EVVol. 33, No.20-FREEEVEER TTYour Local News & Sports Online in 6 Languages! Scan & Subscribe Now!ADDOCCO TEATwww.advocatenews.netFree Every FridayDisgraced Leader Herald publisher Resnekbehind local lackeys’ public participation anticsRingleader cowrote and published scriptsin order to intimidate city offi cialsBy James MitchellAccording to sources relatedto an ongoing lawsuitfi led by the city solicitorsin Middlesex Superior Court,Joshua Resnek – the disgracedreporter/publisher of the EverettLeader Herald, who is currentlya defendant in an ongoingdefamation lawsuit fi ledby Mayor Carlo DeMaria, Jr.,along with Everett Leader Heraldowner Andrew Philbin, Sr.,publisher and son MatthewPhilbin, City Clerk Sergio Cornelioand Dorchester PublicationsLLC, through discoveryemails – has been writingscripts for certain individuals,John Puopolo, Sandy Julianoand Paula Sterite, to readduring the public participationduring School Committeeand City Council meetings, asfar back as 2022.Resnek even goes so far asproviding stage instructions,such as dramatic pauses, andencouraging them to studytheir scripts before the meetings.One email has ResnekJoshua Resnekrewarding Puopolo as having“made the special list ofthose who receive the paperthe night before.”Resnek and the Philbins arecurrently facing major fi nancialpenalties following theconsequences of the DeMarialawsuit after publishing damagingstories where Resnekfabricated quotes and publishedoutright lies for overthree years to hurt the mayor’sreelection chances leadingup to the 2021 elections.Resnek and Puopolo, whowas recently banned fromEncore Boston Harbor casinofor disorderly conduct, actedas cowriters for scripts tobe read during public participationin order to intimidatecity offi cials. In the seriesof emails from March 2022,John Puopolo and Resnekexchange emails titled: “Re:Changes before you go toprint” where Puopolo statesthat he’s not to use what he(Resnek) wrote for him inprint until after the group’sfi nal comments are available.“Josh, all have read your narrativesand stated they will altera bit. Paula is adding Devaneycomments, Janice mentionedshe will shorten, Sandywill make some changes.”Resnek then replies, “Remindthem they are boundto nothing I wrote. What Iprovided was a framework.They say what they want.”The puppet master followsup with Puopolo, writing,“I will be running all yourstatements in the newspaperRESNEK | SEE PAGE 10SINCE 1921Messinger Insurance Agency475 BroadwayEverett, MA 02149Phone: 617-387-2700Fax: 617-387-7753NEW COMPETITIVE AUTO RATES AND BENEFITS AVAILABLE ACCIDENT FORGIVENESS DISAPPEARING COLLISION DEDUCTIBLE 11% DISCOUNT WITH SUPPORTING POLICY 10% COMBINED PAY IN FULL DISCOUNT ANDGREEN DISCOUNT 10% GOOD STUDENT DISCOUNTCelebrating 100 years of excellence!Monday thru Friday: 8am to 6pmSaturdays 9am to 1pm!Check out our NEW website!www.messingerinsurance.com617-387-2200Friday, May 17, 2024Teammates remember formerEverett, BC great Steve AnzaloneBy Joe McConnellLast month, the EverettHigh School (EHS) footballcommunity mourned thepassing of Steve Anzalone,Class of 1973, after findingout the news that the versatile6-foot, 2-inch defensive linemanand linebacker, who wasalso a tight end on offense,had passed away on April 2.He was 70.Frank Nuzzo, the formerlongtime Everett Aldermanand code enforcement offiSteveAnzaloneANZALONE | SEE PAGE 14Everett community gathersto place U.S. Flags at veterans’graves at Glenwood CemeterySecond fl ag placing setfor May 20 at Woodlawn CemeteryMayor Carlo DeMaria alongside members of the U.S. Armyfrom the Malden Army Recruiting Center.Special to Th e AdvocateOn Tuesday, May 14, theCity of Everett held thetraditional placing of U.S. fl agsat the graves of veterans atFLAGS | SEE PAGE 5
Page 2THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, MAy 17, 2024City Council postpones Everett Sq. revitalization plans;former high school sites to be discussedBy Neil ZolotThe City Council delayed actionon plans to revitalizeEverett Square again, at theirmeeting Monday, May 13. Itwill be taken up in mid-Juneand will require a $3 million appropriationto be matched by$2 million in aid.“Investing in the infrastructurewill improve the Square,but there is concern we’re relyingon older informationwithout any recent input,” CityCouncil President Robert VanCampen said after ceding thegavel to Ward 3 Councillor AnthonyDiPierro for the discussionin reference to a plan fornew park space and road reconfigurations being approvedby the City Council in 2017 anddesigns formulated in 2019 aspart of a larger urban renewalplan the pandemic put onhold. “I’d like the administrationto hear from the business communityin real time. If it’s postponed,we should use the timeto hear from stakeholders.”“We have [met with membersof the business community]and are making adjustments,but can do more,” Directorof Transportation and MobilityJay Monty responded. “Ifeel like we’re on solid groundon the fundamental concept,but adjustments can be madearound the edges.”He also pointed out that if asmaller scale project is undertakenaid sources will only fundone-third of a project, not provide$2 million.Earlier in the meeting Montywas reappointed to his positionthrough January 5, 2026.City Solicitor Colleen Mejia wasalso reappointed through January5, 2026. During the process,Councillor-at-Large GuerlineAlcy Jabouin asked Mejia whylawyers other than herself andthe two assistant city solicitorsare sometimes used. “We useoutside counsel for expertiseNeed a hall for your special event?The Schiavo Club, located at71 Tileston Street, Everett isavailable for your Birthdays,Anniversaries, Sweet 16 partiesand more?For more info,call (857) 249-7882in certain areas of law that arecomplicated,” Mejia answered.In other items, the Councilalso approved a proposal toamend the parking requirements,use regulations anddimensional standards in theZoning Ordinance related tothe Lower Broadway EconomicDevelopment District. Directorof Planning and DevelopmentMatt Lattanzi explainedthat a typographical error requiredone parking space forevery foot of space in industrialbuildings and the changewould require one space per1,000 feet of building space. “Itwill still provide enough parking,”he said.The Council also approvedan expenditure of a $176,000grant from the Metro NorthWorkforce Board for the expansionof ongoing digital equityinitiatives through the YouthDevelopment and Enrichmentoffice; a $30,000 grant fromthe state Local Cultural CouncilProgram to the Everett CulturalCouncil and a $20,150 federalDept. of Homeland SecurityEmergency ManagementPerformance grant to maintainand/or enhance the EmergencyPreparedness System.The Council also acceptedtwo communiques fromthe School Committee introducedby their Vice Chairpersonand Member At-Large SamanthaLambert at their Monday,May 6 meeting “requestingthe School Committeeand administration be includedin open discussions aboutschool space, including developmentof a comprehensivestudy of all city-owned buildings[through] a working commission”and “a School BuildingCommittee be formed forthe current proposal for a newHigh School to include designatedmembers of the CityCouncil, School Committeeand School Department andCity Administrations.”The Council tabled a proposalby Alcy Jabouin and Councillor-at-LargeKaty Rogers forthe School Superintendentand any relevant representativesof the school administrationto appear before the CityCouncil to present and discussexisting and foreseeable spaceneeds throughout the entiredistrict at all grade levels, includingpotential use of PopeJohn and the former EverettHigh School. “We want to beon board with what the plansare,” Alcy Jabouin feels.Everett is one of the very fewschool systems with kindergartenthrough 8thgrade neighborhoodschools, although atone time the Parlin School wasa Junior High. The 2019 closureof Pope John XXIII High School,now owned by the City andslated for housing, and the ageof the old public High School,now being used for preschooland other programs, promptedthe building of the currentHigh School in 2007 andeventually led to K-8 neighborhoodschools, but the currentHigh School is reportedlyovercrowded.Mayor Carlo DeMaria’s longtermplan is to build a newHigh School at RivergreenPark, complete with a vocationalprogram, and presumablyconvert the current HighSchool into a Middle School.That could cost hundreds ofmillions of dollars and thefunding, approval and buildingprocess could take years,if it happens at all. There aremany who feel the old HighSchool or Pope John could beused to relieve overcrowdingin the meantime.Council on Aging announces publicevents and programs for JuneMayor Carlo DeMaria ispleased to announce thatthe City of Everett’s Council onAging (COA) will host the followingevents and programs atthe Connolly Center (90 ChelseaSt.) in June:● Thursday, June 6 at 12:30p.m.: A special movie event featuringthe classic film “AuntyMame” starring Rosalind Russell.All are welcome to attend. Refreshmentswill be served freeof charge.● Friday, June 14 at 2 p.m.:The Massachusetts HorticulturalSociety will be at the ConnollyCenter for a special educationalclass titled “Herbs 101.”Attendees will have the opportunityto plant their own herbswith an expert from the MassachusettsHorticultural Society.Space is limited to the fi rst 20participants.● Thursday, June 27 at 12:45p.m.: This month’s Dance PartyThursday will feature DJ TommySheehan playing the tunes thatwill get attendees moving. Alladults ages 60 and up are welcometo attend this free event.For additional informationabout any of these events andprograms, please call 617-3942270to be connected to theConnolly Center.
THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, MAy 17, 2024Page 3Mayor Congratulates 7thGrade BoysTravel Basketball Championship TeamHosts players, coaches and parents, presents citations to the team8 Norwood St.Everett(617) 387-9810Open Tues. - Sat.at 4:00 PMClosed Sun. & Mon.Announcing our Classic SpecialsDine In Only:* FREE Salad with purchase ofEntree, Tuesdays & Wednesdays* Cheese Pizza - Only $10Mayor Carlo DeMaria congratulated the 7thMayor Carlo DeMaria recentlycongratulated theEverett 7th Grade Boys TravelBasketball Team at Everett CityHall for winning the New EnglandTournament championGradeBoys Travel Basketball Team at City Hallfor winning the New England Tournament Championship.ship. The players, coaches andparents joined Mayor DeMariafor some pizza and to discussthe importance of stayinghealthy and making the rightchoices to continue being successfulin the future. Followingthe discussion, the Mayor presentedthe players and coacheswith citations on behalf ofthe City of Everett in recognitionof their accomplishment.Catch ALL TheLive SportsAction On OurLarge ScreenTV’sScan & Follow Us on Facebook!www.810bargrille.comSABATINO/MASTROCOLAINSURANCE AGENCY519 BROADWAYEVERETT, MA 02149Auto * Home * Boat *Renter * Condo * Life* Multi-Policy Discounts * Commercial 10% Discounts* Registry Service Also AvailableSabatino Insurance is proud to welcomethe loyal customers ofALWAYS READY TO SERVE YOU: Our Staff are, Emma Davidson, Jeimy Sanchez,Josephine Leone, Marie D’Amore, Rocco Longo, Z’andre Lopez, Anthony DiPierro,Darius Goudreau, Laurette Murphy, Danielle Goudreau and Tina Davidson.PHONE: (617) 387-7466FAX: (617) 381-9186Visit us online at: WWW.SABATINO-INS.COMSubscribe to the Advocate Online: www.advocatenews.net
