Revere Advocate 05/24/2024 (2024)

Vol. 34, No.21-FREEwww.advocatenews.netHavea Safe & Happy Memorial Day Weekend!Free Every Friday781-286-8500City Council approves $500Mbond authorizationfor new Revere High SchoolBy Barbara TaorminaIt’s done.Revere will move forwardand build the new high schoolon the former Wonderland DogTrack site. City councillors voted9-2 this week to authorize a$493,217,901 bond to pay forthe new school along with approximately$238 million supportedby Massachusetts SchoolBuilding Authority (MSBA) Grantfunding.Mayor Patrick Keefe, who haspushed hard to get the schoolbuilt at Wonderland, spokebriefl y to the council before theirvote. “This is the city’s largestbond authorization ever,” Keefetold the council. “ For the lastfour years, we have worked relentlesslyto make sure we makethe best choice. The council hasasked every question, turnedover every stone. Whatever yourdecision is, I respect it.”Unlike prior council meetingsand presentations regardingthe high school, there wereno emotional speeches or contentiousexchanges. City CounAPPROVES| SEE Page 2Patrick Keefe, Jr.MayorDr. Janis Cotter and PJ Cotterretire after over 50 years in RevereSpecial to Th e Advocate“I will truly miss my visits toDr. Cotter’s offi ce. Since I wasState Representative JessicaGiannino (D-Revere) andher grandmother Joann, bothlongtime patients of Dr. JanisCotter, presented citations toher and her brother Philip “PJ”Cotter on Monday in recognitionof their retirement andservice to the city of Revere.Parkway Optical has been astaple in the community forover 67 years.a young girl, her and PJ havebeen an integral part of my lifeand so many in our community,”said Rep. Giannino. “Theytreated their patients and customerslike family and for that,I will be forever thankful. I wishDr. Cotter and PJ all the best intheir retirement. I hope thatthey can enjoy these years tocome together with their familyand friends, taking well deservedtime to enjoy what theylove. Parkway Optical will leavea vacancy on Broadway thatcannot be fi lled.”“Parkway Optical has been apart of the fabric of Revere fornearly seventy years. It is truly aloss to Revere to lose this familyrun business but certainly awell-deserved retirement forDr. Cotter and her brother, PJ. Ijoined their customers and allRETIRE | SEE Page 5Friday, May 24, 2024School Committeefocuses on cell phonesand attendanceBy Barbara TaorminaThe school committee tackledtwo issues this weekthat raised the question ofwhether Revere was returningto the old days of education.Committee member AnthonyCaggiano opened a discussionon cell phones.“Cell phones have to leavethe classroom, period, end ofconversation,” said Caggianoadding it’s impossible not tosee how disruptive they are.The committee approved acell phone policy last year thatdoes not allow cell phone usein class. High school studentscan carry their phones anduse them during their lunchperiod.Students who do use aphone in class can have theirphone confiscated and returnedat the end of the period.Repeated off enses wouldmean a confiscated phonecould only be returned to parents.AnthonyCaggianoSchool Committee Member“Too many teachers won’ttake phones away,” said Caggianowho added a ban on cellphones in schools is being consideredat the state level. Hesuggested Revere be ahead ofthe curve and ban them now.“Do the teachers a favor andthrow them out of the classroom,”he said.PHONES | SEE Page 5Remember and HonorCity to Host Annual Memorial DayServices May 27On Monday, May 27, 2024,the city will hold observanceas well as an event followingthe observance at theAmerican Legion Hall.This year’s keynote speakerwill be Commander BJ Farrell,77ththe US Constitution.The program begins at12:30 pm at McMackin VeteransMemorial Park, 249Broadway, Revere, adjacentto Revere City Hall.Following the program, aCommanding Offi cer ofMeet and Greet with combatveterans will take placeat 1:30 pm at the AmericanLegion Post 61, which willinclude a barbecue and livemusic by Ryan and TommyFlynn.All residents are invited toattend.Shown from left to right: State Representatives Jessica Giannino and Jeff rey Turco with Dr. JanisCotter (in white) and “PJ” Cotter (in blue).

Page 2THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2024Have a HappyMemorial DayWeekend!Mid-gradeRegular$3.953.357369Over 45 Years of Excellence!Full Service$2.99Order online atangelosoil.comRNeed a hall for your special event?The Schiavo Club, located at71 Tileston Street, Everett isavailable for your Birthdays,Anniversaries, Sweet 16 partiesand more?For more info,call (857) 249-7882Dan - 1972OPEN ON MEMORIAL DAY!MAJOR BRANDS AT DISCOUNT PRICES!Singles * Tins * Bundles * Boxes* Travel Humidors * Desk Top Humidors * Many Types of Lighters * Ash Trays * Juuls * Vapes* Glass Pipes * Rewards Program * CBD Infused Products * GIFTS UNDER $30 - GIFT CERTIFICATESDon’t Wait! Get What You Smoke NOW! Buy Your Smokes by theBox & SAVE!! Join Our Rewards Program & SAVE Even More!HOURS: OPEN DAIL 7 DAYS WEEK, 9:00 AM - 6:00 PMHOURS: OPEN DAILY 7 DAYS A WEEK, 9:00 AM - 6:00 PMHumidorSpecials!Starting asLOW as $99.Complete withAccessoriesR.Y.O.TOBACCO&TUBESON SALE!Green LabelCigar Sale!Buy 2 Cigars,Get OneFREE!A.B.C. CIGAR170 REVERE ST., REVERE(781) 289-4959City of Revere hosts Public SafetyMeeting for summer 2024Mayor and Revere Police partnered with State Police,Suffolk County Sheriff’s Dept., DA’s Offi ce, MBTA and DCRto ensure safety and security of Revere Beachevere Beach has beenknown for its tourist appealfor more than a century, and inrecent times has hosted hundredsof thousands of visitorsannually. This past week MayorPatrick Keefe convened a meetingof top public safety offi cialsand local and state agencies todiscuss safety and security measuresfor Revere Beach duringthe summer of 2024. The meetingincluded high-ranking officialsfrom the Revere PoliceDepartment, the MassachusettsState Police, the SuffolkCounty Sheriff’s Department,APPROVES | FROM Page 1cil President Anthony Cogliandroinvited anyone in the audiencewho felt they neededto say something to come tothe podium. But no one fromthe public stepped forward toCelebrating Our 52nd YearChris 2024the District Attorney’s Office,the MBTA, the Department ofConservation & Recreation andother key stakeholders. Two ofthe items discussed during themeeting were an updated communicationsplan between theagencies and stakeholders anda plan to increase public safetyvisibility.“It’s important that we takeproactive action now,” MayorKeefe commented. He continued,noting, “This is one of thefi rst, and defi nitely the largest,meetings ever hosted with focuson a public safety plan forspeak in favor or in oppositionto the bond.According to a press releaseby the Mayor’s Offi ce, the originsof the project date back to2016, when the City of Reverebegan submitting annual applicationsto the MSBA for supportin constructing a new highschool. On the third attempt, in2018, the MSBA invited the Cityof Revere to participate in theirCore Project Program. Sincethen, the project has made significant strides, including procurement,designer selection,location selection and design.Now, the project has receivedthe required funding to moveforward. The City and SchoolBuilding Committee anticipatethat the school will have a usefullife of at least 50 years.The decision comes aftermonths of financial reviewmeetings hosted by MayorKeefe and CFO Rich Viscay. “Iworked closely with elected officials to make sure that all of thefi nancials, as well as the buildingprocess, were clearly spelled out.It is important to me that eachperson made an informed decision.”MayorKeefe added, “It says alot that we all were able to shareour input and work together fora common goal, with our studentsand faculty in mind.”Councillor-at-Large Marc Silvestriagreed that extra time wasneeded to approve the spendingfor the school. “Is it scary?Yes, but we don’t live in a perfectworld but our students need aperfect education,” said Silvestri.Councillor-at-Large Juan PabloJaramillo said he owes hiscareer to the education he receivedat Revere High. “We oweit to our kids to give them achance. We owe it to them tobuild a high school. It’s an investmentin the well-being of our future,”said Jaramillo.Revere Beach over the courseof this summer.”For Mayor Keefe, public safetyis a top priority: “There is alwaysa steep spike in visitorsfrom other communities whentemperatures start warming up.With the summer season justaround the corner, we want tomake this message clear.”Mayor Keefe spoke to the significance of the meeting: “Makeno mistake, we are aware of residents’concerns. We want summertrips to Revere Beach to bea safe and positive experience,for residents and visitors alike.”Councillors-at-Large MichelleKelley and Anthony Zambutovoted against authorizing thebond.“The risk is too great,” said Kelley,who listed the viability of theSuffolk Downs development,the uncertain economic atmosphereand the pending $100million eminent domain lawsuitthe former owners of Wonderlandhave fi led against thecity as some of the reasons shefelt the large bond authorizationwas too great a chance totake. “There are too many residents,seniors, who fi nd it diffi -cult to stay in their homes,” shesaid, adding that a proposition 21/2 override would be devastatingfor some residents.“I’m here to protect the taxpayers,that’s what I do,” saidZambuto, who has consistentlyopposed the project at Wonderland.“There are too manyuncertainties, including unknowncosts for the land. This isbuilt on a house of cards. It’s irresponsiblefor me to vote for thisbond — that’s why I’m not goingto do it.”Cogliandro expressed his confidence in the Keefe Administration.“This is a willingness to takea risk; we all know that,” he said.“My vote is about my trustingthe ability of the administrationto fi nd the right way to pay forthis school.”“I am very proud of all of ourelected offi cials for making thiscourageous decision,” said Mayorand School Building CommitteeChairperson Patrick M. Keefe Jr.Mayor Keefe continued, “Oneof the greatest status symbols ofa city is a strong, well-equippedpublic school system. This decisiondoes not only benefi t thefuture students and teachersof Revere, but future familiesand property owners who maychoose to plant their roots in ourcommunity.”

THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2024Page 3MASSACHUSETTS HOUSE PASSESINFORMATION TECHNOLOGY BOND BILL$1.23 billion bond bill would modernizethe Commonwealth’s IT infrastructureBOSTON — Wednesday, May15, 2024 — The MassachusettsHouse of Representativespassed An Act to provide for the futureinformation technology needsof Massachusetts, also known asthe FutureTech Act. This bill authorizes$1.23 billion in bondedspending and utilizes an additional$400 million in anticipatedfederal funding to bolster criticalinformation technology projectsacross the Commonwealth.The initiatives included in the billaim to modernize the Commonwealth’sinformation technologyinfrastructure, enabling agenciesto operate with enhanced efficiency while also upgrading cybersecurityeff orts. By investingin these advancements, Massachusettsseeks to broaden accessto vital services and information,ultimately enhancing the digitallandscape and user experiencefor all residents.“Ensuring that the Commonwealthis investing heavily in ourtechnology infrastructure is critical,as protecting against cybersecuritythreats, and enabling stateagencies to operate with an increasedlevel of effi ciency, are vitalaspects of our eff ort to make Massachusettsmore safe, eff ective,and prepared in a world dominatedby increasingly sophisticatedtechnologies,” said House SpeakerRonald J. Mariano (D-Quincy).“I want to thank GovernorHealey for fi ling this legislation,as well as Chairs Michlewitz andFinn for their critical input, and forguiding this bill through the legislativeprocess. I am grateful toall of my colleagues in the Housefor recognizing the importance ofthis bill, and for voting to pass it.”“The FutureTech Bond Bill willmake state government more accessibleand more eff ective for everyonein Massachusetts by ensuringour IT systems are up-todate,safe and secure, and easy touse. This will put Massachusetts ina stronger position to take advantageof new innovations, like appliedAI, in ways that benefi t ourresidents, businesses and economy.We are grateful to SpeakerMariano and the House for movingthis bill forward,” said GovernorMaura T. Healey.“The FutureTech Act positionsMassachusetts as a leader in currentand emerging technologies,”said Representative Jessica Giannino(D- Revere). “ This bill notonly ensures that our state’s technologicalcompetitiveness staysup-to-date, but also supports innovationat the local level, ultimatelysaving towns and citiesmoney through improvementsto their networks.”“The FutureTech Act will providethe Commonwealth a moresafe, reliable, and effi cient technologicalexperience for everyone. Iwant to thank leadership for theirforward thinking on these emergingtechnologies and innovations,including all the ways it is set outto protect the people as well asincrease user ability. I believe thisbond bill is critical for cybersecurityand the technological growthof the Commonwealth,” said RepresentativeJeff rey Rosario Turco(D. Winthrop).“The passage of the FutureTechAct of 2024 marks a signifi cantmilestone in Massachusetts’ journeytowards technological advancementand growth, promisinga safer, more connected futurefor all residents,” said RepresentativeMichael J. Finn (D-WestSpringfield), House Chair ofthe Joint Committee on Bonding,Capital Expenditures, andState Assets.The FutureTech Act not onlyensures the seamless operationof essential government functionsbut also lays a foundationfor future innovation. Key initiativesinclude the implementationof transformative projectslike the Business Enterprise SystemsTransformation (BEST) andthe Commonwealth Digital Roadmap,both aimed at enhancingadministrative workfl ow effi ciencyand streamlining state operations.Thebill also supports a newproject to consolidate and modernizethe Division OccupationalLicensing (DOL)’s licensing database.This project will replace thecurrent outdated infrastructure,which relies on paper fi les as wellas manual data entry and review,resulting in delayed applicationand renewal processing.The bill also includes authorizationsfor the continued rollout ofthe Employment ModernizationTransformation (EMT), a projectwhich will provide both employersand those seeking unemploymentinsurance with a new portalto conduct state-facing employmentactivities, facilitatinga streamlined claims process foruploading information with a mobile-friendlydesign and increasedaccessibility features.In addition to addressing theCommonwealth’s immediateneeds, the FutureTech Act embracesa forward-looking strategyto position Massachusetts asa leader in current and emergingtechnologies. By allocating fundsfor future AI projects and supportinginitiatives like the MunicipalFiber Grant Program, the billnot only ensures our state’s technologicalcompetitiveness today,but also supports innovation atthe local level, ultimately savingJessica GianninoState Representativetowns and cities money throughenhancements to their networks.Investments include:• $750 million to improve servicedelivery to the public, including:- $120 million for Business EnterpriseSystems Transformation(BEST)- $100 million for CommonwealthDigital Roadmap- $240 million for Health InsuranceExchange- $90 million for One Health• $200 million for technology ortelecommunications infrastructureimprovements or maintenance,including:- $52 million for EmploymentModernization Transformation(EMT)- $10 million for Integrated Eligibilityand Enrollment Program-$12 million for Child Care FinancialAssistance (CCFA)Jeff rey Rosario TurcoState RepresentativeModernization- $30 million for ElectronicHealth Records Modernization•$200 million to support the securityof the Commonwealth’sIT Infrastructure, including:- $3 million for Criminal Justice360 System- $5 million DOC Radio ModernizationInitiative- $17 million Emergency AssistanceFamily Shelter TechnologySystem• $250 million for various strategicinitiatives, improvementsto business intelligence, andmodernization of governmentalfunctions, including:- $15 million for IntegratedDigital Data Services (IDDS)- $13 million for Enhanced StudentFinancial Aid AccessMASS HOUSE | SEE Page 7Lawrence A. Simeone Jr.Attorney-at-Law~ Since 1989 ~* Corporate Litigation* Criminal/Civil* MCAD* Zoning/Land Court* Wetlands Litigation* Workmen’s Compensation* Landlord/Tenant Litigation* Real Estate Law* Construction Litigation* Tax Lien* Personal Injury* Bankruptcy* Wrongful Death* Zoning/Permitting Litigation300 Broadway, Suite 1, Revere * 781-286-1560lsimeonejr@simeonelaw.netWindow Glass & Screen Repair

Page 4THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2024Hundreds fly kites during Sunday’s Revere Beach Kite FestivalThomas and his son, ColinKeegan, 10, fl y the Sheriff StevenTompkin’s kite.Kimberly Morales, 4, and her uncleJose Argueta fl y a Barbie kite.Large pop overs fl ew, too.Shown from left to right, are:Cici Zhang, Tao Xu, Rena Xu, 2,and Mia Xu, 7.Quincy Hill, 10, fl ew his octopus kite, which was easier to fl y forits depth.8 Norwood St.Everett(617) 387-9810Open Tues. - 4:00 PMClosed Sun. & Mon.Announcing our Classic SpecialsDine In Only:Dine In Only:* FREE Salad with purchase ofEntree, Tuesdays & W Entree, Tuesdays & Wednesdays* Cheese Pizza - Only $10Catch ALL TheLive SportsAction On OurLarge ScreenTV’sScan & Follow Us on Facebook!Scan & Follow Us on Facebook!Dale Ezyk bought a rose quartzbracelet for his girlfriend, Rose.Regina Oliveri, of Revere BeachRetail, designed this RevereBeach Established 1896 hoodie.Emma Giunta displayed a MinnieMouse kite during Sunday’sKite Festival on the beach.Garfi eld Elementary School secondgrader Bastian Lopera, 8, andArturo Lopera fl ew a delta kite.www.810bargrille.comMalhar Prajapati, Sakshi Dayaland Vivek Jaiswal took inthe view.Alexa Stamison, of Rex Wraps, displayedsterling silver wire wrapped pendants.Danette Pena Dome,of Nummies By Netters,of Revere, displayedchocolatecoveredstrawberries.(Advocate photosby Tara Vocino)

THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2024Page 5RON’S OILCallForPRICEMELROSE, MA02176NEWCUSTOMER’SWELCOMEACCEPTING VISA, MASTERCARD & DISCOVER(781) 397-1930 OR (781) 662-8884100 GALLON MINIMUMShown are State Representatives Jessica Giannino and Jeff rey Turco with Dr. Janis Cotter and “PJ”Cotter. In the black sweater: Nicole Severino; orange jacket: Tricia Nagle; kneeling: Susan ConleyGinsburg;brown sweater: Jane Fields; striped sweater: Brenda Simon. Lastly, next to Rep. Gianninois her grandmother, Joann Giannino.RETIRE | FROM Page 1residents of Revere in wishingthem both good health in thefuture,” said State RepresentativeJeff rey Rosario Turco (DWinthrop).ParkwayOptical was foundedin 1957 by Philip Cotter —Janis and PJ’s father. PJ joinedthe family business part-timein high school in 1973 andlater became a certifi ed optiPHONES| FROM Page 1Superintendent Diane Kelly,who has expressed concernsabout teachers taking a phoneand students physically responding,said there has beentalk about a contract programwith families, most of whomcarry their kids on their phoneplans. Kelly said parents can gointo their plans and limit theirstudent’s phone use to emergencycalls during school hours.Kelly suggested some parentswould embrace the ideaof a contract.Committee members agreedto continue hammering out apolicy as they have three upcomingmonths to fi gure outwhich way to go with a cellphones.Attendance, which is downsince before Covid, was alsoup for discussion at this week’smeeting. Committee memberJohn Kingston shared a storyabout a conversation witha retired teacher who told himabout a student who missed 15days of school while travellingwith his family.Kingston questioned the attendancepolicy and if therewere any consequences forstudents who missed so muchclass time.Supt. Kelly intervened andsaid if a student can miss 15days and still master class concianin February 1980. Janis,too, worked there part-time inhigh school and college. Sheearned her doctorate in optometryfrom the New EnglandSchool of Optometry in 1985and has worked there as theoptometrist ever since. Manyother Cotter family membershave worked for this small businessin various capacities, includingtheir late mother andaunt, who handled the booktent,there’s something wrongwith the class. It’s not rigorousor challenging enough. Kellyasked the committee if theywanted to go back to the olddays when if you missed fivedays, you failed.And that’s not where committeemembers wanted to go.They suggested better trackingmethods and alerts to parentswhen students are absent.keeping for many years. Janisand PJ’s sister, Trisha, and latesiblings, Susan and Karen, alsoworked in the family businessover the years in addition tomany nieces and currently, PJ’sson-in-law, Dan. The businessname was offi cially changed toParkway Optical and Eye Carein 1985.This small family-run businessin our community will bedeeply missed.Engaging parents for an interventionabout problems withattendance was seen as a nextstep. The committee also feltthere was room to accommodatefamily vacations and trips.“I get off ended when you saywe are going back to the olddays,” committee member AishaMilbury-Ellis said to Kelly. “Wedon’t want to go back, but wewant to have standards.”Eastern Bank Building on Rte. 1S605 Broadway, #301 * Saugus(781) 233-6844 www.bostonnorthdental.comDr. Priti AmlaniDr. Bhavisha Patel* Restorative Dentistry* Cosmetic Dentistry* Implant Restoration* Zoom Whitening* Teeth in a Day - All on 6* Invisalign* CEREC Crowns(Single Visit Crowns)* Root Canal Treatment* Sedation Dentistry~ Full Mouth Rehabilitation ~BeforeAfter

