnce and Accounting Office Building and Ground Department Supplies Department Superintendent's Office School Attendance in1 Rmmu Sept Dec May CORN Sept Dec May $975 slaughter sheep $125 $350 Treasury 34 10928m 1102 K'CTUllCTinn -H Treasury 4s 1114 11110 INSTRUCTION- Alirurvllnn 348100 470000 144000 403500 120000 953500 26600 4224255 1 50000 4106000 6289100 3100000 32000 00 8847350 594 245 3 included pn -Mi 4 9 coca' American National I Colum! one to two point? -War Carbon al 88 preferred at 1124 Hone at 1394 and 389000 816000 150000 438500 132000 10020 00 280 00 4336195 150000 43550 00 68179 10 3000000 3900000 8319350 3960737 146000 00 594 340 134 894 194 OPERATION SCHOOL 1 High Schools 3 Elementary Rehnnla Treasury 4s 1982 1164 ffllieR Treasury 3s 1948 105JOil062 Treasury 34s 1963 10317 10331 Treasury 34 1960 1006 100 8 Open High Low Close 894 884 584 914 934 904 904 93 4 94 93 4 93 4 74' 744 734 741 564 564 554 554 574 58 574 574 27' 27 4 26 4 264 284 284 28 384 314 314 304 804 43 43 4 43 4 434 454 454 444 45 484 484 48' 48 1677 1577 1580 1577 1380 1380 1360 1370 1340 345 At Iron Gas 13' Carbon 89 ns 20 3 a 374 ijSept May VERAOE MAINTENANCE SCHOOL 1 High School rive 24'ii35c rate white 784 76'c yellow 764 744c No 2 white 334 0 344c No 3 and No 2 mixed 324 334C No 2 44c LOITSVULE LOUISVILLE Ky Aug (API-Board of trade selling carload lot No 2 red 924c No 2 white 88 'c No 3 yellow 884c No 3 white 34c Buying truck lots: Wheat No 3 red wheat or better 81c TOLEDO TOLEDO Aug Grain on track (344c rate basis nominal) No 2 red No 1 red 84m 854c Corn No 2 yellow 80 81c No 3 yellow 794 80c No 2 white 29 31 4c No 3 white 384 304c Grain In store transit billing attached wheat 44 it 5c above track quotation corn 44c above oats 14 3c above ST LOl 18 ST LOUIS Aug 22 AP) Cash No 3 red 93 is 95c No 8 934 (0 93c No 3 yellow 834c No 8 814c No 3 white 28'c Close: Sept 894c Sept 74c LAFAYETTE LAFAYETTE Aug 22 I AP) Fed Farm 3 10a iff iU2u Fed Farm 3 1949 1011 1015 tssni luted Pre) Fed Farm 3s 1947 10110 10118 15 60 15 STOCK (Compiled 30 Ind dav 64 8 2 Elementsrv Schools FIXED CHARGES CO-ORDINATE AND AUXILIARY ACTivil TIES RYE Sept Dec May Home Owner 3s 1011 1015 Home Owner 2 1001 gj 1004 33 4 86 TJtU Storks 38 2 48 5 53188 58 Rails 25 9 24 5 26 7 nee Co 48 4 Con lasui 45 8iContI Oil 38 1 32 4 28 22 63 2 50 5 DEBT SERVICE 146 000 00 CAPITAL OUTLAY- 146000 00 1 New Acquisitions 302000 00 2 Alterations 4200000 Mor Teat 39 1 Corn Product LARD Sept Dec May HIDES AND FURS (By King and Company) Green salted under 48 6c green under 43 6c green salted over 43 CHICAGO CHICAGO Aug United State Department of Agriculture Hogs Receipts 12000 including 7000 direct closed very slow 10 25c lower than Wednesdays average: spots off more top $1165 better grsde 200-240 lb mostly $1140 $1160 250-350 lb $1076(1 $11 60 medium to good 140-160 lb mostly $1000(o $1025: bulk packing sows $9 50 a $890 shippers 500 estimated holdover 2000 Receipts 7000 calves receipts 1500 fed steer and yearlings 25c lower largely 50c off from week's high time with Instances 75c down trade dull at decline yearlings and lower grade steers showing more decline today than better grades which lost largely 50c late Wednesday all buying Interest stepped out from