Page 4THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, MAy 17, 2024LIKE US ON FACEBOOK ADVOCATE NEWSPAPERFACEBOOK.COM/ADVOCATE.NEWS.MARON’S OILCallForPRICEMELROSE, MA02176NEWCUSTOMER’SWELCOMEACCEPTING VISA, MASTERCARD & DISCOVER(781) 397-1930 OR (781) 662-8884100 GALLON MINIMUMLawrence A. Simeone Jr.Attorney-at-Law~ Since 1989 ~* Corporate Litigation* Criminal/Civil* MCAD* Zoning/Land Court* Wetlands Litigation* Workmen’s Compensation* Landlord/Tenant Litigation* Real Estate Law* Construction Litigation* Tax Lien* Personal Injury* Bankruptcy* Wrongful Death* Zoning/Permitting Litigation300 Broadway, Suite 1, Revere * 781-286-1560lsimeonejr@simeonelaw.netSen. DiDomenico priorities included in Senate BudgetLast week the Senate Committeeon Ways and Meansreleased a $57.9 billion budgetfor Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25) thatrefl ects the Senate’s vision ofcreating a more aff ordable, equitableand competitive Massachusettsby investing in residentsand communities acrossevery district of the Commonwealthwhile continuing to befi scally responsible and charta sustainable path forward.Senator Sal DiDomenico wassuccessful in securing historicinvestments for his prioritiesand programs that willbenefi t people in Cambridge,Charlestown, Chelsea, Everettand throughout the Commonwealth.DiDomenicocelebratedthe inclusion of programs hechampioned, such as, UniversalSchool Meals funding, expandedsupport for the MassachusettsEmergency FoodAssistance Program, resourcesfor our most vulnerable residents,early intervention servicesand healthcare for ourchildren, and historic investmentsin education from earlyed, to K-12 schools, to comCelebratingOur 52nd YearDan - 1972We Sell Cigars & Accessories!MAJOR BRANDS AT DISCOUNT PRICES!Singles * Tins * Bundles * Boxes* Travel Humidors * Desk Top Humidors * Many Types of Lighters * Ash Trays * Juuls * Vapes* Glass Pipes * Rewards Program * CBD Infused Products * GIFTS UNDER $30 - GIFT CERTIFICATESDon’t Wait! 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Senator DiDomenicowill fi le amendments to includefunding for more prioritiesand local initiatives, andthe Senate will then debatethe FY25 budget proposalin formal session beginningTuesday, May 21, 2024.“Budgets reflect our government’spriorities, and I amproud to support this proposalwhich demonstrates ourcommitment to uplifting ourchildren and families, workers,and people most in needthroughout the Commonwealth,”said Senator DiDomenico,who is Assistant MajorityLeader of the MassachusettsSenate. “I am thrilledthat so many of my prioritieshave been included in theSenate budget and throughthese investments, we willexpand access to nutritiousfoods, quality education frompre-K through community college,resources for our mostvulnerable residents, as wellas, healthcare and housing. Iwant to thank Senate PresidentSpilka and Senate Waysand Means Chair Michael Rodrigues,for pulling togethera budget that will make ourstate more equitable and affordablefor people from everycorner of the state.”The Committee’s budgetrecommends a total of $57.9billion in spending, a $1.8 billionincrease over the FY24General Appropriations Act(GAA). This sensible spendingrecommendation is basedon a tax revenue estimate of$41.5 billion for FY25, whichis $208 million less than revenuesassumed in the FY24GAA. This represents nearlyfl at growth, as agreed uponduring the Consensus Revenueprocess in January, plus$1.3 billion in revenue generatedfrom the Fair Share surtax.Asthe Commonwealth adjuststo a changing economiclandscape and ongoing taxrevenue volatility, the Committee’sFY25 budget adheresto disciplined and responsiblefi scal stewardship. It does notraise taxes, nor does it drawdown available reserves fromthe Stabilization Fund or theTransitional Escrow Fund; atthe same time it judicially utilizesone-time resources tomaintain balance. The Senate’sbudget continues responsibleand sustainable planning forthe future by continuing togrow the Rainy-Day Fund, alreadyat a historic high of over$8 billion. The Senate’s proposalwould build the Commonwealth’sreserves to ahealthy balance in excess of$9 billion at the close of FY25.Fair Share Investments:Consistent with the consensusrevenue agreement reachedwith the Administration andHouse of Representatives inJanuary, the Senate’s FY25budget includes $1.3 billion inrevenues generated from theFair Share surtax of 4% on annualincome above $1 million.As FY25 represents the secondyear where this source of revenueis available, the Committee’sbudget invests these FairShare revenues into an array ofimportant initiatives to furtherstrengthen our state’s economyby expanding access toquality public education andimproving the state’s transportationinfrastructure.Education: The Senate Waysand Means FY25 budget proposalimplements the Senate’sStudent Opportunity Planby shaping polices to makehigh-quality education moreaccessible and by making significantinvestments in theeducation system, from ouryoungest learners to adultsreentering the higher educationsystem. Recognizing thatinvesting in our EEC system directlysupports the underlyingeconomic competitiveness ofthe Commonwealth, the Senate’sbudget makes a $1.58billion investment in EEC. TheFY25 budget will maintainoperational support for providers,support the EEC workforceand prioritize accessibilityand aff ordability throughoutour EEC system.Building off the Senate’sunanimous passage of thecomprehensive EARLY ED Actin March, the Committee’s FY25budget codifi es several provisionsof the Act, transformingthe state’s relationship withthe early education sector byimproving affordability andaccess for families, increasingpay for educators and ensuringthe sustainability and qualityof EEC programs. In K-12education, the Senate followsthrough on the commitmentPRIORITIES | SEE PAGE 8
THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, MAy 17, 2024Page 5FLAGS | FROM PAGE 1Glenwood Cemetery. In preparationfor Memorial Day, residentsgathered to honor theUnited States veterans whoare no longer with us by takingas many flags as they couldand dispersing throughoutthe cemetery. Those who participatedwalked throughoutthe cemetery to ensure everyveteran-marked grave receiveda U.S. flag in recognitionof their service.“Walking throughout theThe Everett community gathered at Glenwood Cemetery to place flags at veteran-markedgraves in preparation for Memorial Day.entire cemetery to search forthe graves of veterans isn’t theeasiest task, but it’s the leastthat we could do for thosewho sacrificed so much forall of us,” said Mayor Carlo DeMaria.“Everyone who participatedproved once again thatwe have a great communitythat appreciates our veteranshere in Everett.”The Mayor would like tothank everyone who volunteeredto place flags at GlenwoodCemetery.All are welcome to participatein the second flag placingat Woodlawn Cemetery(302 Elm St.) from 8 a.m. to11 a.m. on Monday, May 20.Those who are interested inparticipating are asked to contactVeterans Agent Gerri Mirandaat Gerri.Miranda@ci.everett.ma.us.For more information,please contact the VeteransAffairs’ Department at 617394-2320.50Volunteersof all ages were welcome to placeflags at the graves of veterans.Volunteers gathered to place flags at GlenwoodCemetery.JOHN MACKEY & ASSOCIATES~ Attorneys at Law ~* PERSONAL INJURY* REAL ESTATE* FAMILY LAW* PERSONAL BANKRUPTCY* LANDLORD/TENANT DISPUTES14 Norwood StreetEverett, MA 02149The City of Everett’s Facilities MaintenanceDepartment ensured volunteers received flagsto place at veteran-marked graves.U.S. flags were placed on the graves ofveterans at Glenwood Cemetery.Phone: (617) 387-4900 Fax: (617) 381-1755WWW.JMACKEYLAW.COMWindow Glass & Screen Repair
Page 6THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, MAy 17, 2024Author chronicles life as substitute teacher at Everett HighBarry Norman discusses “Confessions of a Grateful Substitute Teacher”By Tara VocinoAseasoned professionalfrom the fi lm, TV and musicindustries – after selling aMaine-based movie theater –found himself in an unplannedreturn to the workforce due tothe challenges brought aboutby the COVID-19 pandemic andpublished a book regardinghis experiences as a substituteteacher at Everett High School.Barry Norman, 66, wrote “Confessionsof a Grateful SubstituteTeacher” (released on May 8),using pseudonyms when describinginteractions with actualstudents, staff and teachers.“I wanted to protect students’privacy, but what we’re dealingwith is universal,” Normansaid in an interview at PaneraBread in Saugus on Sundayafternoon. “Regarding the district’sdiversity, some studentscome from immigration campsand have serious Post TraumaticStress Disorder.”As Norman delved into thisMid-gradeRegular$3.953.357368Over 45 Years of Excellence!Full Service$3.15Order online atangelosoil.comunexpected role, he discoveredthat the high school he joinedis the fourth most diverse in thestate, boasting a rich tapestryof students from Central andSouth America, Haiti and Vietnam.Other ways that non-Everettreaders can relate are:some students aren’t dressedfor colder weather since theycome from poor families, andthey get depressed before vacationtime since their bestmeal is at school, according toNorman. Norman said parents,paraprofessionals, students,principals and those who don’twork in nor live around educationcan connect with thebook.“Universally, cellular phoneand headphones have rewiredthese kids’ brains when schoolwork bores them and then it’sback to watching TikTok videos,”Norman said. “Anotherthing students say is ‘I’m nevergoing to need to know that.”Norman argues that all oflife is math, and that he teachescritical thinking skills totrain their brain. He doesn’tjust babysit – Norman teachAuthorBarry Norman held up “Confessions of a GratefulSubstitute Teacher” during an interview on Sunday afternoonat Panera Bread in Saugus. (Advocate photo by Tara Vocino)es math or science classes toall grade levels on a daily basis.General Education studentscan’t graduate fromhigh school unless they passmath and science on the MCASexam. Approximately 2,400students attend Everett HighSchool, which is built for a studentbody of 1,700.Wearing a “Skittles Collection,”or colorful attire fromhead to toe, he won BestDressed last year – voted onby students. Norman has beenteaching at Everett High Schoolfor three years, and he hopes toretire there at age 70.“It freaks students out toknow that I’m older than someof their grandparents,” Normansaid. “But I wake up at 9a.m. to work out daily, and studentssay I don’t look my age.”NORMAN | SEE PAGE 7Eastern Bank Building on Rte. 1S605 Broadway, #301 * Saugus(781) 233-6844 www.bostonnorthdental.comDr. Priti AmlaniDr. Bhavisha Patel* Restorative Dentistry* Cosmetic Dentistry* Implant Restoration* Zoom Whitening* Teeth in a Day - All on 6* Invisalign* CEREC Crowns(Single Visit Crowns)* Root Canal Treatment* Sedation Dentistry~ Full Mouth Rehabilitation ~BeforeAfter
THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, MAy 17, 2024Page 7Cumberlands congratulates local graduatesEveryone at University ofthe Cumberlands wishesheartfelt congratulations toall graduates in the Class of2024! The following Everettresidents received a degreein fall 2023 or spring 2023 orare set to complete their degreein summer 2024 (andwere thus eligible to walk atCumberlands’ commencementceremonies): NischitBikram Shah, Milan Karki andKeyur Ashwinbhai Patel.“Graduates, today marks asignifi cant milestone in yourlives,” said Dr. Larry L. Cockrum,university president,during commencement cerNORMAN| FROM PAGE 6Norman notices that some studentswith anxiety issues wantto sit beside him.Keeping it local, Norman’s fatherPaul was an OB-GYN at FerryStreet in Malden, not far fromEverett High School. His sondidn’t pursue that path, but heis certainly educated. Normanearned his Bachelor’s in AmericanHistory from ConnecticutCollege, a Master’s in Fine Artsfrom Boston University in FilmStudies and a doctorate in fi lmfrom Concordia University. Normanis an award-winning fi lmmakerand he has worked inaviation, television, film andradio previously. An infl uencewas Jack Kerouac, and he admitsthat he has a unique writingstyle. It’s his eighth bookpublished.Norman said he had no ideawhether he’d like teaching,but he loves it. He said theCOVID-19 pandemic madehim realize that he’d have to goback to work instead of retiring.“I hope people will read thebook like it’s a moment in timemany years from now,” Normansaid. “Students were online fora year and a half, and the waythat we learn is diff erent.”A billboard advertising Norman’sbook will be displayed inJune on Route 1 South in Saugusnear Northeastern Fence.To purchase a copy of the book– published by BearManor Media– visit Barnes & Noble, Amazonor BarryRNorman.com.“‘Confessions of a GratefulSubstitute Teacher’ is a testamentto resilience, adaptabilityand the profound connectionsthat can be forged in the unlikeliestof places. The author’sgratitude for this unexpectedchapter in their career shinesthrough, off ering readers aninsightful and heartwarmingperspective on the transformativepower of educationand human connection,” statesBarryRNorman.com.emonies. “You have perseveredthrough years of hardwork and now stand here,ready to take on the world. Iam honored to congratulateeach and every one of you onyour outstanding achievements.”Thegraduating class representedmost U.S. states andmany other areas. Amongundergraduate students,two-thirds grew up in Appalachianareas, just overhalf competed in universityathletics and the majority ofgraduates were involved ina combination of differentmusic ensembles, campusministries, clubs and campusorganizations. The Classof 2024 performed 41,574hours of community service.That equates to 5,197 8-hourworkdays, or 1,040 40-hourwork weeks.University of the Cumberlandsis one of the largestand most aff ordable privateuniversities in Kentucky. Locatedin Williamsburg, Kentucky,Cumberlands is an institutionof regional distinctionoff ering quality undergraduate,graduate, doctoraland online degree programs.Learn more at ucumberlands.edu.Councilon Aging to HostJune Senior Social June 21Gather with friends for a deliciousmeal, dancing and plenty of funEVERETT – Mayor CarloDeMaria is pleased toannounce the City of Everett’sCouncil on Aging(COA) will be hosting theJune Senior Social on Friday,June 21, at 11:45 a.m.,at the Connolly Center (90Chelsea Street).The COA has chosen a deliciousmeal that includesgarden salad, steak tips,barbecue chicken, bakedpotato, seasonal vegetables,rolls with butter, coffeeand dessert. DJ ChrisFiore will provide the musicand dancing is encouraged.Ticketsales are ongoingat the Connolly Center.Please see Cathi or call 617394-2270to be connectedto the Connolly Center.
