Television Archive News Search Service (2024)



Date Archived



10 10.0

EPA Administrator Nominee Michael Regan Testifies at Confirmation Hearing : CSPAN : February 3, 2021 9:59pm-1:02am EST

Feb 4, 2021 02/21



Michael Regan, the president's EPA administrator nominee, testified at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. He answered a range of questions on environmental justice, solar energy, climate crisis, water safety, green jobs and global cooperation and responsibility. Mr. Regan also responded to a question on General Motors's recent announcement that they are phasing out gasoline and diesel-powered cars by 2035. He told committee members, "I think...
Topics: epa, mr. regan, north carolina, carper, biden, chair capito, regan, capito, michael regan, matthew,...
Source: Comcast Cable


12 12

EPA Administrator Nominee Michael Regan Testifies at Confirmation Hearing : CSPAN : February 7, 2021 2:27am-5:29am EST

Feb 7, 2021 02/21



Michael Regan, the president's EPA administrator nominee, testified at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. He answered a range of questions on environmental justice, solar energy, climate crisis, water safety, green jobs and global cooperation and responsibility. Mr. Regan also responded to a question on General Motors's recent announcement that they are phasing out gasoline and diesel-powered cars by 2035. He told committee members, "I think...
Topics: epa, mr. regan, north carolina, carper, biden, chair capito, regan, capito, michael regan, matthew,...
Source: Comcast Cable


15 15

EPA Administrator Wheeler Discusses Regulatory Reform : CSPAN : January 5, 2021 1:48pm-2:55pm EST

Jan 5, 2021 01/21



Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Andrew Wheeler joined the Competitive Enterprise Institute to announce a new rule his agency was implementing that he said would bring scientific transparency to the agency's rulemaking process. Sponsor: Competitive Enterprise Institute
Topics: mr. wheeler, wheeler, myron, mr. lassman, andrew, mr. ebell, myron, trump, noaa, china, carper,...
Source: Comcast Cable


14 14

EPA Administrator Wheeler Discusses Regulatory Reform : CSPAN : January 6, 2021 5:54am-7:00am EST

Jan 6, 2021 01/21



Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Andrew Wheeler joined the Competitive Enterprise Institute to announce a new rule his agency was implementing that he said would bring scientific transparency to the agency's rulemaking process. Sponsor: Competitive Enterprise Institute
Topics: epa, china, andrew wheeler, carper, sec, wheeler, myron
Source: Comcast Cable


11 11

ERA Debate at National Constitution Center : CSPAN : January 1, 2021 11:05pm-12:05am EST

Jan 2, 2021 01/21



In January, 2020, Virginia became the 38th state to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), arguably giving the amendment the required number of states decades after its drafting even though the ratification deadlines have lapsed. The National Constitution Center hosted a debate on whether America should ratify the ERA. Participants included ERA Coalition CEO Carol Jenkins, Inez Feltscher Stepman of the Independent Women's Forum and Jane Mansbridge, author of "Why We Lost the ERA."...
Topics: jeffrey, virginia, mansbridge, carol jenkins, ginsburg, new york, nevada, washington, inez, ruth...
Source: Comcast Cable


10 10.0

ERA Debate at National Constitution Center : CSPAN : January 1, 2021 7:59pm-8:59pm EST

Jan 2, 2021 01/21



In January, 2020, Virginia became the 38th state to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), arguably giving the amendment the required number of states decades after its drafting even though the ratification deadlines have lapsed. The National Constitution Center hosted a debate on whether America should ratify the ERA. Participants included ERA Coalition CEO Carol Jenkins, Inez Feltscher Stepman of the Independent Women's Forum and Jane Mansbridge, author of "Why We Lost the ERA."...
Topics: jeffrey, virginia, mansbridge, carol jenkins, new york, ginsburg, nevada, inez, ruth bader...
Source: Comcast Cable


13 13

ERA Debate at National Constitution Center : CSPAN : January 2, 2021 12:53pm-1:54pm EST

Jan 2, 2021 01/21



In January, 2020, Virginia became the 38th state to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), arguably giving the amendment the required number of states decades after its drafting even though the ratification deadlines have lapsed. The National Constitution Center hosted a debate on whether America should ratify the ERA. Participants included ERA Coalition CEO Carol Jenkins, Inez Feltscher Stepman of the Independent Women's Forum and Jane Mansbridge, author of "Why We Lost the ERA."...
Topics: jeffrey, virginia, mansbridge, carol jenkins, new york, ginsburg, nevada, ruth bader ginsburg,...
Source: Comcast Cable


16 16

ERA Debate at National Constitution Center : CSPAN : January 2, 2021 6:01am-7:00am EST

Jan 2, 2021 01/21



In January, 2020, Virginia became the 38th state to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), arguably giving the amendment the required number of states decades after its drafting even though the ratification deadlines have lapsed. The National Constitution Center hosted a debate on whether America should ratify the ERA. Participants included ERA Coalition CEO Carol Jenkins, Inez Feltscher Stepman of the Independent Women's Forum and Jane Mansbridge, author of "Why We Lost the ERA."...
Topics: jeffrey, mansbridge, virginia, carol jenkins, washington, ginsburg, new york, nevada, ruth bader...
Source: Comcast Cable


3 3.0

EU Parliament Meets to Discuss Afghanistan : CSPAN : August 19, 2021 9:41pm-11:20pm EDT