Page 6THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2024MASSACHUSETTS HOUSE PASSES MAJOR HEALTH CARE LEGISLATIONLegislation is largest update to health care laws since 2012BOSTON — Thursday, May 16,2024 — The MassachusettsHouse of Representatives todaypassed comprehensive legislationthat aims to restore stabilityto the health care system, bolsteraccountability within the industry,and control health carespending to ensure that everyonein Massachusetts has accessto quality, aff ordable health care.The bill also includes importantupdates to how the Commonwealthregulates and monitorsthe health care market, informedby the Steward HealthCare crisis.“This bill is the most signifi canthealth care market oversightand cost containment legislationin more than a decade, andis a continuation of the Commonwealth’slong-standing effortto ensure that everyone inMassachusetts has access toquality, aff ordable health care,”said House Speaker RonaldJ. Mariano (D-Quincy). “I wantto thank Chairs Michlewitz andLawn for working diligently tohelp craft this legislation, a processthat included the incorporationof input from dozens ofstakeholders and outside experts,and I want to thank all mycolleagues in the House for recognizingthe need for this legislationamid a number of dauntingchallenges facing the Commonwealth’shealth care system.”“Iapplaud House leadershipand its members for passingthis timely legislation, which includesmany proposals from myoffi ce such as strengthening ourconsumer protection enforcementtools and making it easierto use our authority to hold privateequity owners accountable.Importantly, this legislation addressessystemic vulnerabilitiesbrought to light by the StewardHealth Care crisis to help ensurethat such a crisis does not happenagain,” said Attorney GenJOHNMACKEY & ASSOCIATES~ Attorneys at Law ~* PERSONAL INJURY* REAL ESTATE* FAMILY LAW* PERSONAL BANKRUPTCY* LANDLORD/TENANT DISPUTES14 Norwood StreetEverett, MA 02149Phone: (617) 387-4900 Fax: (617) 381-1755WWW.JMACKEYLAW.COM                        eral Andrea Joy Campbell.“This legislation will help stabilizeour health care system,and ensure accountability fromall stakeholders, as we continueto recover from the aftereff ectsof the pandemic. By strengtheningoversight and makingmuch needed reforms, this legislationwill not only steady theindustry, but will also help controlcosts for consumers,” saidRepresentative Aaron Michlewitz(D-Boston), Chair of theHouse Committee on Ways &Means. “I want to thank SpeakerMariano for his commitmentand dedication to this issue, aswell as Chairman John Lawn,and all my House colleagues fortheir work and dedication to creatinga more aff ordable healthcare system.”“This legislation looks to thepast, present, and future ofhealth care in the Commonwealth.It closes loopholes andshines a light on blind spotsthat allowed Steward to exploitMassachusetts patients for profit,”said Representative JohnJ. Lawn, Jr. (D-Watertown),House Chair of the Joint Committeeon Health Care Financing.“It protects and preservesunderpaid community hospitalsthat are the lifeblood of medicinein the Commonwealth. Andit plans for stable and aff ordablehealth care growth moving forward.This bill delivers on theHouse’s commitment, under thevisionary leadership of SpeakerMariano, to high-quality, affordablehealth care for all Massachusettsresidents.”“This critical legislation will increasethe transparency relatedto the corporate structure of                                        hospitals and other provider organizationsby requiring disclosureof signifi cant for-profi t investment,enhancing penaltiesfor failure to comply with datareporting requirements, and somuch more,” said RepresentativeJessica Giannino (D-Revere).“I want to thank SpeakerMariano for his commitmentand dedication to this issue andall my House colleagues for theirhard work and dedication to creatinga more aff ordable healthcare system.”“We are fortunate to live inMassachusetts with some ofthe best hospitals the worldhas ever seen. Despite this, therecent Steward Medical bankruptcyand the slow demise ofour community hospitals area threat to the entire system.This important piece of healthcarereform demonstrates thatour Commonwealth can learnfrom mistakes and be nimbleenough to make bold changes.History will show this legislationis an important step in stabilizingthe system and improvingthe delivery of healthcare toour residents,” said RepresentativeJeff rey Rosario Turco (DWinthrop).Thelegislation passed continuesthe House’s commitment tobettering the Commonwealth’shealth care system, as was demonstratedduring the passage ofMassachusetts’ landmark healthcare reform laws of 2006 and2012.StrengtheningoversightTo prevent hospitals and otherproviders from exploiting thesame gaps in the state’s regulatorystructure that StewardHealth Care exposed, the billpassed makes important updatesto the Commonwealth’slaws that govern the oversightof hospital systems and otherprovider organizations.The House legislation:• Increases transparency relatedto the corporate structureof hospitals and otherprovider organizations by requiringdisclosure of signifi -cant for-profi t investment, includingany private equity investments,and empowers thestate’s Center for Health Informationand Analysis (CHIA) togather more fi nancial data onhospitals and other providerorganizations• Enhances penalties for failureto comply with data reportingrequirements, includingincreased fi nancial penalties,adverse consequences for licensure,and withholding approvalsof future projects• Empowers the Health PolicyCommission (HPC) to scrutinizecertain transactions moreclosely for anticompetitive impacts,such as signifi cant equityinvestments that result in achange of ownership or controlof a hospital, conversionof a hospital from a non-profitto a for-profi t entity, and asignifi cant transfer of a hospital’sassets• Expands the Attorney General’sauthority to seek informationfrom signifi cant equity investors,real estate investmenttrusts (REITs), and managementservice organizationsas part of that offi ce’s statutoryauthority to monitor andinvestigate health care trends,and exposes entities with anownership or controlling interestin a provider organizationto potential liability underthe state’s False ClaimsAct if the entity knew, but didnot report, that a provider organizationwas defraudingMassHealth, for exampleThe bill also makes importantreforms to prevent acute carehospitals from selling their mostvaluable asset, their land, to REITs.When Steward sold theirhospital properties to MedicalProperties Trust (MPT) in 2016for $1.25 billion, Steward agreedto lease back their former propertiesfrom MPT for exorbitantrents, syphoning away importantresources and depriving thehospital operations and patientsfrom needed investments. TheHouse bill prohibits the futureleasing of land from REITs forthe operation of a hospital’s inpatientfacilities and requires increaseddisclosure of other leasearrangements as part of the licensureprocess with the Departmentof Public Health (DPH).In response to the tragic deathof a patient at one of Steward’shospitals, the bill also improvespatient safety by ensuring thatDPH is notified if a hospital’smedical or surgical supplies areat risk of repossession becauseof a hospital’s fi nancial condition.The bill requires a securedcreditor or vendor of medicalequipment to notify the hospitaland DPH of a possible repossessionof equipment 60 days beforethe intended repossession.Addressing the risingcost of health careTo address the rising cost ofhealth care in Massachusetts,the bill passed reforms the HPCand the health care cost growthbenchmark by establishing abenchmark-setting process thatis more responsive to marketHEALTH CARE | SEE Page 13

THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2024Page 7RevereTV Spotlight“Fabulous Foods with VictoriaFabbo” is a cookingshow with health and ingredientsin mind. Chef and dieticianVictoria Fabbo always providesexplanations about health benefits regarding the ingredientsin her recipes. This is apparent onthe latest episode of “FabulousFoods.” In this episode, Victoria isjoined by a special guest, Rose.Rose demonstrates how to makea very sentimental Persian dish,Kuku Sabzi (or Persian Herb Frittata)and Baghali Polo, which is Persiandill rice. Follow along as thisepisode plays on the CommunityChannel or watch on YouTubeat your own pace to learn more!This week on “Northeast Cooks,”the students from Northeast MetropolitanRegional VocationalHigh School make mango keylime cheesecake. The studentsstart with presenting the ingredientsand then make this desserttogether from scratch. TheMASS HOUSE | FROM Page 3- $33 million for Licensing Platformmodernization• Other projects and items includedin the bill:- $25 million for AI projects- $30 million for Muni Fiberstep-by-step recipe starts withassembling the crust, then makingcheesecake fi lling and whippingup a mousse and glaze forgarnish. Head to RevereTV’s YouTubepage to get the list of ingredientsyou’ll need and then followalong as you watch. This episodewill also be replaying on theCommunity Channel.On Tuesday night Revere HighSchool seniors and friends hadtheir Class of 2024 Senior Prom.RevereTV was at Danversport tocover the red carpet as studentsarrived. Students got to showoff their style and answer questionsfrom a few teachers. RTVaired this live on the CommunityChannel and YouTube, whereit can still be viewed. Watch theClass of 2024 on RevereTV againin a few weeks as they walk thestage at graduation on Wednesday,June 5 at 6:00 p.m. RevereTVwill be covering graduation in itsentirety live for all to watch onGrants- $150 million for local and regionalIT security improvements-$25 million for CommunityCompact IT Grants- Establishes a new InformationTechnology Federal ReimtheCommunity Channel andYouTube.Both Revere High School andSusan B. Anthony Middle Schoolmusic groups performed theirspring concerts. The SBA RockBand Show performed a varietyof songs — ranging from classicrock to punk rock to modern hits.Meanwhile, the RHS Rock Pop Ensemblefeatures a diff erent professionalartist every year, and thisyear they performed the songs ofRush. Watch both spring performancesnow playing in the eveningson the Community Channel.The concerts are also postedto YouTube.RTV GOV is scheduled with thelatest rotation of meetings. Theseinclude the Commission on Disabilities,License Commission,Appointments Sub-Committee,Legislative Sub-Committee, RevereCity Council, Planning Boardand Zoning Board of Appeals. Allmeetings play live on YouTubeand remain posted there. RTVGOV is channel 9 on Comcast and13 and 613 on RCN.bursement Fund to facilitatethe use of funds to supporthealth and human servicesrelated IT improvements.The bill passed the House ofRepresentatives 152-2 vote. Itnow goes to the Senate for consideration.Localresidentreceives IWLCAAll-Region honorsEndicott student-athleteKiana Napolitano has receivedIntercollegiate Women’sLacrosse Coaches Association(IWLCA) All-Region honors.Napolitano was selectedto the Pilgrim Region SecondTeam. She is now eligible forIWLCA All-America honors. TheIWLCA will announce its 2023All-America teams on May 24.Napolitano played and startGerryD’AmbrosioAttorney-at-LawIsYour Estate in Order?Do you have an update Will, HealthCare Proxy or Power of Attorney?If Not, Please Call for a Free Consultation.14 Proctor Avenue, Revere(781) 284-5657SABATINO/MASTROCOLAINSURANCE AGENCY519 BROADWAYEVERETT, MA 02149Auto * Home * Boat *Renter * Condo * Life* Multi-Policy Discounts * Commercial 10% Discounts* Registry Service Also AvailableSabatino Insurance is proud to welo welcomethe loyal customers oftino Insur nce is pyal customers ofALWAYS READY TO SERVE YOU: Our Staff are, Emma Davidson, Jeimy Sanchez,Josephine Leone, Marie D’Amore, Rocco Longo, Z’andre Lopez, Anthony DiPierro,Darius Goudreau, Laurette Murphy, Danielle Goudreau and Tina Davidson.PHONE: (617) 387-7466FAX: (617) 381-9186Visit us online at: WWW.SABATINO-INS.COMcoed in all 20 games this season,amassing 61 goals and 39 assistsfor 100 points. Those totalswere all career highs —she was named to the All—Commonwealth Coast ConferenceFirst Team earlier thismonth for the second consecutiveseason. Napolitano’s careerranks include the following:5th in points (254), 4th inpoints per game (3.58), 8th in

Page 8THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2024At Danversport Yacht Club inDanvers Tuesday night.Over 300 Revere High School Students Celebrate Senior PromShown from left to right, are: Victoria Rocha, Isabella Qualtieri,Kristina Simons, Valery Zamora and Sam Pinto.Emily Bonasoro and MercedesGuerrero.Sebastian Perdomo and LunaHernandez.425r Broadway, SaugusLocated adjacent to Kohls Plaza Route 1 Southin Saugus at the intersection of Walnut StreetWe are on MBTA Bus Route 429781-231-1111We are a Skating Rink withBowling Alleys, Arcade andtwo TV’s where the ballgames are always on!PUBLIC SKATING SCHEDULE12-7 p.m.SundayMondayTuesday$9.00Price includes Roller SkatesRollerblades/inline skates $3.00 additional costPrivate Parties7:30-11 p.m.WednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday$10.00Price includes Roller SkatesAdult Night 18+ OnlyPrivate PartiesPrivate Parties4-8 p.m. $10.00 8:30-11 p.m. $11.18+ Adults Only After 7 PM12-9 p.m.$9.00Everyone must pay admission after 6 p.m.Sorry No Checks - ATM on siteRoller skate rentals included in all pricesInline Skate Rentals $3.00 additionalBIRTHDAY & PRIVATE PARTIES AVAILABLEwww.roller-world.comShown from left to right, are: SophiaGrullon, Ariana Mendoza and EmilyHeckley.Revere High School Assistant Principals Laura Sanchez, atleft, and Pierina Santos-Margaritov.Shown from left to right, are: NicholasBarry, Alexander Han Ith, and DiegoMadrigal Martinez.Faith Ronoh, at right, andRebekah Arias.Ezekiel Aponte and ValeriaSalas Herrera.Getting out of the limo, shown from left to right, are: Angel Reyes,Jose Ozuna, Marely Flores, Casey Ganjolli, Julia Vajao, and HadiaBellemsieh.The Sam’s — Sam Medina, atright, and Sam Posasa.

THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2024Page 9Shown from left to right, are: Irene Yordi, Ally Straccia, Antonio Milito, RileyStraccia, Elias Ruiz Arevalo, Vincent Ruggieri, and Juliana Bolton.Shown from left to right, are:Fatima Dahbani, Kelsey Taingand Alice Chen during Tuesday’sRevere High School Senior Promat the Danversport Yacht Club.Shown from left to right, are:Paris Peugeot Peña, KatelynLeary, and Santiago Gil.Shown from left toright, are: Emily Deleonand Eric Sekenski.Shownfrom left to right, are: Miah Figueroa, Sara Rago, Jalen Smith, Allen Hou,Bella Toledo, Grace Coff ey and Olivia Rocino.Shown from left to right, are: Daniel Figueroa, SaraiCifuentes, Keven Morales, and Guadalupe Alvarado.Marcus Heywood and MelanieDeFaz. (Advocate photos byTara Vocino)

Page 10THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2024Memorial Day 2024Though we can never repay our debt to them,we honor those men and womenStateRepresentativeJessicaGiannino& FamilyStateRepresentativeTurco& FamilyWard 2 CouncillorIraNovoselskyAngelaWard 5 CouncillorGuarino-SawayaGuarino-SawayaNortheast Metropolitan Regional Vocational School Committee& Revere School CommitteemanAnthonyCaggianoCouncillor -at-LargeCouncillor-at-LargeCouncillor-at-LargeJuan PabloJaramillo& FamilyRemember and Honor - City to Host Annual Memorial Day Services May 27On Monday, May 27, 2024, the city will hold observance as well as an event following the observance at the American                 The program begins at 12:30 pm at McMackin Veterans Memorial Park, 249 Broadway, Revere, adjacent to Revere CityHall. Following the program, a Meet and Greet with combat veterans will take place at 1:30 pm at the American Legion              Councillor -at-LargeAnthonyZambuto

THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2024Page 11Memorial Day 2024Though we can never repay our debt to them,we honor those men and womenWorld War IMax AchenbachWilliam BatstoneJohn BreenCharles N.E. BrownJohn R. ButlerEuplio CerroneJoseph W. ChamberlainPasquale ColangeloDouglas C. CummingsJoseph DiItaliaFrank P. DiPesaRichard D. DonnellyFrancis J. DriscollFrank ErricoloJohn F. FitzpatrickCharles N. FredericksWilliam H. HartleyRaymond LawrenceCarl W. MabieSamuel P. MahoneyRichard R. MarshallJohn MooneyWilliam MurphyJohn PesaLouis SandlerSamuel SandlerAlbert W. SmithJames T. SweeneyWilliam UngvarskyEarl B. WelchLawrence J. FlahertyPatrick Santa MariaWorld War IIWarren E. AllenWilliam E. AllenFrank J. AlvinoSalvatore J. BagnuloFrederick C. BaldwinJoseph BeaderMichael BegleyEdward BloomPhillip F. BoydWilliam S. BoydJames L. BrandanoItalo J. BredaLeroy E. BrownRobert P. BrownMilton BubisFrancis BurnsRichard J. ChouinardLoftus L. ChristiansonAlfred J. ConleyJohn A. ConleyLloyd F. CoolidgeAdolph F. CormierEugene CosciaWilfred F. CoteRobert E. CotterSalvatore CrivelloPaul W. CroninWilliam J. CroughRobert CummingsRobert P. CuozzoFred E. DeaconVictor D. DeGuglielmoJames D. DemarcoThomas DeSistoAlbert DeStroopAntonio DiGregorioAugustine A. DiPietroDante DiPrizioArthur DiStasioPeter DiStasioDaniel F. DorisCharles D. DuganGeorge A. ElwellJohn FamigliettiRobert FecittSamuel FeldmanChristopher FerragamoCharles J. FietzJohn V. FitzgeraldJohn H. FoleyFrancis J. FoyeNicholas FrammartinoHallet S. Fraser, Jr.Edward H. FriedmanHarry J. GarrityHarold GayEdward Z. GelmanRobert GladstoneSamuel H. Gordon Julius GreenbergJohn F. HanniganJoseph HarringtonKenneth G. HarringtonDavid P. Hartigan, Jr.Herbert S. Hill, Jr.James J. HillGeorge HorblittJoshua R. Howardfought for our freedom! Thinking aboutyou today, Dad. Happy Memorial Day!Joanne McKennaThank you to all the Veterans thatWard One Councillorard One Councillor    Maurice W. HudlinJohn E. HurleyJoseph H. Joyce, Jr.John D. KaneIsadore KaplanHarold E. KendallChester H. KenneyHubert H. KingAlfred KniznickElwin KnowlesJohn E. KnoxCarroll KummererThomas F. LandryStephen M. LangoneSimon LeeJohn J. LehmannRaymond LeporeHerbert LevineDouglas J. MacDonaldAndrew J. MantinePaul S. MaslowskiJohn ZW. MastrachiJohn A. MastromarinoJohn N. Mayor, Jr.Thomas J. McCarthyCharles F. McCluskyRobert F. McDonaldCharles G. McMackinJoseph E. MessinaJohn H. MinichinoIrving MintzSeymour A. MolinFrank A. MolinoDomenic D. MorraJoseph L. MottoloJoseph O’BrienChristopher ParagoneEdward J. ParsonsKenneth J. PatenaudeLugo PennachioFrancis PetroWilliam PidgeonJames F. QuinlanFred L. RaymondCarmine M. ReppucciAlfred S. RomeoHarold RosenbaumMelvin E. RosenbergSamuel N. RubinovitzArmando RubbieroAlexander A. RussoAnthony G. Sarno  John A. SciaraffaThomas F. ShaughnessyGerald P. ShaughnessyIrving B. ShermanGeorge H. SingerKenneth G. SnowPeter StamulisEdward SteinmanRobert StruthersGeorge C. SullivanJohn SullivanGerlad SwerlingCarl M. ThomajanSidney ToressenRaymond R. VeneziaThomas Von HolzhausenIsrael WeinbergWaWard 4City Councillor City CouncillorWalter McKennaPaulArgenzioCity Councillor City CouncillorChristopherGianninoWaWard 6We pay tribute and honor thememory of those who have madethe   for our country.Woodrow W. WilkinsV. Howard WoodellHarry ZassmanMilton ZelmeyerKOREAN WARShirley B. AndrewsHugo F. CarozzaFrank CharidoGerald ChieppoJoseph ConcannonBernard A. KinnallyBernard KniznickRobert S. MauroWilliam A. ShivereeWalter SmartVIETNAM WARRobert L. BlaisSebastian E. DeLucaArthur R. Legrow, Jr.Alan J. O’Brien, Jr.Walter S. Olinsky, Jr.Stephen J. PentaGULF WARDaniel F. CunninghamLawrence SalamoneMatthew J. StanleyNelson D. RodriguezOIF/OEF - 6/4 CAVJared GleeveJared C. MontiRyan KingGlenn M. SewallMecolus McDaniel100 Salem Turnpike, Saugus, MA 01906WINWASTESAUGUS.COM

