The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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2 A' 'w 4 1 i 'i i ir 1 THE SPRINGIELD SUNDAY UNION AND REPUBLICAN SPRINGIELD MASS: APRIL 29 1928 and and as soon as it struck 6pp Crytnl Are Marion Hess AUDITORIUM SPRINGIELD' RIDAY AND SATURDAY Maj 11 12 Music estival irst Concert riday Eve 815 1 1217 Main St was feared would mount into the mil lions the the in 200 Male Voices Orpheus Club MacDowcl Choir SNOW IN BERKSHIRE BUT IT MELTS RAPIDLY Homemade pastry bread candies and tea room Luncheons ice cream sodas sundaes and ice cold drinks served There is available In Springfield a high powered aggressive young executive who if thoroughly experienced in the merchandising buying and general management of and departments I possess an unusually successful record for achieving outstanding results I know how to promote volume business in popular price merchandise at a rapid turnover My long and intensive experience embraces the de partment store and chain field An invalu able go getter to combat inroads of chainstores in Springfield because 1 know their met vnanoising ALASKAN ADVENTURES 1 6 REEL PATHE PICTURE Kodiak Brown Bears and Other Wild Life Greatest Outdoor Picture Ever Made ALASKA Metropolitan Theater Stage Orchestra (20 Artists') DANCE WITH RODEMICH Spring Salmon Run Break Up of YUKON Ice ield Presented by Springfield Chapter Izaak Walton LeagueA Genuine Adventure NOT a ilm Mindling official tn weather bureau here today's precipitation would have little effect on the rivers of the state COMMERCIAL HIGH SCHOOL Monday April Price 50c Tickets for sale at Alderman's: Carlisle Hardware Law Skiff's or at the door Radio Communication Used in Pennsylvania Pittsburg April 28 (AP) Radio today a the only means of com munication with several towns mid cities in Pennsylvania West Vir ginia and Maryland because of a heavy snowfall that broke down tele phone and telegraph wires through out the Middle Atlantic States section The Associated Press broadcast news from the Westinghouse pllectric Company radio station KDKA here to newspapers in each of the throe States All telephone commercial telegraph and The Associated Press wires were out of order between Pittsburg and cities in ths storm swept area Thousands of telephone poles were down in Southwestern Pennsylvania according to reports from Unioatown Pa motorists were snowbound on the highways between Uniontown and the Autos Delayed on Berkshire Trail Considerable Snow at Windsor Pittsfield April 28 This April day such ns old like to talk fall at 3 a drizzle set In and continued the et the day Most of the snow disappeared by night Springfield Symphony Orchestra John Bishop Arthur Turner Conductors Season Tickets $5 $2 tu exceed the Address KATHRYN MEISLE Tudor Davies Stuart Gracey "William Gustafson Metropolitan Opera House Orchestra (50 Men) estival Chorus 350 Voices John Bishop Conductor SATURDAY ATERNOON 230 Springfield Symphony Orchestra (60 Players) Olivia Cate Arthur Turner Conductor SATURDAY EVENING' 813 ROSA PONSELLE Prim a Donna Dramatic Soprano Metropolitan Opera Co had and rest had un inc icrh shire trail in iWndsor the snow fall was said to be four inches A high cold northeast wind accompanied the mow Motorists on the Pittsfleld Lenox road where construction is go ing on went through water slush and mud from six inches to a foot deep for two miles The detour around by Holmes road though rough in was like a billiard table compared with the main road There were a number of automo biles delayed on Berkshire trail There was snow on Jacob's ladder summit but traffic wm not delayed BELATED STORM SWEEPS THE COAST CAUSING DAMAGE (Continued rom irst Page) ments turned their fury today to the southern hills and highlands where record low temperatures and heavy snowfalls followed in the wake of high winds The Cumberland: and Shenandoah valleys In Maryland mid Virginia were drifted with snow crystals of which contrasted strangely with the pink of apple blossoms while Asheville with the mercury at 29 wore a snow blanket and was the coldest city in the South" With weather bureau forecasts for frost in the whole region as far south as central lorida grave fears were held tonight tor fruit orchards tender growing crops and gardens our deaths in lorida from yester day's storms had brought the toial deaths to 10 in three states since floods and storms began early in week Many" persons have been jured Thousands Quit Homes lood waters were concentrated in the valleys of the Altamaha Stailla Little lint and