Aug 20, 2021 08/21



The European Parliament held a joint committee meeting to discuss the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan. Josep Borrell, the European Union high representative for foreign affairs and security, called the situation in Afghanistan a "catastrophe." He said it is a priority to get EU representatives, Afghan partners, and civilians wanting to leave, out as quickly and safely as possible. During the meeting, members expressed concern for the safety of women and girls, the potential for...
Topics: afghanistan, taliban, eu, david, europe, kabul, russia, china, european union, u.n., josep borrell,...
Source: Comcast Cable


7 7.0

EU Parliament Meets to Discuss Afghanistan : CSPAN : August 20, 2021 3:20am-4:58am EDT

Aug 20, 2021 08/21



The European Parliament held a joint committee meeting to discuss the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan. Josep Borrell, the European Union high representative for foreign affairs and security, called the situation in Afghanistan a "catastrophe." He said it is a priority to get EU representatives, Afghan partners, and civilians wanting to leave, out as quickly and safely as possible. During the meeting, members expressed concern for the safety of women and girls, the potential for...
Topics: afghanistan, taliban, eu, david, europe, kabul, russia, china, european union, u.n., josep borrell,...
Source: Comcast Cable


6 6.0

EU Parliament Meets to Discuss Afghanistan : CSPAN : August 22, 2021 9:00pm-10:00pm EDT

Aug 23, 2021 08/21



The European Parliament held a joint committee meeting to discuss the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan. Josep Borrell, the European Union high representative for foreign affairs and security, called the situation in Afghanistan a "catastrophe." He said it is a priority to get EU representatives, Afghan partners, and civilians wanting to leave, out as quickly and safely as possible. During the meeting, members expressed concern for the safety of women and girls, the potential for...
Topics: afghanistan, taliban, david, eu, europe, kabul, european union, russia, italy, nato, china, madrid,...
Source: Comcast Cable


23 23

Economic Club of New York Discussion With Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell : CSPAN : February 10, 2021 8:00pm-9:01pm EST

Feb 11, 2021 02/21



Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell discussed monetary policy and the pandemic at a virtual event hosted by the Economic Club of New York . He said even though the unemployment rate had fallen, the economic picture was "a long way" from where it needed to be. He added, "Workers and households who struggle to find their place in the post-pandemic economy are likely to need continued support. The same is true for many small businesses that are likely to prosper again once the...
Topics: mr. powell, peter, washington, new york, d.c., powell, jerome powell, house, greg
Source: Comcast Cable


35 35

Economic Club of New York Discussion With Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell : CSPAN : February 11, 2021 6:02am-7:00am EST

Feb 11, 2021 02/21



Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell discussed monetary policy and the pandemic at a virtual event hosted by the Economic Club of New York . He said even though the unemployment rate had fallen, the economic picture was "a long way" from where it needed to be. He added, "Workers and households who struggle to find their place in the post-pandemic economy are likely to need continued support. The same is true for many small businesses that are likely to prosper again once the...
Topics: mr. powell, peter, washington, new york, d.c., powell, biden, greg
Source: Comcast Cable


10 10.0

Economic Club of New York Discussion With Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell : CSPAN : February 16, 2021 10:01am-11:04am EST

Feb 16, 2021 02/21



Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell discussed monetary policy and the pandemic at a virtual event hosted by the Economic Club of New York . He said even though the unemployment rate had fallen, the economic picture was "a long way" from where it needed to be. He added, "Workers and households who struggle to find their place in the post-pandemic economy are likely to need continued support. The same is true for many small businesses that are likely to prosper again once the...
Topics: new york, washington, peter, d.c., jackson, john williams, powell, harvard, eac
Source: Comcast Cable


16 16

Oct 1, 2021 10/21



Education Secretary Miguel Cardona and Health and Human Services secretary Xavier Becerra testified on schools reopening during the COVID-19 pandemic before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee. Lawmakers questioned the secretaries on several issues, including mask mandates in schools, the availability and affordability of rapid tests, programs for students with disabilities and natural immunity. Sponsor: Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee
Topics: cardona, becerra, cdc, biden, alabama, hhs, fda, casey, washington, nih, romney, wisconsin, paul,...
Source: Comcast Cable


9 9.0

Education Dept. Officials Testify on COVID-19 Education Funds - Part 1 : CSPAN : November 23, 2021 9:02pm-12:06am EST

Nov 24, 2021 11/21



Deputy Education Secretary Cindy Marten and Education Undersecretary James Kvaal testified on the implementation of COVID-19 education relief funds before a joint House Education and Labor subcommittee hearing. Before taking a brief recess, they answered questions on a variety of topics including broadband access, mental health priorities for kids, ventilation concerns, equity amongst underserved communities, in-person learning, and challenges for those in higher education, such as student loan...
Topics: ms. marten, mr. kvaal, sablan, murphy, wilson, biden, new york, fbi, san diego, marten, owens,...
Source: Comcast Cable


9 9.0

Education Dept. Officials Testify on COVID-19 Education Funds - Part 2 : CSPAN : November 24, 2021 5:49am-6:47am EST

Nov 24, 2021 11/21



Deputy Education Secretary Cindy Marten and Education Undersecretary James Kvaal testified on the implementation of COVID-19 education relief funds before a joint House Education and Labor subcommittee hearing. After returning from a brief recess, they continued answering questions on mental health priorities for kids, infrastructure and technology investment, equity amongst underserved communities, safe learning environments, and access for students with disabilities. Sponsor: House Education...
Topics: fbi, san diego, doj, ms. martin, white house, martin, new york city, new york, jones, naacp, brown,...
Source: Comcast Cable


