Was sind die Best Practices zum Schutz von EMM vor Man-in-the-Middle-Angriffen? (2024)

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Mobilitätsmanagement für Unternehmen (EMM) ist der Prozess der Sicherung und Verwaltung mobiler Geräte, Anwendungen und Daten, die von Mitarbeitern für Arbeitszwecke verwendet werden. EMM kann die Produktivität, die Zusammenarbeit und den Kundenservice verbessern, setzt Unternehmen aber auch verschiedenen Cyberbedrohungen aus, wie z. B. Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) Angriffe. MITM-Angriffe treten auf, wenn ein Angreifer die Kommunikation zwischen zwei Parteien, z. B. einem mobilen Gerät und einem Server, ohne deren Wissen abfängt und ändert. Dies kann die Vertraulichkeit, Integrität und Verfügbarkeit vertraulicher Informationen und Ressourcen beeinträchtigen. Wie können Sie Ihr EMM vor MITM-Angriffen schützen? Hier sind einige Best Practices, die Sie befolgen sollten.

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Was sind die Best Practices zum Schutz von EMM vor Man-in-the-Middle-Angriffen? (1)

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  • Bipin L. Global Head Cloud and OT security product management (GM) at Tata with 20 Years of experience in Presales, Delivery…

    Was sind die Best Practices zum Schutz von EMM vor Man-in-the-Middle-Angriffen? (3) 2

  • Raphael Neto Analista de Segurança da Informação (SIEM) | Tecnólogo em Redes de Computadores | Pós Graduando em Cibersecurity | Pós…

    Was sind die Best Practices zum Schutz von EMM vor Man-in-the-Middle-Angriffen? (5) 3

  • Was sind die Best Practices zum Schutz von EMM vor Man-in-the-Middle-Angriffen? (7) 3

Was sind die Best Practices zum Schutz von EMM vor Man-in-the-Middle-Angriffen? (8) Was sind die Best Practices zum Schutz von EMM vor Man-in-the-Middle-Angriffen? (9) Was sind die Best Practices zum Schutz von EMM vor Man-in-the-Middle-Angriffen? (10)

1 Verschlüsselung verwenden

Verschlüsselung ist der Prozess der Umwandlung von Daten in ein Format, das nur von autorisierten Parteien gelesen werden kann, die über den Schlüssel zum Entschlüsseln verfügen. Durch die Verschlüsselung können Angreifer daran gehindert werden, auf die Daten während der Übertragung oder im Ruhezustand zuzugreifen oder diese zu manipulieren. Sie sollten Verschlüsselung für alle Daten verwenden, die zwischen Ihren mobilen Geräten und Ihren Servern fließen, sowie für die auf den Geräten gespeicherten Daten. Sie sollten auch Verschlüsselungsprotokolle verwenden, die stark und auf dem neuesten Stand sind, z. B. Transport Layer Security (TLS

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  • Raphael Neto Analista de Segurança da Informação (SIEM) | Tecnólogo em Redes de Computadores | Pós Graduando em Cibersecurity | Pós Graduando em Perícia Forense Computacional | CREA-SP n°xxxx892
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    Proteja o EMM contra MITM: 1. Use SSL/TLS para conexões seguras. 2. Valide certificados. 3. Mantenha atualizações de segurança. 4. Implemente VPNs. 5. Estabeleça políticas de acesso restrito. 6. Monitore o tráfego. 7. Treine a equipe sobre conscientização em segurança. 8. Adote criptografia de ponta a ponta.


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    Was sind die Best Practices zum Schutz von EMM vor Man-in-the-Middle-Angriffen? (19) 3

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  • Para proteger o EMM contra ataques MITM, é fundamental implementar uma série de práticas recomendadas. Começando pela utilização de conexões seguras, como o protocolo HTTPS, para comunicação entre dispositivos móveis e servidores EMM, garantindo assim a criptografia dos dados transmitidos. Além disso, é importante implementar certificados SSL confiáveis e realizar verificações regulares de integridade para detectar quaisquer alterações nos certificados. Utilizar uma rede virtual privada (VPN) pode adicionar uma camada adicional de segurança, criptografando todo o tráfego entre dispositivos e servidores EMM, prevenindo assim ataques MITM em redes públicas não confiáveis.


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    EMMs use encryption to defend against MitM attacks though:1. Data-in-Transit Encryption:- EMMs typically enforce HTTPS meaning any communication between the managed device & the target servers is encrypted, rendering it unreadable to attackers.- VPNs: EMM VPNs create encrypted tunnels between the device & secure gateways, further protecting data in transit even on untrusted networks2. Data-at-Rest Encryption:- EMMs can enforce full-disk encryption or containerization on mobile devices so data remains inaccessible without the decryption key, even if the device itself is stolen3. Certificate Pinning: prevents the use of fake certificates to impersonate legitimate servers by coding apps to "trust" only specific certificates.