Willacoochee rivers in Georgia and along the Apalachi cola and Choctawatchee rivers tn lorida where several thousand per sons have evacuated then homes The roadbed weakened by the tor rential rains a Central of Georgia passenger train was derailed by a landslide at Hatcher's station Ga to day resulting in injuries to four per sons Sorimis damiiees from flood storm were reported from Waycross Ga where the Satilla river is on ram page and threatening several bridges near the city The Atlantic Coast Lino railway rushed a tralnlbad of rocks to a trestle on the' Alapaha river between Walcross and Valdosta where flood waters swirled menacing ly over an important trestle A foot of snowfall at Harrisonburg Va while Staunton measured the fall at five inches Snow plows were sent out to keep the roads open in the mountains an il mein about Snow started to and two inches by 7 when rain Butterfly Ballroom GRAND MAY PARTY One Night Only WED MAY 2 Direct from Mrtropplltnn Thenter GENE (In RODEMICH Opening1 Monday April 30th The ood Shop 314 Belmont Ave methods Remuneration to be on results which 1 guarantee mediocre Jinx 775 Union Office Maine Says New Record Was Set in That State Portland Me April A new weather record for April was established here today or the Hist tint0 in weather bureau history sno was precipitated later than the "7th 1 of the month with the additional stbtlity of more snow tonight Sunday When 3 of an inch of flakes fell here April 27 1SS5 the storm was con sidered a freak but today more than an inch of snow came in the course of the day's storm It was so heavily laden with moisture however that it melted almost the ground George charge of the predicted that Ready To Wear Executive Elements Turn ury on Hills of Southland Atlanta April 28 (AP) After spreadinc destruction by rain flood and storm in the lowlands the THE WEATHER orecast for New England The weather bureau report Indicates for: Eastern New York cloudy precede by rain or snow in central an north ern parts partly cloudy and slightly warmer in extreme southern part to day tomarrow fair and warmer fol lowed by sluwes in northern part Northern New England snow or rain today tomorrow fair and warm er followed by showers in New Hampshire and Vermont Southern New England cloudy pre ceded by rain in northern part today tomorrow and warmer General Conditions and orecast The disturbance that was over southeastern Virginia riday night is advancing slowly northward being central over southeastern New York The outlook is for rain today in northern New England and northern New York Tempera tores will rise tomorrow in the Atlantic states Storm warnings are displayed on the Atlantic coast from Hatteras to East port Winds: North of Sandy Hook east erly gales over northern part strong south and southwest over southern part Outlook for the Week North and Middle Atlantic states mostly fair weather except for a period of scattered showers about Wednesday and again about Saturday moderate temperatures at beginning of week and warm weather middle and latter parts The Weather In Springfield The weather from 6 riday to 6 yesterday as reported at the Springfield armory and in com parison with the corresponding day last year was as follows: Clouds 10 extremes of temperature50 33 Hast year: Clouds 0: winds extremes of tempera ture 58 and 39 The sun rises today at 442 and sets nt 641 Automobiles should be lighted at 711! Maryland state line The snowfall was the heaviest in many years for April rom 12 to 18 inches fell in parts of ennsyl vania A motor bus operating between and Uniontown was halted on its route and several passengers were forced to enter the storm and make their way afoot to distant shelter Trains were hours late Twenty two inches of snow fell in parts of Southern West Virginia At Kayford the depth of the snow blan ket was 22 inches while across the state line in Kentucky inesville re ported a depth of IS inches RANCIS A IRELAND DIES AT PITTSIELD Civil War Veteran Who Was a Messenger at the State House 23 Years Pittsfield April 28 rancis A Ire land 85 Civil war veteran for 23 years a messenger in the General Court at Boston died this afternoon at 1230 at his home 77 West Housa tonic street as a result of a paralytic shock which he sustained over a year ago He was born at Dexter Me and had lived at Pittsfield 41 years or a number of years he had been the only survivor of a group of 38 men who enlisted the same dayat Dexter in Co Maine volunteers He served with his regiment in the de partment of the gulf in Louisiana and participated in the siege of