Page 12THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2024By Dom NicastroRevere girls trackfinishes seasonperfectly againRevere girls track got anothermajor win at the Greater BostonLeague meet to fi nish offthe season unbeaten. The Patriotstook the win at Somerville,scoring 120 points total,beating their closest competitorMedford by 18 points.“It was a great meet filledwith a ton of league champions,”Revere coach RacquelMacDonald-Ciambelli said.“What a way to fi nish up anotheramazing season for thesegirls. They all ran, threw andjumped phenomenally, and Iam so proud of what each ofthem accomplished.”Ashley Cabrera Rodriguezwill compete in the Division 1State Meet on Friday in boththe 400m hurdles and triplejump. Liv Yuong will competein the high jump.Just like in the indoor season,Yuong is once again a threeeventGBL champ, scoring atotal of 30 points for the team.She was champion in the belowevents:• High jump (4-10)• Long jump (15-11)• 100m hurdles (18.07)Gemma Stamatopoulos wasGBL champion in the 800 with atime of 2:34.95. She also placedin her two other events below:• Fourth place in the 400 hurdles(1:16.75)• Fifth place in the high jump(4-4).Cabrera Rodriguez was a GBLchampion in the 400 hurdleswith a state qualifying time of1:13.42. She also placed in hertwo other events below:• Fifth place in the triple jump- LEGAL NOTICE -                            D       To all interested persons:A Petition for               of   requesting that the Court enter a formal Decreeand Order and for such other relief as requested in the Petition.The Petitioner requests that:    of  be appointed as Personal Representative(s) of said estateto serve   on the bond in                                                                                                                                                                                       REVERE PUBLIC SCHOOLSPublic HearingNotice is hereby given in accordance with theprovisions of Section 38N of Chapter 71 of theMassachusetts General Laws, that the Revere SchoolCommittee will conduct a public hearing on Monday,June 3, 2024 at 3:00 p.m. in the Emmanuel M.Ferrante School Committee Room and via Zoom,         101 School Street, relative to the Revere PublicSchools proposed Fiscal Year 2024-2025 SchoolOperating Budget. All interested persons will begiven the opportunity to be heard for or against thewhole or any part of the proposed budget.May 24, 31, 2024For Advertisingwith Results,callcallThe Advocatehe Adv cateNe RHS PATRIOTS SPORTS ROUND-UP ~(30-11)• Fifth place in the 100 dash(13.60)Other finishers: The 4x800quartet of Rocio Gonzalez,Daniela Santana Baez, HibaEl Bzyouy and Olivia Ruppwas the GBL champion in the4x800. Senior captain Gonzalestook home second placein the 2-mile (14:28.37) alongwith her leg in the 4x800 team.Third place finishes for theteam took home six pointseach: Olivia Rupp in the milewith an outdoor PR of 6:07.32;Rania Hamdani in the 400(1:06.48); Yara Belguendouz inthe 100 hurdles (19.26); and the4x400 quartet of Jaliyah Manigo,Marwa Riad, Rania Hamdaniand Genevieve Zierten(4:46.56). Fourth-place fi nishesfor the team took home fourpoints each: Zierten in the mile(6:10.30) and Riad in the longjump (14-3). Fifth-place finishesfor the team took hometwo points each: Jaliyah Manigoin the 400 (1:07.03); DanielaSantana Baez in the 2-mile(15:11.43); Nisrin Sekkat in thejavelin (80-1), the 4x100m Relayquartet of Jaliyah Manigo,Giselle Salvador, Lesly Mendozaand Mayaah Ndi. Sixthplacefi nishes for the team tookhome on point each: EmmaDeCrosta in the mile (6:44.62)and Belguendouz in the triplejump (27-2).Revere boys shineat GBL meetThe Revere boys track teamwasn’t so shabby at the GBLmeet with multiple champs:• 100 Meters: Oliver Escobarfi nished 4th with a time of11.49 seconds; Jeremy X fi nished8th with a time of 11.80seconds.• 200 Meters: Oliver Escobarfi nished fourth with a time of23.52 seconds; Jeremy X fi nishedeighth with a time of24.41 seconds.• 400 Meters: Medy Bellemsiehfinished third with atime of 51.58 seconds; AmirYamani fi nished fi fth with atime of 54.19 seconds.• 800 Meters: Joao VictorCunha secured first placewith a time of 2:05.04; YounessChahid finished thirdwith a time of 2:10.74; EdwinAlarcon fi nished fourth witha time of 2:11.97.• 2 Miles: Youness Chahid fi nishedthird with a time of10:40.82; Adam Assour finished10th with a time of11:41.10; Salah Said fi nished16th with a time of 11:57.55.• 110 Hurdles: Isaiah DeCrostasecured fi rst place with atime of 15.26 seconds.• 400 Hurdles: Isaiah DeCrostasecured fi rst place with atime of 58.73 seconds; AmirYamani fi nished fourth witha time of 1:02.08.• 4x100 Relay: The team ofOliver Escobar, Joao VictorCunha, Jeremy X and MedyBellemsieh finished thirdwith a time of 45.81 seconds.• 4x400 Relay: The team ofIsaiah DeCrosta, Marcos Carneiro,Amir Yamani and JoaoVictor Cunha secured firstplace with a time of 3:42.40.• 4x800 Relay: The team ofAdam Ourazzouk, MohammedFares, Edwin Alarconand Youness Chahid fi nishedfourth with a time of 9:25.30.• Shotput: Kevin Purcifull fi nishedeighth with a throw of39-01.50.• Discus: Kevin Purcifull finishedsecond with a throw of139-04.00.• Javelin: Javan Close fi nished13th with a throw of 9705.00.•High jump: Javan Close fi nishedfi fth, clearing a heightof 5-02.00.• Triple jump: Edwin Alarconfi nished fi fth with a distanceof 33-10.25.Revere boys tenniscompetitive in lossto Lynn EnglishThe Patriots had a very competitivematch against LynnEnglish in a 4-1 loss. First singles:Nick Aguiar played a strongplayer and played well in a 6-1,6-3 loss. Second singles: RaihanAhmed played a strong matchin a 6-2, 6-1 loss. Third singles:Nick Barry played a very strongmatch and won, 6-4, 6-3. Firstdoubles: Vic Cisneros and EthanMen played well together in a6-2, 6-2 loss. Second doubles:Steven Espinal and Rayan Elmzabiplayed well in a 6-1, 6-2 loss.“The team is improving everymatch and we are way betternow than a month ago,” Reverecoach Michael Flynn said.Revere volleyballsurges towardtourneyRevere improved to 12-7with a 3-0 win over Lynn Classical.Ruben Rodriguez had 15kills, and Larry Claudio added23 assists.Revere girls tennisfalls to MaldenMalden topped Revere, 5-0.The Patriots fell to 4-6. First singles:Dayna Phan lost, 6-0, 6-1.Second singles: Jaimy Gomezlost, 6-0, 6-2. Third singles: LeslyCalderon Lopez lost, 6-0, 6-1.First doubles: Cesia Loza andRachel Sanchez lost, 6-0, 6-0.Second doubles: Keila Loza andIvana Nguyen lost, 6-2, 6-0.

THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2024Page 13Lady Pats softball team eyes strong finish for postseason pushBy Dom NicastroThe Revere High School softballteam is looking to finishthe regular season strongenroute to its Division 1 postseason.The Patriots were 13-5 headinginto their fi nal two games.Revere fell to Somerville, 7-6,in its most recent game, despiteout-hitting them 4-2. AnnaDoucette led Revere with twohits. Revere fought back afterfalling down by four runs in thefourth inning, but the comebackfell just short. Revere closed thegap by scoring on an error, a single,a steal of home, and a triple.Revere got on the board in thefirst inning after Doucette tripled,scoring one run. Somervilletied the game at one in the topof the second. A triple by Somervillegave the Highlanders thelead, 4-1, in the top of the third.Danni Hope Randall took theloss for Revere. She went seveninnings, giving up seven runs(four earned) on two hits, strikingout 14 and walking eight.Frankie Reed and Doucette eachdrove in one run for Revere. JordanMartelli and Riley Stracciaeach stole multiple bases for Revere,which ran wild on the basepaths, tallying six stolen bases forthe game.“They battled back. Theyplayed hard,” Revere coach MeganO’Donnell said. “Every teamturns around the second half ofthe season, so you can’t take anybodyfor granted, but Somervillemade some really great playson us. They snagged a few ballsthat for any other team probaHEALTHCARE | FROM Page 6pressures, while also raising expectationson providers to meetthe Commonwealth’s cost containmentgoals:• Reconstitutes the HPC boardfrom 11 to nine members whohave more current, relevantexperience and insight intothe trajectory of the healthcare market• Establishes a Technical AdvisoryCommittee within theHPC to adjust the benchmarkbased on market conditions,such as inflation, labor andworkforce development costs,and the introduction of newpharmaceuticals, medical devices,and other health technologies•Changes the current annualbenchmark to a three-yearbenchmark beginning 20262029which will allow healthcare entities greater fl exibilityto address unexpectedbly would have been hits. Theymade the defensive plays.”Coach O’Donnell highlightedthe team’s overall solid hittingperformance but noted strugglesin clutch situations, particularlyin later innings. Despitefacing tough opponents like Everett,the team has shown resilience,battling back in gameseven when nervousness set in.The team has played a lot ofsoftball in recent weeks, and thecoach believes a short break anda good practice session havehelped maintain hitting consistency.While some players havehad ups and downs, O’Donnellemphasized that this is part ofthe game.The team’s overall fi elding hasshown signifi cant improvementcompared to last year, contributingto their competitiveness.Coach O’Donnell has madeslight adjustments to the lineup,but the core remains the same.The coach expressed confi dencein the players’ ability to deliverhits when needed as the regularseason winds down. The teamhas been aggressive on the bases,leveraging their speed to capitalizeon opponents’ mistakes.“We’ve been hitting the ballwell in some games, but wehaven’t really got hits late in thegame, especially against Everett,”O’Donnell said. “We battled withthem. Again, we got a little nervousbecause but every plate istough and we battled back. I feellike we’re coming together.”Leading the charge hittingwiseis Lea Doucette, who hasbeen nothing short of phenomexpenses,and give the HPCgreater insight into longertermtrends• Gives the HPC increased enforcementauthority when ahealth care entity exceeds thebenchmark, and when a fi rstperformance improvementplan (PIP) is not successful, byallowing the HPC to suggestelements of a new PIP and toconduct Cost and Market ImpactReview (CMIR), whichmay result in a referral to theAttorney GeneralThe bill also establishes a dedicatedDivision of Health Insurance(DOHI) to review healthinsurance rates for aff ordabilityfor consumers and purchasersof health insurance products.Currently, the same stateagency that reviews auto insurancepolicies reviews health insurance,an insurance productthat is essential to the well-beingof residents and an importantaspect of one of the ComDanni-HopeRandall and Shayna Smith take a moment on themound during their recent game against Everett. (Advocate fi le photo)enal at the plate. With a battingaverage of.552, Doucette hasracked up 37 hits in 67 at-bats, includingfour doubles, one triple,and three home runs. Her powerand consistency have beencritical, driving in 29 runs andscoring 34 herself. Doucette’son-base percentage of.731 andslugging percentage of.776highlight her eff ectiveness as ahitter. Additionally, she has demonstratedexceptional speed onthe bases, stealing 29 bases withoutgetting caught.Ally Straccia has also madesignificant contributions withher bat and speed. Batting.564,Straccia has collected 22 hits in39 at-bats, including three doublesand two home runs. Herability to get on base and drivein runs has been crucial, as evidencedby her 18 RBIs and 19runs scored. Straccia’s on-basemonwealth’s largest economicsectors. This bill raises the assessmentson insurance companiesto pay for increased staff togive health insurance productsthe scrutiny they deserve.Protecting independentcommunity hospitalsand slowing furthermarket consolidationThis legislation includes severalpolicies to advance theHouse’s long-standing policygoal of protecting low-cost,high-value health care providersand of avoiding further marketconsolidation by larger hospitalsystems.The bill establishes and integratesa Rate Equity Target withinthe benchmark enforcementprocess for insurance companies,with the goal of raising thereimbursement rate for historicallypoorly reimbursed acutepercentage of.820 and sluggingpercentage of.795 further underscoreher impact on the fi eld. Shehas also been aggressive on thebase paths, successfully stealingeight bases and demonstratingan 88% success rate in stolenbases.Riley Straccia has been anotherstandout performer, boastinga.532 batting average with25 hits in 47 at-bats. Her ninedoubles and two triples highlighther ability to hit for extrabases. Straccia has driven in 19runs and scored 26, showing herall-around contributions to theteam’s off ense. With a sluggingpercentage of.809 and an onbasepercentage of.700, she hasbeen a reliable hitter throughoutthe season.Shayna Smith has provided apower surge for the team, hitting.491with 27 hits in 55 atcarehospitals. The bill incentivizesinsurance companies to paythese hospitals no less than 15percent below the average reimbursementrate for hospitalsin the insurance company’s networkduring the fi rst three-yearbenchmark cycle from 2026 to2029. Thereafter, the bill guaranteesa minimum percentage increasein a hospital’s reimbursementrate as a percentage of thehealth care cost growth benchmark.Thisup-front investment bycommercial insurers will provideneeded resources for lowcostproviders for the long-termbenefi t to the health care marketgiven that, if such hospitalswere to close or merge witha larger hospital system, totalhealth care costs in the Commonwealthwould inevitablyincrease.The bill, via an amendmentfrom Representative Frank A.Moran, also provides a Medicaidbats. Her 12 doubles and fourhome runs showcase her abilityto change the game withone swing. Smith has driven in28 runs and scored 19, makingher a key run producer for theteam. Her slugging percentageof.964 is among the best on theteam, and her on-base percentageof.600 indicates her ability toget on base consistently.Frankie Reed has been anotherkey contributor, hitting.473with 26 hits in 55 at-bats. She hasdriven in 31 runs and scored 25,providing a steady presence inthe lineup. Reed’s seven doublesand two home runs have addedto the team’s off ensive fi repower.Her on-base percentage of.782and slugging percentage of.709demonstrate her eff ectivenessat the plate.On the pitching side, HopeRandall has been a workhorse,pitching 97 innings and strikingout 153 batters. Despite allowing103 runs, her ability to limitearned runs to 46 and maintaina 3.32 ERA has been commendable.Randall’s control has beensolid, with 110 walks and onlyfi ve home runs allowed, showingher ability to keep the ballin the park.Gianna Chiodi has providedvaluable innings as well, pitching16 innings with 25 strikeouts.Though her ERA is higher at 8.75,her ability to get strikeouts andhandle pressure situations hasbeen important for the team.“We’ve had huge improvement,”O’Donnell said, “comparedfrom this year to last yearall around.”rate enhancement for a similargroup of hospitals, based on ahospital’s percentage of patientsthat are public payers and theirrelative commercial reimbursementrate as compared to otherhospitals.“Today, the House of Representativestook swift action toshape the future of Massachusettshealth care in a post-Stewardlandscape and to better protectpatient care,” said RepresentativeFrank A. Moran (DLawrence),Second AssistantMajority Leader. “As someonewho has a safety net hospital inmy hometown, I am grateful tomy colleagues for their supportin adopting my amendment tohelp provide relief to our fi nanciallystrained safety net hospitalswho are reimbursed at lowerrates than their private, commercialpeers. I would also likeHEALTH CARE | SEE Page 17

