FOX and Friends : FOXNEWSW : July 4, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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(♪) heartburn makes you queasy? get fast relief with new tums+ upset stomach & nausea support, and love food back. (♪) >> happy independence day on 4th of july, it is 8:00 a.m. on east

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coast, this is "fox and friends." we are celebrating, the democratic party isn't. one democratic governor is exp expressing doubts about biden's presidency and possible withdrawal could be happen ing. >> behind scenes, full-scale panic. democrats act surprised did left wing media choose to ignore decline of joe biden? >> a lot of big networks and papers did readers a disservice. >> joey: and miranda devine joins us. >> lawrence: and joey chestnut facing off against hungry fort bliss soldiers today in a special hot dog eating contest. he will join us.

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final hour of "fox and friends" starts now. remember, mornings are better with friends. >> looking live at the statue of l liberty. look at that. on 4th of july, no less. beautiful day, beautiful holiday. it is independence day. >> joey: how did earth cam get a camera that high. >> lawrence: i'm embarrassed, i've never been to the statue of l liberty. >> kayleigh: me either. >> lawrence: being enclosed with all those people don't feel good for me, i've been putting it off. >> joey: i did the boat tour, i've seen it with my eyes. i don't know if i can climb all

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the stairs. >> lawrence: i will put you on my back. >> kayleigh: tonight independence day special and these two guys will be there, hosted by lawrence jones, joey, aishah hasnie. >> lawrence: you had to put alerts on tweet, there is more thea the white house. president biden saying he will stay in the race. he got a medical checkup and he's good to go. >> kayleigh: ismailmadeleine ri has more. >> madeleine: members of the president's family, valerie owens, the president's sister, will be there.

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there will be conversations regarding the campaign. she led his presidential and senate campaign. the president is standing firm, telling people on a staff call on wednesday, i'm nominee of the democratic party. no one is pushing me out, i'm not leaving. madeleine rivera 20 democratic governors met with the president on wednesday. they are standing behind him even if they voice concerns behind closed doors. >> none of us are denying, thursday was a bad hit, he is delivering. >> we are honest about concerns we're hearing from people. the president continue to show us he was all in. we said we would stand with him. >> i'm here to tell you today, president joe biden is in it to win it. >> one governor was straight with him about the fact they

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thought biden seemed fine for his age, but clear that voters in the state do not feel the same way. sounds like tenor of the meeting is them supporting him now and wanting to know what specifically he will do to stay on the ticket when. >> the president told governors he underwent a medical checkup and is fine. the president has been battling a cold, the press secretary said the president has not had a medical exam in months. >> has the president had any immediate exam since last physical in february? >> we were able to talk to his doctor about that and that was a no. he hasn't had a medical exam? >> no. >> hakeem jeffries is leading effort to stem a tide of

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leaders, holding a call per the "washington post." >> lawrence: i'm so confused about the white house. any medical exam, minor or small is covered and i'm pretty good reading people employs didn't look like karine jean-pierre knew. if she is lying, she lied with a straight face. >> kaylee: what information, how are they getting information? i was looking at timestamps. this piece that said biden told one ally he was considering stepping down. 1 10:50 a.m., by 10:59 a.m., seven minutes later, deputy press secretary said this is not true. did the deputy press secretary

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pick up the phone and call the president? or was gut reaction deny, deny, deny? the briefing must ask, how are you getting information? how? >> lawrence: joey, to kayleigh's point, she is suggesting there is no communication with the comms office and president of the united states. it seems that the campaign comms are running the communication shop for the president, not the white house press secretary. doughnut deductive reasoning, you can see what is not there and sumyself from it. i did "the five" last couple days and richard fowler said the president needs to do this. maybe he know can't and that is

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why he isn't. if you don't have something good, you don't tell kjp at all? plausible deniability. you would know better than me how it lasts. if she doesn't know does she say let me get back to you? there seems to be a purpose communing gap. if news is not dead, that is deductive reasoning side of this. i don't know if joe biden is in a health emergency, i don't know if there is a better face to put on than people are seeing from him. >> kayleigh: the white house, this is breaking, an official says a brief check, not a physical. the question was any medical exam. >> lawrence: why not disclose