under general trade and not only steers and yearlings but she stock unevenly lower than earlier in week top on strictly choice weighty steers $1260 yearlings $12 25 stockers and feeders alow but not measurably changed Receipts 8000 fat lambs latch 844 214 67' 24 SO' 87 37 384 1134 147 354 84 124 854 40' 33 674 24 304 37 37 38' 36' 114 1494 27 64 47 124 4c green over 43 34c green salt ed calf 64c green calf 4Vc green salted bulla 3c green bulla Sc 674 34 314 374 39 361 1154 1494 374 134 1900000 6 81559583 313688 33 564334 42 2351685 34393 30 3165017 600 00 A BELLIES-NEW YORK NEW YORK Aug 6pot irregular No 1 dark northern spring I New York $1434 No 1 Manitoba Jew I York 944c No 3 Seattle soft white 1 New York 934c Spot essy No 3 yellow Total expenditures Special School Fund 8 85601181 TUITION FUND TEACHERS' SALARIES High Schools 36054314 TEACHERS' SALARIES Elementary Schools 487 977 16 PRINCIPALS' SALARIES High Schools 3099719 PRINCIPALS" SALARIES Elementary Schools 3070759 SUPERVISORS' SALARIES 19830 50 TRANSFER TUITION 400 00 3834 hleh 614 43 0 40 6 514 1934 low 453 22 8 24 2 349 MoviMrvT or rfcfnt vrtRs NtS low 17 5 8 7 23 9 16 9 1 1939 3 1531 14 1 1577 19S7 io-r MS 953 618 811 POND MARKETS horsehlde No 1 $1 75 borsehlde Nc 3 $125 ponies and glues 76c un IK trimmed hides 4 lower than sdovi quotation Tallow-No I 4c lb No 3 3'ic lb Clear 34c light burry 19c oralded 19c black I9c: chaffy 19c ID Kodak uto Lt ow Lt tor Bat Co Prod il Water Phen 1 New York 96Sc No 3 ytUOW Wheat No 2 78c No 3 57 lbs 76c No 3 36 lb 75c 164 I 954c Oats 8pot easy No 2 white No 4 70 lbs 73c Ginseng $6 lb Yellowroot 60c lb May Apple Sc lb Oats No 3 new 31c Total expenditure Tuition Fund 81995558 6 948182 06 ESTIMATE OF FUNDS TO BE RAISED Funds Required for Expense from August 1 1935 to December 31 1936 Speclsl Fund Tuition Fund Total Budget Estimate for present school ysr 85501161 6 819955 58 Necessary Expenditures August 1 1936 to December 31 1936 next school year 17924668 350000 00 slow natives mostly 10 -25c lower LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS Evansvtlle Aug 23 securities was sufficient- Po Film A It unsettled to restrict moat advances Freeport Tex fractions iGen Am Tllri Zi f-dera! issues fn- General Asphalt TRADE TRENDS (B Associated Press) Automobile The dollar vol Cattle Receipts have been heavv iGen Cigars 164 37 394 194 564 324 344 14 43' ume of retail financing of new pa- I ctrlc v-ods Total Estimated Expenditures (add lines 1 all week Steers and butcher cattle look about steady with the sharp decline from yesterday Cows of all grades selling strong and active with range lambs yearlings and aged sheep little changed: feeding lambs active strong to mostly 35c higher top native lambs $940 bulk $936 six cars merely good Washington $910 with 60 per cent sort choice dry fed yearlings $736 merely good quality $7 00 choice around 63-lb Washington fed lambs $850 senger car for July was nine per 39 Rye Firm No 2 American 0 New York 48c No 2 western 1 New York 574c INDIANAPOLIS INDIANAPOLIS Aug 23 AP) Wagon No 3 red 79c Eay No 1 red 8' -82' No 3 red 80'- 81' 3c Easy No 3 white 784 794c No 3 yellow 764 sj 77c: No 3 mixed 754 764c Easy No 3 white 354 27' jc No 3 white 234g254c Unchanged