Port Hudson On the occasion of his 85th birthday nearly a year ago six Pittsfield vet erans called to extend best wishes Their combined ages were 574 or an average of 82 The veterans were Ed win Lincoln Sawin Daniel Thompson Charles Johnson Willis A Crossman and Alfred Marshall Mr Ireland always was greatly interested in his Civil war friends He called when they were ill he attended their funerals and be took enjoyment in the Memorial day serv ices He had been a delegate to a number of state and national conven tions representing Rockwell post of which he served as commander and later as adjutant The only other sur viving ex ommander of the post William Hunt of 3 Orchard street Edwin Lincoln being the present commander or more than a quar ter of a century Mr Ireland was sec retary of the Berkshire Grand Army association and he also had served as departmental patriotic instructor Mr Ireland was appointed legislative messenger in 1898 and served contin uously until 1921 when on account of the illhcalth of Mrs Ireland he re tired He was assigned to the Sen ate It was the opinion of all with whom Mr Ireland came in contact at the State House that he served with dignity and courtesy and he held the respect of the law makers and state of Ofc fa Cr vWil fW Bl 1 1 I Bi USED MACHINES THIS WEEK 15 Singer guaranteed $15 $35 12 White Electric Reg $1 15 $85 10 Good Machines different makes $5 $20 Terms as Low as Per Week hite Rot ary Electric SunngAfaiuncs Ml Th Martha Washington Model $165 Th7 Wtu nMUtp White Sewing Machine Company 323 325 Dwight St ficials He served under 10 governors and five scrgeants at arms The survivers are his wodow and one daughter Mrs William Gould of Dexter The funeral will be held Monday morning at 10 at the house wdth Rev Stephen Janies officiating and the body will be taken to Dexter for burial SCOUT C0NERE1O AT GREAT BARRINGTON Weather Changes Program of Second Session rom Our Special Correspondent Great Barrington April 29 Un favorable weather greatly handi capped the second day of the Scout conference at Great Barrington A heavy downpour of rain during the night and showers during the early hours of the morning made it im possible to hold some of the outdoor events that had been scheduled and these open air events were filled In with other talks and entertainments held at Searles High school The ISO delegates or more were cared for ly the townspeople who responded to the call for rooms generously The morning session today opened at Searles High school at 9 with John IL Hayes scoutmaster of troop 54 in charge The opening period took the form of an assembly and was followed by the usual song period At 915 Harry rench assistant Scout executive New Haven council gave an address He took as his subject "The Real Patrol He laid stress upon the scout training neces sary in order to make the boy an efficient lender and the example that he should set for the other members of the troop It was an address full of interest and information for each delegate It was followed by a group conference in charge of A Shaw Sweitzer t'ouch and Al bert Chilson This took in all of the various scout executives and the vari ous branches and the work was care fully gone over Owing to the weath er the hare and hound race anil trie assembly scheduled for noon at Knohfr hili 'had to be postponed The afternoon session was the boy leader program and opened with a treasure hunt followed by a few games and closing with an assem ch at 425 At 230 the monthly session of Scout leaders was held and at 130 there was a gnhering of all groups when Arthur Marston Scout execu tive of Waterbury gave the address of the afternoon His subject was "Vocational Counseling and Guid and his discourse was most in teresting to all present Tho fourth session opened at 6 with an assembij followed by a banquet The greeting of the council was ably given by Dr George Pratt president of the Berkshire county council a great and efficient worker among the Hoy Scouts He was received by the boys in a rousing manner Harold Williams Scout executive of Provi dence gave the boys an interesting talk on Scout Oath and Law George Goodrich Scout executive of Berkshire county closed the speak ing with a talk on "Conference This was followed by a song and the adjournment exercises 0 UTURE IN DIRE PERIL BORAH WARNS (Continued rom irst Page) proposed to protect the interest of tho people against the domination of selfish and commercial influences in the affairs of government and in the domination of parties? The improper use of money in politics presents