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that? why do we have to continue to crawl to get information from the white house, just put it out there and let us know everything. it goes to media was so in your face back when you were press secretary but they have been in a coma for a few years now. they have awakened from the slumber. and the question in this piece, did the media botch the biden age story? phil wingman, we had him on early yesterday. let's watch. they wanted to bubble wrap the president and talk about his accomplishments, not his age and acuity. a lot of big networks and papers, not fox, not this network i they did readers a disservice when they were dismissing the president looked

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lost and they were reporting cheap fakes and then reporting on it. d disservice by the press. >> lawrence: that was ealearlie today. he lays it out. >> kayleigh: he was in the press corps when i was there, phil wegramew wegman, he is saying, they have not asked these questions. he has, others haven't. >> joey: they have not awoken and become objective overnight. they are concerned donald trump will be president and they are asking questions because several think only chance is to replace joe biden. >> kayleigh: you do have clear-eyed democrats. doug schoen, lawrence jones had this conversation with him. >> i make it as a real problem,

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but that is why i say, a, given cheap polls worse than biden to say we'll have open process, let delegates and political leaders decide is only way to go. make it fair, make it open, make it transparent and maybe, just maybe my party will be revitalized. two people who can't beat donald trump, joe biden and kamala harris. >> lawrence: idea they can skip over kamala harris will not work with the democratic party. you have democratic delegate that said black women will blowup the party if they don't select kamala harris. it is joe biden or kamala harris. i tend to believe joe biden is not getting out. he still knows he is president and the power he wields with the money and power of the urs

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approximate and i think he's here to stay and that is one thing democrats are struggling with. they know he should get out of the race, the question is, will joe biden take his hand off the power of the presidency and i don't think a man been in politics since 29 years old want to give up highest office in the land. >> kayleigh: and valerie biden has mentioned his health, she is going to the white house today, they will have questions. kamala harris has not achieved anything. i believe she's had media training. if you watch her january interview on "the view," she is much better delivering talking points. you can imagine them debuting her and getting glossy magazine covers and the obamas come around her. i think biden is weaker

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candidate. >> joey: i want to point this out, we were talking earlier this, morning, this is where democrats thought they would put republicans. they thought with the lawfare scandal that republicans would be scrambling and party insiders and mcconnell's of capitol hill would be looking for a replace menopa menopause -- replace mment. he's been quiet, he does not need to talk right now and the democrats complete cries that came to a pinnacle with that debate. >> kayleigh: who would have guessed it? >> joey: carley shimkus might have guessed it. >> carley: i would not have guessed it. not on anybody's bingo card. new news.

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president biden and prime minister netanyahu expected to speak on the phone later today after israel and hamas response for hostage and assist deal. the two leaders are expected to meet later this month when prime minister netanyahu is scheduled to speak to congress. new york city planning to spend millions on another round of prepaid debit cards for migrants. mayors this will be given to 7000 migrants, costing $2 know.6 million taxpayer dollars, claiming it will help them achieve self-sufishiency. oh, boy, trouble on the seas. carnival cruise spiralling into chaos after argument between passengers turned into an

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all-out brawl. >> whoa. what? star! hey, oh, [bleep] -- welcome to the cruise. not me, man, hold on. oh, there goes. >> carley: my gosh. it happened on final night of a five-day cruise to central america. the people involved were banned from the cruise line. 50 cent rapper is showing ice cream truck selling ice cream for $4 and $5. what happened to $1.25? this can't be right. he has a point. the image of him jumping out of his car to get ice cream is cute and adorable. >> lawrence: i agree with the president on ice cream, i eat

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ice cream and price is out of control. how can you -- local place down the street from my place, for a scoop it is like $7 now. who pays that much for ice cream? i do, but -- >> kayleigh: chocolate chocolate chip or something. >> lawrence: i'm all for the chocolate, any kind. >> joey: who struck me about 50 cent thing, kids go. you take allowance money or get an ice-ee truck. i had my piggy bank, you are shaking down kids. >> kayleigh: clean your room a lot to get $7. >> joey: that cruise ship clip, i just got off a cruise ship, i feel i got a disservice, i did not have entertainment like