CHICAGO CHICAOO Aug Cash: 00'' slrnost twice Wedres General Motors Gen Rv-8i canners and cutters selling 40c to 50c cent ahead of the same month iat year and 53 per cent above that for July 1938 the department of commerce reports compared with June and 3) $1034358 29 $1169955 58 Funds Cm Hand At to Be Received from Sources Other than Proposed Tax Levy 4 Actual Balance August 1 1938 38330636 6 331411 85 8 Taxes to be collected present year (December 1938 settlement) 175773 81 33613695 6 Amount to be raised by Bond Issue and or tbute Gillette Saf Rm nigner tor tne week Bulls a good quarter higher 24 404 15 184 264 39 194 564 314 344 14 43 834 184 334 I64 304 14 104 13 204 394 34 64 184 34 484 ente'loildden Co uoou to choice long fed steer 1935 there was an Increase Of tour ees- Gold Dust Corp CINCINNATI CINCINNAT Aug (U A Grant 300000 00 per cent a contrasessonal change 184 324 164 94 304 ii" 1100 lbs and up from 8900 to 1100 long fed butcher cattle strictly dry 7 Standard Statistics ffer I Goodrich Co Ion I Goodyear Tire rjoo Graham-Paige IGranby Consol inng irom suuu to 1030 cjood to Dept Hogs 2200 180 to 240 lbs steady to 10 lower at $1135 to 1135 weightier and lighter choice grass cattle selling $600 to company In a survey of building and real estate conditlona says that while 00 common to med urn 8400 to Mtscellsneous Revenue to be received August 1 1935 to December 31 1936 (Schedule on file In office of Board of (a) Special Taxe (b) Transfer Tuition and all other revenue weights steady some bids 10 to 25c I Great North Ore 13 50 good to choice cows $450 to 550 $0595 64 off 240 to 300 lbs $1100 to 1135 North ptd 21V4 164 264 384 194 584 314 S44 14 434 184 334 164 9 30 104 124 204 394 214 64 184 34 47 44 10 14 15 874 44 294 54 29 114 154 634 Jrt West Bug 394 with something fancy up to $600 Medium to good cows $350 to 500 cut 160 to 180 lbs $1115 to 1135 140 to 160 lbs $1035 to 1060 continued gains in residential operations sre bolstering building activity "It Is becoming Increasingly evident that this year'a public works operations will fall to equal earlier 24 ters $3 00 to 350 canners $250 to 300 391868 97 6 84810677 Cattle 350 calves 300 strong ve its disa1: wciated mostly common to medium grassers good to choice butcher bulls selling from $500 to 575 good bologna bulls No 3 red 93c No 2 yellow 814 9814c No 3 yellow 804c No 2 white 314e33'c sample grade 354 264c No 4 444c No 2 yellow 62c net track country stations new 56c Nominal feed 34 to 45c malting 43 63c Timothy Per 100 lbs $385 Clover Per 100 lbs $1000 $1550 CINCINNATI $5 50 to 825: most fat cows $450 to 575 calves firm bulk $960 to 1000 svuu to 4S0 common Kind $250 to 330648 81 50 good to choice stocker calves 4' Sheep 2500 fully steady ewes Total Funds (add Una 4 5 6 7a and 7b) 91857351 Net Amount Required to Be Raised for Expenses to December 31 1938 (deduct line 8 from line 8) 11568478 Operating Balance (not In excess of expense from January 1 1937 to June 30 1937 less mlscellsneous revenue from same period) 37387330 in bunches selling from $5 00 to 10 and wethers $925 to 975 Dn Motor Motors 00 milch cows $2000 to 35 00 MISCELLANEOUS NEW YORK COTTON High Low Close tamiar 1110 1101 1103 104 3 154 LAST HI ITAIO EAST BUFFALO