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2 Implementieren von Zertifikaten

Zertifikate sind digitale Dokumente, die die Identität und Authentizität einer Partei überprüfen, z. B. eines Geräts, eines Benutzers oder eines Servers. Zertifikate können verhindern, dass Angreifer sich als legitime Parteien ausgeben oder diese vortäuschen und Benutzer dazu verleiten, eine Verbindung mit schädlichen Websites oder Netzwerken herzustellen. Sie sollten Zertifikate für alle Ihre mobilen Geräte und Server implementieren und eine vertrauenswürdige Zertifizierungsstelle verwenden (CA) um sie auszustellen und zu verwalten. Außerdem sollten Sie Ihre Geräte und Server so konfigurieren, dass Verbindungen von nicht vertrauenswürdigen oder abgelaufenen Zertifikaten abgelehnt werden.

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  • Akhil S Nath Technical Manager @ VIGYANLABS | Infrastructure Security, IT Security, CISM
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    During EMM configuration, a set of trusted server certificates, known as "anchors," are pre-loaded onto managed devices. These anchors act as the basis for verification. When a device attempts to connect to a server, it retrieves the server's security certificate and compares it to the pre-loaded anchors. If the server's certificate exactly matches one of the trusted anchors, the connection is considered legitimate and proceeds. However, if there's a mismatch, the connection is rejected.


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  • Bruno Barbalho Gerente de Segurança da Informaçao e Compliance na Epson do Brasil
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    Por fim, é crucial manter todos os componentes do EMM, incluindo servidores e aplicativos, atualizados com as últimas correções de segurança para mitigar vulnerabilidades conhecidas que poderiam ser exploradas em um ataque MITM.


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3 Richtlinien durchsetzen

Richtlinien sind Regeln und Richtlinien, die die akzeptablen und inakzeptablen Verhaltensweisen und Aktionen Ihrer mobilen Benutzer und Geräte definieren. Richtlinien können verhindern, dass Angreifer die Schwachstellen oder Schwächen Ihres EMM ausnutzen, z. B. ungepatchte Software, schwache Kennwörter oder nicht autorisierte Anwendungen. Sie sollten Richtlinien für alle Ihre mobilen Geräte und Benutzer durchsetzen und eine zentralisierte EMM-Lösung verwenden, um sie zu überwachen und zu steuern. Außerdem sollten Sie Ihre Richtlinien regelmäßig aktualisieren, um den sich ändernden Bedrohungen und Risiken Rechnung zu tragen.

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    EMM solutions can enforce the following kinds of policy to protect against MiTM attacks:1. Network Connection Policies:- Restrict use of untrusted networks- Mandate use of VPNs- Enforce Strong Wi-Fi Settings (e.g., WPA2 or WPA3) 2. Encryption Policies:- Full-disk encryption- Containerization to separate corporate data - HTTPS enforcement3. Certificate Management Policies:- Certificate Validation- Certificate Pinning4. App Restriction Policies:- Blacklist/whitelist apps- Control app permissionsEMM provides administrators with a central platform to create, customize, manage & report on granular policies addressing the areas mentioned above.


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4 Informieren Sie Benutzer

Benutzer sind der menschliche Faktor, der über Erfolg oder Misserfolg Ihrer EMM-Sicherheit entscheiden kann. Benutzer können MITM-Angriffe durch ihr Bewusstsein, ihr Wissen und ihr Verhalten verhindern oder aktivieren. Sie sollten Ihre Benutzer über die Art und die Folgen von MITM-Angriffen aufklären und darüber, wie sie diese vermeiden oder erkennen können. Sie sollten Ihre Benutzer auch darin schulen, wie sie Ihren EMM sicher verwenden können, z. B. wie sie Zertifikate überprüfen, sichere Passwörter auswählen und verdächtige Vorfälle melden.

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5 Testen und Auditieren

Tests und Audits sind die Prozesse zur Bewertung und Verifizierung der Wirksamkeit und Konformität Ihrer EMM-Sicherheit. Durch Tests und Audits können Lücken oder Probleme in Ihrer EMM-Sicherheit identifiziert und behoben werden, z. B. Fehlkonfigurationen, Schwachstellen oder Verstöße. Sie sollten Ihre EMM-Sicherheit regelmäßig testen und auditieren, indem Sie Tools und Methoden wie Penetrationstests, Schwachstellen-Scans und Protokollanalysen verwenden. Sie sollten auch Ihre EMM-Sicherheit auf der Grundlage der Ergebnisse und des Feedbacks Ihrer Tests und Audits überprüfen und verbessern.

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6 Hier erfahren Sie, was Sie sonst noch beachten sollten

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    Securing EMM involves employing encryption protocols like SSL/TLS, implementing certificate-based authentication methods, verifying device integrity before granting access, promoting the use of VPNs for remote connections and adopting public key pinning techniques to enhance defense.


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  • Akhil S Nath Technical Manager @ VIGYANLABS | Infrastructure Security, IT Security, CISM
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    Segment your network: Separate corporate data from personal data on employee devices. This can help minimize the damage if a device is compromised.Implement Mobile Threat Defense (MTD) solutions: MTD solutions can provide additional layers of protection by continuously monitoring device activity and identifying potential threats.