4 4.0

Education Discussion at CPAC : CSPAN : March 7, 2021 6:04pm-6:29pm EST

Mar 7, 2021 03/21



Elected officials from North Carolina discuss education at the Conservative Political Action Conference. Sponsor: Conservative Political Action Conference
Topics: washington, north carolina, d.c., biden, madison cawthorn, virginia, mark robinson, new mexico
Source: Comcast Cable


4 4.0

Aug 27, 2021 08/21



The Brookings Institution hosted a virtual discussion about early childhood education and how it can be impacted by the American Rescue Plan and the American Jobs Act. Education experts discussed the challenges presented by COVID-19, the benefits of universal pre-K and the need to increase pay to attract a qualified workforce. Sponsor: Brookings Institution
Topics: jenna, miriam, virginia, biden, oregon, chris, weiland, john, louisiana, ec, washington, afghanistan
Source: Comcast Cable


6 6.0

Aug 28, 2021 08/21



The Brookings Institution hosted a virtual discussion about early childhood education and how it can be impacted by the American Rescue Plan and the American Jobs Act. Education experts discussed the challenges presented by COVID-19, the benefits of universal pre-K and the need to increase pay to attract a qualified workforce. Sponsor: Brookings Institution
Topics: jenna, virginia, miriam, biden, oregon, chris, john, weiland, louisiana, ec, washington
Source: Comcast Cable


2 2.0

Aug 29, 2021 08/21



The Brookings Institution hosted a virtual discussion about early childhood education and how it can be impacted by the American Rescue Plan and the American Jobs Act. Education experts discussed the challenges presented by COVID-19, the benefits of universal pre-K and the need to increase pay to attract a qualified workforce. Sponsor: Brookings Institution
Topics: jenna, miriam, virginia, biden, oregon, chris, weiland, john valant, brown, louisiana, ec, john,...
Source: Comcast Cable


6 6.0

Aug 5, 2021 08/21



Education Secretary Miguel Cardona joined White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki to discuss COVID-19 and the upcoming school year. Following Secretary Cardona's remarks, Ms. Psaki spoke about the president's agenda and other news of the day. Topics included COVID-19 booster shots, the legality of the new eviction moratorium, the debt ceiling and infrastructure. Sponsor: White House
Topics: china, florida, cdc, white house, biden, hong kong, cardona, desantis, abbott, texas, hutchinson,...
Source: Comcast Cable


12 12

Education Secretary Discusses Educational Equity : CSPAN : August 18, 2021 1:59am-2:31am EDT

Aug 18, 2021 08/21



Education Secretary Miguel Cardona discussed educational equity issues with the Washington Post. Other topics discussed included broadband access, pre-K education for all, and reopening schools in the fall with COVID-19 Delta variant cases on the rise. Sponsor: [Washington Post] | Live
Topics: washington, connecticut, miller, biden
Source: Comcast Cable


58 58

Education Secretary Discusses Educational Equity : CSPAN : July 23, 2021 12:47pm-1:20pm EDT

Jul 23, 2021 07/21



Education Secretary Miguel Cardona discussed educational equity issues with the Washington Post. Other topics discussed included broadband access, pre-K education for all, and reopening schools in the fall with COVID-19 Delta variant cases on the rise. Sponsor: [Washington Post] | Live
Topics: washington, biden, connecticut, miller
Source: Comcast Cable


9 9.0

Education Secretary Discusses Educational Equity : CSPAN : July 24, 2021 5:09am-5:44am EDT

Jul 24, 2021 07/21



Education Secretary Miguel Cardona discussed educational equity issues with the Washington Post. Other topics discussed included broadband access, pre-K education for all, and reopening schools in the fall with COVID-19 Delta variant cases on the rise. Sponsor: [Washington Post] | Live
Topics: connecticut, miller, washington, biden
Source: Comcast Cable


4 4.0

Education Secretary Nominee Miguel Cardona Testifies at Confirmation Hearing : CSPAN : February 6, 2021 11:14am-1:58pm EST

Feb 6, 2021 02/21



Miguel Cardona, the Education secretary nominee, testified before the Senate Education Committee for his confirmation hearing. For more than two hours lawmakers engaged with Mr. Cardona on a variety of topics including the pandemic's impact on students mental health and learning ability, COVID-19 vaccines for teachers and staff, transgender students participating in school sports teams and access to a higher education and the costs associated with that. Sponsor: Senate Health, Education, Labor,...
Topics: cardona, connecticut, biden, burr, murray, blumenthal, washington, miguel cardona, cdc, berger,...
Source: Comcast Cable


2 2.0

Education Secretary Testifies on President's 2022 Budget Request : CSPAN : May 5, 2021 9:09pm-11:22pm EDT

May 6, 2021 05/21



Education Department Secretary Miguel Cardona testified on the president's 2022 budget request before a House Appropriations subcommittee. Secretary Cardona said he expected to have schools open as safely and as soon as possible, and went on to clarify that students should be in schools five days a week this fall. The secretary answered a wide variety of questions on civics curriculum and the 1619 Project, learning loss during the pandemic, mental health care for students, federally funded...
Topics: cardona, sec, biden, connecticut, pell, cole, cdc, illinois, clark, seattle, moolenaar, virginia,...
Source: Comcast Cable


5 5.0

Education Secretary Testifies on Priorities : CSPAN : July 11, 2021 1:04pm-3:34pm EDT

Jul 11, 2021 07/21



Education Secretary Miguel Cardona testified about the department's priorities during a House Education and Labor Committee hearing. The secretary responded to a variety of questions regarding student loan debt, reopening schools during the COVID-19 pandemic, school funding from the American Rescue Plan, critical race theory, and transgender students participating in school sports. Sponsor: House Education and Labor Committee
Topics: biden, cardona, connecticut, china, new york, virginia, miguel cardona, north carolina,...
Source: Comcast Cable


