The Haunted Faire | (2024)

The Haunted Faire | (1)

Jan 3 - Aisha Day
Jan 6 - Gnorbu Day
Jan 11 - Buzz Day
Jan 14 - Sloth Day
Jan 16 - Elephante Day
Jan 29 - Kacheek Day

The Haunted Faire | (2)

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The Haunted Faire | (3)

The Haunted Faire | (4)

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2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013

During the month of October 2010, the Haunted Faire opened for business in the far reaches of the Haunted Woods. One of the main attractions was the Apple Bobbing tent, which gave out prizes. Quests were also available, but are no longer given out now that the Faire is over. Some quests were simple and others were more complicated; at the end of each, you would receive an exclusive prize. If you wish, you can still read through them below.

The Haunted Faire | (11)

Looking for the Haunted Faire FAQ? Go here! The one for Apple Bobbing is located here.

Daily Freebie

While bobbing for apples, you may be awarded with one of the following items.

Apple Bobbing Prizes

Apple Onion RingsBeast BurgerBeaten Old AppleBrain Tree MuffinCandy Corn Fizzy Drink
Cheesy Baked Apple CoreChocolate Covered AppleDeluxe Toffee AppleDevilish CakeFried Worm Stew
Ghost PancakesGhost Techo LollyGhostly AppleGhostmallow SmoreGlaring Cheesecake
Ichor Ghost ToastImposter AppleKnuckle SandwichMeuka DropsPetrified Apple
Red AppleRotten AppleSlimy AppleSlimy Pumpkin SoupSpooky Apple Muffin
Tarnished AppleUndead AppleUndead CarrotUntarnished AppleVanilla Ice Cream Apple Lantern

Quest Solutions

During the Faire, you may have been offered to go on a quest. Completing each quest would have rewarded you with an exclusive prize.

Eliv Thade Part 1Well, well... you've proven yourself to be quite a quester! Very impressive, friend. Um, you know... Eliv Thade's got a quest he needs fulfilled. You wouldn't happe-wait, yes! I'm sure you'd be interested! It's certain to be worth your time. Here, take this Anagram Solver. It'll decipher anything he says...

- OR-

Well, well... so you seek adventure, eh? Are you sure, friend? You know... Eliv Thade's got a quest he needs fulfilled. You wouldn't happe-wait, yes! I'm sure you'd be interested! It's certain to be worth your time. Here, take this Anagram Solver. It'll decipher anything he says...