Aug 22 Calves Receipts moderate market 477833 47 10 2 15 95 89' 29' 50c higher Strictly fancy calve 150 (AP) (United States Department of Msrch 1100 1100 1102 to 195 lbs $1000: good to choice Receipts 300: at 89' 6 301 II $8 00 to $9 00 medium $6 50 to 750 standstill early bids 3550c lower Amount to Be Raised by Tsx Levy (add lines 9 and 10) 6 389 558 08 Inspiration Cop Intl Cement May 1109 1100 1101 July 1105 10JJ7 1097 rvtoher 1184 1128 11 38 798681 38 CINCINNATI Aug No 3 red domestic common $4 50 to 6 50 choice heavy $1175 down holding desirable 180- caives auu 10 tau ids 1750 to 9 00: definite repercussion notec the dav was a sharp drop 1 obllralion Italian govt vlelded three points st 55 BOND AVFRtGEs fComnlled bv Associated 210 lbs to $1200 rwmhr 1116 1106 1107 New York rate points based on bids PROPOSED YEAR 1936 Net Taxable Property $113364030 Number of Taxable Polls 18880 Lew on Levy on Amount to medium $5 50 to 7 50 heavy calves Cattle Receipts 360 low grade 10 arrive 344 36c rates 84 83 Snot cotton 11 70 Intl Harvester 55s Int Nickel 29' Intl Tel Ac Tel 114 Interstate 8 In 16 Johns Msnville 84 weigning rrom 2sa to 300 lbs strictly grass steers and heifers slow about No 2 domestic New A mints UD He Raised Polls Property fat $850 to 800 plain buU calves steady fleahy cows $850 down 10 iork rate point based on bid to ar 20 10 10 SDeclnl $075 $030 $3 so to 00 $347173 08 369180 10 Receipts 150 dratey bare Ralls In Tuition -25 50 Sheen and Receipt' llzht Util For'n RUriaas City So 18 5 888 Kelly Ssrlnkfleld 1V4 ly steady good to choice $1050 spar 544 29 114 16 634 74 14 13 334 26 3 314 35 354 FOREIGN EXCHANGE Close Sterling 497 Frnc Call money 4 RAW Sl'OAR ingiy $91635216 mantei steady no 1 ewes and wethers $900 No 1 bucks and 98 4 Receipts 300 lambs un 8F iKelvinator 134 68 7 I Kennecott Copper 234 $100 $0 80 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF TAXES COLLECTED AND TO BE COLLECTED 194 21 changed good to choice bucks In heavlea weighing over 90 lb Reo Motor 84 Rep Iron At 8 19 Reynolds Metl 31 Reynolds Tob 'B' 644 St Joseph Lead 31 St At 8 81 3 83 5 878 eluded $950 aged ewes slow steady: $800 NO 2's $575 to 875 Fall 36'j 314 Clo-e Estimated 54 20 Thursday Prev day Month ago Year ago 1935 high 1985 low 194 him 1934 low 1982 low Amos: No 1 ewes and wethers aOS largely ou aown 313 January 114 23' 264 304 33 '94 94 13' NO 1 bucks and heavies over 90 March 2 14 Amc*nt Collected in 1933 Estimated Amount to Be Collected in 1938 $347173 06 66918010 Schenley Distil 35 lb $525 No 2's $3 00 Yearlings 14 34 34 Amount Amount to Collected Be Collected In 1934 in 1935 49886328 $35145684 50120825 44638046 May Krewe Co Kroger Orocy Ubby Owena Lambert Co Lee Rub At Tire Lehigh Valley Lehu At Fink Liggett My Lima Loco 354 io4 10 134 Schult-Ret-8trs 845 889 682 846 1029 $375 to 400 light weight sheen September J5 894 745 45 8 101 1 32 737 40 0 98 9 lam nown neavy sneep down Special $364508 45 Tuition 550813 30 December 'J Notice All lambs arriving bv rail 1928 high brine a 50c net cwt nremium rillCtOO MERCANTILE FXCHANOE 655 700 60 2 425 100 J5 109 4 1069 1079 991 86 8 16 LOW-YIELD BONDS 891512175 $10000703 $79780730 $91638316 Total sa 104 184 64 nogs: Keceipt moderate market Tvnnr