4 4.0

Jul 31, 2021 07/21



Elected officials and journalists discussed efforts to combat online disinformation at a virtual event with Freedom House. Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R), NewsGuard Co-CEO Steven Brill, NPR White House Correspondent Ayesha Rascoe and Facebook Global Affairs Vice President Nick Clegg were among the speakers. Topics of discussion focused on disinformation surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and the 2020 elections. Veteran journalist Jeanne Meserve hosted the series of interviews....
Topics: georgia, trump, george w. bush, biden, stacey abrams, new york, white house, taiwan, facebook
Source: Comcast Cable


12 12

Election Assistance Commission Chair Benjamin Hovland Testifies at House Hearing : CSPAN : February 16, 2021 11:03am-12:25pm EST

Feb 16, 2021 02/21



[LIVE] U.S. Election Assistance Commission Chair Benjamin Hovland testifies on election administration issues at a House Appropriations subcommittee hearing. Sponsor: House Appropriations Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government
Topics: mr. hovland, eac, quigley, arkansas, usps, womack, hovland, chicago, delaware, lawrence,...
Source: Comcast Cable


24 24

Election Assistance Commission Chair Benjamin Hovland Testifies at House Hearing : CSPAN : February 16, 2021 9:07pm-10:28pm EST

Feb 17, 2021 02/21



U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) Chair Benjamin Hovland testified on election security and administration issues at a virtual House Appropriations subcommittee hearing. Mr. Hovland provided an assessment of the 2020 election, calling it the "best administered election" of his career. In addition, he talked about the challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic and the importance of federal funding and grants for state election officials. Mr. Hovland was also asked about voter...
Topics: mr. hovland, eac, quigley, arkansas, usps, womack, washington, naacp, chicago, delaware,...
Source: Comcast Cable


16 16

Election Assistance Commission Chair Benjamin Hovland Testifies at House Hearing : CSPAN : February 20, 2021 10:01am-11:22am EST

Feb 20, 2021 02/21



U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) Chair Benjamin Hovland testified on election security and administration issues at a virtual House Appropriations subcommittee hearing. Mr. Hovland provided an assessment of the 2020 election, calling it the "best administered election" of his career. In addition, he talked about the challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic and the importance of federal funding and grants for state election officials. Mr. Hovland was also asked about voter...
Topics: mr. hovland, eac, quigley, arkansas, usps, womack, chicago, delaware, kirkpatrick, arizona,...
Source: Comcast Cable


2 2.0

Elliott Abrams Discusses Biden Administration Policy Toward Iran : CSPAN : March 21, 2021 4:23pm-5:01pm EDT

Mar 21, 2021 03/21



Elliott Abrams, who served as the Trump administration's special representative for Iran, discussed the Biden administration's policy toward Iran at a virtual event hosted by the Middle East Forum. Mr. Abrams gave his assessment of the state of Iran and its nuclear program as well as the international community's attitude toward the country. He also spoke about the Trump administration's approach to Iran, including its withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal in favor of increased political and...
Topics: iran, china, joe biden, sec, biden, iraq, turkey, germany, yemen
Source: Comcast Cable


17 17

Nov 24, 2021 11/21



Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm and White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki held a briefing to discuss the president's announcement to release 50 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in order to combat high gas prices. While this dominated discussion, other topics included the COVID-19 pandemic, a vaccine mandate for the federal workforce and foreign policy matters. Sponsor: White House
Topics: sec, psaki, china, white house, biden, ftc, opec, india, japan, turkey, ukraine, chattanooga, josh,...
Source: Comcast Cable


9 9.0

Energy Secretary Granholm Testifies on President's 2022 Budget Request : CSPAN : May 6, 2021 9:18pm-11:59pm EDT

May 7, 2021 05/21



Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm testified on President Biden's fiscal year 2022 budget request for the agency. Secretary Granholm was asked about a range of issues including clean energy jobs, carbon capture technology, nuclear waste storage, electric vehicles and electric grid resiliency. Sponsor: House Appropriations Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development, and Related Agencies
Topics: granholm, sec, ohio, biden, michigan, frankel, washington, simpson, china, florida, fleischmann,...
Source: Comcast Cable


25 25

Energy Secretary Granholm Testifies on President's 2022 Budget Request : CSPAN : May 7, 2021 2:03am-4:42am EDT

May 7, 2021 05/21



Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm testified on President Biden's fiscal year 2022 budget request for the agency. Secretary Granholm was asked about a range of issues including clean energy jobs, carbon capture technology, nuclear waste storage, electric vehicles and electric grid resiliency. Sponsor: House Appropriations Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development, and Related Agencies
Topics: granholm, sec, ohio, biden, michigan, frankel, simpson, washington, china, fleischmann, ryan, mr....
Source: Comcast Cable


3 3.0

Energy Secretary Granholm Testifies on President's 2022 Budget Request : CSPAN : May 9, 2021 10:02am-11:34am EDT

May 9, 2021 05/21



Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm testified on President Biden's fiscal year 2022 budget request for the agency. Secretary Granholm was asked about a range of issues including clean energy jobs, carbon capture technology, nuclear waste storage, electric vehicles and electric grid resiliency. Sponsor: House Appropriations Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development, and Related Agencies
Topics: granholm, sec, biden, washington, ohio, calvert, fleischmann, kirkpatrick, lee, frankel, toledo,...
Source: Comcast Cable