Visit the Castle of Eliv Thade.
Eliv Thade Part 2
The Haunted Faire | (42)
Welcome, I assume you're here about my little errand. You see, I've decided to make my *cough* old friend Gilly a gift for Halloween. I was thinking a miniature tea party set would be nice, but that'll require rounding up a few things. Would you be willing to do that for me? Rest assured, you'll be richly rewarded ... wonderful, let's get started. First, I'll be making some dolls, which will take lots of fabric and stuffing. Neopia Central's probably a good place to look. Alright now, get going!Head over to Unis Clothing Shop.
Eliv Thade Part 3
The Haunted Faire | (43)
Hello, how can I help you? Well, I tend to sell items in my shop, rather than materials, but since you asked nicely I can make an exception. Wait here and I'll see what I can find... *minutes later* ... I found some fabric in the back, along with this hat you can have since I think it suits you nicely. Is this what you're looking for? Splendid! You'll need stuffing too, right? *leans in, whispers* Between us, that berry place in Meridell is a great source. Now go, but remember - it's our secret!Visit Pick Your Own at Meri Acres Farm.
Unique Yarn and Ribbon Hat
Eliv Thade Part 4
The Haunted Faire | (45)
Aye, welcome to Meri Acres! Might I - not here for berries, eh? Stuffing you say, for dolls? Hey, a Uni came by asking for wool recently - did she send you? Like you'd tell if she had. I have a paddock with some Babaas behind the barn. Take these muddy boots and go on back; on second thought, ugh... just keep them. Grab what you need, just remember - I sell berries here, not wool! So, are you making these dolls? I see... well, there's no finer toymaker in Neopia than Donny. You should pay him a visit... Now head to the Toy Repair Shop to see Donny.
Muddy Boots
Eliv Thade Part 5
The Haunted Faire | (47)
Come on in. What can I do for you? Ahh, yes. I received a letter earlier today telling me to expect you and why you were coming. Well, you're in luck... I happened to have the necessary supplies for your order on hand already, and since things are a little slow in the shop today, I went ahead and made the dolls so that you wouldn't have to wait. Now, if you've got the fabric and stuffing, I'll just take those in exchange... very well, enjoy! Head back to see Eliv Thade at his Castle.
Eliv Thade Part 6
The Haunted Faire | (48)
Back so soon? Excellent! Let's see.. yes, these will do nicely. I have great news for you. My plans have changed slightly, so I'll only be needing three of these plushies. You can keep this one... *carelessly tosses plushie of Gelert Wizard from Spellseeker aside* I'm not done with you, though - for the playset, I need some of Gilly's favourite beverage, a unique blend of a multi-flavoured fruit from Brightvale and a bubbly concoction from a hot climate. Hurry along and round them up for me... Head over to Brightvale Fruits.
Spellseeker Wizard Plushie
Eliv Thade Part 7
The Haunted Faire | (50)
Welcome to Brightvale Fruits! How may I be of service? *listens* Sounds to me like you're looking for a Magenorb. I just got a crate of those in today; haven't even had time to put them out yet! *scurries away, then returns* Here you go! You know, I've heard the juice from these goes well with this one Moltaran drink, whose name, I'm afraid, escapes me at the moment... anyhow, can I get you anything else? No, just this? Very well, then. Enjoy your Magenorb, and have a very fruitful day! Head over to Molten Morsels.
Eliv Thade Part 8
The Haunted Faire | (52)
Welcome, friend! Feel free to let me know if I can help with anything... oh, you're looking for a specific item? Some sort of bubbly beverage, eh? My guess is that a Hot Magma is what you're seeking. What's that, you want to blend it with a Magenorb?!? Personally, I think it tastes perfectly fine by itself - I hope you know what you're doing! Oh, you're not going to be making the mix yourself? In that case, good luck finding someone who can blend those two ingredients into a delicious drink... Head over to Culinary Concotions.
Hot Magma
Eliv Thade Part 9
The Haunted Faire | (54)
So, back for more? I take it those Freaky Pumpkin Bites must've turned out rather well. How can I help you today? Hmm... a Magenorb and some Hot Magma? It's not exactly a request that I get very often, but from personal experience I can say that it is a tasty, albeit exotic, blend. Alright, let me see what you have...Mix the Hot Magma and Magenorb in his pot.
Eliv Thade Part 10
The Haunted Faire | (55)
*puts ingredients in pot*... not bad; we'll just give this a little stir... now let it simmer for a bit...aaand, that should do it. Here you go, one Bubbling Magenorb Potion. Enjoy!Return to Eliv Thade.
Eliv Thade Part 11
The Haunted Faire | (56)
Finally, you're back! Did you get the beverage? *takes it* Wonderful! At last, the time has come! See, this entire Haunted Faire - the apple bobbing, the quests - was all meant to bring you to my doorstep, since there's no way I could gather these items. But you... so innocent, so trustworthy... this beverage was the final thing needed for a potion that, when poured on these plushies, makes them voodoo dolls! Ha ha! Let the suffering begin!!!

Oh.. here, take this anagram decoder as your pittance and BEGONE! The Mechanical Anagram Solver was added to your Inventory

