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Anestezjologia Intensywna Terapia 2021; 53, 3: 232–240 Data publikacji online: 2021/10/27 Plik artykułu: - Peritraumatic distress.pdf[0.16 MB] ENWEndNoteBIBJabRef, MendeleyRISPapers, Reference Manager, RefWorks, Zotero AMA APA Chicago Harvard MLA Vancouver Peritraumatic distress is asyndrome that involves negative emotions, such as anxiety, helplessness and horror, experienced during and shortly after atraumatic event. It seems that peritraumatic distress, along with peritraumatic dissociation, is one of the strongest predictive factors of post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD) [1]. Intensity of peritraumatic distress is significantly related to the intensity of PTSD symptoms, among others in individuals who experienced anatural disaster [2] or motorcycle accident [3] as well as in policemen [4] and paramedics [5]. MethodsThe study is apart of alarger project and was approved by the Ethics Committee ofthe Medical University of Lublin (KE-0254/119/2015). Written informed consent was obtained from all participants.An anonymous survey was performed in agroup of 135 mothers of children with aperinatal medical history and mothers of children hospitalized in an intensive care unit and an oncology unit. Having informed the respondents about the aim and course of the research, the mothers were asked to give their informed written consent to participate in the research. Next, they received the questionnaires in an addressed envelope with information on the method of returning completed questionnaires. In the case of the mothers of children hospitalized in the ICU, the inclusion criterion was the child’s hospital stay for at least three days. In the case of the children treated for cancer, mothers whose children had been diagnosed at least four weeks before were included in the study. For the group of mothers of children with aperinatal medical history, only those whose infants were at least four weeks old and were provided rehabilitation care in the outpatient clinic were qualified. The mothers of children treated in the oncology unit had the opportunity to consult apsychologist employed in the unit, whereas apsychologist was not employed in the ICU where the study was performed. The authors’ own demographic questionnaire and several standardised psychometric tools were used in the course of the research:The Peritraumatic Distress Inventory (PDI) was used to measure distress occurring during and shortly after the traumatic event [4, 5]. APolish version of the instrument consisting of 11 items was utilized in the course of the research. In the mothers of severely ill children peritraumatic distress comprises two factors: (1) feeling of threat and somatic reactions; (2) negative emotions. Feeling of threat and somatic reactions involves fear of lack of security for the individuals researched and their close ones, the sense of lack of control of emotions, shame of emotions and the feeling of risk of fainting and/or death. Negative emotions include experiencing strong emotions such as helplessness, sadness, grief, frustration, anger and fear [5]. The Brief COPE was used to assess the way the respondents tend to react to stress resulting from their child’s illness, which is called asituational approach. The questionnaire comprises 28 items, which constitute 14 subscales that correspond to the coping strategies [21]. Statistical methodsCharacteristics of the validation sample were developed on the basis of the analysis of percentage distribution of qualitative coefficients’ frequency and on the basis of the values of descriptive statistics – mean and standard deviation of quantitative parameters. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient was used to perform correlation analyses. Leading correlates of peritraumatic distress were assessed by means of multivariance step regression. P < 0.05 was adopted as significant. Statistical analyses were conducted by means of the IBM SPSS 21 software. ResultsThe research sample was selected intentionally and comprised 135 mothers of children with aperinatal medical history and mothers of children hospitalized in the intensive care unit and oncology unit. Sociodemographic characteristics of the individuals researched were depicted in Table 1. Mean age of the respondents was 34 years (M = 34.39; SD = 6.28). Individuals with higher education (n = 81; 59.6%), living in urban areas (n = 72; 52.9%) and who were married (n = 118; 86.8%) were dominant in the sample. Over half of the respondents were professionally active (n = 72; 52.9%) and over 85% of their spouses or partners also had ajob (n = 117; 86%). Almost 60% of the parents rated their financial situation as good (n = 78; 58.6%). On average, the women had been pregnant more than twice (M = 2.16; SD = 1.08) and had experienced two childbirths (M = 1.95; SD = 0.97). In the course of the analyses performed, it was found that place of hospitalization differentiated the intensity of peritraumatic distress in the population investigated, c2 = 8.79, P < 0.012 and one of the dimensions – sense of danger and somatic reactions, c2 = 7.48, P < 0.024. No statistically significant inter-group difference in intensity of negative emotions was found, c2 = 4.78, P = 0.107. According to the detailed comparisons, the mothers of children hospitalized in the oncology unit presented ahigher level of peritraumatic distress (M = 2.10; SD = 0.75) compared to the mothers of children with perinatal medical history (M = 1.60; SD = 0.61). Moreover, the mothers of patients staying at the ICU (M = 2.15; SD = 0.75) are characterized