Page 8THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, MAy 17, 2024PRIORITIES | FROM PAGE 4to fully fund and implementthe Student Opportunity Act(SOA) by Fiscal Year 2027, investing$6.9 billion in Chapter70 funding, an increase of $316million over FY24, as well as increasingminimum Chapter 70aid from $30 to $104 per pupil,delivering an additional $37million in resources to schooldistricts across the state. Withthese investments, the Senatecontinues to provide crucialsupport to school districtsconfronting the increasing costpressures that come with deliveringhigh-quality education toall students.In addition to the record levelsof investment in early educationand K-12, the Committee’sbudget removes barriersto accessing public higher educationby codifying into lawMassEducate, a $117.5 millioninvestment in a universal freecommunity college programthat covers tuition and feesfor residents – aimed at supportingeconomic opportunityand workforce developmentand opening the doorto higher education for peoplewho might never have hadaccess. The FY25 budget permanentlyenshrines free communitycollege into law in anaffordable, sustainable andprudent manner across theCommonwealth, while leavingno federal dollars on thetable. Other education investmentareas: the special educationcircuit breaker; charterschool reimbursements;reimbursing school districtsfor regional school transportationcosts; higher educationwraparound services, includingGeneral Fund resourcesto support wraparound supportsto the infl ux of new studentscoming to communitycolleges campuses becauseof MassEducate; Rural SchoolAid supports; Early Collegeprograms and the state’s DualEnrollment initiative, both ofwhich provide high schoolstudents with increased opportunitiesfor post-graduatesuccess; supporting continuedimplementation of theMassachusetts Inclusive ConcurrentHigher Education law,including helping high schoolstudents with intellectual disabilitiesages 18–22 accesshigher education opportunities;the Genocide EducationTrust Fund, continuing ourcommitment to educate middleand high school studentson the history of genocide;and Hate Crimes PreventionGrants to support educationand prevention of hate crimesand incidences of bias in publicschools.Community Support: TheCommittee’s budget – in additionto funding traditionalaccounts like Chapter 70 educationaid – further demonstratesthe Senate’s commitmentto partnerships betweenthe Commonwealth and municipalities.This includes $1.3billion in funding for UnrestrictedGeneral GovernmentAid (UGGA), an increase of $38million over FY24, to supportadditional resources for citiesand towns. In addition to traditionalsources of local aid, theCommittee’s budget increasespayments in lieu of taxes (PILOT)for state-owned land to$53 million, an increase of $1.5million over FY24. PILOT fundingis an additional source ofsupplemental local aid for citiesand towns working to protectand improve access to essentialservices and programsduring recovery from the pandemic.Other local investmentareas: Regional Transit Authorities(RTAs) to support regionalpublic transportationsystems, including Fair Sharefunding to support RTAs thathelp to connect all regions ofour Commonwealth; libraries,including regional library localaid, municipal libraries andtechnology and automatedresource networks; the MassCultural Council.Health, Mental Health &Family Care: The Senate budgetfunds MassHealth at a totalof $20.33 billion, providingmore than two million peoplewith continued access to affordable,accessible and comprehensivehealth care services.Expanding& ProtectingOpportunities: The Senate remainscommitted to continuingan equitable recovery, expandingopportunity and supportingthe state’s long-termeconomic health. To that end,the Committee’s budget maintainsthe annual child’s clothingallowance, providing $450per child for eligible familiesto buy clothes for the upcomingschool year. The budgetalso includes a 10 per cent increaseto Transitional Aid toFamilies with Dependent Children(TAFDC) and EmergencyAid to the Elderly, Disabledand Children (EAEDC) benefitlevels compared to June2024 to help families moveout of deep poverty. In addition,the budget provides $87million in critical funding tosupport a host of food securityinitiatives, including $42 millionfor Emergency Food Assistanceto assist residents innavigating the historical levelsin food insecurity, and $20million for the Health IncentivesProgram (HIP) to ensurefull operation of the programto maintain access to healthyfood options for SNAP households.The budget funds manyeconomic opportunity investmentareas.PRIORITIES | SEE PAGE 19
THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, MAy 17, 2024Page 9McGonagle delivers fl owersto Everett seniors for Mother’s DayJ&• Reliable Mowing Service• Spring & Fall Cleanups• Mulch & Edging• Sod or Seed Lawns• Shrub Planting & Trimming• Water & Sewer RepairsLast week State RepresentativeJoe McGonagle visitedseveral senior living sites in Everettto deliver fl owers in honorof Mother’s Day. McGonaglesays he does this not onlyto celebrate the mothers andmother fi gures in the community,but especially in remembranceof his late mother.“My mom was a connectedpiece of this community andthe glue to our family,” saidMcGonagle. “I want to honorher legacy by celebrating notonly those who are mothersand grandmothers but thosewho have acted as motherlyfi gures and also have motherswho have passed on. I lovedgetting to visit with thesewomen and remind them thatthey are appreciated.”(Courtesy of Representative Joseph McGonagle)Joe Pierotti, Jr.For Advertising with Results, call The Advocate Newspapersat 617-387-2200 or Info@advocatenews.netSLANDSCAPE & MASONRY CO.Masonry - Asphalt• Brick or Block Steps• Brick or Block Walls• Concrete or Brick PaverPatios & Walkways• Brick Re-Pointing• Asphalt Pavingwww.JandSlandscape-masonry.com• Senior Discount • Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured617-389-1490Designing and Constructing Ideas that are “Grounds for Success”Landscaping
Page 10THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, MAy 17, 2024RESNEK | FROM PAGE 1Wednesday no matter whathappens.”Puopolo – known to manyas Johnny “Flop” Puopolo –whom Resnek dubbed in aNovember 2022 email “a bigpart of the investigative team”along with Anthony “The Razor”Raymond, is currently,along with Sterite, bannedfrom School Committee meetings,and Council meetings forRaymond, for making threatsto the city solicitors Keith Slatteryand Colleen Mejia andChief Financial Offi cer Eric Demas.Puopolo answers Resnekin the same email, “just keepme out of jail! Another greatheadline this week!”Raymond is the administraAnthonyRaymondtor for the social media site“The Everett Reporter” onFacebook, which he uses tomake threats against Slattery,Mejia and Demas as well as themayor and city and school officials. Raymond, a felon, hasbeen ordered by the courtJohn PuopoloSandy Julianoto wear an electronic braceletand to stay away from allschool property and City Hallas he faces contempt of courtcharges as a defendant in theongoing lawsuit.Almost 10,000 emails havebeen uncovered and, accordingto the source, there will bemore to come. It is also expectedthat additional subpoenaswill be served in the solicitors’lawsuit.Another series of emails concernsformer Everett schoolemployee Cory McCarthy, whoPaula Steritedirected Everett High studentsto carry signs demanding resignationfrom city councillorAnthony DiPierro over emailsbetween himself and a cityemployee, in order to bolsterthe former Supt. of SchoolsPriya Tahiliani, who fi led unfoundedlawsuits claiming racismby the mayor. The stateattorney general’s offi ce andthe Dept. of Justice would investigateand close without afi nding of discrimination andharassment. McCarthy, in aMarch 2022 email to Sterite,described his plans to havestudents speak during publicparticipation: “The studentshould go fi rst. I believe theyare asking one of them to goand speak on behalf of thestudents. More than enoughtime. These folks need to listenup and stop protectingthis man.”Puopolo replied, “Paula &Corey decided the childrenshould go fi rst.”McCarthy is referring to DiPierro,who had publicly resignedhis seat on the councilthe week before the plannedcircus.Sterite emailed Puopolo,stating, “John can you let Joshknow that Cory is asking ifstudent can go fi rst.“ Followingup on the same emailthread to Resnek, “You canadd a point about the black &brown youth are in fear fromhearing & seeing these racistcomments in the city they aregrowing up in in 2022.”Resnek, again, in his attemptto direct the circusfor the Monday night CityCouncil meeting the next day,emailed, “The council can’thurt us without paying for itin the Wednesday paper.”Little did Resnek’s puppetsknow how much the Wednesdaypaper and its disgraced reportercould hurt them. Historyhas shown that whateverResnek touches, turns to garbage.The black eye that wasgiven to Everett for years emanatedfrom Church Street sothe Philbins could exact revengeagainst the mayor atany cost with false claims ofracism and corruption writRESNEK| SEE PAGE 11
THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, MAy 17, 2024Page 11~ Everett Public LibrariesCalendar of Events ~May 20–25, 2024Parlin Adult and TeensParlin Book Group: ParlinMeeting Room and Zoom, Monday,May 20, at 6:00 p.m. (18+).In Elin Hilderbrand’s “SummerPeople,” Arch Newton dies onhis way home from a businesstrip. His widow can barely keepthings together. She decidesthat she must continue the familytradition of going to Nantucket,to fulfi ll a promise thatArch made before he died. CallKathleen at 617-394-2300 orsend an email to slipp@noblenet.orgfor the Zoom link, or joinus in person!Yarn Club: Parlin FireplaceRoom, Tuesday, May 21, at 7p.m. Come chit-chat and stitch!Bring your crocheting, knittingor any other yarn craft and sitand socialize with other membersof the crafting community.Recommended for ages 14-109!Chess Club: Parlin FireplaceRoom, Wednesday, May 22, at3 p.m. Play, learn and practicechess. All ages and skills welcome!AuthorEvent with Eric JayDolin: Wednesday, May 22,at 7:00 p.m. The best-selling,award-winning author of “Leviathan,”“Rebels at Sea” and “BlackFlags, Blue Waters” will discusshis newly published “Leftfor Dead.” It is the true story offi ve castaways abandoned onthe Falkland Islands during theWar of 1812 – a tale of treachery,shipwreck, isolation and thedesperate struggle for survival.Coff ee and pastries will be providedby the Friends of the EverettPublic Libraries.Murder/Mystery BookGroup: Connolly Center MeetingRoom, Thursday, May 23,at 12 p.m. In Fern Michaels’RESNEK | FROM PAGE 10ten by one of the most corruptand vile reporters.Resnek, who’s disgracefularticles and editorials havebeen spotlighted by BostonMagazine and the New YorkPost, continues to earn his payfrom the Philbins, publishingdrivel week after week, in orderto keep the once proudnewspaper alive, destroyingan over century-old newspaper’sreputation built by theCurnane family. The Philbinshave continued publishingwith Resnek at the helm followingthe outcome of a lawsuitthat’s expected to cost thePhilbins dearly.The discovery of Resnek’s directionof his puppets, Puopo“TheScoop,” the Godmothersare four unforgettable womenwho are about to get a wholenew lease on life. See Kathleenfor copies on her twice monthlyvisits or call the Parlin (617394-2300)or Shute (617-3942308)Libraries.Origami Club: Parlin FireplaceRoom, Saturday, May 25,at 12 p.m. Come and practicethe ancient art of paper folding.All ages and skill levels arewelcome!Parlin Children’sLego Club: Parlin Children’sRoom, Monday, May 20, from3-5 p.m. Come to the Children’sRoom after school on Mondaysfor some free Lego building fun.Open to all ages; children undersix years old must be accompaniedby an adult; no registrationrequired.Storytime and Sing-alongwith Karen: Parlin Children’sRoom, Wednesday, May 22, at11 a.m. Join us for a fun-fi lledmorning of singing and storytellingwith Karen! Suggestedages: newborn to six.Drama Class: Parlin Children’sRoom, Wednesday, May22, at 3 p.m. Do you have a dramaqueen or king at home? DramaClass in the Parlin Children’sDepartment is the perfect opportunityfor your child to putthose acting skills to use withour drama coach! Suggestedages: six to 14.Story Time Adventures withMrs. McAuliffe: Parlin Children’sRoom, Thursday, May 23,and Friday, May 24, at 11 a.m.Join Mrs. McAuliff e for our enchantingStory Time! You willbe whisked away on magicaladventures through the pagesof your favorite books. Bringa friend or make a new one inlo, Raymond, Sterite and Juliano(a North Reading resident),who do not have childrenin the school system orown businesses in the city, hasnow cast a spotlight on theirshameful behavior.What is now clear in theemails is the collusion runningdeep between Resnek andthese bad actors, who continueto waste the taxpayers’time with their scripted vitriolat city government meetings.It shows the fraud perpetratedon the city under the guise offreedom of speech, all to serveone family’s political and personalagenda - and this embarrassingcircus should shutdown their tents and be heldaccountable by city offi cials.our circle of friends.Friday Family Movie Night!Parlin Meeting Room, Friday,May 24, at 3 p.m. Grab your favoriteblanket or stuffed animaland break out the popcorn!Come and watch “Big Hero 6”with your friends and family.Fresh hot popcorn will be providedby the Friends of the EverettPublic Libraries.Shute Adult and TeensApron Paint Night: ShuteMeeting Room, Tuesday, May21, at 7:00 p.m. Step into our vibrantrealm where aprons aren’tjust for spills, they’re yourblank canvases! At our ApronPaint Night, we swap canvasesfor aprons! Transform yourapron into a wearable workof art – a splash of personalityto bring to every future paintnight. With a palette of colorsand endless possibilities, let’spaint our aprons with creativity!This program is generouslyfunded by the Friends of theEverett Public Libraries. For ages14-109; registration is required.Resume Writing: Shute AdultDepartment. Book a one-ononeresume assistance appointmentat the Shute Library andlet a librarian help you craft a resumetailored to your strengthsand aspirations. Sign up for a30-minute session at the ShuteLibrary; Fridays by appointmentonly.Computer Basics 101: ShuteAdult Department. Tech Newbie?No Problem! Learn to powerup, click around, type like apro, explore the digital worldand even send your fi rst email.Book your Friday adventurewith technology today! By appointmentonly on Fridays;please call the Shute Library toregister for an appointment.425r Broadway, SaugusLocated adjacent to Kohls Plaza Route 1 Southin Saugus at the intersection of Walnut StreetWe are on MBTA Bus Route 429781-231-1111We are a Skating Rink withBowling Alleys, Arcade andtwo TV’s where the ballgames are always on!PUBLIC SKATING SCHEDULE12-7 p.m.SundayMondayTuesday$9.00Price includes Roller SkatesRollerblades/inline skates $3.00 additional costPrivate Parties7:30-11 p.m.WednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday$10.00Price includes Roller SkatesAdult Night 18+ OnlyPrivate PartiesPrivate Parties4-8 p.m. $10.00 8:30-11 p.m. $11.18+ Adults Only After 7 PM12-9 p.m.$9.00Everyone must pay admission after 6 p.m.Sorry No Checks - ATM on siteRoller skate rentals included in all pricesInline Skate Rentals $3.00 additionalBIRTHDAY & PRIVATE PARTIES AVAILABLEwww.roller-world.comAdvocate Online: www.advocatenews.net