Quest Complete!
Mechanical Anagram Solver

King Skarl Part 1Well, lucky you! It seems you've earned yourself a quest invitation. To get started, go to Meridell Castle and find King Skarl who'll fill you in on what to do next. You'll only have until the end of today to finish your quest, so hurry along now!Visit the Meridell Castle to find King Skarl.
King Skarl Part 2
The Haunted Faire | (58)
Hey you! Your Royal Highness has an important errand requiring immediate attention, and in my imminent wisdom I've chosen you for the job. Here's the situation: a special order I placed in Brightvale is ready for pickup. As King of Meridell, I'm far too busy protecting the realm and so forth to fetch the item myself, which is why I've chosen you to do my bidding. The item is a secret gift for my brother, Hagan. Therefore, let's try to keep this quiet, understand? Very well, begone...Head over to Brightvale Glaziers to pick up a special gift.
King Skarl Part 3
The Haunted Faire | (59)
Good day, welcome to Brightvale Glaziers. Can I help you with anything? I see... just a moment. *goes to back room, then returns with large frame covered in brown wrapping paper* Alright, if you'll just sign right here... perfect. Please pass on my best wishes to His Majesty; I truly hope that this gift doth greatly please both King Skarl and his brother, our benevolent ruler Wise King Hagan. Farewell!Visit Meridell Castle with the gift.
King Skarl Part 4
The Haunted Faire | (60)
You're back! Great, let's have a look... *tears off wrapping paper* WHAT?!? I specifically ordered a stained glass portrait of ME, not that bookworm brother of mine! Take that thing back to Brightvale where it belongs! *seethes* Why, just wait until I get a moment with that glazier - he's going to get an earful, that's for sure... what are you waiting for? GET OUT!!! Oh, and on your way out, be sure to tell someone from the kitchen to send over a Turkey Dinner... on the double!Now head to Brightvale with the gift in tow.
King Skarl Part 5
The Haunted Faire | (61)
While returning to Brightvale, you spot a procession winding through the kingdom. As you come closer, King Hagan sees the window you're holding and approaches. "Ha ha!" he laughs, taking the frame from your extended hand. A remarkable piece of work! I can only imagine what Skarl thought when he saw it... I was just on my way to Meridell for this, so you've actually saved me the trip. To show my gratitude... *whistles to servant, who brings over Candy Feast* I'd like you to have this. Thank you! A Candy Feast was added to your InventoryQuest Complete!
Candy Feast

Sabre-X Part 1Well, lucky you! It seems you've earned yourself a quest invitation. To get started, go to Tyrannian Town Hall and find Sabre-X who'll fill you in on what to do next. You'll only have until the end of today to finish your quest, so hurry along now! Go to the Tyrannian Town Hall to find Sabre-X.
Sabre-x Part 2
The Haunted Faire | (63)
Ah, brave warrior. Join us by the fireside! 'Tis a shame; I just finished telling a story about my travels to the Lair of the Beast. I'm sure you would have enjoyed it, which reminds me: when we last spoke, you mentioned you'd been in search of a challenge to demonstrate your courage to the elders. If you were to enter the Lair of the Beast and return with proof of the deed, I daresay that'd do the trick! I certainly wouldn't go without stopping by the Tyrannian Weapons Shop first, though... Visit the Tyrannian Weaponry Shop to pick up a weapon before facing the Lair.
Sabre-X Part 3
The Haunted Faire | (64)
Hello? Who goes there?! A customer, perhaps? ahem Pardon me, can I help you find something? Hmm... the Lair of the Beast, you say? Well, just how much are you willing to spend, exactly? I see... honestly, with that kind of budget, you don't stand a chance. Tell you what - I've got this spear you can have for free, since I feel sorry for you. Just promise me you'll take your Neopoints and get yourself a fine Maraquan meal, seeing as it very well may be your last. Here, give this note to the maitre d' at kelp... I happen to be a good friend of his. Best of luck and bon appetit! Visit the Kelp Restaurant (it's not necessary to order anything off the menu).
Sabre-X Part 4
The Haunted Faire | (65)
Welcome to kelp! Do you have a reservation? *reads note* I see... well, on behalf of our entire staff here, let me just say that we're profoundly honoured that you would choose our humble restaurant as the site of your final meal before bravely setting off to face certain doom at the Lair of the Beast. Now, if you'll follow me right this way, I'll see to it that you receive a table befitting such mindboggling, erm... valour. Now head on down to the Lair of the Beast.
Sabre-X Part 5
The Haunted Faire | (66)
Having finished the meal at kelp, your nerves settle during the voyage back to the Lair of the Beast. Upon arriving, however, panic suddenly sets in. Despite your sheer terror, you dutifully continue on, till the moment when the creature lunges ferociously toward you. As if by instinct, you hurl the spear you've been holding, which The Beast savagely snaps in two. As it does so, however, a tooth slathered in saliva falls to the ground. You snatch it up and run like you've never run before... Return to the Town Hall to see Sabre-X.
Sabre-X Part 6
The Haunted Faire | (67)
Look who's back! So how di-heeey, what's that you've got there? That's quite a find. Did you know The Beast's saliva is a potent ingredient used in lots of healing potions? *goes to get potion bottle and spoon* As you might imagine, it's exceedingly rare, and therefore quite valuable. *scoops saliva into bottle* Wow, nearly a whole bottle of the stuff! Not to mention that tooth you've got there, which will be perfect for fashioning into a sturdy Shield. I'd say the elders will be very impressed... A Lair Beast Tooth Shield was added to your Inventory Quest is complete!
Lair Beast Tooth Shield