nnMrinn hsll hnve the rleht to be heard thereon After th Thurs 109 4 Prev dsy Tl RFS (By Thomson Ai McKlnnon) 414 414 Sesboard Oil Del 32 Sears Roebuck 58 Servel Inc Shell Union Oil Simmons Co 16 Slmms Pete 6 8kelly Oil Socony Vacuum 13 Porto Bug steady to 10c lower 190 to 230 lbs 4 4 134 1174 33 414 394 244 4 214 214 34 $1130 230 to 260 lbs $1120 260 to High Low Close Year ago 1935 low 1934 low 1932 low 300 lbs $1110 300 to 325 lbs jl080: Month ago 1103 1935 high 1107 1984 high 1083 1928 hltrh 104 4 tax levies have been determined 10 or more taxpayers feeling themselves aggrieved by such levies may appeal to the Bute Board of Tax Commissioners for further and final action thereon by filing a petition therefor with the Countv Auditor not later than the fourth Monday of September and the State Board will fix a date of hearing inthj aOttntj August 244(925 November 254 11 12 24! 3U ids up siuBO 150 to 190 lbs PITTSBl R(iH PITTSBURGH Aug 33 AP) (United States Department of Receipts 1300 Including 1000 direct slow no sales asking $1175 for 180-190 lbs Receipt 300 steady calve receipts 350 steady good grass steer $825 $868 grass heifers $780 down fat cows $628 top veaiers $1000 Receipts 1 600 mostly steady top fat lambs $9 60 belt sheep $425 LOl I8VILLB LOUISVILLE Ky Aug (AP) (United States Department of Receipts 426 steady steers and heifers $525fn $725 cows Receipts 550 steady bulk $800 $850 $1075 110 to 150 lbs $9 80 110 lbs 244 22 214 164 30 18 244 214 21' 16" 294 down $915 light roughs $9 50 Loews Inc Loo" Wllea Lorillard Louisiana Oil Louisville Oas Mack Truck Magma Copper Marshall Field Math! Alkali May Dept 8trs Melntyre Mine McKeesport PI 94 neavy rougna $875 stag- $825 12 CURB EXCHANGE (Bt Thomson McKlnnon) Hlsth Low Close October 254 November 36 COFFEE NEW YORK Aug 33 AP) Cof down All stags sold with 80 lbs 144 dock 8 Notice: The above quotations are 59 35 4 35 Alumin Co Am 814 Am Gas At Elec 374 lor good quality fat hoes Half fat 91JMUUL LH I ur By It Board of Bchool Trustee: OLLIE REEVES President IRMA 8 LYNCH Secretary GEOR'iE CLIFFORD Treasurer EV ALINE KAROE8 LESTER M'COOL Dated this 20th day ol August 1936 By: A PUTNAM Business Manager (Aug 22 and 39) fee Spot steady Ban toe 4s 884c Rio 7s 64c Cost and freight offers Included Santos Bourbon 3s and 5s 27 oouth tactile Southern 9 Sperry Corp 12 Stand Brands 14 Stand ft El 6 Stand of Calif 34 Stand of Ind 27 Stand of 47 Stewatt-Wamer 12 Stone At Webster 10 Studebaker 4 sup Steel Corp 11 Texas Corp 21 Texas Gulf Sul 38 984 34 34 Am Bun Pw 3 poor quality leggy bogs aie selling for 35c or more under the sbove 47' 59 38 24 24 14 134 10' 29 49 35 118 54 114 44 104 724 34 54 Miami Copper Ark Nat Oaa 34 at 755-7 95 Mid Cont Pet Cor 114 8 18 21 84 314 34" 314 57 104 114 19 4 114 14 84 34 364 46 13 4 34 10 30 35 10 164 104 84 494 67 33 64 18 100 18' 64 66 17 43 7 204 14 454 112 COTTONSEED OIL NEW YORK Aug (AP) Special Notice: There will be no Aad Os At Elec Atlas Util Corp 13 9 34 10 13 131 Receipts 600 steady tOD and Blenchable cottonseed oil closed un market on the bvansvuie yards Friday August 33 1935 as that la the bulk 160-225 lbs $1100 230-275 changed to 11 points net lower Sale 314 day ol the annual 4-H hog show It'Si lbs $1040 280 lbs