PIB Summary- 27th June, 2024 | Current Affairs and Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly and Monthly - UPSC PDF Download (2024)

Question _index_:

What was one of Chhatrapati Shivaji's tactics against the Mughals?

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" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Question for PIB Summary- 27th June, 2024

Question _index_:

What was one of Chhatrapati Shivaji's tactics against the Mughals?

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","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Raiding and pillaging Mughal strongholds with swift cavalry attacks.

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Question for PIB Summary- 27th June, 2024

Question _index_:

What was one of Chhatrapati Shivaji's tactics against the Mughals?

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" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Engaging in direct battles to capture and hold Mughal positions.

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Question for PIB Summary- 27th June, 2024

Question _index_:

What was one of Chhatrapati Shivaji's tactics against the Mughals?

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" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Negotiating peace treaties with the Mughal Empire.

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Question for PIB Summary- 27th June, 2024

Question _index_:

What was one of Chhatrapati Shivaji's tactics against the Mughals?

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" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Seeking military assistance from European powers.

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Question for PIB Summary- 27th June, 2024

Question _index_:

What was one of Chhatrapati Shivaji's tactics against the Mughals?

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" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Question for PIB Summary- 27th June, 2024

Question _index_:

What was one of Chhatrapati Shivaji's tactics against the Mughals?

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" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "- Chhatrapati Shivaji's tactics against the Mughals involved raiding and pillaging their strongholds with swift cavalry attacks to cause fear and disarray among the Mughal forces. This strategy allowed him to disrupt Mughal control over certain territories and assert his own influence in the region.." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of PIB Summary- 27th June, 2024 | Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly - UPSC to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Question for PIB Summary- 27th June, 2024

Question _index_:

What is the main goal of the Jal Jeevan Mission?

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" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Question for PIB Summary- 27th June, 2024

Question _index_:

What is the main goal of the Jal Jeevan Mission?

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","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Providing electricity to rural households

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Question for PIB Summary- 27th June, 2024

Question _index_:

What is the main goal of the Jal Jeevan Mission?

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" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Ensuring access to piped water for every household

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Question for PIB Summary- 27th June, 2024

Question _index_:

What is the main goal of the Jal Jeevan Mission?

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" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Building roads in rural areas

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Question for PIB Summary- 27th June, 2024

Question _index_:

What is the main goal of the Jal Jeevan Mission?

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" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Providing free healthcare to rural communities

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Question for PIB Summary- 27th June, 2024

Question _index_:

What is the main goal of the Jal Jeevan Mission?

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" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "b", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Question for PIB Summary- 27th June, 2024

Question _index_:

What is the main goal of the Jal Jeevan Mission?

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" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "- The main goal of the Jal Jeevan Mission is to ensure access to piped water for every household in India.
- This initiative aims to provide Functional Household Tap Water (FHTC) to every rural household by 2024.." }}}] }]

UPSC Exam>UPSC Notes>>PIB Summary- 27th June, 2024

Chhatrapati Shivaji


Recently, the exhibition depicting 115 oil paintings ofShivaji Maharajwas organised by theIndira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA)and theNational Gallery of ModernArt (NGMA) to mark the350thanniversaryof the coronation ofChhatrapati Shivaji .

PIB Summary- 27th June, 2024 | Current Affairs and Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly and Monthly - UPSC PDF Download (2)

About Chhatrapati Shivaji

  • Born on February 19, 1630, at Shivneri Fort in Pune.
  • He was born to Shahaji Bhonsle, a Maratha general who ruled the Bijapur Sultanate’s jagirs of Pune and Supe. Shivaji’s mother was Jijabai, a devout woman who had a strong religious influence on him.
  • Shivaji’s name was derived from the name of a provincial deity, Goddess Shivai.
  • He created the Maratha Empire by carving out an enclave from the crumbling Adilshahi sultanate of Bijapur.
  • He was formally crowned Chhatrapati (Monarch) of his dominion in Raigad in 1674.
  • Religious tolerance and functional integration of the Brahmans, Marathas, and Prabhus ensured the kingdom’s security.
  • With the support of a disciplined military and well-structured administrative organisations, he constructed a competent and progressive civil rule.
  • He had a ministerial council (Asht Pradhan) to advise him on state problems, but he was not bound by it. He had the authority to appoint or fire them.
  • He pioneered non-conventional methods (guerrilla warfare) and used strategic elements such as terrain, speed, and surprise to innovate military tactics.
  • To defeat his larger and more powerful opponents, he concentrated on pinpoint attacks.
  • Although the courageous warrior died in 1680, he is remembered for his bravery and intelligence.