Wise Gnorbu Part 1Well, lucky you! It seems you've earned yourself a quest invitation. To get started, go to Shenkuu Lunar Temple and find Gnorbu who'll fill you in on what to do next. You'll only have until the end of today to finish your quest, so hurry along now!Go to the Lunar Temple to find the Wise Gnorbu.
Wise Gnorbu Part 2
The Haunted Faire | (69)
Hello? Come on in... I take it that Apple Bobbing Bart sent you, correct? Very well, here's the situation: it seems my beloved Petpet has run off once again, and I'm afraid I'm too frail and weary to go tracking him down. Typically when this happens, the first place he heads is the Petpet Shop in Geraptiku. In order to get him away from his friends, however, you'll need some Freaky Pumpkin Bites, his favourite Halloween treat. I don't happen to have any on hand, but I'm sure Bonju can help you, though... Visit Culinary Concoctions to pick up some Freaky Pumpkin Bites from Chef Bonju.
Wise Gnorbu Part 3
The Haunted Faire | (70)
Welcome to Culinary Concoctions, I'm Chef Bonju. How can I be of service? Um-hm... I see... alright, well, I happen to have nearly everything for Freaky Pumpkin Bites that you seek. I'm missing three ingredients, however: Pumpkin Cookies, Pumpkin Pie and a Spooky Doughnut. I'd be more than happy to whip up a fresh batch of Freaky Pumpkin Bites if you could track down those ingredients. Sound good? Very well, then, go on and get going...You will need to mix Pumpkin Cookies, Pumpkin Pie and a Spooky Doughnut in his pot.
Wise Gnorbu Part 4
The Haunted Faire | (71)
Oh, you're back! Alright, let's see what you've got there... okay, I think these should do. I went ahead and began my preparations while you were gone - goes to show, I had great faith in you - so I'll just need to include what you picked up and that should about do it. Just a little of this... some of this, and... voil�! one piping hot batch of Freaky Pumpkin Bites! One last, thing, though - these treats will need to be chilled before they can be served. The Ice Caves would probably be a good place to take care of that. Good luck!Now head to the Snowager to chill your treats.
Wise Gnorbu Part 5
The Haunted Faire | (72)
Maybe it was the sound of crunching snow, or the smell of the Freaky Pumpkin Bites you were carrying... one thing's for sure, though - THE SNOWAGER IS AWAKE! As the beast lurches into view, you're frozen in place, capable only of bracing for its inevitable icy blast... which knocks you to the icy path you'd been treading. Opening your eyes, you see Freaky Pumpkin Bites still desperately clutched in your mitts, frozen solid. Trying to think of a place for them to defrost a little, you remember the Wise Old Gnorbu's words...Visit the Geraptiku Petpet shop.
Wise Gnorbu Part 6
The Haunted Faire | (73)
At last, you've arrived at the destination of your latest voyage: The Lost City of Geraptiku. Other than the distant sound of a few crashing bowling pins, the "city" is eerily silent... and awfully creepy. Entering the heart of the city, you spot some frolicking Petpets up ahead. Carefully approaching with the Freaky Pumpkin Bites in hand, you're relieved as a Fire Werhond heads in your direction. "This must be the one," you think as the Werhond eagerly nibbles at your offering...Head back to the Lunar Temple.
Wise Gnorbu Part 7
The Haunted Faire | (74)
Welcome back! I see you two have made fast friends on the trip home - those must have been some Freaky Pumpkin Bites Bonju cooked up! Yeah, I'd say that the two of you are quite a pair. Look, I've got an idea... why don't you go on and take Sparky? I've got plenty of Petpets to keep me company, and I'm certain that you'd give him a good home. It's the least I could do after all the trouble you went through to track him down and bring him back. So, what do you say? Great, I'll go ahead and pack his things then... A Fire Werhond was added to your InventoryQuest Complete!
Fire Werhond

Trick-or-Treating Solutions

You may have also been offered a trick-or-treating quest. Visiting the quest location, you would have been awarded with a Halloween Goodie Bag.