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that. people were calm. carnival -- >> kayleigh: learning about inflation. my daughter blake has a piggy bank and learning inflation at age of four. >> joey: my dkids know about th dad tax. car >> carley: joey chestnut taking on a new challenger. >> joey: going up gaagainst fou soldiers at foet. bliss. >> lawrence: this is a big moment. you are spending this great 4th of july with vets with a big competition. >> yeah. there is a lot of drama, i'm super happy i got invitation to come to fort bliss to eat against the soldiers. i'm eating all beef hot dogs and

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celebrating with awesome people and soldiers. >> kayleigh: do you 23569 b fas before? s >> oh, baby, yes, i am flexible and loose and hot dogs are going down fast today. >> joey: you are going to an army base and the soldiers are brave to go up against you. you were in the marine corps, are they going to challenge you to an mre eating contest? >> i've heard crazy stories about the mre contests they do. gnarly things they are doing. you are right, they are brave and things they do are amazing. if they challenge me to mre's, i

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will take them up on it. >> lawrence: i have to ask you on this 4th of july day, being there with people that are putting their body on the line for freedom, what does it mean to be there with them today on this 4th of july? >> it means so much. i do eating contests and eating food. it is wonderful to be a part of people's 4th of july, especially people putting their life on the line for our country. these guys, i was talking to guy that just got back from guantanamo bay, they are leaving their families and putting everything on the line for us. >> kayleigh: i have to ask, just simple biological question. do you feel sick after you eat the hot dogs? >> it is like, some people after like they run a marathon, they feel like they are exhausted but love that feeling, i love the

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feeling being blo bloated and exhausted and gross. i like being in that lethargic and like i have crazy dreams, good time for me. >> joey: listen, there is michael jordan, tom brady and joey chestnut, best in the world at what they do. >> lawrence: thank you for coming on. >> happy 4th. >> kayleigh: you, too. >> lawrence: speaking of 4th of july, we're going to be -- i'm sorry. celebrate by reading collection of patriotic books at fox n, including pete's book and joey's book "unbroken bonds," tune in tomorrow, all american concert series continues with chris janson.

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>> joey: and ignoring decline of joe biden, miranda devine is diving into bias. >> kayleigh: first a message from lainey wilson. >> being an american to me means everything to me, i would not be able to be doing this. itten moo means being free and freedom is a good feeling. means freedom is a good feeling. means freedom is a good feeling. eans freedom is a good feeling. meansm is a good feeling. means being f is a good feeling. means being f is a good feeling. means being is a good feeling. smile! you found it. the feeling of finding psoriasis

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get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. >> kayleigh: this morning liberal media facing backlash for chaining their tune on the president's health after months of dismissing concerns. next guests they knew about biden's decline for years and they have only themselves to blame for ignoring it. miranda devine is here to explain. your piece is brilliant, it exposes the media. you mentioned george stephanopoulos, who is doing the interview tomorrow and he dismissed nikki haley's concerns about him not being able to complete a term.

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>> that is right, he will be interviewing joe biden supposedly showing us how alert and sharp as a tack the president is. he had nikki haley on and she was saying if she was successful as the gop candidate, she would be running against kamala harris, not joe biden because he was fading quickly. george stephanopoulos backed over her and demanded to know her evidence. every reporter on the campaign trail could see with their own eyes that joe biden was in cognitive decline. he was very low energy, he had to have teleprompters to the sm smallest town halls to do basic

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speeches every other candidate could do in their sleep. that was obvious. four years later, fox news and hannity every night plays clips of joe biden tripping and falling over stairs of air force one, mumbling and so on. new "new york post" covered it, rest of the media pretended there is nothing wrong and acted like sheep dogs to stop other media and to shame us and say we're manipulated videos and made up the word "cheap fakes" to imply we were doing something evil and di dishonest to portray joe biden as too old. >> kayleigh: it took four years and carl bernstein to figure this out.