Page 14THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2024(A “Yes” vote is for the bill. A“No” vote is against it.)Rep. Jessica Giannino YesRep. Jeff Turco YesBy Bob KatzenIf you have any questions about this week’s report, e-mail usat or call us at (617) 720-1562THE HOUSE AND SENATE:Beacon Hill Roll Call records localrepresentatives’ votes on rollcalls from the week of May 1317.There were no roll calls inthe Senate last week.The House gave near unanimousapproval to two majorbills — one making major investmentsin information technology(IT) upgrades, and theother aimed at restoring stabilityto the health care system,bolstering accountability withinthe industry and controllinghealth care spending.Only two representatives votedagainst the IT bill — Reps.Nick Boldyga (R-Southwick)and Marc Lombardo (R-Billerica).And only Boldyga votedagainst the health care measure.BeaconHill Roll Call askedBoldyga for a quote on why hevoted against both bills. “It justfeels good to vote the right wayon these issues,” he responded.Beacon Hill Roll Call alsoasked Lombardo why he votedagainst the IT proposal.Nancy Cadigan, Lombardo’schief of staff, echoed Boldyga’sresponse. “That sums it up.Sounds perfect,” said Cadigan.FUNDING FOR INFORMATIONTECHNOLOGY (H 4642)House 152-2, approved andsent to the Senate a bill to investin information technology(IT) upgrades, improvementsand new projects across stategovernment. The measure authorizes$1.23 billion in bondedspending and $400 millionin anticipated federal funds.Provisions include $750 millionto improve service deliveryto the public; $200 million fortechnology and telecommunicationsinfrastructure improvementsand maintenance; $200million to support the securityof the state’s IT Infrastructure;and $250 million for variousstrategic initiatives, improvementsto business intelligenceand modernization of governmentalfunctions.“The [bill] will make stategovernment more accessibleand more eff ective for everyonein Massachusetts by ensuringour IT systems are upto-date,safe and secure andeasy to use,” said Gov. MauraHealey. “This will put Massachusettsin a stronger positionto take advantage of new innovations,like applied AI, in waysthat benefi t our residents, businessesand economy.”“Ensuring that the commonwealthis investing heavily inour technology infrastructureis critical, as protecting againstcybersecurity threats, and enablingstate agencies to operatewith an increased level ofeffi ciency, are vital aspects ofour eff ort to make Massachusettsmore safe, eff ective, andprepared in a world dominatedby increasingly sophisticatedtechnologies,” said HouseSpeaker Ron Mariano (D-Quincy).“Thepassage of the [bill]marks a signifi cant milestonein Massachusetts’ journey towardstechnological advancementand growth, promisinga safer, more connected futurefor all residents,” said Rep. MichaelFinn (D-West Springfi eld),House Chair of the Committeeon Bonding, Capital Expendituresand State Assets.$7.5 MILLION IN ADDITIONALFUNDING (H 4642)House 152-2, approved an ITbill consolidated amendmentthat would add $7.5 million,mostly to fund local projects,to the price tag of the measure.Amendment supporters saidthese additional local projectsare important to many citiesand towns across the state.They argued the amendmentwould make the bill even better.Notincluded in the consolidatedamendment was a proposalby Rep. Mike Soter (RBellingham),that would banthe use or download of TikTokby public employees onstate-owned electronic devices.Since it was not included,the proposal simply diedand no further action was taken.Soter could have requesteda separate roll call vote onhis proposal, but he chose notto do so.Soter did not respond to repeatedrequests by Beacon HillRoll Call asking him to commenton why he fi led the proposaland why he didn’t askfor debate and a separate rollcall on it.Most of the decisions onwhich representatives’ proposalsare included or not includedin the IT bill are made behindclosed doors. Of the 59proposals, many of them werebundled into the single consolidatedamendment.The system works this way:Individual representatives fi leproposals. All members thenpitch their proposals to Democraticleaders who draft a singleconsolidated amendmentthat includes some of the individualrepresentatives’ proposalswhile excluding others.Supporters of the system saythat any representative whosponsored an excluded proposalcan bring it to the fl oorand ask for debate and an upor down vote on the proposalitself. They say this system hasworked well for many years.Opponents say that rarely, ifever, does a member bring hisor her proposal to the fl oor foran up-or-down vote becausethat is not the way the gameis played. It is an “expected tradition”that you accept the fateof your amendment as determinedby Democratic leaders.(A “Yes” vote is for the $7.5million. A “No” vote is against it.)Rep. Jessica Giannino YesRep. Jeff Turco YesHEALTH CARE CHANGES (H4643)House 152-1, approved andsent to the Senate a 102-pagebill that supporters said aims to“restore stability to the healthcare system, bolster accountabilitywithin the industry, andcontrol health care spending toensure that everyone in Massachusettshas access to quality,aff ordable health care.”According to the State HouseNews Service, the measure“combines reforms intendedto avert a repeat of the StewardHealth Care crisis with changesdesigned to boost state oversightof facility expansions andclosures, refine cost controltools to better account for fl uctuationsand increase fundingfor hospitals that typically servehigh shares of low-income patientsand people of color.”“This legislation looks to thepast, present and future ofhealth care in the commonwealth,”said Rep. John Lawn(D-Watertown), House chair ofthe Committee on Health CareFinancing. “It closes loopholesand shines a light on blindspots that allowed Stewardto exploit Massachusetts patientsfor profi t. It protects andpreserves underpaid communityhospitals that are the lifebloodof medicine in the commonwealth.And it plans for stableand aff ordable health caregrowth moving forward.”“This bill is the most signifi -cant health care market oversightand cost containmentlegislation in more than a decadeand is a continuation ofthe commonwealth’s longstandingeff ort to ensure thateveryone in Massachusetts hasaccess to quality, affordablehealth care,” said House SpeakerRon Mariano (D-Quincy).“This legislation will help stabilizeour health care systemand ensure accountability fromall stakeholders, as we continueto recover from the aftereff ectsof the pandemic,” said Rep. AaronMichlewitz (D-Boston), chairof the House Ways and MeansCommittee. “By strengtheningoversight and making muchneeded reforms, this legislationwill not only steady the industry,but will also help controlcosts for consumers.”(A “Yes” vote is for the bill. A“No” vote is against it.)Rep. Jessica Giannino YesRep. Jeff Turco YesALSO UP ON BEACON HILLRAISE FINE FOR “RIGHT OFWAY” VIOLATIONS (H 3477) —The House gave initial approvalto a measure that would raisefrom $35 to $200 the fi ne for violatingthe traffi c rule that provideswhen two vehicles approachor enter an intersectionat approximately the same instant,the operator of the vehicleon the left must yield theright-of-way to the vehicle onthe right. The proposal also imposesadditional penalties and/or license revocation for up tosix months for any of these violationsthat cause death, seriousbodily harm or bodily harm.Sponsor Rep. Steven Xiarhos(R-Barnstable) noted the billis named “Cecelia’s Law” — inmemory of Cecelia FinneganAlldredge of Sagamore whowas killed on September 6,2020, when a car turned in frontof her and caused a fatal crash.“For the past three years,the Massachusetts MotorcycleAssociation, along withthe Finnegan family and myself,have been tirelessly advocatingfor the passage of a billaimed at increasing penaltiesfor drivers responsible for accidentslike the one that tookCecilia’s life,” said Xiarhos. “Withmotorcyclist fatalities reachingalarming levels nationwide, it isimperative that we take proactivemeasures to protect vulnerableroad users.”MUNICIPAL LIGHT PLANTS (H3142) — The House gave initialapproval to a bill that would allowthe Bay State’s 41 municipallight plants to provide servicesto other Massachusettsmunicipal and state plants, andplants in other states. Currentlaw prohibits this practice.Supporters said the bill willencourage more effi cient servicessuch as constructing,maintaining and repairingutility poles and traffi c signalsacross the state and will alsoenable municipal light plantsto sell, rent and lease merchandise.“Thisbill will allow for an expansionof services off ered bymunicipal light plants to surroundingcommunities,” saidsponsor Rep. Jay Barrows (RMansfield). “This will be goodfor consumers as it ideallywould enable more competitiveservices to be provided.”MUST INFORM CUSTOMERSABOUT INSURANCE AVAILABILITYFOR HEATING OIL SPILLS(H 3686) — The House gaveinitial approval to a proposalthat would require retail companiesthat sell home heatingoil to annually inform all theircustomers of the opportunityto purchase insurance for heatingoil spills.

THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2024Page 15Current law requires that insurancecompanies make coverageavailable for owners butsupporters of this bill say thatwhile coverage is available,there are many documentedcases of insurance companiesnot making owners aware thatthe coverage is available. Theysaid this often results in homeownersbeing unaware they donot have insurance coverageuntil after they experience a liquidfuel tank leak. They notedthat the bill will provide an additionallayer of customers beinginformed of the availabilityof the insurance.Supporters said that some100 homeowners experiencean oil leak in Massachusetts everyyear. They noted that leakscan incur costly damage tothe residence itself, but underMassachusetts law owners areresponsible for environmentalcleanup, which can rise to$100,000 or more, to disposeof contaminated soil and mitigatethe spread in surroundingareas.Rep. Michael Day (D-Stoneham),the sponsor of the bill,did not respond to repeatedrequests by Beacon Hill RollCall asking him to comment onwhy he fi led the bill and how hefeels about its initial approval.QUOTABLE QUOTES“It is an honor to be namedthe most sustainable statein the nation. State and localpartnerships like the GreenCommunities program havepropelled clean energy innovationacross Massachusetts.We are grateful for the hardwork being done by our citiesand towns to address climatechange and protect publichealth. Local action is vital toreducing Massachusetts’ carbonemissions.”---Lt. Gov. Kim Driscoll reactingto Forbes Magazine rankingMassachusetts as the mostenvironmentally-friendly statein the nation.“Every day we offer shelter,services and support withfunding that doesn’t comeclose to the need. Our state hasbeen a national leader in thefi ght to end homelessness andwe are here today because weintend to continue to lead. Butwe need the resources to do it.”--- Lifebridge North ShoreVice President of Advocacy andCommunity Relations Gary Barrettadvocating for funding forhomeless programs, as membersof the statewide Coalitionfor Homeless Individualslobbied legislators on BeaconHill for increased funding forhomeless programs.“We are wholeheartedly dedicatedto empowering our servicemembers,veterans andtheir families with comprehensivesupport across Massachusetts.This funding strengthensthe backbone of our veterancommunity by expandingcrucial peer support networksand broadening our suicideprevention eff orts, ensuringthat we meet the evolvingneeds of our veterans with precisionand compassion.”--- Jon Santiago, Secretary ofVeterans Aff airs, announcing$2 million in grants throughthe Veterans Community InitiativeGrant program for 15 communityorganizations to supportinformal and formal peersupport eff orts as well as fundinnovative programming to addresssuicide prevention in theveteran and servicemembercommunity in Massachusetts.“Every day, but especiallyas we honor Mental HealthAwareness Month, we work toreduce stigma associated withmental health challenges andsuicidal thoughts. Through initiativeslike suicide preventionservices funding and the Roadmapfor Behavioral Health Reform,it is our hope that anyonewho struggles with their mentalhealth know where to accessservices, and that it is OK totalk to someone and seek help.”---Health and Human ServicesSecretary Kate Walsh announcing$1.9 million in annualstate funding over the next11 years awarded to 19 communityorganizations to providesuicide prevention, interventionand postvention servicesacross the state.“I’m excited for this opportunityto showcase Massachusetts’climate and economicleadership on the global stage,and to make the case for whybusinesses should considerstarting and growing in ourstate. Massachusetts deeplyvalues our close relationshipwith Italy and the VaticanCity State, and we see this tripas an excellent opportunity tostrengthen ties and strategizeon future opportunities for collaboration.”---Gov.Maura Healey commentingon her trip to Italywith Boston Mayor MichelleWu.“The governor and mayorare jet setting to Italy underthe guise of climate changeawareness to learn new strategieson how they can force thepeople of Massachusetts to cutour consumption. In the ageof Zoom and remote meetingoptions, there’s no reason forthe contradicting emissionsheavyfl ight across the Atlanticin the name of saving ourplanet. There is so much pageantry,fl aunting of their status,self-celebration and hypocrisy.”--- Paul Craney, a spokesmanfor the Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance.HOWLONG WAS LASTWEEK’S SESSION?Beacon Hill Roll Call tracksthe length of time that theHouse and Senate were in sessioneach week. Many legislatorssay that legislative sessionsare only one aspect ofthe Legislature’s job and that alot of important work is doneoutside of the House and Senatechambers. They note thattheir jobs also involve committeework, research, constituentwork and other mattersthat are important to their districts.Critics say that the Legislaturedoes not meet regularlyor long enough to debateand vote in public view on thethousands of pieces of legislationthat have been fi led. Theynote that the infrequency andbrief length of sessions are misguidedand lead to irresponsiblelate-night sessions and amad rush to act on dozens ofbills in the days immediatelypreceding the end of an annualsession.During the week May 13-17the House met for a total of 13hours and nine minutes andthe Senate met for a total ofnine minutes.Mon. May 13 House 11:03a.m. to 11:14 a.m.Senate 11:15 a.m. to 11:19a.m.Tues. May 14 No House sessionNoSenate sessionWed. May 15 House 11:02a.m. to 4:25 p.m.No Senate sessionThurs. May 16 House 10:59a.m. to 6:34 p.m.Senate 11:02 a.m. to 11:07a.m.Fri. May 17 No House sessionNo Senate sessionBob Katzen welcomes feedbackat bob@beaconhillrollcall.comBobfounded Beacon Hill RollCall in 1975 and was inductedinto the New England Newspaperand Press Association (NENPA)Hall of Fame in 2019.Financial and Legal Resources forGrandparents Raising GrandchildrenDear Savvy Senior,Are there any programs that you can refer me to that financially helpgrandparents who are raising their grandkids? I’m raising two of mygrandchildren and could use some help.Dear Tonya,Money is a common problemfor the nearly 2.4 million U.S.grandparents who are raisingtheir grandchildren today. Tohelp with the day-to-day expenses,there are a wide varietyof programs and tax benefits that can make a big diff erencein stretching your budget.Here’s where to look for help.Financial AssistanceFor starters, fi nd out whetheryour family qualifi es for yourstate’s Temporary Assistancefor Needy Families (TANF) program,which may include cashassistance, food benefi ts, utilitybill assistance and free orlow-cost daycare. Or, if yourhousehold income is too highto qualify as a family, ask aboutthe “child-only grant” for justthe grandkids support alone.Also, check to see if you’re eligiblefor foster care paymentsas a relative caregiver, or if yourstate off ers any additional programslike guardianship subsidies,non-parent grants or kinshipcare. Adoption assistancepayments are also available toadopted grandchildren withspecial needs.To inquire about these programs,contact your state’sTANF program and/or stateDepartment of Human Services.See for contactinformation.You also need to see if yourgrandkids are eligible for SocialSecurity, including benefi tsfor dependent children, survivorbenefi ts or SSI — visit or call 800-772-1213. Andfi nd out if they’re eligible forfree/low-cost health or dentalcoverage through your state’sMedicaid and the Children’sHealth Insurance Program — or 877-5437669.Youcan also use Benefi,the offi cial benefi ts website ofthe U.S. government that hasa screening tool to help youidentify the programs that youand your grandchildren maybe eligible for and will directyou to the appropriate agencyto apply.Tax BenefitsIn addition to the fi nancialassistance programs, there arealso a range of tax benefi ts thatyou may qualify for too like theEarned Income Tax Credit orEITC which is available to thosewith moderate to low incomes,and the Child Tax Credit whichis worth $2,000 per dependentchild under age 17.If you’re working, and are incurringchildcare expenses inorder to work, there’s a Childand Dependent Care Creditthat can help. And, if you’ve legallyadopted your grandkids,there’s an Adoption Tax Creditthat provides a federal tax creditof up to $16,810 in 2024.You can also deduct medicaland dental expenses if youand your dependent grandchilTappedOut Tonyadren’s healthcare cost exceed7.5 percent of your adjustedgross income for the year. Andthere’s even education-relatedtax credits that can help yourgrandkids go to college, likethe American Opportunity TaxCredit and the Lifetime LearningTax Credit.In addition to the tax creditsand deductions, if you’reunmarried you may qualifyfor “head of household” statuswhen you fi le your tax return,which has a higher standarddeduction and a lowertax rate than you would fi lingas a single.Legal HelpIf you haven’t already doneso, you should also talk to an attorneyto discuss the pros andcons of obtaining legal guardianship,custody or adoption.Without some sort of legalcustody, you may not be eligiblefor many of the previouslylisted fi nancial assistance programs,and there can be problemswith basic things like enrollingyour grandkids in schoolor giving a doctor permissionto treat them.For help locating affordableor free legal assistance,visit, or callthe Eldercare Locator at 800677-1116for referrals. Also, a clearinghouseresource that off ers informationon financial assistance,adoption, foster careand more.Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070,or visit Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and authorof “The Savvy Senior” book.

Page 16THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2024OBITUARIESJosefa Guevara Paguioerosity knew no bounds; she wasan awesome, kind-hearted, andgiving person who believed inthe adage, “Family is not an importantthing. It’s everything.”Her primary goal was to keepher family close together, a testamentof her unwavering lovefor them.Josefa is the loving motherOf Revere. It is with both profoundsadness and abundantlove in our hearts that weannounce the passing of JosefaGuevara Paguio, aff ectionatelyknown as Josie, on May 17, 2024.Born on March 11, 1942, in Macabebe,Pampanga, Philippines,Josefa was a beacon of compassionand generosity throughouther 82 years. A proud and caringmother, a loving daughter,and a dear friend, her thoughtfulactions and funny anecdotesbrought warmth and joy to everyroom she entered.Josie dedicated her professionallife as a Certifi ed NursingAssistant (CNA), a vocation shechose out of a deep-seated desireto help others. Even in retirement,she continued to embodythe spirit of service that defi nedher career, always ready with ahelping hand or a comfortingword for those in need. Her gen           Oto Felicisimo Guevara and hiswife Marilyn of Revere, FelicitasCamcam and her husband Moisesof Revere, Shanalyn Guevaraand her companion ChristopherDupre of Haverhill. Cherishedgrandmother of Sesci May,Jomer Moli Jay, Reynald, Christopher,Roland, and Liam. Adoredgreat grandmother of Karen.Dear sister of Nancy Aquino, AliciaCorpuz and her husband Noli,and the late Jesus Guevara, FrankGuevara, and Deborah Buizon.Also survived by many lovingnieces and nephews.A Visitation was held at thePaul Buonfi glio & Sons-Bruno FuneralHome, Revere on Wednesday,May 22. Funeral Mass at St.Anthony’s of Padua on Thursday.She joins her parents, Alfredoand Juanita Guevara, in eternalpeace. As we mourn her loss, weare reminded of a verse from theBook of John that encapsulatesthe essence of Josefa’s life: “Anew command I give you: Loveone another. As I have loved you,so you must love one another.”(John 13:34)Kevin Paulf Revere. It is with hearts fullof love and gratitude thatwe remember the life of KevinJoseph Paul, who was born onFebruary 1, 1965, and left us onMay 17, 2024. Kevin, a steadfastresident of Revere, Massachusetts,was a beacon of resilienceand support, leaving an indeliblemark on the hearts of those                                                            By Barbara TaorminaCity Councilappointments            City Council approval of appointmentsto boards andcommissions don’t always getthe attention they deserve.Our bad. But this week Councilrules were suspended so a voteon the recommendations fromthe Appointments Subcommitteecould be fi rst up on theagenda. A crowd had gatheredin the council chamber, mostlyfor the high school bondvote, but they were engagedin the Appointments Subcommitteemeeting and applaudedwarmly for the candidates.And the candidates includedtwo local favorites: former citycouncillor and mayoral candiluckyenough to know him. AsHelen Keller once said, “The bestand most beautiful things in theworld cannot be seen or eventouched — they must be feltwith the heart.” This quote encapsulatesthe profound impactKevin had on those around him.Kevin was a loyal employee ofthe United States Postal Servicefor twenty fulfi lling years, servingas the Postmaster in Winchesterand fi nding joy in connectingpeople through themail. Outside of work, he wasa man of many passions. An ardentfan of NHRA drag racing,music of all kinds, the BostonBruins, and golf, Kevin was alsoa talented cook who appreciateda good beer. He brought hislove for life and people into hishobbies, creating camaraderieand joy wherever he went. Kevin’slove extended beyond people,treating his dogs like his babiesand giving them the sameloving, supportive care he gaveto everyone else in his life.Family and friends were thecornerstone of Kevin’s world. Hewas a loving husband to GineenDutra-Paul and a supportivebrother to Christopher and EricPaul. His parents, Fritz and ElainePaul, preceded him in death, andwe take solace in knowing theyare reunited. His undeniable loveand loyalty were felt by all whoknew him. His ability to befriendanyone he met, coupled with hisreadiness to help those in need,made Kevin a cherished fi gure inhis community.A Memorial Visitation will beheld at the Paul Buonfiglio &Sons-Bruno Funeral Home 128Revere St, Revere on Friday,May 24, 2024 from 9:30am to11:00am followed by a PrayerService in the funeral home at11:00am. Relatives and friendsare kindly invited. Private Interment.In lieu of fl owers donationscan be made to the NortheastAnimal Shelter, 347 HighlandAve, Salem, MA 01970 or or to the BloodDonor Center at Boston Children’sHospital, 333 LongwoodAve, MA 02115 or at was a man of the earth,finding joy and tranquility inthe simplicity of gardening. Hepossessed a green thumb and aheart full of love for the bloomshe nurtured just as he did hisfamily. His annual visits back tohis beloved Italy were a source ofimmense pleasure and nostalgiato him. Through his work as a laborerfor Local 22, Rocco demonstratedhis commitment to hardwork and diligence, qualities hehoped to pass down to the generationsto come.Rocco’s legacy is carried forwardby his devoted wife, AngiolinaMartiniello; his loving children,Luisa Kopp (Michael Kopp),Alfonso Martiniello (Joyce Martiniello),and Luigi Martiniello(Sherry Martiniello); his caringsisters, Emanuela Memmolo, CaterinaMartiniello, and AntoninaMinichiello; and his cherishedgrandchildren, Alfonso, Jessica,Anastasia, Alessandra, Dante,and Gina. Rocco is preceded indeath by his siblings PasqualeMartiniello, Teresa Russo, andAngelina Donofrio.Rocco’s life was a testamentOf Revere. We join hands andhearts in honoring the incrediblelife of Rocco Martiniello,who left an indelible markon the lives of those fortunateto know him. A dedicated familyman, Rocco was a beaconof love, strength, and inspirationfor his family, instilling inthem values of unity, perseverance,and compassion. He wasa man of humble beginningswho did not just dream of a betterlife for his family, he workedtirelessly to make it a reality, enrichingtheir lives with his wisdomand love.REVERE CIT Y COUNCIL ROUND-UPdate Steven Morabito was appointedas Director of Diversity,Equity, and Inclusion, andChris Ciaramella was appointedas Superintendent of PublicWorks.“I couldn’t think of a betterappointment,” said formerPublic Works Superintendentand current Ward 4 CouncillorPaul Argenzio of Ciaramella.Councillors also approvedthe appointment of Leah Hoff -man, who promises to bring ablend of youthful perspectiveand some impressive professionaland institutional knowledgeto the Planning Board.Isaac McDaniel’s appointmentas the new Director of VeteransServices and Paul Barrasso’sappointment as AssistantHarbormaster were also approvedon a voice vote.Members of the audienceapplauded each of the nominees,who were generouslypraised by city councilors.Communitycomposting comingCouncillors supportedCouncillor-at-Large Juan PabloJaramillo’s motion for a publichearing on launching acomposting program for thecity. In the city’s new contractwith WIN Waste Innovations,the waste company pledged$25,000 to the city to helpcreate a composting programthat would reduce the amountof solid waste Revere sends toa landfi ll and save the city ondisposal costs.Jaramillo said he has had robustconversations with colleagues.He recommendedreferring the motion back tothe Climate, Workforce andSustainability Subcommittee,which he chairs. Fellow councilorspraised the idea and severalsaid they had receiveddozens of messages and callsfrom constituents supportingthe proposal.A call for fixesfor Pines RoadThe council approved Ward5 Councillor Angela GuarinoSawaya’smotion to requestthe Public Works Departmentto repave and resurface PinesRoad in the interest of publicsafety. According to Guarino-Sawayathe road has beendestroyed by salt, water, sandand the power of love, hard work,and dedication. His memory willforever be etched in the hearts ofthose he touched. We invite youto share your memories of Roccoand upload photos to the memorialpage as we celebrate andremember a life beautifully lived.Visitation was held on Wednesday,May 22, at Buonfi glio Funeralhome in Revere. A funeralmass was held on Thursdayat the Immaculate ConceptionChurch, Revere followed by entombmentat Woodlawn Cemetery,Everett. In lieu of fl owersplease make donations in Rocco’sname to Massachusetts GeneralHospital 55 fruit Street, Boston,MA 02114.

THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2024Page 17HEALTH CARE | FROM Page 13to thank Speaker Mariano for hissteadfast leadership in bringingthis generational piece of legislationa priority this session.”The House bill also revisitsHouse legislation passed lastsession which requires applicantsfor new ambulatory surgerycenters to partner with independentcommunity hospitalsif the facility’s primary servicearea would overlap withthat of the independent communityhospital. This measurewould protect these crucial hospitalsfrom having their most importantservices syphoned offby surgery facilities that do notprovide the same level of communitybenefi t as 24-hour hospitalsthat off er a more completerange of health care services.Stability and planningThe bill establishes a HealthResource Planning Council toproduce a fi ve-year plan on howto address regional and statecapacity issues, which will behoused within a reformed HPC.The bill passed today recommitsto comprehensive state and                                           regional health resource planning,and requires considerationof the state plan in the Determinationof Need (DoN) process.It also creates new license categoriesfor urgent care centersand offi ce-based surgery centers,as well as a new registrationrequirement for physician practiceswith more than 10 physicians.The bill also requires physiciansto notify patients 90 daysprior to terminating a patientphysicianrelationship, whichwas partly informed by CompassMedical’s abrupt closureof its physician group practicelocations in May 2023.The bill passed the House ofRepresentatives with a 152-1vote. It now goes to the Senatefor consideration~ Help Wanted ~Eliot Community Human Services, Inc. seeks ClinicalSupervisor to provide overall clinical supervision andoversight of service delivery for up to 28 persons serviced;clinical guidance and support in developing interventionsand supervision of team members; direct supervision to all           new persons required assessments, and crisis plans; Obtainauthorizations and coordinate admissions according to agencyand DMH policies. Guide the clinical direction of treatmentplans and interventions developed in collaboration with casemanagers. Req. MA in Mental Health Counseling or related                     Tom’s Seal Coating* Crack Repairing * Pot Hole Filling* Striping Handicapped Spaces* Free EstimatesCall Gary: 978-210-4012                                        1. On May 24, 1976, the Judgmentof Paris wine competitionhad winners in two categoriesfrom what Californiacounty?2. How are school, band andyoke similar?3. On May 25, 1878, entertainerBill “Bojangles” Robinsonwas born; in 1930s fi lms hedanced with what child star?4. Who played at CandlestickPark before it was demolished?5.In what book did Marmeesay, “Our burdens are here,our road is before us, and thelonging for goodness andhappiness is the guide thatleads us through…”?6. On May 26, 1927, what companyended production of itsModel T automobile?7. What kind of residence didTV’s the Jefferson family,Rhoda, and Lucy and Rickyinhabit?8. Presidents Roosevelt and Trumanwere honorary membersof the Baker Street Irregulars,which is what?9. Which King Louis met his fateat the guillotine: X, XIV or XVI?10. On May 27, 1775, the Battleof what creek near Belle IsleMarsh Reservation took placeduring the Siege of Boston?Answers11. What is a LAN?12. Are pool and snooker thesame?13. Reportedly, comic PigmeatMarkham originated a “HereCome De Judge” routine thatwas popularized by Flip Wilsonon what show?14. On May 28, 1888, multisportathlete Jim Thorpe was born;in 1950 he was voted bysportswriters as the greatestplayer of what?15. Reportedly, France has reclaimedthe record for the longestbaguette — after whatcountry’s bakers had held therecord since 2019?16. MLB batting helmets debutedin what year: 1912, 1933 or1941?17. On May 29, 1913, whatStravinksy/Nijinsky balletsubtitled “Pictures of PaganRussia in Two Parts” debuted,its avant-garde nature causinga “near-riot”?18. In what U.S. state is the world’stallest underwater mountain?19. In a Greek myth, what herosailed on the Argo?20. On May 30, 1922, what honoring a presidentand “the virtues of tolerance,honesty, and constancyin the human spirit” was dedicated?Copyrightedmaterial previously published in Banker & Tradesman/The Commercial Record, a weekly trade newspaper. It is reprinted with permissionfrom the publisher, The Warren Group. For a searchable database of real estate transactions and property information visit: www.thewarrengroup.comBUYER1 BUYER2Gourlay, LaurenREAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONSSELLER1SELLER2Garcia, Hercilia Garcia, Carlos E DIBENEDETTO LAURA L EST Dibenedetto, Antonio MGiraldo, Jean C Mogauro, ElissaCastano FtJosephine A Rodman RETCastano, AndresGourlay, GailADDRESS88 KIMBALL AVE376 Ocean Ave #214DATE PRICE04.30.24 79000004.30.24 505000510 Revere Beach Blvd #505 05.03.24 241000Revere1. Napa2.panyThey are collectivewords for animals(fish, gorillas andoxen, respectively).3. Shirley Temple4. The San FranciscoGiants (onCandlestickPoint, whichwas named for “candlestickbirds”)5. “Little Women”6. Ford Motor Com7.Apartments8. A literary societyof Sherlock Holmesfans9. XVI10. Chelsea Creek11. Local Area Network(for computers)12. No; snooker has alarger table withsmaller pockets anddiff erent balls.13. “Rowan & Martin’sLaugh-In”14. Football15. Italy16. 194117. “The Rite of Spring”18. Hawaii (Mauna Kea)19. Jason (looking forthe Golden Fleece)20. The Lincoln Memorial

Page 18THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2024American Exterior andWindow CorporationContact us for all of yourhome improvement projectsand necessities.Call Jeff or BobToll Free: 1-888-744-1756617-699-1782 /      All estimates, consultations or inspections completed          Insured andRegisteredComplete Financing Available.No Money Down.Licensed& InsuredFreeEstimatesCarpentry * Kitchen & Bath * Roofs * PaintingDecks * Siding * Carrijohomeimprovement.comCall 781-710-8918 * Saugus, MAGeneral Contractor * Interior & Exterior~ Help Wanted ~Electronics TechnicianFull time / part time electronics technician positionworking for a family owned and operated company.Repairing and maintaining amusement machines,jukeboxes, etc. Work consists of shop time and work       Experience in the amusement / gaming industry aplus, but not required.Send resume to       Clean-Outs!We take and disposefrom cellars, attics,garages, yards, etc.Call Robert at:781-844-0472 WASTE REMOVAL &BUILDING MAINTENANCE• Landscaping, Lawn Care, Mulching• Yard Waste & Rubbish Removal• Interior & Exterior Demolition (OldDecks, Fences, Pools, Sheds, etc.)• Appliance and Metal Pick-up• Construction and Estate Cleanouts• Pick-up Truck Load of Trashstarting at $169• CarpentryLICENSED & INSUREDCall for FREE ESTIMATES!                                  AAA Service • LockoutsTrespass Towing • Roadside ServiceJunk Car Removal617-387-687726 Garvey St., EverettMDPU 28003 ICCMC 251976We follow Social Distancing Guidelines!ADVOCATECall now!781-286-8500advertise on the web                           Classifieds

THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2024Page 19                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Memorial Day 2024Sacrifices Remembered. Heroes Honored.Joe Duggan, Broker/Owner Ronnie Puzon, Broker/OwnerLisa SmallwoodLori JohnsonDragana VrankicPat TorciviaLucia PonteMichelle LuongBrousseauDaleAnnemarie TorciviaMichael FouldsMichDiane HorriganganTRINITY REAL ESTATE | 321 MAIN STREET| SAUGUS, MA| VILLAGE PARKTenzing RapgyalJoe ScibelliTRINITY REAL EST781.231.9800TrinityHomesRE.comJustin Dedominicis| VILLAGE PARK




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Revere Advocate 05/24/2024 (2024)
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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Author information

Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.