Page 12THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, MAy 17, 2024Retired Everett Fire Fighter turnedInventor Gerry O’Hearn HonoredTide baseball securesfourth win rather decisivelyagainst host CharlestownEverett goes up against non-leagueLowell later today at GlendalePictured from left to right: Ward 1 Councillor Wayne Matewsky, Retired Fire Captain GerryO’Hearn, City Council President Robert Van Campen and Everett Fire Chief Joseph Hickey.(Photo courtesy of Councilman Matewsky)The Everett City Council presented a proclamation to Retired Everett Fire Captain GerryO’Hearn in honor of his invention the “Gerry Pipe” – a device that suppresses heat and firethat occurs on electric vehicles.City of Everett launches Teen Nights at the Recreation Centeryouth ages 12 to 18 are welcome to participate in an eveningof fun, friendship and community throughout the summerMayor Carlo DeMaria ispleased to announcethat the City of Everett’sYouth Development and EnrichmentDepartment willbe hosting Teen Nights atthe Recreation Center (47Elm St.) every Tuesday from6 p.m. to 9 p.m., from July 2to August 20. Everett residentsages 12 to 18 are invitedto hang out at theRecreation Center on Tuesdaysthroughout the summerfor an evening of fun,friendship and community.Teen Night is an opportunityto drop in, unwindand connect with peers in asupportive and positive environment.Ledby Assistant Directorof Youth Substance AbusePrevention Eric Mazzeo,this weekly program offersa variety of activities:games, sports, music andmore. Whether a participantis looking to hang out withfriends or participate in activities,this program hassomething for everyone.Free food and snacks will beprovided to attendees.To learn more and registerfor this program, pleasevisit EverettRecandEnrich.com and navigate to thePrograms tab to find “TeenNights @ Rec” under theYouth Wellness section.For more information,please email Eric Mazzeoat Eric.Mazzeo@ci.everett.ma.us or call 617-394-2270to be connected to theYouth Development andEnrichment Department.CHA named to Newsweek’s List of Best Maternity Hospitals 2024Recognized for excellence in reducing pregnancy riskFor the fourth year, CambridgeHealth Alliance(CHA), a community healthsystem serving Cambridge,Somerville and Boston’smetro-north communities,has been named to Newsweek’slist of Best MaternityHospitals. This prestigiousaward is presented byNewsweek and Statista Inc.,the world-leading statisticsportal and industry rankingprovider. High-qualitymaternity care providedfrom pregnancy throughbirth and postpartum is keyto the long-term health ofnewborns and women whogive birth. Given that maternitycare is a major componentof health care, Newsweekand Statista have partneredto identify America’sBest Maternity Hospitalsin 2024. The awards listcan currently be viewed onNewsweek’s website.This honor reflects CHA’sextensive efforts to reducepregnancy risk and supportequitable patient care. CHAemploys a model of collaborativeinterprofessional care,with a focus on shared decisionmaking with patients.Three data sources wereused for the evaluation:• Nationwide online survey:Health care professionalsand hospital managerswith knowledge about maternityprocesses (e.g., neonataland perinatal doctors,nurses and midwives) wereasked to recommend leadingmaternity hospitals inthe USA• Medical Key PerformanceIndicators on hospitals witha focus on indicators relevantto maternity care• Results from patient surveys“Weare thrilled to berecognized for the fourthyear in a row for Newsweek’sprestigious award,”said CHA’s chief of Obstetricsand Gynecology, TaraSingh, MD. “We strongly believein our vision to provideexcellent care for all,and we thank our patientsfor recognizing our team’shard work.”Albert Santana safely makes it to first base during GBL actionagainst Revere.By Joe McConnellIn a rebuilding season witha new head coach, the EverettHigh School baseballteam (4-12) keeps on working,never giving up, and lastFriday against host Charlestownthey were rewardedwith their fourth win of theyear, 10-2.“We were able to capitalizeon the small things to comeaway with the victory,” saidfirst-year varsity coach MalikLove after the Charlestowngame.Nordeivy Santana pitchedfive innings to secure his firstwin of the year. He issued sixwalks, while striking out seven.He also contributed tothe offense with a double.Derek Soper chipped in withtwo singles, including one inthe first.“We have a bunch of playerswho can play multiplepositions this year, and we’revery young with only threeseniors – Alex Lara, JustinLongmore and Enrico Vega –on the active varsity roster,”said Love. “Thery are learninghow to play situationalbaseball, while gainingconsiderable experience onthis level.”After the win over Charlestown,the Tide lost to Revere(7-2) and Medford (6-3)earlier this week. The gameagainst the Mustangs wasimpressive for the youngEverett players. They playedthe game on the road atMedford’s Playstead Park,and the youthful visitors, notTide pitcher Alex Lara letsone rip during action againstRevere Monday.(Advocate photo by Emily Harney)feeling intimidated, scoredthree times in the top of thefirst.“We beat ourselves again,but this is a process, and allI can ask from this group isto compete every day, andhang in there,” said Love,“which they did.”Isaiah Goffigan pitched thefirst five innings against theMustangs, striking out four.Armani Negron whiffed twoover the final two frames.Longmore tripled in Laraand Jevaun Berberena in theproductive first. Albert Santanasingled over shortstopto produce the team’s thirdrun of the stanza.The Everett boys have fourregular season games left onthe schedule, including today’s(May 17) non-leaguecontest against Lowell atGlendale Park, starting at4:15 p.m. They will then betaking on host Greater LawerenceMonday afternoon at4 p.m., followed by rematcheswith Charlestown twodays later at Glendale (May22, 4 p.m.) and Greater Lawrencenext Friday (May 24, 6p.m.), also at Glendale.
THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, MAy 17, 2024Page 13GREATER BOSTON LEAGUE:Malden Boys Volleyball and Girls Tennis clinch GBL ChampionshipsEverett Softball gets huge win over Medford and can clinch league title;complete GBL Winter Team All-Stars are named for 2023-24By Steve FrekerIt’s been quite a Spring Seasonfor all of the teams in theGreater Boston League, withlots of big wins, so many competitivegames as well as schoolrecords being set... and sought.Malden Boys Volleyball hasbeen one of the most successfulteams of all this spring, witha whopping 15 wins (15-3) as itroars into its final week of play.Head Coach Dan Jurkowski’sTornado boys have clinched theGreater Boston League (GBL)Championship with a 12-1 recordto date, one of its bestleague marks ever. Malden’sonly league loss was an earlyseason stumble to Revere.The Tornado squad avengedthat lone loss with a 3-1 winlast week.Revere, the two-time defendingGBL Champion, hasstill managed to scrap out asecond-place finish behindMalden and will be headingto another MIAA Division 1State Boys Volleyball Tournamentrun. Malden will also betourney-bound – for the fifthstraight year – and will be enhancedby a #26 spot in theMIAA Power Rankings, its highestever.“We bumped up our schedulethis year with some verycompetitive non-league opponentsand we have beatenmost of them,” Coach Jurkowskisaid. “We hoped to get a homegame for the state tournamentand it looks like we may have achance for that.”Revere also has made aschedule that has landed thePatriots with a much higherPower Ranking; at #33 it is alsotheir highest ever with their10-7 win-loss record.Everett Girls Softball Teamwins 12th straight, includinghuge win over Medford, 5-4;can clinch at least co-GBL titleEverett Girls Softball’s 5-4win over Medford on Wednesdayavenged their only GreaterBoston League loss to the Mustangsearlier in the season andputs Everett in a spot to clinchat least the 2024 GBL Co-Championshipif the Crimson Tidebeats Somerville on Tuesday.That game is Tuesday, May 21at 4:00 p.m. at Trum Field inSomerville.With the win Everett softballimproved to 16-1 overall, 12-1in the GBL, ahead of Medford,which is at 11-1 in the GBL. EverettGirls Softball has a #34 PowerRanking in Division 1.GBL Champion MaldenGirls Tennis Team (11-0) looksto finish undefeated for seasonMaldenGirls Tennis can accomplisha rare feat if it candefeat Lynn Classical at homeon Monday, May 20 – an undefeated12-0 record with twogames left to make up. Maldenis 11-0 and has already clinchedits second consecutive GreaterBoston League Championship.The Golden Tornado team canachieve a fantastic finish – anundefeated regular season – ifit can defeat Lynn Classical athome on Monday, May 20 andthen reign in its final two makeupgames.~GREATER BOSTONLEAGUE STANDINGS ~GIRLS SOFTBALLTeamGBL AllEverett 12-1 16-1Medford11-1 11-4~ Greater Boston League WinterAll-Star Teams for 2023-2024 season ~BOYS BASKETBALLALL-STARSMalden High’s Victor Desouza and Eddie Mei (12) havehelped lead Malden to the 2024 Greater Boston League BoysVolleyball Championship.Revere 8-412-4Lynn Classical 6-5Lynn English 4-71-106-75-8Somerville 3-7 4-9Malden 2-11 2-14Chelsea 0-10TeamBOYS BASEBALLGBL AllSomervilleMalden 8-4MedfordRevere 5-610-2 14-411-4Lynn Classical 8-5Lynn English 6-5Everett 2-11 3-12Chelsea 0-114-11TeamLynnRevere 0-6TeamBOYS LACROSSEGBL AllMedford7-0 10-4Somerville 4-3 7-8Malden 4-46-63-50-14GIRLS LACROSSEGBL AllSomerville 9-0 9-5Malden 5-3Medford7-8Everett 2-7Revere 0-7Team4-3 5-72-100-11BOYS VOLLEYBALLGBL AllMalden 11-1 15-2Revere 9-410-7Lynn Classical 4-4Everett 2-22-2Somerville 2-2 2-3Chelsea 1-3Medford2-4Lynn English 0-31-5 2-71-38-45-109-76-87-5 7-87-8CHELSEA: Brauli QuezadaTimeo.EVERETT: Jaysaun Coggins,Allsin Desruisseaux, LianDorosario.LYNN CLASSICAL: Marvin Avery(MVP), Rolky Brea Arias,Daryll Reynolds.LYNN ENGLISH: CarmeloBuese, Kyle Kemembin,Pierre Veras.MALDEN: Ezekiel Noelsaint.MEDFORD: Justin Marino.REVERE: Ethan Day.SOMERVILLE: Ian Born,Makai Curtis.GIRLS BASKETBALLALL-STARSCHELSEA: Keara Chavez Trejo.EVERETT:Malaica Guillaume,Emilia Maria Babcock.LYNN CLASSICAL: Divine Egbuta,Keisha Perez, LaurenWilson.LYNN ENGLISH: AmaraFlores, Jaeleigh Perry.MALDEN: Amanda Ebenezer,Kimberly Tropnas.MEDFORD: Ava Lavoie, BellaO’Brien, Morgan Reynolds.REVERE: Haley Belloise(MVP), Rocio Gonzalez Castillo,Alisha Jean, Belma Velic.SOMERVILLE: Ava Martin.BOYS HOCKEY ALLSTARSMALDEN:Jake Simpson,Jackie Summers.LYNN CLASSICAL: JaydenLeblanc.MEDFORD: Vincent Castro(MVP), Anthony Madarese,D.J. McDonough, Tyler Taddia.SOMERVILLE:Chris Cassesso,Matthew DeAngelis, RobertLarkin.BOYS INDOOR TRACKALL-STARSMALDEN: Chalais Saintil.MEDFORD: William Kelley,Adam Lewis, JT Mastrocola.REVERE: Edwin Alarcon, KenanBatic, Medy Bellemsieh,Yousef Benheman, YounessChahid, Joao Victor Cunha,Isaiah DeCrosta, Oliver Escobar,Mohammed Fares, AllenHou, Richard Vilme, JeremyX.SOMERVILLE: Ford Christie,Donju Felix, Schuyler Johnson,Attikos Kaye, RobertLeoni, Kerby Luxama, MarcusOdilon, Henry Parkes,William Parkes.GIRLS INDOOR TRACKALL-STARSMALDEN: Rashmi KC, VivianOnyejiaka.MEDFORD: Emma Beardsley,Norah Berson, Carina Lewis,Ella Melchionno, SavannaNash, Rosalie Nicholas, MagdelawitTakele.REVERE: Kaliyah Manigo,Danni Hope Randall, AshleyRodriguez, Olivia Rupp,Giselle Salvador, GemmaStamatopoulos.SOMERVILLE: Bea Calvert,Anika Johnson, Norma Melhus,Greta O’Sullivan, AvaPosiko, Madine Richards.GYMNASTICS ALLSTARS(COED)MALDEN: Ivana Marinkovic,Isabella Oliveira, SofiaVargas.SWIM (Coed Boys)ALL-STARSMALDEN: Joao Victor Santos,Xiaode “David” Xu, StanleyYip, Gordon Zeng, JamesZhou.SWIM (Coed Girls)ALL-STARSMALDEN: Sarah Escobar Ayala,Danielle Harrington, IanIan Ho, Joslyn Nguyen, TiffanyPham, Hailey Tran, SophieTran, Yingyan Xia, JoyxeZhou.WRESTLING (Boys)ALL-STARSMALDEN: David ParadaAraujo (132 lbs.), KennyWong (126 lbs.).WRESTLING (Girls)ALL-STARSMALDEN: Nora Hounain(165 lbs.), Katelynn Vo (120lbs.).