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no one believes that. interviewing joe biden post-debate and went on cnn last night, listen what she said. >> i asked about the debate and what he's done for black folks in pennsylvania specifically. i ask him, every year we talk about the election that means something for our lives. i asked why is this different? he talked about that. i ask him, what would you say to people who decide to sit this election out? >> did you ask him about the call to step down and would he support kamala harris if she were to elevate top of the ticket? >> i did not. >> why? i >> i had four questions i was allowed to ask him. >> kayleigh: four questions? that is what it sounded like. >> i'm sure that is how it w7b9 down and i'm sure george

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stephanopoulos has only approved questions. you don't get to ask joe biden a question he doesn't want to are sw. som sometimes e sometimes stephen calls things out across the tar tarmac. george stephanopoulos will be nicely protected in his studio. we hear he will get 15 or 20 minutes to ask questions that is not conducive to a probing interview we've been promised. >> kayleigh: thank you, miranda devine. america's adversaries cozying up and biden candidaty called into question.

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>> joey: election day in the uk, voters head to the polls in what is expected to be a historic election. alex hos hogan joins us. >> big day here in the uk with general election, millions heading to the polls. we are at a poll ing place in west london. "sunday nigh richie sunak. this is a photo of him casting

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his ballot, his party has been in power for the last 14 years. there are predictions of un unprecedented win for the labor party. >> there are polls that show going from 380 at 2019 election is just unparalleled and historic in uk politics. >> sunak's opposition leader cast his vote today. campaigning on one word alone, change, after concerns over cost of living crisis, long wait times for national health service and scandals within the conservative parties. polls are open until 10 p.m.

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local time and there will be exit polls released. they are conducted after people vote. the official announcement is expected tomorrow morning. >> joey: thank you. all right, our enemies smell blood in the water, questions surround biden ability to lead. vladamir putin met with xi jinping yesterday during asian security summit and the two are boasting about their relationship and vowing to keep stability. former state department spokes person morgan ortagus joins us now. thanks for joining us. i look at shanghai cooperation operation summit like our nato summit. china, russia, iran, india, pack

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st pakistan. this collection of countries that have been our foes for a long time seem scary to me. >> morgan: this organization was founded 25 years ago, the purpose is for china and russia, for putin and xi jinping to get together to have finfluence to counter the west. this is their second meeting. there was a meeting last upon month between putin and kim nordin kim yo-jong. they have gotten together to evade u.s. and west upper sanctions economically. they are not trying, they are forming an alliance to go up

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against nato and u.s. interest. this is one of the most ler l lusment perilous times in u.s. history, i'm more concerned than i was even the days after 9/11. this quartet of evil, iran, russia, china and north korea resupply each other economically, with drones and military hardware and they are able to evade u.s. sanction and bolster each other economically. trade between russia and china grown 64%, 84%, significant number after russia invaded ukraine. this is scary time for us to have a president who had a very poor debate performance. >> joey: china is getting u.s. dollars through investment,

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sanctions come back around. b biggest topic, biden's next test is next week, nato summit in washington, d.c. biden will be in front of the camera a lot, what do you think is going to happen? >> well, what i hope he doesn't do is try to offer scare tactics against his political opponent, former president trump. nato has a big anniversary, heads of state are coming to washington, d.c. we need a president that is alert, powerful, able to lead. when you contrast images of biden with putin and xi jinping, it is worrying. you will hear biden trying to issue scare tactics what president trump would do if

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re-elected. we should not believe them. president trump believed in have be ing a strong nato, that is why president trump warned everybody about their dependence on russian and iranian gas. he was laughed at. he he was prophetic, everything he said all came true when russia invaded ukraine. >> joey: see if nato leaders can figure that out. thank you for joining us on independence day, happy 4th of july, enjoy your day. >> happy 4th. >> joey: before we head out, note check out "uk unbroken bonds of battle," detailing sto stories. i would love for you to check that out on this independence day. available at

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it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. >> joey: head back to coney island, where adam klotz is live with july 4th weather forecast and preview of today's big event, the hot dog eating c contest. what do you got? >> adam: the line is down the street, there will be 30,000 people here. it is a real who's who when it comes to fashion. check out the hot dog hats. where are you from? >> oredltd. >> adam: bring up the graphics

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and i will talk to people in a minute, mostly nice. midwest running up into the plains, it is rainy and we will see a lot of big rain. otherwise, forecast on coney island is fantastic. i ran along this line of people, i needed a quick interview. where are you from? >> maryland. >> adam: all over the place. what is best way to eat a hot dog? >> mustard, ketchup and relish. >> same here. >> adam: perfect for me. ketchup and mustard, boring, i know. definitive how to eat a hot dog. >> lawrence: you are having the time of your life out there, aren't? >> adam:?