1 1.0

Energy Secretary Nominee Jennifer Granholm Testifies at Confirmation Hearing : CSPAN : January 27, 2021 8:04pm-10:41pm EST

Jan 28, 2021 01/21



The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee held a confirmation hearing for former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm (D) to serve as energy secretary. Gov. Granholm spoke about her priorities if confirmed as secretary, which included managing the country's nuclear legacy, supporting research at national labs and creating jobs. Senators asked a myriad of questions related to transitioning energy technologies and the impact of that change on jobs across the country. Gov. Granholm addressed...
Topics: granholm, michigan, biden, manchin, wyoming, barrasso, cantwell, murkowski, china, king, montana,...
Source: Comcast Cable


20 20

Energy Secretary Nominee Jennifer Granholm Testifies at Confirmation Hearing : CSPAN : January 27, 2021 9:38am-12:32pm EST

Jan 27, 2021 01/21



[LIVE] The Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee holds a confirmation hearing for former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm (D) to serve as Energy secretary. Sponsor: Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee
Topics: ms. granholm, granholm, michigan, biden, manchin, barrasso, china, wyoming, montana, hawaii,...
Source: Comcast Cable


4 4.0

Energy Secretary Nominee Jennifer Granholm Testifies at Confirmation Hearing : CSPAN : January 28, 2021 4:24am-7:00am EST

Jan 28, 2021 01/21



The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee held a confirmation hearing for former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm (D) to serve as energy secretary. Gov. Granholm spoke about her priorities if confirmed as secretary, which included managing the country's nuclear legacy, supporting research at national labs and creating jobs. Senators asked a myriad of questions related to transitioning energy technologies and the impact of that change on jobs across the country. Gov. Granholm addressed...
Topics: granholm, michigan, biden, manchin, wyoming, barrasso, cantwell, murkowski, china, king, montana,...
Source: Comcast Cable


38 38

Energy Secretary Nominee Jennifer Granholm Testifies at Confirmation Hearing : CSPAN : January 30, 2021 3:54pm-6:31pm EST

Jan 30, 2021 01/21



The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee held a confirmation hearing for former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm (D) to serve as energy secretary. Gov. Granholm spoke about her priorities if confirmed as secretary, which included managing the country's nuclear legacy, supporting research at national labs and creating jobs. Senators asked a myriad of questions related to transitioning energy technologies and the impact of that change on jobs across the country. Gov. Granholm addressed...
Topics: granholm, michigan, biden, manchin, wyoming, barrasso, cantwell, murkowski, china, king, montana,...
Source: Comcast Cable


8 8.0

Energy Secretary on Energy Costs : CSPAN : November 23, 2021 5:35pm-6:01pm EST

Nov 23, 2021 11/21



Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm spoke about President Biden's decision to release 50 million barrels of crude oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and other initiatives to try & bring energy prices down. She also took questions from reporters from the White House briefing room. Sponsor: White House
Topics: washington, ftc, china, nixon
Source: Comcast Cable


12 12

Energy Secretary on Energy Costs : CSPAN : November 24, 2021 2:17am-2:39am EST

Nov 24, 2021 11/21



Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm spoke about President Biden's decision to release 50 million barrels of crude oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and other initiatives to try & bring energy prices down. She also took questions from reporters from the White House briefing room. Sponsor: White House
Topics: ftc, china
Source: Comcast Cable


17 17

European Mayors Testify on Democracy : CSPAN : December 29, 2021 11:54pm-1:39am EST

Dec 30, 2021 12/21



European mayors from Bratislava, Budapest, Prague and Warsaw testified on democracy abroad before the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Europe. Sponsor: House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Europe, Energy, The Environment and Cyber
Topics: poland, hungary, europe, warsaw, eu, prague, china, budapest, keating, russia, taiwan, nato,...
Source: Comcast Cable


32 32

European Mayors Testify on Democracy : CSPAN : December 29, 2021 5:15pm-7:01pm EST

Dec 29, 2021 12/21



European mayors from Bratislava, Budapest, Prague and Warsaw testified on democracy abroad before the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Europe. Sponsor: House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Europe, Energy, The Environment and Cyber
Topics: poland, hungary, warsaw, europe, prague, eu, china, budapest, keating, russia, taiwan, nato,...
Source: Comcast Cable


10 10.0

Experts Discuss American and European Perspectives on Cybersecurity : CSPAN : October 4, 2021 8:29pm-9:30pm EDT

Oct 5, 2021 10/21



Experts joined the Center for Strategic & International Studies for a discussion on cybersecurity from American and European perspectives. They talked about cooperation between industries and countries, how to incentivize the private sector to prioritize cyber security and identifying areas for improvement. Sponsor: Center for Strategic and International Studies
Topics: john, eu, nato, eu, sebastian, washington, poland, biden, sebastian, robert, isabella, isabella
Source: Comcast Cable


14 14

Experts Discuss American and European Perspectives on Cybersecurity : CSPAN : October 5, 2021 12:34am-1:36am EDT

Oct 5, 2021 10/21



Experts joined the Center for Strategic & International Studies for a discussion on cybersecurity from American and European perspectives. They talked about cooperation between industries and countries, how to incentivize the private sector to prioritize cyber security and identifying areas for improvement. Sponsor: Center for Strategic and International Studies
Topics: john, eu, nato, eu, poland, sebastian, sebastian, biden, washington, robert, isabella, isabella,...
Source: Comcast Cable


6 6.0

Experts Discuss Arms Control Policy : CSPAN : December 11, 2021 5:15pm-6:15pm EST

