Labor input of women tobacco farmers in Tabora, Tanzania (2024)

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Costs, revenues and profits: an economic analysis of smallholder tobacco farmer livelihoods in Malawi

Raphael Lencucha, Jeffrey Drope, Ronald Labonte, Fastone Goma

Background The preservation of the economic livelihood of tobacco farmers is a common argument used to oppose tobacco control measures. However, little empirical evidence exists about these livelihoods. We seek to evaluate the economic livelihoods of individual tobacco farmers in Malawi, including how much money they earn from selling tobacco, and the costs they incur to produce the crop, including labour inputs. We also evaluate farmers' decisions to contract directly with firms that buy their crops. Methods We designed and implemented an economic survey of 685 tobacco farmers, including both independent and contract farmers, across the 6 main tobacco-growing districts. We augmented the survey with focus group discussions with subsets of respondents from each region to refine our inquiries. Results Contract farmers cultivating tobacco in Malawi as their main economic livelihoods are typically operating at margins that place their households well below national poverty thresholds, while independent farmers are typically operating at a loss. Even when labour is excluded from the calculation of income less costs, farmers' gross margins place most households in the bottom income decile of the overall population. Tobacco farmers appear to contract principally as a means to obtain credit, which is consistently reported to be difficult to obtain. Conclusions The tobacco industry narrative that tobacco farming is a lucrative economic endeavour for smallholder farmers is demonstrably inaccurate in the context of Malawi. From the perspective of these farmers, tobacco farming is an economically challenging livelihood for most.

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Challenges Facing FCV Tobacco Farmers in India and Tanzania: An Empirical Scrutiny

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Maige Mwasimba

Agriculture is regarded as a dominant activity for individual and governments development. Agriculture has played a great role to change the economies and development in substantial magnitude. Despite of being a gear to development, agriculture is prone to many challenges that hold it down. FCV tobacco farming is non exceptional on facing these challenges. Smallholder farmers are more challenged by these difficulties than large-scale farmers. Low and Medium Income Countries (LMICs) are also suffering more than Large Income Countries (LICs) when it comes to FCV tobacco growing. Researchers were eager to know specific challenges facing FCV tobacco farmers of India and Tanzania as discover whether these two countries are experiencing the same challenges. And also to know whether the challenges common to these two countries are also common to other countries growing FCV tobacco.

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Daniel A B E B E Geletu

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Labor input of women tobacco farmers in Tabora, Tanzania (2024)


Labor input of women tobacco farmers in Tabora, Tanzania? ›

Out of the 198 days devoted to tobacco farming, 43 percent is undertaken by women. The contribution to labor input by children is only 5 percent.

Which regions grow tobacco in Tanzania? ›

Tobacco Growing Areas
TABORAKaliuaVirginia Flue Cured
SikongeVirginia Flue Cured
SINGIDAVirginia Flue Cured
SHINYANGAKahamaVirginia Flue Cured
33 more rows

What is the economy of tobacco farming in Kenya? ›

The survey found that when you subtract the total cost of physical inputs from the farmers' tobacco sales, most experience only a small profit (an average of 22,084.61 KsH (about 253.78 US dollars) per acre for contract farmers and 34,305.20 KsH (about 394.21US dollars) per acre for independent farmers).

What are the challenges faced by tobacco farmers in Zimbabwe? ›

The results further indicated that there are more opportunities received by tobacco farmers such as receiving inputs at no cost but face challenges such as poor crop yields due to low producer price (55%), high cost of production (30%), low rainfall (9%) and shortage of firewood (6%).

How many tobacco farmers are there in Zimbabwe? ›

Tobacco land use grew to 117,000 hectares this year from 110,000 hectares in 2022, according to the TIMB. The industry also saw an increase in the number of tobacco farmers to 148,527 this year from 123,000 in 2022.

Which country is the largest producer of tobacco in Africa? ›

Zimbabwe is the largest grower of tobacco in Africa, and the 4th largest grower in the world. Three types of tobacco have traditionally been grown in the country: Virginia flue-cured, burley and oriental tobacco.

Where are the most tobacco farms located? ›

The leading tobacco producing states in the U.S. include North Carolina, Kentucky, and Tennessee. North Carolina lies in the Virginia-Carolina tobacco belt and topped the list in 2022 with a tobacco production over 249 million pounds.

Is tobacco farming labor intensive? ›

Tobacco was one of the most labor intensive and time-consuming crops grown in the American colonies.

What are the disadvantages of tobacco farming? ›

Tobacco growing and curing (the drying of the tobacco leaf) are both direct causes of deforestation, because forests are cleared for tobacco plantations and wood is burned to cure tobacco. Deforestation is a cause of climate change, soil erosion, reduced soil fertility and disrupted water cycles.

What is the best environment for tobacco farming? ›

Air-cured, dark tobacco is grown on silty loam to clay loam soils, while fire-cured and air-cured, light tobacco is mostly grown on medium textured soils. The crop is sensitive to waterlogging and demands well-aerated and drained soils. The optimum pH ranges from 5 to 6.5.

How profitable is tobacco farming? ›

Average returns over cash expenses exceed $2,000 per acre. Tobacco farms devote 6 percent of their land to tobacco, on average, but they obtain an average of 79 percent of their gross income from tobacco.

What was the problem for the tobacco farmers? ›

Deforestation, child labour and a multitude of health hazards have been associated with tobacco growing across countries and regions. 8 The crude disregard of these problems in efforts to promote tobacco as an economic commodity demonstrates how embedded the narrative of prosperity has become in policy spheres.

What was the settlers greatest problem in having success with growing tobacco? ›

Growing tobacco takes its toil on the soil. Because tobacco drained the soil of its nutrients, only about three successful growing seasons could occur on a plot of land. Then the land had to lie fallow for three years before the soil could be used again.

Which regions cultivate tobacco in Tanzania? ›

Tanzania is Africa's fourth largest producer of tobacco, growing flue-, fire-, and air-cured (burley) varieties, mainly in central western Tanzania and the Southern Highlands.

How many people work in tobacco farms? ›

Tobacco farming

More than 15 million people are involved in tobacco growing on approximately 3 million farms, at a total output value of more than USD 16.7 billion. The production of tobacco leaf is going down, having decreased by approximately 4% per year between 2013 and 2017.

Is tobacco farming profitable in Kenya? ›

Given the typically unprofitable nature of tobacco farming, it is important to provide empirical and detailed reasons why smallholder tobacco farmers are attracted to tobacco farming, why they continue to cultivate it, and what can be done to transition them to other livelihoods.

Which region was known for growing tobacco? ›

During the colonial period, the region that was best known for growing tobacco was the Southern colonies, specifically Virginia and Maryland. Tobacco became a major cash crop in the Southern colonies due to the favorable climate and soil conditions for its cultivation.

What are the growing areas of tobacco? ›

In India tobacco is predominantly cultivated in AP, Gujarat, Karnataka, UP and Bihar.

What region is tobacco native to? ›

Tobacco is derived from the leaves of the genus Nicotiana, a plant from the night-shade family, indigenous to North and South America. Archeological studies suggest the use of tobacco in around first century BC, when Maya people of Central America used tobacco leaves for smoking, in sacred and religious ceremonies.

Where is tobacco most commonly grown? ›

North Carolina and Kentucky are the States that Grow the Most Tobacco in America. The total U.S. annual tobacco consumption was recorded at 237,079 tons in 2020, putting it among the Countries with the Highest Tobacco Consumption.

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

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