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what is not to love, i ate three hot dogs preparing. >> lawrence: today bristol, rhode island holds 239th celebration. >> kayleigh: that is where we find abby hornacek along the parade route. >> what's going on, we are here and the parade is about to start. this is his first 4th of july, how special to celebrate with family? >> we are excited to celebrate at the oldest parade and give them new tradition to enjoy. >> this is your first 4th of july as a u.s. citizen, what does this holiday mean to you? >> this is opportunity to -- you want to say anything? just be grateful for blessings and celebrate together and be together. yeah, have a good time.

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>> god bless you both and bode, eat the microphone after this hit. how long have you been out here? >> six hours. >> what time did you put chairs out? >> 3:00. >> true dedication. i would get here early, too. how long you been coming to the parade? >> 50 years now. >> what keeps you coming back? >> the fun of it, we love a parade. who doesn't. >> you have prime seats, how did you get these? >> we come off the ferry and set up when they are shutting the road down. it opens for us when it closes for everybody else. ha >> happy 4th. we had more fun than him, don't tell him i said that. >> k >> kayleigh: happy 4th. >> joey: if you had the chance

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to swim with sharks, would you? our next guests are combat veterans and they will do that today to learn grit, determination and problem solving. we're taking that passion and channeling it through our farm to home bedding bath, and apparel at red land cotton. we grow cotton in the rich red earth of north alabama. and we want our products to be made here in the usa, from the seed in the ground to the final stitch. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20 choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away.

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>> lawrence: a group of veterans will be diving into an experience of a lifetime this independence day. wounded veterans relief fund is roasting their eighth annual dive for freedom in florida. veterans wounded in combat can free dive with sharks. the owner, john, joins us with michael. thank you for joining the program. this is wild. you guys have already been in combat and you guys are going right back into a dangerous situation. why? >> it's all about the veterans. thanks for having us on. it's independence day. who would we rather spend our day with than a group of veterans who sacrificed so much including body parts for this country. we like to take them out for a unique experience that not a lot of people in the world get to do. free dive with sharks. an experience not many people

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want to do. for the veterans it gives you that thrill and feeling of adventure and you are able to control your emotions and focus and just that feeling of like being back in combat or being outside the wire, you get that again when you are staring down a predator in the face. something that is so fun and veterans love it. >> lawrence: it reminds you guys of your time down range, right? >> sure does. when you leave the military, you lose that camaraderie, lose your family, on your own and, you know, with wounded veterans relief fund doing it with the shark addicts we bring veterans back together and, you know, they get to experience and participate in another mission together and because, you know, again going in the water with sharks, a lot of people don't want to do that. they get in and have that sense of accomplishment when they get out of the water and get to

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celebrate at tiki52 tonight. >> lawrence: this fourth of july, we're remembering the founding of america, independence of america, but also what the flag means on this day. what does it mean to you? >> the flag means everything to me. it is everything. it's this country has provided my family a life of, a free life that not a lot of people around the world have and envy and wish they had and i was listening to you earlier on the show talking about new york and the $2.6 million and you said there are homeless veterans sleeping on the street of new york. what are we doing when we're doing this? big thing for mike and wounded veterans relief fund is taking care of critical dental needs. service members are committing suicide because of their teeth. think about that. because their teeth are so bad, their smile has been taken away. what mike is doing with wounded veterans relief fund to completely change veterans'

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lives and save their lives by giving them new teeth is something that's so amazing and we have thousands, tens of thousands of dentists out there. no veteran should not have dental care. >> 85% of our veterans do not receive dental care that are registered with the v.a. 85%. that's thousands of veterans. and we started with one dental office in florida and now we have 150 dental partners in the state of florida and last year governor desantis signed a dental bill. first of its kind in the nation and it's just amazing what we're doing to transform lives. >> lawrence: we appreciate what you do. i hope others giving to this cause. thank you for your service. good luck today. don't forget. >> god bless america. >> lawrence: watch the independence special today at 8:00 p.m. >> fighting for his political life as the country mark

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