a problem as broad and deep and vital as representative democracy itself and the people know it A ight for ree Government fencing will not satisfy them Purity of the ballot and in tegrity of officials are the beginning and the end of popular government Without these the people are dis franchised sooner or later become the victims of exploitation and op pression and this they know The fight for clean government is a figlit for free government This the people perfectly understand "The issue is here tl is a noto rious fact that the officials of great cities who hold in their keeping the decency and health of millions of men and women and children go into partnership with crime and lawless ness It is now notorious that the governors of gregat states trusted ex ecutives of graet states executives of great and noble commonwealths barter their state's honor for a few paltry dollars that men high in the federal government consort with those who seek the nations wealth that venality has left its filth in the ex alted precincts of federal power uture of Party at Stake issue is here It is no ordi nary situation The future of our party turns upon how we propose to meet it Timidity has no place in such a fight Silence is accessory after the crime Retention of corrupt funds while talking about clean politics is an insult to the intelligence of the voter We need not have the least uneasiness about support from the people They will respond to any sincere and fearless effort to lift the Republican party to the level of the demands of the hour questions and problems of this day which now confront the party are no less vital no less command ing than lhe questions and problems of former days The voters the rank and file of the party are no less in telligent no less devoted to wise measures and good government The issues are before us the people await their presentation The times and the occasion persist for great causes And it is my judgment that the future of the Republican party Is merely a test of leadership The perils of political parties ordinarily lie not among the voters and the people but are found in the organizations anl among the leaders "Opinions alter times change material issues come and co but the moral law and the great fundamental principles of right and decency' do not change they still have their place in the purposes and Plans and hearts and minds of the American people would not overlook the great questions which make for our material welfare Our tax laws our revenue laws economy in govern ment the rehabilitation of the farm the control of our rivers the staying of the growth of bureaucracy arbi trary! as ascism demoralizing as Communism the conservation of the nation's natural wealth coal oil power all these are of great moment and of great in tereset to the Ameri can people "But I would place above them all in the platform and in the program and in the purposes of the party as first in imminence and first in im portance a pure ballot a cleaa gov ernment and the integrity of the con stitution under which we Minneapolis Student orators from the universities of Wisconsin Michi gan Minesnta Iowa Northwestern and Ohio will compete here May 4 PITTSIELD BOY WINS BERKSHIRE SPEAKING CONTEST Joseph Hayes Will Represent County in Springfield Next Week Miss Wall of North Adams Alternate Pittsfield April 28 Joseph Hayes Pittsfield High school's entry in the Berkshire county oratorical contest a part of the national oratorical contest sponsored by the Springfield newspa pers won the unanimous decision over four other contestants at the high school auditorium tonight He spoke on present significance of the Honorable mention was made by th judges of the oration by ifAlES I Miss Constance Wall of Drury High school North Adams Miss Hill sixike on "The Development of the The low point scoring system was used by the judges who wrre Rabbi Harry Kaplan of Ansha Amonim tem ple Key Kenneth Beckwdth of Pil grim Memorial church and Donald Coleman city editor of the Berkshire Evening Eagle Mr Coleman filled the place of Capt Joseph I Lawrence who was prevented at the last moment by illness from acting in the role of judge George Edman presided The auditorium was well filled ith followers of the speakers when 730 the time for starting arrived There were people from Stockbridge Lenox North Adams ami Dalton in the as sembly all eager for their favorites to come through There was a large North Adams delegation present The speakers drew numbers for their order of appearance and it fell to the lot of John Kelly of Lenox to be