by ahigher level of peritraumatic distress than the mothers of children with perinatal medical history, (M = 1.60; SD = 0.61). The mothers of children hospitalized at the ICU presented higher sense of danger and somatic reactions (M = 1.38; SD = 0.94) and negative emotions (M = 3.04; SD = 0.78) compared to the mothers of children with perinatal medical history (M = 0.77; SD = 0.62 and M = 2.61; SD = 0.90, respectively). The next stage of the research involved conducting correlation analysis between two dimensions and the general result of peritraumatic distress (PDI), the HADS and BRIEF COPE scales as well as the hospitalized child’s health rated by the mothers, mothers’ age and the severity of pain experienced by the mothers. The results of the calculations are presented in Table 2. DiscussionThe research results indicate that ahistory of severe peritraumatic distress correlates positively with currently experienced symptoms of post-traumatic stress syndrome, depression and anxiety. The findings are consistent with plentiful research results which, despite being conducted in completely different populations (e.g. among victims of violence, natural disasters survivors or in emergency services), show the relationship between peritraumatic distress and occurrence of post-traumatic stress syndrome afterwards [2, 4]. Previously, according to the DSM-IV, severe peritraumatic distress was treated as an indispensable element in the diagnosis of PTSD – as criterion A2 [4, 28]. Peritraumatic distress and post-traumatic stress syndrome in parents of severely ill children are connected with similar coping strategies. Avoidance and emotion-focused coping strategies seem to have acrucial predictive value. Bronner et al. found that PTSD risk factors in agroup of parents whose children were treated in the ICU included expressing emotions, avoidance coping and peritraumatic dissociation [29]. Franck et al. detected similar risk factors in agroup of parents whose children were treated in general paediatric wards, such as denial, venting and self-blame [18]. It is worth highlighting that there can be some differences between the mothers and fathers in terms of coping strategies connected with PTSD. Coping strategies connected with PTSD in the mothers of infants treated in the NICU were self-distraction, behavioural disengagement and denial, whereas in the fathers only self-distraction was significant [30]. Interestingly, the way of experiencing adifficult situation (as athreat and loss or achallenge) is related to coping strategies. Perceiving the child’s illness as athreat and loss is positively correlated with emotion-focused coping and negatively correlated with problem-focused coping. Perceiving the child’s illness in terms of achallenge is positively associated with problem-focused coping and negatively associated with emotion-focused coping. Cappe et al. observed that parents of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who concentrated more on their emotions had amore disturbed relationship with the child. The parents who tended to use solution-focused coping strategies and sought social support had abetter relationship with the child. Consistently with the results of other researchers, coping strategies focused on emotions are effective only in ashort-term perspective. The strategies are not constructive in the long run since they turn attention away from the problem and can lead to avoidance and denial [31]. ConclusionsChild’s health according to the mother is not related to experiencing peritraumatic distress in the mothers of severely ill children.Place of hospitalization differentiates the intensity of peritraumatic distress in the population researched. The greatest intensity of peritraumatic distress was observed in the mothers of children treated in the ICU, less intensive distress was noted in the children treated in the oncology unit, and the least intensive peritraumatic distress was found in the mothers of children with perinatal medical history. Peritraumatic distress is positively correlated with such coping strategies as denial and self-blame and negatively correlated with positive reframing, acceptance and humour.Self-rated health of the mothers is related to the intensity of peritraumatic distress. Practical implicationsCoping strategies are apotentially modifiable factor – implementation of prevention programmes concerning the strategies should be considered.The mothers of severely ill children, especially with amedical history of adisease, should be provided with special care and support and have their mental health checked regularly due to an increased risk of intensified peritraumatic distress and post-traumatic stress syndrome. Acknowledgements1. Conflict of interest: none References1. Ozer EJ, Best SR, Lipsey TL, Weiss DS. Predictors of posttraumatic stress disorder and symptoms in adults: ameta-analysis. Psychol Bull 2003; 129: 52-73. doi: 10.1037/0033-2909.129.1.52. 2. Nishi D, Koido Y, Nakaya N, et al. Peritraumatic distress, watching television, and posttraumatic stress symptoms among rescue workers after the Great East Japan earthquake. PLoS One 2012; 7: e35248. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0035248. 3. Nishi D, Matsuoka Y, Yonemoto N, Noguchi H, Kim Y, Kanba S. 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Pełny tekst: Peritraumatic distress in mothers of severely ill children: a cross-sectional study, Anna Aftyka (2024)
Table of Contents
Anna Aftyka 1 , Ilona Rozalska 1 , Aleksandra Pawlak 1 , Anna Goś 2 , Jolanta Taczała 3
Statistical methods
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