up $1000: 140 71 contracU Sept 61026 Oct 35 9s: it and 5 Ac pfd 11 Monsanto Chem 734 Montgomv Ward 354 Motor Wheel Nash Motors 15 Nat Biscuit 39 Cash Reg A 174 Nat Dairy Prod 154 BlUe Ridge Cities Service 24 Elec Bond At Bh 184 Ford Motor Can 27' ord Mo Bng Ltd 8 Otllf OH 624 155 lbs $990 $10 30 Dec $1000 Jan $1000 EAST ST IOI IS EAST ST LOUIS 111 Aug 33 15 Texas Pac Land 104 10 16 Receipts 2000 steadv: ewe March $1006 38 (United States Department of arm werncr lamns eeouii ewuo 104 DHY tiOODS NEW YORK Aug 33 (AP) Cot Hogs Receipts 6000 274 84 624 74 24 24 204 62' 74 24 24 HENDERSON HENDKR8ON Ky Aug (Spe 9 80 2025c lower close at full decline 17 184 284 124 WJ ton goods market held firm today pigs and light light 25t60c lower 67' clal) Cattle Receipts moderate Ntasara Hud Pwr 8' rwvnrOHd Vte 24 St Regis Pap 24 SUnd Oil of Ky Strllng Brew Bid 3 with trading light Finished fabrics 1 nompson rroa 1 1 Tidewater Ao 104 Tlmken Detroit 9 Tlmken Roll 504 Underwood 87 Union Bag Paper 34 Union Carbide 65 Unlor Oil of 18 Union Pacific 101 Qt' TRADE-INS top $1140 bulk 170-240 lbs $1125 33 market weak to lower on grassy steers Natl Distillers Nat Pow Lt National Bteel Central it were active with prices tending up-wsrd Rsyons were being ordered $1138 late sales to packers $1130 asked 34 394 194 674 344 74 134 64 and neirers ana all grade not showing down 240-270 lbs $1100(n $1125: 1 'tiU1 Frirs I ll -16 BLNNKjHOF NOl AN CO 11L 270-325 lbs quotable $1075 a $1 1 00 more freely from mills and were In active demand for early cutting SUk 64 104 44 104 71 34 154 284 17 154 28 124 654 23' 74 124 224 174 114 194 194 134 97 27V 4 44 374 39 100 ZIt IN ShmhlrtL good riesn ary lot cattle steady to strong: choice long fed steers 1000 lbs and up $1000 $1100 dry lot 140-160 10 $1015'- $11 75 few 18' 314 11 North Am A via goods held firm with business of moderate volume Interest In spring 8 $1086 100-130 lbs $1000 most sows $925 $1000 (North American 334 came euu-imnj ids $700 $9 50 664 United Gas new 44 34 rjnlted Pw 84 '4 United Verd Ex Utllltv Pw Lt CHICAGO STOCKS (Bv Thnmsim A Mi Minion 1 iKfir 1 TJulfif lines of mens wvsr growing and cattle from the feed lot showing uattie -Keceipt oooo calves re 17' staples are already being sought grass ae ou sir 90 good to choir ceipts 2000 market on steers at Ohio Oil 114 Oliver Farms 314 Women's wear goods for Immediate 43 8 cow $300 (n $600 medium to good standstill for natives and westerns cws uur ouu cutters $3 00m few smsli lots natives 25c lower st 20 use continue in steady demand Bur laps were quiet with trading light SI OAR 8350 canners $250 $300 good to $700 $1125 bulls steady to 26c 5 United Air Trans 19 United Corp 6 United Fruit 66 United Oas Imp 18 8 Ind Alcohol 44 Leather 8 8 Pipe Pdry 31 8 Realty 8 Rubber 14 8 Steel 48 8 Steel pfd 113 Utllltlff Pow Lt 4 Vadseo Sales Vanadium Corp 194 Wabash Ward 1 choice butcher bull $500 $550 lower other Ciaasei unchaneed 14 32 Chev Coach '31 Cliiyaler Sedan 2'' 'iii Batca Hednn ffW' '31 Huick 2H' 31 Ntudelinker Sed $2 '32 Nash Sedan sWsT' '88 plrm pD couch $'M '34 Ford Conch '32 Chrysler Imperial Coupe IBW Chrysler Itoyal Sedan mr' 34 Graham Srihm $0S" NEW YORK Aug 22 (AP) Raw J7 Kssex SeOun "Hi Kurd Rotdater -I'm '26 Koiil