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| 4/2021 Artykuł przeglądowy Renata Bajcarczyk 1 , Renata Florek 1 , Dorota Kozieł 2
Medical Studies/Studia Medyczne 2021; 37 (4): 331–337 Data publikacji online: 2021/12/31 Plik artykułu: - The development.pdf[0.11 MB] ENWEndNoteBIBJabRef, MendeleyRISPapers, Reference Manager, RefWorks, Zotero AMA APA Chicago Harvard MLA Vancouver The aim of the paperThe aim of the paper is to present the situation of single mothers in Poland, including the state care, legal regulations, the forms of help with the particular compliance of functioning of the Single Mothers’ House. Reference and methodsThe method that was applied is associated with the analysis of literature, legal acts, magazine articles, Internet publications, and statistics. Single motherhood over the years Awoman who brings up her child alone has always been in amore difficult situation than awoman who has the support of her husband or her partner. The modern situation of single mothers has been more or less difficult; however, it is certainly better than the situation of lonely mothers from previous centuries. The Roman Law and the Magdeburgian and canonical law modelled on it discriminated the children of single women. They were deprived of the majority of civil rights, and they also did not have the right of succession [1]. The women could not demand the fathering of achild born out of wedlock. They could also not rely on his help in the child’s upbringing. Women who lived in cohabitation were in the best position, in contrast to those who gave the birth to the child as aresult of incest or adultery and prostitutes. Especially the latter group and their children could not rely on anyone’s help but only on social condemnation [1]. The canonic law regularly deprived foster children of their rights (surname, succession, they were also denied the possibility of becoming apriest), and also single women who became mothers were condemned. The Civil Code of Napoleon, proclaimed in 1804, which was effective in Poland until the interwar period, discriminated against unmarried mothers, suppressing the proceedings to establish paternity and depriving the rights of foster children [2].The Industrial Revolution and urbanization did not bring any improvement to the situation of single mothers. In the 19th century single mothers and their children were exposed to condemnation from the family and from society. Such families were identified as anti-pattern of family life, illegitimate child lowered not only the position of the woman but also of the whole family.These women were called ‘furlers’ and their children ‘bastards’ or ‘foundlings’[3]. Needy women who did not have any help and support often abandoned their children. There were also cases of infanticide. Upper-class women who were afraid of family exclusion often passed their children on to other rural families [3]. The first foundling hospitals for abandoned children were established in the 13th century in Krakow and Sandomierz; however, no institution helped the mothers in this difficult situation. The development of care of single mothers and their children After regaining independence in 1945 some actions were taken over the unification of the civil law and over the family law. The decree ‘Family Law’ stated that the extramarital child has every right, including inheritance law, resulting from blood relationship only in relation to mother and her family. Mothers obtained the law for affiliating achild. They gained the right to demand the reimbursem*nt of costs connected with the delivery and demand compensation for unfair treatment when the man made apromise for contracting marriage [7]. The possibility of alimony claims was also introduced but only in the case when the paternity of the child was affiliated by court [7]. The decree was the first act of law that emancipated the rights of extramarital children with those who were born within amarriage. This decree gave also the women the possibility to affiliate the child by court for alimony and compensation from the father of the child. After regaining independence in 1945, the period of the so-called ‘baby boom’ began. It was atime of dynamic growth of births which followed the family policy. The socialist welfare state provided help for families at different stages of their development. There was also growth of the powers connected with maternity, raising children, and with social insurance. Free-of-charge health service care was established. Moreover, the number of doctors and nurses for children of mothers who were occupationally active was also increasing. For those children there were places in nurseries and kindergartens. The protection of pregnant woman was also introduced. There was prohibition of employment within harmful occupations and during the nighttime. The maternity grant was gradually prolonged to 12 weeks. Medical benefit was also implemented due to the child’s illness, nursery, and kindergarten financing for mothers in difficult situations. The children gained the free medical and dental care. Marriage law was also reformed. In 1978 the Council for Family Matters was proclaimed. Its role was to inspire activities for the family through the modification of financial, legal, and educational help, establishing programmes of national plans in the field of taking care of the family, and conducting scientific and statistical research [8, 9]. The actions taken were focused on family help, especially on the single-parent family. Single mothers ceased to be discriminated against. They could rely on special help from the state. Women gained anumber of privileges during pregnancy and maternity time; the prohibition of employment in harmful occupations, excessive work hours, at nighttime, delegating away from the fixed workplace, protection against work dismissal in the time of the pregnancy and maternity, time off for mandatory medical examinations, ababy bonus, and 3 years of parental leave [10]. In 1975 the Alimony Fund was established to help single parents, especially mothers who could not obtain alimony from the father of the child. The economic crisis of the 1980s and increasing unemployment led to the impoverishment of society. People who were bringing up children alone were in particularly difficult situations. The family allowance for people with low incomes was raised, but in comparison to the increasing costs of maintenance it was inadequate. Single Mother’s House The first national Single Mother’s Houses were established in autumn of 1945. Those kinds of houses were sought by women who were looking for some help. These were the women who lost their husbands or fiancés during the war, those who, as aresult of repatriation, could not find afamily. There were also pregnant women coming back from hard labour, raped and abused women during the wartime period. The women encountered these centres directed by the Social Care Department. They did not pay to stay. They had to submit to established regulations in the centre, which organized meals, care, free time, and cottage industry work for them, for example sewing slippers [20]. In these Houses they could rely on comprehensive care. The women had their everyday life arranged and they only had to fulfil duties. There was no place for individual help and care [20].The Single Mother’s House, based on new rules, was organized in 1958 in Chyliczki near Warsaw. Teresa Strzębosz constituted it according to her own original conception. The external staff were reduced to minimum. The women took up duties, as well as responsibility for themselves and for their children [21]. This centre is still operational today. It is led by the Foundation of Family Help. ConclusionsThe development of the pro-family policy of the state. The law and social service changes created the situation that single mothers are currently in abetter situation than afew or more years ago. The increase of financial expenditures of the state on the family policy caused the development of economic problems for single women raising children. The main cause for the women staying in Single Mothers’ Houses, apart from financial reasons, is domestic violence or the lack of ability to deal with the crisis. The help for women staying in Single Mothers’ Houses should be focused on, not only solving the current hardship situation, but also mainly on creating independed thought, positive patterns of behaviour, and social competence. Conflict of interestThe authors declare no conflict of interest. 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Copyright: © 2021 Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) License (, allowing third parties to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format and to remix, transform, and build upon the material, provided the original work is properly cited and states its license. |
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Table of Contents
Renata Bajcarczyk 1 , Renata Florek 1 , Dorota Kozieł 2
The aim of the paper
Reference and methods
Conflict of interest
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