Page 14THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, MAy 17, 2024ANZALONE | FROM PAGE 1cer in the city, rememberedSteve as a teammate. Nuzzowas one year behind the biggerthan life defensive specialist,who was all over the fieldmaking plays. Anzalone, whogrew up in the Woodlawn sectionof the city, was capableof playing all seven positionsup front.“I got to play with Steveduring my sophomore andjunior seasons,” Nuzzo said. “Iwas a halfback and defensiveback, and Steve was a defensivelineman and linebacker.He was also a tight endon offense. My first impressionsof him were that of aman amongst boys. He was astough as they come, and wasdominant on every play.”There were no Super Bowlsuntil the 1972 season, butduring Steve’s sophomoreand junior seasons (1970 and1971) the Tide won the GreaterBoston League (GBL) title.Besides Anzalone, JohnRomboli, Frank Nazzaro, JimmyDiNuccio and Joe DeGeorge,who was Steve’s cousin,were some of the standoutson those powerful Everettteams, according to Nuzzo.“There were a lot of toughplayers on both sides of theball, and I was lucky enoughto play with them,” said Nuzzo.“The GBL was a tough leagueback then, and we also playedsome tough non-league opponentslike Newton, Quincy,North Quincy and Beverly.”The annual regular seasonschedule made the Tide’s accomplishments,led by playerslike Anzalone, even more impressive.But football was notthe only sport that Anzaloneimpacted, he also played significantroles on the basketballand baseball teams.Away from the gridiron,Steve hung out with his friendsat Glendale Park. They wereThe 1971 Everett High School football team is shown posing for a yearbook photo. That team went on to win the GBLchampionship for the second year in a row. Senior captain Steve Anzalone (72), center, front row, holding the football, passedaway last month after a long illness. His teammate Frank Nuzzo (24), front row, third, right, said his first impressions of Stevewere that he was a “man amongst boys.”(Courtesy photo)known as the ‘Glendale ParkAssociation’ to all who knewthem, according to Nuzzo.Nuzzo recalled that the playerswere only a byproductof some great coaching atthe high school in that era. “Iplayed football and baseball,and it was a great experienceplaying for Moody Sarno, whohad his players in leather helmetsuntil 1973, and RalphCecere. They were also greatcoaches and athletes at Fordhamand Villanova Universities,”he said.The Everett native and fatherof three sons – Frank, Mattand Brian – credits his coaches’expertise for him beingdrafted by the St. Louis Cardinalsin 1973. Just prior to theMLB (Major League Baseball)Draft, he had already signed aletter of intent to play footballat UMass-Amherst on a fullscholarship. He ended up signingwith the Cardinals, wherehe played two years in theirminor league system beforean arm injury ended his baseballcareer.“l attributed both these opportunitiesto playing withgreat teammates like Steveand coaches like Moody andRalph at EHS,” Nuzzo added.Nuzzo attended BostonState College during the offseason, before transferring toNortheastern University afterretiring from baseball, majoringin Criminal Justice. Heleft Northeastern in his senioryear to go to work for Air Canadaas an aircraft service coordinator.“Jobs were hard tocome by back then, and whena position opened up, I tookit, because I just got marriedand wanted to start a family,”he said.Frank grew up on ChelseaEverett High School footballgreat Steve Anzalone isshown having a good timealong the sidelines during agame in the early 1970s.(Courtesy photo/Charles Giacobbe)Street with his parents Frankand Mary, also lifelong Everettresidents. He has two youngerbrothers, Louis and Joe, anda younger sister, Debbie. Heand his wife Diane raised threesons. Frank, his oldest son, isEverett High School football greatSteve Anzalone, shown catching apass for the Tide during a game in theearly 1970s, passed away last monthafter a brief illness.(Courtesy photo/Charles Giacobbe)an Everett Police Officer; Mattis employed by New Balance;and Brian works for Local 22.Steve’s life as an EagleSteve’s path after graduatingfrom EHS took him to BostonCollege, where he playedfootball with Pete Cronan,the team’s longtime radio analyst,and former NFL greatFred Smerlas, who, accordingto Nuzzo, said that he was“the toughest player he everplayed against,” and that wasjust in practice.Cronan summed up Steveas a physically menacing individual,who was big, long andathletic. “He looked to be severalyears older than the restof us in our freshman class,although he wasn’t,” Cronanadded. “But it’s important tonote that despite his toughdemeanor he was a softie atheart. He was blessed with agreat sense of humor to goalong with an infectious laugh.He seemed to care about people,and was the antithesis ofa bully.”Anzalone started out as aEverett High School football great Steve Anzalone isshown on the basketball court. He was also a baseballplayer. The three-sport athlete suited up for the Tideall four years, before graduating in 1973.(Courtesy photo/Charles Giacobbe)defensive tackle, before eventuallybecoming a defensiveend at BC. “He saw plenty ofplaying time, and was a physicalpresence,” said Cronan. “HisMO was toughness.”But away from Alumni Stadium,he was like any other collegestudent. His favorite bandat the time was “The Spinners,”according to Cronan. “(Steve)would routinely sing theirsongs, and he had a prettygood voice to boot,” said TheVoice of the Football Eagles.“On occasion, he would besinging a song, more to himselfand then he would randomlyspin on one foot mimickingthe band members. Itwas very funny stuff.”There was another randomAnzalone story that has sincebecome BC folklore. “It wascalled the great MBTA traincaper,” said Cronan. “Trainswould routinely idle outsideMaryAnn’s, our local haunt, inCleveland Circle, and, as thestory goes, Steve felt compelledto commandeer anidling train and take it downthe line, all the while stoppingand picking up waitingpassengers. He made it asfar as Brookline before exitingahead of the authorities.When he returned to Molly’s,his teammates and patronscheered him on. File this oneunder: no harm, no foul.”Steve’s Eagles teams alwayshad winning records, andby today’s standards wouldhave been bowl eligible allfour years. They were 7-4 in1973; 8-3 in 1974; 7-4 in 1975;and 8-3 in 1976. “For a small,non-conference regionalprogram, we did pretty wellagainst national-ranked caliberopponents,” said Cronan.“Our opponents included Pitt,Syracuse, West Virginia, Miami,Army and Navy with a sprinklingof non-regional opponentslike Texas, Texas A&M,Tulane and Notre Dame mixedinto the schedule.“It’s important to note thatthose BC teams were chockfull of oversized personalities,”added Cronan. “They wereunique and colorful people.ANZALONE | SEE PAGE 15
THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, MAy 17, 2024Page 15Gayhart receives Little Free Library’s Award for Outstanding AchievementTeen dreamed of starting a Little Free Library and now stewards multiple librariesThe Little Free Library(LFL) nonprofi t organiEvelynGayhart is shown withone of her Little Free Libraries.ANZALONE | FROM PAGE 14That said, Steve still stood outin that crowd. He will alwaysbe remembered fondly by allwho knew him.”The last time Cronan connectedwith Anzalone was atthe 40th anniversary of the1976 team in 2020, but he willnever forget his beloved teammate,who turned pro in Canada,and whose son, Steve, Jr.also played north of the borderin 2004 for Winnipeg.Love of familyAnzalone, a Weymouthresident, was the son of thelate Giro and Carmella Anzalone.He was a dedicatedson, husband, father, papa,uncle, cousin, coach, mentorand friend. He loved spendingtime with his grandkids.He’d them out on his boat inMaine, and also attended theirgames.Steve worked 38 years atthe Malden District Court, beforeretiring as a First AssistantChief Probation Offi cer in2016. He enjoyed golfi ng, fi shingand was best known forhis world-famous cooking. Hewas actively involved in manyWeymouth youth programs.He was cofounder of the WeymouthGirls Basketball Leagueand WJBL Senior League.Steve was the loving husbandof 46 years to Kathleen(Woolf) Anzalone, and wasthe cherished father of StephenAnzalone and his wife,Melissa of Weymouth, KathrynLong and her husband, Brianof Braintree, and Jason Anzaloneand his wife, Jessica ofEast Boston. He was Papa toRocco, Giuliana, Ethan, Elliotand Mia. He’s also survived byseveral nieces, nephews andcousins. He’s predeceased byhis brother Michael.Steve’s many friends maysend a donation in his nameto the Weymouth High SchoolDungeon, 1 Wildcat Way Weymouth,MA 02190.zation was pleased to presentEvelyn Gayhart of Everett,Mass., with the 2024Todd H. Bol Award for OutstandingAchievement. Thisaward honors extraordinaryindividuals who embodyLFL’s mission to build community,inspire readers andexpand book access for all.“It is a privilege to recognizeEvelyn Gayhart as oneof this year’s winners of theTodd H. Bol Award for OutstandingAchievement,” saidLFL Executive Director GreigMetzger. “Her volunteer effortsexemplify the visionof the late founder of LittleFree Library, Todd Bol, to engagecommunities and enrichlives through the powerof shared books.”The 17-year-old fi rst haddreams of starting a LittleFree Library book-sharingbox when she was 12. Evelynimmediately startedplanning, getting city approvals,fundraising, gatheringbook donations anddesigning and building a littlelibrary with her grandfather.Despite delays due tocovid, her inaugural libraryopened on housing authorityproperty across fromWehner Park in 2021. Shehas since established fouradditional libraries and hasthree more planned, thanksto a Little Free Library PartnerExpansion grant.“I originally started it as aproject for the Girl ScoutsSilver Award but ended upwanting to expand beyondjust one,” Evelyn said. “Theresponse I’ve been gettinghas made me really happy. Iget to make sure more peoplehave the opportunity toget and read books. It’s beenan extremely rewarding experience.”Readmore aboutthisyear’s winners and see theirphotos at LittleFreeLibrary.org/todd-bol-awardsLearn about Little Free LibraryWeek – May 12-18 – atLittleFreeLibrary.org/lfl -week
Page 16THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, MAy 17, 2024Tide softball rolls past four more opponents to remain on top in the GBLEverett begins final week of the regular season at home against non-league Lowell Monday afternoonBy Joe McConnellhe Everett High Schoolsoftball team (15-1) iskeeping up the winning momentumwith recent triumphsover Lynn English, Cambridge,O’Bryant and Revere.The Everett girls first blankedthe Bulldogs at home on May6. Peyton Warren pitched six innings,giving up four walks andthree hits, while fanning 11, beforethe game was called, becauseof the mercy rule. It washer third shutout of the year.Warren’s teammates gotTon the scoreboard with a runin the first. Emma Longmorestarted the inning off with awalk, and then stole second,before Bryanna Mason droveher home with a hit to right.The Tide scored two more inthe second. Emilia Maria-Babcockled off with a hit, andcame home on a one-out tripleby Arabella Cvitkusic. OliviaDresser then singled homeCvitkusic to account for theteam’s third run of the game.The home team pushed twomore runs across the plate inthe fourth. Longmore got it go-LEGAL NOTICE -COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTSTHE TRIAL COURTMIDDLESEX PROBATE AND FAMILY COURT10-U Commerce WayWoburn MA, 01801Docket No. MI22P6423GDIn the matter of: Alicha AzemardOf: Everett, MARESPONDENTAlleged Incapacitated PersonCITATION GIVING NOTICE OF PETITION FORAPPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN FORINCAPACITATED PERSON PURSUANT TOG.L. c. 190B, Section 5-304To the named Respondent and all other interested persons,a petition has been filed by Department Of Mental Healthof Westborough, MA in the above captioned matter allegingthat Alicha Azemard is in need of a Guardian and requestingthat (or some other suitable person) be appointed as Guardianto serve Without Surety on the bond.The petition asks the court to determine that the Respondent isincapacitated, that the appointment of a Guardian is necessary, andthat the proposed Guardian is appropriate. The petition is on file withthis court and may contain a request for certain specific authority.You have the right to object to this proceeding. If youwish to do so, you or your attorney must file a writtenappearance at this court on or before 10:00 AM on thereturn date of 5/27/2024. This day is NOT a hearing date,but a deadline date by which you have to file the writtenappearance if you object to the petition. If you fail to file thewritten appearance by the return date, action may be takenin this matter without further notice to you. In addition tofiling the written appearance, you or your attorney must filea written affidavit stating the specific facts and grounds ofyour objection within 30 days after the return date.IMPORTANT NOTICEThe outcome of this proceeding may limit or completely takeaway the above-named person’s right to make decisions aboutpersonal affairs or financial affairs or both. The above-namedperson has the right to ask for a lawyer. Anyone may make thisrequest on behalf of the above-named person. If the above-namedperson cannot afford a lawyer, one may be appointed at Stateexpense.WITNESS, Hon. Terri L. Klug Caffazzo, First Justice of thisCourt.Date: April 29, 2024TARA DECRISTOFAROREGISTER OF PROBATEMay 17, 2024ing with a triple. She ended upscoring on a passed ball. Withtwo outs, Mason also tripled,and scored the second run ofthe inning on a single by AlexaUga.In the fifth, Everett was creditedwith two more runs toextend its lead to 7-0. AshleySeward began this uprisingwith a double. Jayla Davila followedwith another double,knocking in Seward. She thenmoved to third on a passedball, and scored on a single byDresser.The Tide finally put the gameaway in the sixth with five moreruns, thus invoking the mercyrule. Gianna Masucci andSeward got it going with oneoutsingles. Maria-Babcockthen doubled home one. Davilafollowed with a two-runsingle to center. Longmore singledin the fourth run of the inning.She then stole second,and moved to third on a passedball, where Dresser tripled herhome to end the game.“Peyton (Warren) was amazing(in the circle),” said coachStacy Poste-Schiavo. “But whenrunners did get on base, ourdefense made all the playsthey needed to make to keepthe (Lynn English) runners fromcrossing the plate.“The first inning was stressful,when (Lynn English) loadedthe bases, but Warren wasable to strikeout the last twobatters to keep them off thescoreboard,” added Poste-Schiavo.“Emilia Maria-Babcock wassolid behind the plate, stoppingmany passed balls, whichcould have allowed them toscore. Our hitting started a littlelate, but I believe that wasbecause we had to adjust tosome faster pitching we hadnot seen before.”On May 7, Everett defeatedvisiting Cambridge, 12-3. Thistime, Warren pitched seven innings,yielding five walks, fourhits and three earned runs. Shewhiffed nine.The Tide exploded for sixruns right away in the first inning.Longmore led off with asingle. Davila followed with abunt single. Mason then doubledin Longmore with the firstrun, before Davila scored on apassed ball. Uga kept the inninggoing with a walk. Masonand Uga scored on anotherpassed ball. Masucci continuedthe offensive surge with asingle. She stole second, beforeCvitkuisc drew a walk to set thestage for Alessandra Foster,Gianna Masurri takes a nifty cut at bat for Everett.Emila Maria-Babcock slides into home plate scoring for theTide on Monday. (Advocate photos by Emily Harney)whose single drove in Masucci.Longmore doubled home Cvitkusicwith the sixth run.Everett tacked on three morein the second. Masucci was safeon a fielder’s choice to start thisthreat. Seward then chippedin with a single. Both runnersmoved up into scoring positionon a passed ball for Warren,whose sacrifice bunt broughthome Masucci. Cvitkusic tripledhome Seward, and shescored on a passed ball.The locals added the 10thrunin the third. Masucci led offwith a triple, and scored on anerrant throw from the outfield.Kassidy Rivera blasted a soloshot in the fifth for the team’s11thrun. The Falcons thenscored their three runs in thetop of the sixth. The Tide accountedfor their last run inthe home half on a bases loadedwalk.“Warren had another shutoutgoing into the sixth inning, butCambridge caught up to herspeed and started to hit her,but she came back strong inthe seventh to shut them downagain,” said Poste-Schiavo. “AlessandraFoster did a great job behindthe plate, and also threwout two potential base stealersat second. Overall, it was a greateffort against Cambridge.”The Everett girls went on toshutout non-league O’Bryant,13-0 last Friday, May 10, beforebeating host Revere Mondayafternoon, 16-9. Check outthe highlights of both games innext Friday’s Everett Advocate.The Tide begins the last weekof the regular season this comingMonday afternoon, May20, against non-league Lowellat Glendale Park, starting at4:30 p.m. They will be at Somerville’sTrum Field the next day toface the Highlanders at 4 p.m.,before wrapping up the regularseason campaign at Cambridge’sSt. Peter’s Field, wherethey will be going up againstthe Falcons in a rematch onMay 23 at 6 p.m.The state tournament pairingswill be announced a coupleof days later on MemorialDay Weekend. As of May 14,the Tide is ranked 34thout of 55teams in the Division 1 powerrankings.
THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, MAy 17, 2024Page 17OBITUARIESAnthony Coglianohome service to follow. Burialwas private.Rose J. (Garrasi)PatturelliJosephine Brevogel. Daughterof the late Dominica Grazia(Milano) and Vincenzo JamesGarrasi. Rose is also survivedby many nieces, nephews, andgood friends.Funeral from Salvatore RocOfEverett. Entered intoeternal rest unexpectedly,Tuesday, May 7, 2024int he Lowell General Hospital.He was only 50 years old.Anthony was born in Boston.Beloved son of the late Frankand Marie (Corlito) Cogliano;dear and devoted brother ofLisa Lorizio and her husband,Anthony of Milton; Loving uncleof Anthony and NicholasLorizio; dear nephew of Theresaand Edward Travalini ofEverett and Karen and PhilipFantasia of Maine. Anthony isalso survived by many cousins.Relatives and friends wererespectfully invited to attendAnthony’s visitation inthe Cafasso & Sons FuneralHome, Everett, Wednesday,May 15, 2024 with a funeralOf Everett. Passed awaypeacefully surroundedby her loving family on May7, 2024. Beloved wife of thelate Ernest J. Patturelli. Lovingmother of Ernest Jr. andhis wife Nancy, the late Christineand her husband HaroldBarchard, Roseanna Joe,Vincent and his wife Barbara,Angela and her late husbandRichard Fickett, Richard andhis wife Dawn and Marianneand the late, Steven and Michael.Grandmother of thirteen,Great-grandmother oftwenty two and great greatgrandmother of six. Sister ofco & Sons Funeral Home, Everetton Monday, May 13 followedby a Funeral Mass in ImmaculateConception Churchin Everett Relatives and friendsare kindly invited to attend.Visiting hours were held atthe funeral home on Sunday.Interment in Woodlawn Cemetery,Everett. In lieu of fl owers,the family asks for memorialcontributions to bemade in her name to Rosie’sPlace 889 Harrison Ave, Boston,Ma 02118, St. Jude Children’sResearch Hospital 262Danny Thomas Place Memphis,TN 38105, The GreaterFood Bank 70 South Bay Ave.,Boston Ma 02118, or a Charityof your choice.Rosemary(Buonopane) WebbOf Everett. Passed awaypeacefully on May 11,2024 at the age of 88. Rosemarywas born in 1936,the daughter of Maria Angela(Albero) and SabatinoBuonopane. She was the lovingsister of Anna Toth (d), husbandGeorge (d), DominiqueBuonopane, wife Anne, ConciettaMcEachern, husband William(d), Gloria Webb, husbandEdwin Dennis (d), Lucia Sheehan,husband Arthur, MarySaccardo, husband Joseph(d), Ernest Buonopane, wifeJoann, Pat Buonopane, wifeDiane and John Buonopane(d). In 1958 she married her“one and only”, William ArthurWebb, and the two settledin Everett to raise theirfamily. They shared 46 yearsof marriage until his passingin 2005. Rosemary was the lovingmother of Arthur Webb, fi -ancé Michelle Salvatore, MariaWebb Barbati, and RonaldWebb, wife Lisa. She leavesbehind 6 grandchildren KristinOlivieri, husband John, AngelaBarreda, husband Robert,Rosanna Dancewicz, husbandChristopher, Ernest BarOBITUARIES| SEE PAGE 19
Page 18THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, MAy 17, 2024Beacon HillRoll CallBy Bob KatzenGET A FREE SUBSCRIPTIONTO MASSTERLIST – Join morethan 22,000 people, from moversand shakers to political junkiesand interested citizens, whostart their weekday morning withMASSterList—the popular newsletterthat chronicles news andinformed analysis about what’sgoing on up on Beacon Hill, inMassachusetts politics, policy,media and influence. The storiesare drawn from major news organizationsas well as specializedpublications.MASSterlist will be e-mailed toyou FREE every Monday throughFriday morning and will give youa leg up on what’s happening inthe blood sport of Bay State politics.For more information and toget your free subscription, go to:https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/aPTLucKsTHE HOUSE AND SENATE:There were no roll calls in theHouse or Senate last week.The Senate has held 35 roll callsso far in the 2024 session. BeaconHill Roll Call tabulates the numberof roll calls on which eachsenator voted and then calculatesthat number as a percentageof the total roll call votes held.That percentage is the numberreferred to as the roll call attendancerecord.Thirty-seven (92.5 percent) ofthe current 40 senators did notmiss any roll calls and have 100percent roll call attendance records.Thesenator who missed themost roll calls is Sen. Mike Rush(D-West Roxbury) who missednine roll calls resulting in a 74.2percent roll call attendance record.All nine missed roll callswere held on April 25th.“On April 25th, I was on orderswith the United States Navy andas a result was unable to participatein roll call votes during thatsession,” Rush told Beacon HillRoll Call.“On April 29th, I submitteda letter to the Clerk of the Senateto be included in the SenateJournal stating this fact and recordinghow I would have votedhad I been present.”The only other senator whomissed any roll calls is Sen.Mike Barrett (D-Lexington) whomissed two roll calls on January11, resulting in a 94.2 percentroll call attendance record. Barrettdid not respond to repeatedrequests by Beacon Hill Roll Callasking him for a comment.It is a Senate tradition that theSenate president only votes occasionally.Current Senate PresidentKaren Spilka follows thattradition and only voted on six(17.1 percent) of the 35 roll callswhile not voting on 29 (82.9 percent)of them.SENATORS’ 2024 ROLLCALL ATTENDANCE RECORDSTHROUGH MAY 10th, 2024The percentage listed next tothe senator’s name is the percentageof roll call votes on which thesenator voted. The number in parenthesesrepresents the numberof roll calls that he or she missed.Sen. Sal DiDomenico100 percent (0)ALSO UP ON BEACONHILLSENATE WAYS AND MEANSCOMMITTEE PROPOSES $57.9BILLION FISCAL 2025 STATEBUDGET (S 4) – The Senate firedthe next shot in the long battleover the state budget for fiscalyear 2025 that begins on July1. The Senate Ways and MeansCommittee proposed its ownversion of the spending package.Gov. Maura Healey fired theopening volley in January whenshe filed her version of the spendingpackage. The House recentlyapproved its own $57.9 billionversion. It increases spendingby $1.9 billion, or 3.3 percent,over the current fiscal year 2024budget. The Senate will debatethe budget the week of May 20and a House-Senate conferencecommittee will eventually craft aplan that will be presented to theHouse and Senate for considerationand sent to the governor.BAN HOME EQUITY THEFT (H4624) – The Revenue Committeehas advanced a new version of abill that would prohibit cities andtowns that foreclose on propertieson which the owner owesback property taxes, from keepingall of the profits when the cityor town sells the property at auction.Current Massachusetts lawallows this practice.Last year, the United StatesSupreme Court ruled that citiesand towns that foreclose onproperties on which the ownerowes back property taxes, cannotkeep all of the profits whenthe city or town sells the propertyat auction. Supreme CourtChief Justice John Roberts, writinga unanimous decision abouta similar Minnesota law, saidthat “a taxpayer who loses her$40,000 house to the state to fulfilla $15,000 tax debt has madea far greater contribution to thepublic fisc than she owed.”Senate co-chair of the RevenueCommittee Sen. Susan Moran(D-Falmouth) said she neverimagined that cities and townscould keep the equity after ahome was seized and a debt paid.“Because in all the consumerwork that I did, or with respect tomortgages ... the individuals whoowed the debt were able to retaintheir equity,” said Moran. “SoI was not familiar that with municipalforeclosures, the municipalityactually kept all of that equity.And I felt that it was incrediblyunfair.”BAN SENDING DEEPFAKEIMAGES 90 DAYS OR LESS PRIORTO ELECTION DAY (S 2730)– The Election Laws Committeeheld a hearing on legislation thatwould prohibit a person fromknowingly sending out deepfakesof a candidate or politicalparty 90 days or less prior to anelection without providing a disclaimeras follows: “This (image,video or audio) has been manipulatedor generated by artificialintelligence.”A deepfake is defined as an image,audio recording or video recordingof a candidate’s appearance,speech or conduct thathas been intentionally manipulatedthrough digital and othermeans to injure the reputationof the candidate. It is designedto deceive a voter and appear toa reasonable person to depict areal individual saying or doingsomething that that individualdid not say or do.Supporters note that the 90dayperiod is used because 90days or less before Election Day iscrunch time, and at that late date,campaigns may not have time orresources to adequately respondto deepfakes and ensure votersknow the material is non-authenticduring this time fame.The measure empowers agBHRC| SEE PAGE 20Collecting SocialSecurity BenefitsYou can claim your socialsecurity benefitsonce you reach age 62.However, if you begin collectingat age 62, your benefitswill be permanentlyreduced by 25% to 30%,depending on your birthyear. Furthermore, if youbegin collecting at age 62and you are still working,you will have your benefitsfurther reduced once yourincome exceeds a certainlevel. Once you reach yourfull retirement age, you canearn as much as you wantwithout suffering a reductionof benefits. For thoseborn in 1960 or later, thefull retirement age is 67. If,for example, you were bornin 1958, your full retirementage would be 66 and 8months. The Social SecurityAdministration (SSA) hasa table that you can go byto determine what your fullretirement age is and howmuch your benefits will bereduced by claiming earlyand how much they will beincreased by waiting to age70 to collect. If you wait beyondage 70 to collect, youwill not receive any higherbenefit.If you delay collectingyour social security benefitsuntil after your full retirementage, your benefits willincrease 8% each year untilage 70. One benefit of thisstrategy is if you were todie at age 71, your survivingspouse who was marriedto you for at least 10years would receive 100%of your monthly benefit. Ifthat surviving spouse didnot have a higher monthlybenefit under his or herown work history and didnot have a sufficient statepension to live on, as wellas significant liquid assets,that could be very importantfor the surviving spousein order to continue withhis or her standard of living.If a spouse collects benefitsunder his or her spouse’swork history, those benefitswill be permanently reducedif that spouse beginscollecting prior to hisor her full retirement age. Ifyou were to die after reachingyour full retirementage, your surviving spousewould then be able to collect100% of your monthlybenefit, including the increasedbenefit you mightbe receiving as a result ofwaiting until age 70 to collectbenefits.You can claim a survivingspouse social security benefitunder your deceasedspouse’s work history atage 60 and then transitionto your own work historyat your full retirement ageassuming this would resultin a higher monthly benefit.Furthermore, you couldeven wait until age 70 tocollect under your workhistory resulting in even ahigher monthly benefit.I would suggest establishingan account on thewww.ssa.gov website toreview your work historyand to make sure all of yourearnings have been postedproperly. Go onto theretirement calculator tabto project your estimatedbenefits based upon retiringat full retirement ageor at age 70. You would inputyour expecting earningsas well.If a divorced spouse remarries,he or she wouldlose the opportunity to collectbenefits based uponthe previous spouse’s workhistory. That is a real importantconsideration fordivorced couples.Joseph D. Cataldo is an estate planning/elder law attorney,Certified Public Accountant, Certified Financial Planner, AICPA PersonalFinancial Specialist and holds a masters degree in taxation.