Shivaji and the Mughals

  • Shivaji’s meteoric rise posed challenges to the suzerainty of the Mughals.
  • His first direct encounter with the Mughals was during Aurangzeb’s Deccan campaigns of the 1650s.
  • As Aurangzeb went North to fight for the Mughal throne, Shivaji was able to seize further territory.
  • His tactics against the Mughals were adapted to the specific nature of his force and the flabby Mughal armies. Using swift cavalry attacks, he would raid and pillage Mughal strongholds.
  • While on the rare occasion he would engage in battle to actually capture and hold Mughal positions, most often, he would simply cause much menace, raid the treasury, and leave with the Mughals in terror and disarray.
  • Famously, in 1664, he attacked the port of Surat (now in Gujarat) and plundered one of the richest and busiest commercial towns of Mughal India while the local governor hid in a nearby fort.
  • As the legend of Shivaji and the physical sphere of his influence grew, Aurangzeb sent a 100,000-strong, well-equipped army under Raja Jai Singh I to subdue him in 1665.
  • After putting up a valiant fight, Shivaji was besieged in the Purandar hill fort.

Question for PIB Summary- 27th June, 2024

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What was one of Chhatrapati Shivaji's tactics against the Mughals?

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Jal Jeevan Mission


The Central Government is conceiving a “new project” to ensure that rural households, which were provided taps under the ambitious Jal Jeevan Mission but had not yet been able to avail water, would soon be provided potable water.

About Jal Jeevan Mission:

Nodal:Ministry of Jal Shakti

  • Jal Jeevan Mission, a central government initiative under the Ministry of Jal Shakti, aims to ensure access of piped water for every household in India.
  • National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP) was restructured and subsumed into Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) – to provide Functional Household Tap Water (FHTC) to every rural household with service level at the rate of 55 lpcd i.e., Har Ghar Nal Se Jal (HGNSJ) by 2024.


  • Supply of water to all households is a basic necessity
  • Reduction in water borne diseases which was due to due to consumption of substandard water


  • Critical situation of Decrease in ground water table.
  • Water demand and supply is a miss match
  • Contamination of local ground level sources of water like, ponds lakes and wells.
  • Sustaining the provision of water to all households is a challenge, not just starting it.

Question for PIB Summary- 27th June, 2024

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What is the main goal of the Jal Jeevan Mission?

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FAQs on PIB Summary- 27th June, 2024 - Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly - UPSC

1. क्या च्हत्रपति शिवाजी जल जीवन मिशन का हिस्सा था? PIB Summary- 27th June, 2024 | Current Affairs and Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly and Monthly - UPSC PDF Download (12)

Ans. हां, च्हत्रपति शिवाजी जल जीवन मिशन का हिस्सा था।

2. च्हत्रपति शिवाजी जल जीवन मिशन का मुख्य उद्देश्य क्या है? PIB Summary- 27th June, 2024 | Current Affairs and Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly and Monthly - UPSC PDF Download (13)

Ans. च्हत्रपति शिवाजी जल जीवन मिशन का मुख्य उद्देश्य ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में जल संसाधन के विकास को बढ़ावा देना है।

3. इस मिशन के अंतर्गत क्या उपाय किए जा रहे हैं? PIB Summary- 27th June, 2024 | Current Affairs and Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly and Monthly - UPSC PDF Download (14)

Ans. इस मिशन के अंतर्गत जल संवर्धन, जल संचयन और जल संचार के लिए उपाय किए जा रहे हैं।

4. च्हत्रपति शिवाजी जल जीवन मिशन किस प्रकार से गांवों में लागू किया जा रहा है? PIB Summary- 27th June, 2024 | Current Affairs and Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly and Monthly - UPSC PDF Download (15)

Ans. च्हत्रपति शिवाजी जल जीवन मिशन गांवों में पाइपइन वाटर सप्लाई सिस्टम के माध्यम से लागू किया जा रहा है।

5. इस मिशन के द्वारा किसे लाभ मिलेगा? PIB Summary- 27th June, 2024 | Current Affairs and Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly and Monthly - UPSC PDF Download (16)

Ans. च्हत्रपति शिवाजी जल जीवन मिशन के द्वारा ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों के लोगों को जल संसाधन के उन्नतिकरण का लाभ मिलेगा।

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Document Description: PIB Summary- 27th June, 2024 for UPSC 2024 is part of preparation. The notes and questions for PIB Summary- 27th June, 2024 have been prepared according to the UPSC exam syllabus. Information about PIB Summary- 27th June, 2024 covers topics like Chhatrapati Shivaji, Jal Jeevan Mission and PIB Summary- 27th June, 2024 Example, for UPSC 2024 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises and tests below for PIB Summary- 27th June, 2024.

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