Dec 11, 2021 12/21



The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace hosted a discussion marking the 20th anniversary of the U.S. withdrawal from the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty. Panelists included Stephen Hadley, former National Security Adviser for President George W. Bush and Rose Gottemoeller, former NATO Deputy Secretary General. Topics included the proliferation of offensive and defensive missile systems around the world, nuclear arms control, Russia and China. Sponsor: Carnegie Endowment for...
Topics: russia, china, putin, nato, bush, north korea, europe, moscow, steve, iran, ronald reagan, kremlin,...
Source: Comcast Cable


10 10.0

Experts Discuss Arms Control Policy : CSPAN : December 13, 2021 11:03am-12:02pm EST

Dec 13, 2021 12/21



The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace hosted a discussion marking the 20th anniversary of the U.S. withdrawal from the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty. Panelists included Stephen Hadley, former National Security Adviser for President George W. Bush and Rose Gottemoeller, former NATO Deputy Secretary General. Topics included the proliferation of offensive and defensive missile systems around the world, nuclear arms control, Russia and China. Sponsor: Carnegie Endowment for...
Topics: russia, bush, china, nato, putin, north korea, europe, moscow, iran, ronald reagan, washington,...
Source: Comcast Cable


2 2.0

Experts Discuss Arms Control Policy : CSPAN : December 13, 2021 5:02am-6:01am EST

Dec 13, 2021 12/21



The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace hosted a discussion marking the 20th anniversary of the U.S. withdrawal from the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty. Panelists included Stephen Hadley, former National Security Adviser for President George W. Bush and Rose Gottemoeller, former NATO Deputy Secretary General. Topics included the proliferation of offensive and defensive missile systems around the world, nuclear arms control, Russia and China. Sponsor: Carnegie Endowment for...
Topics: russia, bush, china, nato, putin, north korea, europe, moscow, iran, ronald reagan, steve,...
Source: Comcast Cable


5 5.0

Experts Discuss Election Integrity : CSPAN : June 21, 2021 10:01am-11:34am EDT

Jun 21, 2021 06/21



[LIVE] Policy experts discuss election integrity of presidential elections with the American Enterprise Institute. Sponsor: American Enterprise Institute
Topics: georgia, justin, david, kevin, joe biden, john, donald trump, arizona, pennsylvania, ohio, florida,...
Source: Comcast Cable


1 1.0

Experts Discuss Election Integrity : CSPAN : June 21, 2021 11:11pm-12:46am EDT

Jun 22, 2021 06/21



Policy experts discuss election integrity of presidential elections during a virtual event with the American Enterprise Institute. Panelists focused on the results of the 2020 presidential election and the perceptions around who won. They spoke about claims of election fraud and reasons people question the outcome. Also discussed were building trust in future election outcomes and ways to improve the administration of elections. Sponsor: American Enterprise Institute
Topics: kevin k, georgia, david, justin, john, joe biden, kevin, donald trump, arizona, ohio, pennsylvania,...
Source: Comcast Cable


15 15

Experts Discuss Geopolitics of Global Technology Standards : CSPAN : October 14, 2021 10:05am-11:01am EDT

Oct 14, 2021 10/21



[LIVE] Experts discuss the geopolitics of global technology standards with the Atlantic Council. Sponsor: Atlantic Council of the U.S.
Topics: china, julian, biden, europe, silicon valley, mary, paul, francis, white house, washington,...
Source: Comcast Cable


3 3.0

Experts Discuss Global COVID-19 Vaccine Gap : CSPAN : May 24, 2021 10:16pm-11:29pm EDT

May 25, 2021 05/21



The USAID COVID-19 Task Force executive director joined a former Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) director who served under President George W. Bush and other former government officials to discuss the global response to the pandemic and the Biden administration's efforts to vaccinate the global community. The Center for Strategic and International Studies Schieffer series hosted the conversation. Sponsor: Center for Strategic and International Studies
Topics: jeremy, white house, india, julie, south asia, cdc, steve, usaid, biden, gary, china, nepal, csis,...
Source: Comcast Cable


3 3.0

Experts Discuss Global COVID-19 Vaccine Gap : CSPAN : May 25, 2021 3:17am-4:29am EDT

May 25, 2021 05/21



The USAID COVID-19 Task Force executive director joined a former Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) director who served under President George W. Bush and other former government officials to discuss the global response to the pandemic and the Biden administration's efforts to vaccinate the global community. The Center for Strategic and International Studies Schieffer series hosted the conversation. Sponsor: Center for Strategic and International Studies
Topics: jeremy, white house, india, julie, south asia, cdc, steve, usaid, biden, gary, china, nepal, csis,...
Source: Comcast Cable


2 2.0

Experts Discuss Global COVID-19 Vaccine Gap : CSPAN : May 30, 2021 5:49am-7:00am EDT

May 30, 2021 05/21



The USAID COVID-19 Task Force executive director joined a former Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) director who served under President George W. Bush and other former government officials to discuss the global response to the pandemic and the Biden administration's efforts to vaccinate the global community. The Center for Strategic and International Studies Schieffer series hosted the conversation. Sponsor: Center for Strategic and International Studies
Topics: jeremy, white house, india, julie, south asia, cdc, steve, usaid, biden, gary, china, nepal, csis,...
Source: Comcast Cable


5 5.0

Experts Discuss U.S. Military Power : CSPAN : October 18, 2021 11:54pm-12:56am EDT

Oct 19, 2021 10/21



Experts joined the Atlantic Council for a discussion on U.S. military power and challenges facing the Defense Department. Sponsor: Atlantic Council of the U.S.
Topics: china, pentagon, jones, taiwan, russia, afghanistan, atlantic, washington, colin powell, powell,...
Source: Comcast Cable