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  • Tom Brown Senior Sales Engineer


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    Regarding mobile endpoints MDM is good but it is only mobile management not threat protection. MTD or mobile threat defense is the layer you need. The MITRE ATT&CK framework is about 20% covered with MDM but you can get over 90% coverage when you add MTD. You can detect malicious networks, malware/bad apps, phishing, and jailbreaks/rooting that MDM cannot see. This can also be done on personal devices without interfering with users personal data.


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Was sind die Best Practices zum Schutz von EMM vor Man-in-the-Middle-Angriffen? (2024)


What is the best defense against man-in-the-middle attack? ›

VPN. One of the best practices for network security is to use a VPN (virtual private network) when connecting online. A VPN encrypts the data you send online. This encryption stops the MITM attack from infiltrating your network traffic.

What is the solution for man-in-the-middle attack? ›

Securing your network infrastructure and the data flowing through it reduces the risk of MITM attacks. Secure Wi-Fi networks. Use strong passwords for Wi-Fi networks and enable WPA3 encryption to protect against unauthorized access and eavesdropping. Avoid public Wi-Fi for sensitive transactions.

What is an example of a man-in-the-middle attack? ›

One example of a MITM attack is active eavesdropping, in which the attacker makes independent connections with the victims and relays messages between them to make them believe they are talking directly to each other over a private connection, when in fact the entire conversation is controlled by the attacker.

Which of the following mitigation techniques is most effective against a man-in-the-middle attack? ›

Two-factor authentication (2FA) requires users to authenticate themselves using two methods (such as a password and a one-time code), which is a secure way to protect against man-in-the-middle attacks.

What makes the man-in-the-middle attack so hard to defend against? ›

The danger of MITM attacks stems from the fact that they can bypass SSL/TLS encryption, such as used by the HTTPS protocol. In a successful MITM attack, both parties consider the middleman the legitimate sender/receiver.

How do you defend yourself against 3 attackers? ›

Try to draw this person into a one-on-one fight or attack them first. If they're down, the rest of the group is likely to be immobilized. Be strategic in how you plan your defense. Try to avoid being caught in a triangle between multiple attackers.

What is man in the middle and how to prevent it? ›

A man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack occurs when a threat actor secretly intercepts communication between two parties. This usually happens when hackers break into a Wi-Fi network or router or when they impersonate someone by spoofing a website to eavesdrop, manipulate or steal information.

What is the key to the success of an MITM attack? ›

The key in MITM is properly executing the insertion point between the user and application. This means the cybercriminal must create a trustworthy WiFi network or website, access an email account, or find a way to mask an IP address well enough that the user believes they are interacting with the desired service.

What is the idea behind the man in the middle attack? ›

What is MITM attack. A man in the middle (MITM) attack is a general term for when a perpetrator positions himself in a conversation between a user and an application—either to eavesdrop or to impersonate one of the parties, making it appear as if a normal exchange of information is underway.

What are the dangers of a man-in-the-middle attack? ›

MitM attacks can also serve as a conduit for delivering malicious software, including malware and ransomware, into a target's system. By intercepting and altering communications, attackers can insert harmful code into legitimate data transmissions. This code can then execute on the victim's device.

How is man-in-the-middle attack performed? ›

A man-in-the-middle attack is a type of eavesdropping attack, where attackers interrupt an existing conversation or data transfer. After inserting themselves in the "middle" of the transfer, the attackers pretend to be both legitimate participants.

Is man-in-the-middle the same as on path attack? ›

In cyber security, the terms “man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks” and “on-path attacks” are often used interchangeably, but they have some differences. Both involve an attacker intercepting and possibly manipulating communication between two parties.

What is another name for a man-in-the-middle attack? ›

MitM attacks are also sometimes referred to as monster-in-the-middle, machine-in-the-middle, monkey-in-the-middle and man-in-the-browser attacks.

Can MITM attacks be detected? ›

MITM attacks are hard to detect since they often rely on exploiting real-time data transfers and conversations.

What do most MITM attacks utilize? ›

MITM attackers use a DNS hijack so that users will interact and engage with the spoofed site while malicious code intercepts their messages and collects their data.

What mechanism can prevent the man-in-the-middle attack? ›

VPNs can be used to create a secure environment for sensitive information within a local area network. They use key-based encryption to create a subnet for secure communication. This way, even if an attacker happens to get on a network that is shared, he will not be able to decipher the traffic in the VPN.

What is the disadvantage of man-in-the-middle attack? ›

The Danger of Man-in-the-Middle Attacks

Man-in-the-middle attacks offer hackers a path to intercept sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, credit card numbers, and bank account details.

Which of the following is the countermeasure for the man-in-the-middle threat? ›

The best way to protect against man-in-the middle attacks is to use session encryption or line encryption solutions.

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