Say nirSaay SeniorSeniby Jim MillerWays to Make GardeningEasier as You AgeDear Savvy Senior,What gardening tips can youoffer to older seniors? I loveto putter around and work inthe garden, but my back andknees have caused me to curtailmy gardening activities,which I miss greatly.Older GardnerDear Older,There’s no doubt that gardeningcan be hard on anaging body. Joints stiff en up,kneeling for prolonged periodshurts, and bending andreaching can strain muscles.But that doesn’t mean youhave to give up your hobby.You just need to garden differently,add some specialtools and know your limits.Here are some tips that mayhelp you.Limber UpWith gardening, good formis very important as well asnot overdoing any one activity.A common problem isthat gardeners often kneelor squat, putting extra pressureon their knees. Then, tospare their knees, they mightstand and bend over for longstretches to weed, dig andplant, straining their backand spine.To help protect your body,you need to warm up beforebeginning. Start by stretching,focusing on the legs andlower back. And keep changingpositions and activities.Don’t spend hours weedinga fl owerbed. After 15 minutesof weeding, you should standup, stretch, and switch to anotheractivity like pruning thebushes or just take a break.It’s also important that yourecognize your physical limitationsand don’t try to dotoo much all at once. And,when lifting heavier objects,remember to use your legs topreserve your back. You cando this by keeping the itemclose to your body and squattingto keep your back as verticalas possible.Get Better ToolsThe right gardening equipmentcan help too. Kneelingpads can protect knees,and garden seats or stoolsare both back and knee savers.Lightweight garden cartscan make hauling bags ofmulch, dirt, plants or otherheavy objects much easier.And long-handled gardeningand weeding tools can helpease the strain on the backby keeping you in a standingupright position versusbent over.There are also ergonomicgardening and pruning toolswith fatter handles and otherdesign features that canmake lawn and garden activitiesa little easier. Fiskarsand Felco make a numberof specialty tools that youcan buy online or at local retailstores that sell lawn andgarden supplies. Also checkout Gardeners.com and RadiusGarden.com,two onlinestores that sell specializedgardening tools and equipmentthat are very helpful toolder gardeners.Make Watering EasierThe chore of carrying wateror handling a heavy, awkwardhose can also be difficultfor older gardeners.Some helpful options includelightweight fabric or expandablehoses instead of heavyrubber hoses; soaker or driphoses that can be snakedthroughout the garden; thincoil hoses that can be usedon the patio or small areas; ahose caddy and reel for easierhose transport around theyard; and a self-winding hosechest that puts the hose upautomatically. There are alsoa variety of ergonomic wateringwands that are lightweight,easy to grip, andreach those hard to-get-toplants.To fi nd these types of wateringaids check with yourlocal lawn and garden suppliesstores or visit Gardeners.com.Bringthe Garden to YouIf your backyard garden hasbecome too much to handle,you should consider elevatedgarden beds or containergardening – using bigpots, window boxes, hangingbaskets, barrels or tub planters.This is a much easier wayto garden because it eliminatesmuch of the bend andstrain of gardening but stillprovides the pleasure of makingthings grow.Send your senior questions to: SavvySenior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK73070, or visit SavvySenior.org.Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBCToday show and author of“The Savvy Senior” book.nioriorTHE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, MAy 17, 2024PRIORITIES | FROM PAGE 8Housing: As the Senatemoves forward to shape amore fi scally sustainable pathfor the Commonwealth, affordablehousing opportunitiesremain out of reach for toomany. Longstanding housingchallenges are being exacerbatedby the infl ux of peoplemigrating to Massachusetts,and a lack of federal fi nancialassistance and immigration reform.To that end, the Committee’sbudget invests $1.14 billion,dedicating resources forhousing stability, residentialassistance, emergency shelterservices and homelessnessassistance programs, ensuringthe state deploys a humane,responsible and sustainableapproach to providing famOBITUARIES| FROM PAGE 17bati, wife Monica, Andrea DelGaizo, husband Josh and WilliamParker Webb. Rosemarywas also blessed with 5 greatgrandchildren Lucian, JacquelineKai, Gabriel, Vince andLyla Rose. She is also survivedby many loving nieces andnephews.Rosemary had a heart madeof gold. Her whole being simplyoverfl owed with love forher family. Her love knew nobounds, transcending generationsand fi lling our liveswith joy and laughter. HerPage 19ilies and individuals in needwith an access point to securehousing. The budget prioritizesrelief for families and individualswho continue to facechallenges brought on by thepandemic and fi nancial insecurity,including $325.3 millionfor Emergency AssistanceFamily Shelters, in addition tothe $175 million in resourcespassed in the recent supplementalbudget, to place theCommonwealth’s shelter systemon a fi scal glidepath intoFY25, in addition to $197.4million for Residential Assistancefor Families in Transition(RAFT). Other housinginvestment areas: the MassachusettsRental Voucher Program(MRVP); assistance tolocal housing authorities; assistancefor homeless indistrength,resilience, and unwaveringfaith inspired usall to persevere and to neverlose hope. After her childrenwere grown, Rosemary enjoyedworking at Pope John,Dunkin Donuts and in her lateryears, St. Joseph’s Parishwhere she was honored andprivileged to provide excellencein culinary cuisine forthe Priests. Rosemary will bemissed greatly by all the livesshe touched. She left footprintsin our hearts and herlegacy lives on through herloving family.Relatives and friends were~ LEGAL NOTICE ~CITY OF EVERETTviduals; the HomeBASE diversionand rapid re-housing programs;the Alternative HousingVoucher Program (AHVP),including providing rental assistanceto people with disabilities;assistance for unaccompaniedhomeless youth;the Housing Consumer EducationCenters (HCECs); sponsored-basedsupportive permanenthousing; the Homeand Healthy for Good re-housingand supportive servicesprogram, including fundingto support homeless LGBTQyouths.The FY25 Senate Ways andMeans Budget Recommendationsare available on theMassachusetts legislature’swebsite at https://malegislature.gov/Budget/SenateWaysMeansBudget.kindlyinvited to attend a visitationat the JF Ward FuneralHome, Everett, on Tuesday,May 14th, followed by funeralfrom the funeral home onWednesday, May 15thwith aFuneral Mass at St. Joseph’sChurch, Malden. Servicesconcluded with interment inHoly Cross Cemetery, Malden.In lieu of fl owers, we are askingfor donations to be madeto the Kaplan Family HospiceHouse @ Kaplan FamilyHospice House and Care DimensionsHospice House, 78Liberty Street, Danvers, MA01923NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGFY2022/2023 MASSACHUSETTS CDBG PROGRAMNotice is hereby given that the City of Everett, acting through the Department of Planning andDevelopment, will hold a public hearing on Monday, June 3, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. in theSpeaker George Keverian Room, 3rd floor, Everett City Hall, 484 Broadway, Everett, MA 02149.The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the proposed program amendment, to reprogramfunding originally awarded to the Justice Resource Institute (JRI) in the amount of $40,000to Action for Boston Community Development, Inc. (ABCD) under the FY2022-2023CDBG program. Under the proposed program amendment, ABCD will support Everettresidents in emergency rental and utility assistance and housing counseling.The City encourages a broad spectrum of participation by residents and other interested partiesin order to better understand and serve the needs of the community. If you require translationservices, accommodations for the hearing impaired, or other accommodations, please contactthe Department of Planning and Development at least one week prior to the meeting.Any person or organization so willing will be afforded an opportunity to be heard. Any commentsor suggestions may be made at the hearing or before the hearing in writing to the Departmentof Planning and Development, Room 25, 484 Broadway, Everett, MA 02149.For more information, please contact the Department of Planning and Development atEverett City Hall, Room 25, or by contacting Matt Lattanzi atmatt.lattanzi@ci.everett.ma.us or at 617-944-0206.May 17, 24, 2024
Page 20THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, MAy 17, 2024BHRC | FROM PAGE 18grieved candidates to seek civilaction up to a $10,000 fineagainst the person who postedthe deep fakes. The bill’s provisionsdo not apply to news outletsor websites as long as theoutlet acknowledges that theauthenticity of the deep fake isin question.“Voters deserve to make theirdecisions on accurate information– and deepfake media makesthat difficult,” said sponsor Sen.Barry Finegold (D-Andover).”With artificial intelligence rapidlyevolving, I am proud to havefiled this proposal that will protectvoters from the influence ofdeceptive and fraudulent mediathis election cycle.”Craig Holman, a lobbyist forPublic Citizen, the WashingtonD.C. consumer organizationfounded by Ralph Nader, testifiedand told the Election Laws Committeethat 13 other states havealready adopted similar legislation.He said that the upcomingelection “is shaping up to be thefirst very serious deepfake elecNeighborhoodAffordableGeneral Contractors857-258-5584Home Improvements ConsultantsResidential/ Commercial • Interior/Exterior • New Construction Build andDesign • Attics • Basements • AdditionsVinyl Siding •Roofing • PorchesWindows • Kitchen and bathroomsPre-approved Contractors for first timehome buyers programsVICTOR V. MA CSL#088821Quality Work @ Reasonable RatesFree Estimates! 30 Years Experience!tion we’ve ever seen.”“Artificial intelligence has beenaround for a while,” said Holman.“But only this year, this electioncycle, we’ve seen startling newadvances where artificial intelligencecan depict a candidatesaying or doing something thatthey never did. And it’s almostimpossible to tell the differencebetween what’s real and what isjust entirely computer fabricated.”“It’s not a ban,” continued Holman.“It exempts news media, itexempts broadcasters and evensocial media platforms that makea reasonable effort to discernwhether a communication is adeepfake or not. And it providesthe targeted candidate with injunctiverelief to try to stop furtherdissemination of that typeof deepfake ad.”$2.4 MILLION FOR SUPPORTIVEAND SOCIAL DAY PROGRAMS– Gov. Maura Healeyannounced that $2.4 million ingrants, ranging from $15,000to $300,000, will go to 20 organizationsand communities tobroaden Supportive and SocialDay Programs to help communityorganizations and municipalitiesexpand or launch Supportiveand Social Day Programs for olderadults and individuals with Alzheimer’sdisease and related dementiasin their community.Advocates said that recognizingthat historically underrepresentedcommunities lack accessto Supportive and Social DayProgramming, funding will beawarded to rural communitiesand Gateway Cities, and will focuson developing programs inPortuguese, Haitian Creole, Chinese,Spanish and American SignLanguage.“We’re proud to support theseorganizations that are doing incrediblework across our stateto serve older adults, especial~Legal Notice ~A.G. Quealy Towing, Inc.Notice is hereby given by: A.G. Quealy Towing, Inc.26 Garvey St., Everett, MA 02149 pursuant to the provisionsof G.L.c.255, Section 39A, that on or after 02-02-2024 thefollowing Motor Vehicles will be sold to satisfy the garagekeeper’s lein thereon for storage, towing charges, care andexpenses of notice and sale of said vehicles.VehicleVIN2005 BMW X3 Blue2003 Ford WhiteWBXPA93475WD240541FTSE34L33HB969912006 Mercedes-Benz CLS Blue WDDDJ75X76A0650592017 Toyota Corolla Black2017 Jeep Compass White2008 Infiniti G35Yamaha R1 Blue2005 Hyundai Santa Fe Black2015 Honda Fit BlueBullet25Moped2012 Moped Blue2015 Nissan Sentra Silver2018 Honda Accord White2013 Subaru Cross trek2008 Subaru TribecaJNKBV61F88M270130KM8SC13D15U9189853HGGK5H82FM735828LLOTCAPJ2MY680795L8YTCAPF4CYC035843N1AB7AP2FY2492091HGCV1F36JA006243JF2GPAGC2D28970744S4WX90D084409113May 3, 10, 17, 20242T1BURHEXHC9345421C4NJCBA4HD148649ly those who are suffering fromAlzheimer’s and related dementias,”said Gov. Healey. “It’s importantthat our older adults and theirloved ones can feel confidentthat they are receiving the bestcare possible. Our administrationis proud to award this fundingthat will make Massachusettsmore welcoming and livable forresidents of all ages.”“Social and Supportive Dayprograms are essential to supportour most vulnerable agingadults,” said Secretary of Elder AffairsElizabeth Chen. “These programsprovide a safe space forthose with Alzheimer’s and relateddementias to gather, stimulateconversation and fosterconnections. A number of theseprograms shut down during thepandemic, leaving these residentswithout a place to go, sothe creation and expansion ofthe awarded programs is so importantfor our communities’post-pandemic.”END VETERANS’ HOMELESSNESS– Secretary Jon Santiagoof the Executive Office of VeteransServices and Secretary Ed Augustusof the Executive Office ofHousing and Livable Communitiesmet with staff and residentsof Brighton Marine to discuss theHealey administration’s goal ofending veterans’ homelessnessby 2027. Brighton Marine, accordingto its website “supportsuniformed services members, retirees,veterans and their familiesby providing US Family HealthPlan, wrap around support servicesand case management forthe greater Boston community.”The Healey Administration saidthe End Veterans Homelessnesscampaign is a multi-prongedpartnership to identify all homelessveterans in Massachusetts,develop and implement comprehensiveand evidence-basedstrategies to prevent and intervenein veterans’ homelessnessand bring it to functional zero.The campaign will coordinate effortsacross federal, state and thenon-profit sector to address veteranhomelessness and supportproviders who are working dailyto improve veteran care andhousing.