4 4.0

Experts Discuss U.S. Military Power : CSPAN : October 19, 2021 4:54am-5:57am EDT

Oct 19, 2021 10/21



Experts joined the Atlantic Council for a discussion on U.S. military power and challenges facing the Defense Department. Sponsor: Atlantic Council of the U.S.
Topics: china, pentagon, jones, taiwan, russia, afghanistan, atlantic, washington, powell, dod, reagan,...
Source: Comcast Cable


13 13

Experts Discuss Ways to Deter Russian Aggression : CSPAN : December 22, 2021 10:01am-11:03am EST

Dec 22, 2021 12/21



[LIVE] The Atlantic Council hosts a discussion focused on whether the U.S. and its allies can deter Russian aggression, particularly in Ukraine. Sponsor: Atlantic Council of the U.S.
Topics: ukraine, putin, russia, biden, nato, europe, germany, minsk, kremlin, moscow, heather, china,...
Source: Comcast Cable


17 17

Experts Discuss Ways to Deter Russian Aggression : CSPAN : December 22, 2021 10:38pm-11:39pm EST

Dec 23, 2021 12/21



The Atlantic Council hosted a discussion focused on whether the U.S., NATO and other European allies can deter Russian aggression in Ukraine. Panelists included the Gen. Philip Breedlove (Ret.), former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe and Andriy Zagorodnyuk, Ukraine's former defense minister. Topics included military and logistical support to Ukraine, economic sanctions, and the goals of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Sponsor: Atlantic Council of the U.S.
Topics: ukraine, putin, russia, biden, nato, europe, heather, kremlin, minsk, breedlove, germany,...
Source: Comcast Cable


14 14

Experts Discuss Ways to Deter Russian Aggression : CSPAN : December 23, 2021 3:40am-4:43am EST

Dec 23, 2021 12/21



The Atlantic Council hosted a discussion focused on whether the U.S., NATO and other European allies can deter Russian aggression in Ukraine. Panelists included the Gen. Philip Breedlove (Ret.), former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe and Andriy Zagorodnyuk, Ukraine's former defense minister. Topics included military and logistical support to Ukraine, economic sanctions, and the goals of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Sponsor: Atlantic Council of the U.S.
Topics: ukraine, putin, russia, biden, nato, europe, germany, minsk, kremlin, moscow, heather, china,...
Source: Comcast Cable


28 28

Experts Discuss Ways to Deter Russian Aggression : CSPAN : December 26, 2021 10:21pm-11:00pm EST

Dec 27, 2021 12/21



The Atlantic Council hosted a discussion focused on whether the U.S., NATO and other European allies can deter Russian aggression in Ukraine. Panelists included the Gen. Philip Breedlove (Ret.), former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe and Andriy Zagorodnyuk, Ukraine's former defense minister. Topics included military and logistical support to Ukraine, economic sanctions, and the goals of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Sponsor: Atlantic Council of the U.S.
Topics: russia, ukraine, putin, biden, nato, europe, atlantic, moscow, washington, heather, mediacom,...
Source: Comcast Cable


13 13

Experts Testify on Big Tech Accountability - PART 1 : CSPAN : December 23, 2021 11:07am-3:10pm EST

Dec 23, 2021 12/21



The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Communications and Technology held a hearing on holding big tech companies accountable for user-created content through reforms to Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. Section 230 gives immunity from civil liability based on third party content. Testifying during this portion of the hearing were social media experts and reform advocates, including former Facebook employee and company whistleblower Frances Haugen. Witnesses addressed...
Topics: ms. haugen, doyle, mr. robinson, ms. frederick, frederick, facebook, google, burgess, wuhan, china,...
Source: Comcast Cable


6 6.0

Nov 2, 2021 11/21



A House subcommittee held a remote hearing on COVID-19 vaccination requirements. The hearing addressed the impact on workers, public and private employers, and the legality of vaccine mandates. Sponsor: House Education and Labor Subcommittee on High Education and Workforce Investment,House Education and Labor Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Human Services
Topics: osha, biden, columbia sportswear, dorfman, washington, cdc, schapiro, mr hecker, mr. hecker,...
Source: Comcast Cable


15 15

Experts Testify on Digital Currency Market : CSPAN : August 11, 2021 2:00pm-3:53pm EDT

Aug 11, 2021 08/21



Lawmakers examined the potential to create a U.S. central bank digital currency. Experts testified on the pros and cons of such a move. They also discussed China's digital currency and implications globally. The Senate Banking Subcommittee on Economic Policy convened the virtual hearing.
Topics: china, kennedy, narula, crypto, menand, giancarlo, warren, india, bitcoin, cortez masto, janet...
Source: Comcast Cable


6 6.0

Experts Testify on Digital Currency Market : CSPAN : August 14, 2021 5:22pm-7:15pm EDT

Aug 14, 2021 08/21



Lawmakers examined the potential to create a U.S. central bank digital currency. Experts testified on the pros and cons of such a move. They also discussed China's digital currency and implications globally. The Senate Banking Subcommittee on Economic Policy convened the virtual hearing. Sponsor: Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Subcommittee on Economic Policy
Topics: china, kennedy, narula, crypto, menand, giancarlo, warren, india, cortez masto, brown, columbia,...
Source: Comcast Cable


13 13

Experts Testify on Environmental Justice : CSPAN : August 10, 2021 12:09am-2:08am EDT