Captain Threelegs Part 1Wanna do some trick or treating? Okay, tell you what - pay Captain Threelegs a visit and see what he's got in store for you. Remember: you may get a trick instead of something nice, so don't act like you weren't warned! Alright, run along now, and be sure to return tomorrow for another bob in the tank!Go to the Swashbuckling Academy to find Captain Threelegs.
Captain Threelegs Part 2
The Haunted Faire | (76)
Ahoy! Seems ye did a gleemful job o' bobbin' to win an invite to trick ARRR treat 'ere! Enjoy yer treasure, swabbie, an' best o' luck - 'tis one thing to make a fortune on Krawk Island, an' another thing entirely not to lose it on the voyage home! A Halloween goodie bag was added to your InventoryQuest is complete!
Krawk Island Trick-or-Treat Bag

Cog Part 1Wanna do some trick or treating? Okay, tell you what - pay Cog a visit and see what he's got in store for you. Remember: you may get a trick instead of something nice, so don't act like you weren't warned! Alright, run along now, and be sure to return tomorrow for another bob in the tank!Go to Cog's Togs.
Cog Part 2
The Haunted Faire | (78)
Hey there, welcome to my shop! My, you look exhausted - I suppose that's understandable, seeing as it's a long way down here from the Haunted Woods. You made it, though, and now it's time for the moment you've been waiting for... here you go, enjoy! A Halloween goodie bag was added to your InventoryQuest is complete!
Moltara Trick-or-Treat Bag

Island Mystic Part 1Wanna do some trick or treating? Okay, tell you what - pay Island Mystic a visit and see what he's got in store for you. Remember: you may get a trick instead of something nice, so don't act like you weren't warned! Alright, run along now, and be sure to return tomorrow for another bob in the tank!Go to the Island Mystic.
Island Mystic Part 2
The Haunted Faire | (80)
You have discovered an amazing fortune in your hands on Mystery Island. You will be chased by a three-headed Aisha plushie unless you gargle with stale sweat and burp repeatedly. Your direction in life is to stealthily escape! A Halloween goodie bag was added to your InventoryQuest is complete!
Mystery Isle Trick-or-Treat Bag

Lever of Doom Part 1Wanna do some trick or treating? Okay, tell you what - pay Lever Of Doom a visit and see what he's got in store for you. Remember: you may get a trick instead of something nice, so don't act like you weren't warned! Alright, run along now, and be sure to return tomorrow for another bob in the tank!Go to the Lever of Doom.
Lever of Doom Part 2
The Haunted Faire | (82)
A not-so-evil mechanical hand emerges from the Lever of Doom and hands you a goodie bag. Run along now, before it changes its mind and decides to take the gift back... A Halloween goodie bag was added to your InventoryQuest is complete!
Space Station Trick-or-Treat Bag

Princess Amira Part 1Wanna do some trick or treating? Okay, tell you what - pay Amira in Sakhmet City a visit and see what she's got in store for you. Remember: you may get a trick instead of something nice, so don't act like you weren't warned! Alright, run along now, and be sure to return tomorrow for another bob in the tank!Go to Sakhmet City to find Princess Amira.
Princess Amira Part 2
The Haunted Faire | (84)
Greetings, weary traveller. What's that you say, you've come all the way from the Haunted Woods? I bet I know why you're here. Wait here just a moment... alright, here we go! Hopefully you'll find this bundle of treats to have been worth your trouble. A Halloween goodie bag was added to your InventoryQuest is complete!
Lost Desert Trick-or-Treat Bag

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The Haunted Faire | (2024)
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Author: Duane Harber

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Author information

Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.