Coupe $psi TO Huick Coach '29 Orahain Hfdnn 3n Essex 06B0B WW ''JO Chrysler Coupe $18 'lid Hudson Sedan Ilfl" MO Ford Courli 1(V '31 Essex Sedan $185 30 Willvs Kn Sed $196 "VJ Willvs CoHeh "31 Ford Conch $215 Mm TERMS High Low Bneg Warner 48 474 Btltler Bros CTll Yel Taxi 104 104 Cont Chlcagn 84 3U cWet 44 44 mixed yearlings and heifers largely with a top of $575 bologna kind 45' sugar waa firmer today with prices up five points to the basis of 350 wrSBuu lew 7S: heef cows 112' 4 50 down Receipt heavy market $4 50' $550 cutters and low cutters Clost 474 16 4 34 44 isu 64 74 34 IV for both spots and futures Hales in-eluded 35000 bags of Cubes from store )0O4 0O top sausage bulls $576 S0c higher top calves $950 other Otis Elev Co 20 Otis Steel 14 Owens 111 Glass 984 Pac Oas At Elec 28 Packard Motors 44 Paramount Publlx 4 Pa the Etch Inc Penria 38' Penney Peoples Oas 40 Pere Marquette Petroleum Corp Phelps Dodge 314 Phils Read at I 34 Phillips Pete 27 Dredge 2 Ot Lake rVvtids il lop veaiers ivuu nominal ranee 184 grades steady good to choice calves 7 00ft $800 medium calves $550w at 3464 shout 108000 bags of Porto Rlcos and 46000 bags of Philippines siaugnter steers ow ia 00 slaugb 34 224 17 114 21 19 14 98 27 4 28 80 40 16 10 20 2 27 2 82 42 414 9 13 74 4 11 ll'i 4 'aii 1 $650 common kind $300( $500 for September arrival at 380 A fair withdrawal demand waa re SH choice heavy calves 220-250 lbs $650 TRAUEO ported for refined sugar Prices were $7 80 medium kind $500 down Warner Br Pic 5 Warren Pdry At 35 West Mary Rv 8 West Pac 34 gten-Rad I ou don Pack prima Swift A) Co Bwift Int Thompson Oen Util tnah Rsrt'o 30 34 25 3 3' 4 18 18 3 14 IV 8 5 244 34 84 8 3 2 47 47 38 36 64 65 5 5 63 62 19 194 77 44 4 27 274 64 6 Dsed Car Dept 114 Fourth St Between ter neiiers ou aiu70 Sheep Receipts 1800 lambs steady to 25c higher sheep steady bulk lambs $900iir $960 largely $025 up buck lambs $100 less throwouts $600 $650 fst ewes $3 50 down INDIANAPOLIS INDIANAPOLIS Aug 22-AP (United States Department of Hogs 4500 holdovers 800 mostly 15c lower: underweights 35c lower 160-200 lbs $1 1 $11 15 200-288 lbs 378-360 lbs 130-160 lbsH $9 50 $1000 100-130 lbs $875(k Pressed 8teel Cur Proctor Gamble Pub Service 44 4 Pullman 424 Pure Oil 9 Purttv Bakeries 14 Radio of A 74 Rkdin tenth Sheep and Receipt heavy market steady choice ewe and wether limbs $875 No 2 lambs $660 with the buck lambs selling $100 under these quotation car-lot and shlpped-ln lambs 80c over the shove quotation Receipt light market generally 10c lower the top price of $11 20 was psld freely for hogs weighing 190-230 lb: light light pigs and packing sows were about stady the market closed slow and Indications point to a lower market for the rest of the week: 190-330 lbs $1130 230-260 lbs $1110 260-300 lb $1100 300 lb up $1070 180-190 lb $1066 110-150 lb $976 110 lbs down $900 light sows $9 50 down hesvy sows $875 down stags $825 down wr r) Avenue Scale 1 613 Western Union 48 Air Brake 36 Westlnghouse El 66 Wilson Co IV Woolworth 63 Worthlngn Pump 19 Wrlgley Wm Jr Yellow Trk 4 Youngsn At Tu 38 Zenith Radio 6 Vine At Sycsmor 42 41 'A 8 13 7 VU 84 104 41 12 0" Real silk 94 64000 i Remington Rand.
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