Aug 10, 2021 08/21



A Senate Environment and Public Works subcommittee held a hearing on environmental justice and at-risk communities. Testifying before the subcommittee were experts and advocates for environmental justice. Several topics were touched upon, including the disproportionate impacts of climate and environmental disasters on minority and low-income communities, cleaning up toxic waste sites, access to clean and safe drinking water, and the impact of flooding. They also addressed the lack of crucial...
Topics: mr. rexford, mississippi, oregon, chuck, sullivan, fema, biden, california, rexford, duckworth,...
Source: Comcast Cable


26 26

Experts Testify on Extreme Heat Weather Conditions : CSPAN : July 21, 2021 11:05am-11:38am EDT

Jul 21, 2021 07/21



[LIVE] Experts testify on extreme heat weather conditions and the impact on public health before a House subcommittee. Sponsor: House Science, Space, and Technology Subcommittee on Environment
Topics: berstein, ms. sherrill, mr. gonzalez, pacific, michigan, noaa, mr. elkabetz, ms. bonamici, mr....
Source: Comcast Cable


56 56

Experts Testify on Extreme Heat Weather Conditions : CSPAN : July 23, 2021 5:41pm-7:18pm EDT

Jul 23, 2021 07/21



Researchers testified on weather related dangers before the House Science Subcommittee on the Environment. The experts spoke about heat, drought, and flooding and what can be done to address these issues including upgrading infrastructure, increasing green spaces in urban areas, and using emerging technology to more accurately predict extreme weather related incidents. The experts also discussed how extreme weather disproportionately impacts poorer communities. Sponsor: House Science, Space,...
Topics: pacific, arizona, portland, epa, washington, cdc, texas, bernstein, noaa, phoenix, boston, fema,...
Source: Comcast Cable


21 21

Experts Testify on Extreme Heat Weather Conditions : CSPAN : July 24, 2021 12:14pm-1:53pm EDT

Jul 24, 2021 07/21



Researchers testified on weather related dangers before the House Science Subcommittee on the Environment. The experts spoke about heat, drought, and flooding and what can be done to address these issues including upgrading infrastructure, increasing green spaces in urban areas, and using emerging technology to more accurately predict extreme weather related incidents. The experts also discussed how extreme weather disproportionately impacts poorer communities. Sponsor: House Science, Space,...
Topics: arizona, fauci, pacific, epa, paul, portland, cdc, bernstein, fema, washington, texas, phoenix,...
Source: Comcast Cable


26 26

Experts Testify on Extreme Heat Weather Conditions : CSPAN : July 27, 2021 4:55am-6:31am EDT

Jul 27, 2021 07/21



Researchers testified on weather related dangers before the House Science Subcommittee on the Environment. The experts spoke about heat, drought, and flooding and what can be done to address these issues including upgrading infrastructure, increasing green spaces in urban areas, and using emerging technology to more accurately predict extreme weather related incidents. The experts also discussed how extreme weather disproportionately impacts poorer communities. Sponsor: House Science, Space,...
Topics: arizona, pacific, epa, washington, portland, cdc, bernstein, fema, texas, phoenix, boston,...
Source: Comcast Cable


9 9.0

Experts Testify on Impact of Exclusionary Zoning : CSPAN : October 15, 2021 12:03pm-1:46pm EDT

Oct 15, 2021 10/21



[LIVE] Experts testify on the impact of exclusionary zoning before a House subcommittee. Sponsor: House Financial Services Subcommittee on Housing, Community Development and Insurance
Topics: cleaver, hamilton, houston, ms. hamilton, california, posey, cashin, tennessee, los angeles, hud,...
Source: Comcast Cable


8 8.0

Experts Testify on Impact of Exclusionary Zoning : CSPAN : October 20, 2021 4:49am-6:36am EDT

Oct 20, 2021 10/21



The House Financial Services Subcommittee on Housing, Community Development and Insurance held a virtual hearing to examine the impact exclusionary zoning policies have on affordable housing and community development. A variety of topics were discussed including gentrification, the formation of community land trusts, inequities in housing access, impacts on low income and communities of color, exclusionary zoning regulations and segregation, and upholding the Fair Housing Act. Sponsor: House...
Topics: cleaver, hamilton, houston, ms. hamilton, california, posey, cashin, tennessee, los angeles, hud,...
Source: Comcast Cable


7 7.0

Experts Testify on Increase of Violent Incidents on Flights : CSPAN : September 26, 2021 1:01pm-3:49pm EDT

Sep 26, 2021 09/21



Aviation experts testified on the increased number of violent incidents on flights before a House subcommittee. Witnesses shared stories of disruptions by unruly passengers and pointed to several contributing factors including, mask requirements and alcohol. They also strongly urged the FAA to refer incidents of unruly passengers to the Justice Department for prosecution as a deterrent. Sponsor: House Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Aviation
Topics: faa, tsa, mr. andrews, fbi, nelson, ms. nelson, doj, ms. beyer, mr. bidwell, christopher bidwell,...
Source: Comcast Cable


12 12

Experts Testify on Managing Space Traffic : CSPAN : July 23, 2021 4:06pm-5:42pm EDT

Jul 23, 2021 07/21



Space experts testified on managing space traffic and debris before the Senate Commerce Subcommittee on Space and Science. The witnesses responded to a variety of questions about growing concerns related to collisions with space junk, regulating space traffic, security issues related to infrastructure attacks in space, and the role of private industry in space travel. Sponsor: Senate Commerce, Science,and Transportation Subcommittee on Science and Space
Topics: ssa, colorado, nasa, cuba, china, lummis, holzinger, biden, russia, hickenlooper, academia, white...
Source: Comcast Cable

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.