“No veteran should ever behomeless,” said Secretary Ed Augustus.“Since Day One, Gov.Healey and Lt. Gov. Driscoll haveprioritized housing. Our sharedvision for an affordable Massachusettsmeans every veterannot only has a home but is gettingthe support services theydeserve.”MORE BICYCLE LANES (H3350) - The House gave initial approvalto a bill that would requirethat any city or town that has receivedstate funding for transportationdevelopment, conducta study to expand the numberof bicycle routes on its localpublic roadways. The measuremandates that the city or townreport back to Legislature in sixmonths with a report includingits findings and proposals to increasethe lanes.Sponsor Rep. Daniel Hunt(D-Dorchester) did not respondto several requests by Beacon HillRoll Call asking him to commenton his proposal.NO PENALTIES FOR CANCELLINGAN AUTO INSURANCEPOLICY (H 1102) – The Housegave initial approval to legislationthat would allow auto insurancepolicyholders, if they cancela policy or change companies,to be entitled to a pro-ratedrebate for the exact numberof days paid for in the policy withoutany surcharge of expensesbeyond the exact days the policywas in effect.Rep. James Murphy (D-Weymouth),the bill’s sponsor, did notrespond to repeated requests byBeacon Hill Roll Call asking him tocomment on his proposal.QUOTABLE QUOTES“It’s almost impossible for individualsand families to thriveand live healthy, productive liveswhen they are not adequatelyand safely housed. Affordable,accessible housing allows peopleto prioritize their health careneeds and the needs of their families,while also creating vibrant,healthier, safer and more productivecommunities across Massachusetts.”---Secretary of Health and Human ServicesKate Walsh during a meeting with health careleaders to discuss the impact of the high housingcosts on public health, as well as the industry’sability to recruit and retain a talented workforceto provide care.“The countdown is on for REALID federal enforcement and theMassachusetts Registry of MotorVehicles, and its partner AAANortheast, have successfullybeen issuing REAL ID credentialsand are prepared for interestedresidents prior to the May2025 deadline. We want Massachusettsresidents to know theycan upgrade to the REAL ID driver’slicense or identification cardduring their normal renewal processfor the same cost as a renewal.”---Registrarof Motor Vehicles Colleen Ogilviereminding residents that beginning May 7, 2025,anyone traveling by plane domestically or enteringcertain federal building areas will need a Registry-issuedREAL ID-compliant driver’s license orID or a valid passport.“As a fifth-generation dairyfarmer, I understand how demandingand stressful farmingcan be. Our farmers have alwaysbeen resilient and resourceful intackling the challenges of theirwork, but it’s important we provideresources to prioritize theirmental health. Our priority isletting our farmers know thatthere are people who care andare ready to listen, and there is anetwork of farmers across Massachusettsavailable to discusstheir challenges and work withthem to improve their mentalwell-being.”--- Massachusetts Department of AgriculturalResources Commissioner Ashley Randle raisingawareness of the Mass Grown Wellness Programthat was launched in 2023 to promote mentalhealth and well-being among members of thefarming community.“We are committed to ensuringthat every city and town hasthe most advanced tools to protectagainst cyberattacks.Giventhe enormous importance ofcyber resiliency, we are workingaround the clock to empower localleaders, strengthen our workforceand upgrade technology tokeep our communities safe.”--- Secretary Yvonne Hao of the Executive Officeof Economic Development announcing theCyber Resilient Massachusetts Grant Program, a$1.4 million initiative to help local governmentsimprove their cyber defenses. The program willprovide municipalities with grants to fund narrowlyfocused cybersecurity technology upgradesidentified through vulnerability assessments.HOW LONG WAS LASTWEEK’S SESSION?Beacon Hill Roll Call tracks thelength of time that the Houseand Senate were in session eachweek. Many legislators say thatlegislative sessions are only oneaspect of the Legislature’s joband that a lot of important workis done outside of the House andSenate chambers. They note thattheir jobs also involve committeework, research, constituent workand other matters that are importantto their districts. Criticssay that the Legislature does notmeet regularly or long enough todebate and vote in public viewon the thousands of pieces oflegislation that have been filed.They note that the infrequencyand brief length of sessions aremisguided and lead to irresponsiblelate-night sessions and amad rush to act on dozens of billsin the days immediately precedingthe end of an annual session.During the week May 6-10, theHouse met for a total of 28 minutesand the Senate met for a totalof 36 minutes.Mon. May 6House11:01 a.m. to 11:17 a.m.Senate 11:05 a.m. to 11:10 a.m.Tues. May 7No House sessionNo Senate sessionWed. May 8No House sessionNo Senate sessionThurs. May 9House11:00 a.m. to11:12 a.m.Senate 11:07 a.m. to11:38 a.m.Fri. May 10No House sessionNo Senate sessionBob Katzen welcomes feedbackat bob@beaconhillrollcall.comBob founded Beacon Hill Roll Callin 1975 and was inducted intothe New England Newspaperand Press Association (NENPA)Hall of Fame in 2019.
THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, MAy 17, 2024Page 21REAL ESTATE TRANSAC TIONSCopyrighted material previously published in Banker & Tradesman/The Commercial Record, a weekly trade newspaper. It is reprinted with permissionfrom the publisher, The Warren Group. For a searchable database of real estate transactions and property information visit: www.thewarrengroup.com.BUYER1BUYER2Phan, HoaZaccone Jr, Richard G1. May 17 is National Biketo Work Day; in the 1923silent fi lm “Our Hospitality,”what comic star brieflyrode a bicycle predecessorcalled a hobbyhorse?2.How many teams didBabe Ruth play for(1914–1935)?3. In what country is thetemple complex of AngkorWat?4. What does the Latin “etal” mean?5. On May 18, 1910, whatcelestial body passedclose to ear th andcaused public panic?6. What is the world’s largestcontinent?7. What is an ampersand?8. On May 19, 1884, what“Greatest Show on Earth”– started by brothers– opened in Baraboo,Wisc.?ANSWERS* Crack Repairing * Pot Hole Filling* Striping Handicapped Spaces* Free EstimatesTom’s Seal CoatingCall Gary: 978-210-4012CORLEONECONTRACTING & MASONRYCOMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIALConcrete Flat Work New FencingNew Decks Block MasonryNew Foundations Repointing857-340-8852Quality Professional Work GUARANTEEDOR YOUR MONEY BACK. Insured & Bonded.9. What game board hastwo pictures of jail?10. What colors does asparaguscome in?11. On May 20, 1926, whatinventor said Americansprefer silent films overtalkies?12. Through what threecountries does the MekongRiver fl ow?13. Who started the firstfemale beauty contest:Bert Parks, ancientGreeks or Phineas T. Barnum?14.On May 21, 1775, theBattle of Grape Islandtook place where in NewEngland?15. When is National BikeMonth?16. What was nicknamed“Boneshaker”?17. On May 22, 1972, whatcountry changed itsname to Sri Lanka?18. What fish (with thename of a bird in itsname) changes colorand sex?19. What two months havenames that can also beverbs?20. May 23 is World TurtleDay; what royal fi ctionalcharacter said, “Haveyou seen the Mock Turtleyet?”?Your Hometown News Delivered!EVERETT ADVOCATEMALDEN ADVOCATEREVERE ADVOCATESAUGUS ADVOCATEOne year subscription toThe Advocate of your choice:$175 per paper in-town per year or$225 per paper out-of-town per year.Name_________________________________________Address_______________________________________City_______________ State_______ Zip ____________CC# _______________________________ Exp. _____Sec. code____ Advocate (City):___________________Clip & Mail Coupon with Credit Card, Check or Money Order to:Advocate Newspapers Inc.PO Box 490407, Everett, MA 02149LIKE US ON FACEBOOK ADVOCATE NEWSPAPERFACEBOOK.COM/ADVOCATE.NEWS.MATran, Bich NSELLER1Littlefield, KeithZaccone, Averi LSELLER2Zaccone, Anthony RADDRESS46 Myrtle St43 Revere StEverettEverettCITY DATE04.18.2404.18.24PRICE6170001925001. Buster Keaton2. Three: Boston Braves, Boston RedSox and New York Yankees.3. Cambodia4. “and others”5. Halley’s Comet6. Asia7. A plus sign8. Ringling Brothers Circus9. Monopoly10. Green, purple/pink and white11. Thomas Edison12. China, Laos and Vietnam13. Phineas T. Barnum (in 1855;paying visitors to his museumvoting on photos of contestants)14. Boston Harbor15. May16. The first bicycles (wrought-ironand wood) with pedals17. Ceylon18. Parrotfish19. March and May (marching andmaying (celebrating May Day –poem title: “Corinna’s Goinga-Maying”)20. The Queen in “Alice’s Adventuresin Wonderland”LOCALLY OWNED
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THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, MAy 17, 2024Page 23Contact Information: For inquiries please call us at 781-558-1091or email infowithmango@gmail.com.il ifith@ilq p10 Newcastle Rd U:2, Peabody, MADiscover the charm of this delightful 2bedroomhaven, featuring gleaminghardwood floors and abundant naturallight throughout. This pet-free, smokefreeretreat offers convenientwasher/dryer hookups and requires a680+ credit score with references. Formore information, contact RosaRescigno at 781-820-0096 orsoldwithrosa@gmail.com.400 Revere Beach Blvd, Revere, MAExperience coastal living in thisimmaculate 1-bedroom apartment withocean views. The rent includes heat, hotwater, air conditioning, in-unit laundry,and one off-street parking spot; smallpets are welcome. Conveniently locatedclose to the MBTA. ContactInformation: Peter at 781-820-5690 toschedule a viewing.Estate Sale - 3 Victor St, SaugusJoin us on May 25th from 9 AM to 1PM for a fantastic estate sale at 3Victor St, Saugus. Discover a varietyof treasures, including furniture,antiques, home goods, and more.Don’t miss out on this uniqueopportunity to find great deals andhidden gems!Charming Cape Cod Home Under AgreementUnder AgreementWe are pleased toannounce that thischarming 3-bedroomCape Cod style home,featuring an expansiveeat-in kitchen, cozyliving room withhardwood floors and afireplace, has goneunder agreement.The main floor includes a private master bedroom and a fullbathroom, with two additional bedrooms upstairs. Thebasement offers a washer and dryer along with a half bath forextra convenience. The tranquil deck accessed from thesunroom is perfect for outdoor enjoyment. This home beautifullycombines comfort, functionality, and charm, and we are excitedfor the new owners to make it their own.128 Winter St, Saugus, MASeize the opportunity to own twopicturesque parcels on Winter St, Saugus:128 and 130. With separate addressesand endless potential, this uniquepackage is priced at $995,000representing exceptional value in the realestate market. Don't miss out! ContactInformation: Sue Palomba 617-8774553or soldwithsue@gmail.com28 Salem St U:1, Wakefield, MAThis inviting residence boasts an openkitchen/dining area, granite countertops,hardwood floors, and a charmingfireplace. Washer/dryer included in thispet-free, smoke-free environment.Convenient bus line at your doorstep.Contact Information: Sue Palomba617-877-4553orsoldwithsue@gmail.comDiscover Your Property’s True Value with Mango RealtyCurious about your property's worth in today's market? Mango Realty Inc. offers a FREE market analysis to helpyou unlock the true value of your home! Take advantage of this valuable opportunity by contacting us at 781558-1091or emailing infowithmango@gmail.com. Our expert team is ready to provide you with acomprehensive comparative market analysis.Don't wait—reach out today to discover your property's potential! Contact us nowto take the first step towards unlocking the true worth of your property.15 Acorn St U:1, Malden, MAPrime location! Charming 3-bedroomapartment steps from bus line andminutes to Malden Station. Gleaminghardwood floors, open layout, and cozybedrooms. Refrigerator included. Thisgem won't last long, act fast! Scheduleyour viewing today!ContactInformation: Francis Pizzarella 781558-1091or soldwithsue@gmail.comContact Information: For inquiries please call us a t 781-558-1091 or email infowithmango@gmail.com.Providing Real Estate Services for 17 YearsServicing Saugus, Melrose, Wakefield, Malden,all North Shore communities, Boston and beyond.Joe Duggan, Broker/Owner Ronnie Puzon, Broker/OwnerLisa SmallwoodLori JohnsonDragana VrankicFor a freehomemarketanalysis,contact ustoday.Tenzing RapgyalJoe Scibelli781.231.9800Justin DedominicisTRINITY REAL ESTATE | 321 MAIN STREET| SAUGUS, MA| VILLAGE PARKTrinityHomesRE.comPat TorciviaLucia PonteMichelle LuongDale BrousseauAnnemarie TorciviaMichael FouldsDiane HorriganBuy. Sell.Join.
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