the first speaker Miss Wall was the only one to sieak on "The Development of the All of the speakers were liberally ap plauded The second speaker was John Mc Garry of Dalton lhe third was Mr Hayes the fourth Miss Wall and the last Miss Kathryn linn of Stock bridge Mr Hayes showed pol ish in his delivery and by winning tonight will represent the county in Springfield next Sunday night hen the decision was announced Mr Hayes's supporters went well nigh mad with enthusiasm Miss Wall re ceived a good hand at the close of her talk and when she was announced as alternate to Springfield VETERANS 104TH PRESENT CITATION TO GENW HAYES (Continued rom irst Page) forces of a nation was stressed in the short address Gta Jackson made spirit of he said one great thing we got out of the war You see such a spirit in the A That spirit has kept the A alive You see it in the Spanish American war veterans This assem bly here today is representative of that spirit I always feel sorry for the fellow who doesn't come back tn unit reunions man could attend any reunion of war veterans and feel that he was amonsr his buddies That the way I have felt ever since I came into townesterday Cheers for Gen Hayes All the rose to their feet cheering wildly when Gen Hayes was introduced "The most important Urine in the year for he de clared attendance at the 104th re union And this one this year is prob ably the best we have ever had heard something of this great spirit of the 104th infantry You men have shown that spirit Con I 0 Certificates are Redeemable at Par Take Your Profits NOW Why ihi make sure of your by sclllnr while ore AD MTTTKDLY HIGH Ton rMB keen your foods and stin cettinjf 6 Jnforent If yon boy Trenwiry Cerl iflente Then when otorkn nre njrain ADM I LT CITEr you will be in a posi tion io buy thrm fmrk Think over before It 'a ion Iste Call Write or Thone for further detail a Let's talk SOON Claude King Manager Investment Department Springfield inance CoSnc established larg your money backOo when you want it USE THE Early Time Bible Method of destroying disease Anoint vour bodv with SUN AND MOON SACRED OINTMENT AND OIL Read Mark 13 16 James 13 16 Druggists and Department Stores order at Brewer's ditlons are such today in national af fairs thAt the nation needs men of your type People are not true to the trust placed in them It is up to you to see that people get in those po sitions who will be true Although wo a perfect government we have tho best government in the orld and we must sec that it is con Text of Citation for Gen ITnjes ollowing this address came the presentation of the testimonial to "Our The citation is signed by Lawrence A Wagner as adjutant and Harold Woodruff commander of the association The text follows: members of this organization recognizing your sterling qualities of leadership in the formation of the 101th Infantry A and In your unselfish devotion to the cause of liberty as well as an un ceasing interest in the morale and well being of the 'regiment express full loyalty to you our old comman der tempering discipline with the fairness of justice your leaving us in rance was the departing of a fath er from the regimental family How ever your going brought to your command a great realization that we would miss your guiding spirit when we needed it the most "Since demobilization of our regi ment we have been blessed with your thoughtful and loyal leadership You have served nobly and well The rank of major general is yours awarded for faithful service to the United States of America but in the hearts of the 104th Infantry A you are and always will be our colo nel As soldiers we salute you as comrades we affectionately clasp your hand praying to the Almighty God that you be spared to us for many years to Senator Wells Speaks for State After the presentation ceremony Wellington Wells president of the state Senate and representing Gov Alvan uller spoke expressing the regret at his enforced absence and his own pleasure at being present He also told the men that the spirit of the 104th is needed today in public life but that common wealth with men of the type of the 101th in her borders need never Just before relinquishing the chair to Comdr Woodruff Gen Cheatham speaking as quartermaster general of the army told the veterans of the care being given the American ceme teries in rance and declared that the last of the crosses will be set in the fall Essay Contest Awards The three children from Greenfield Junior High school who won prizes in the 104th essay contest were brought onto the platform just before the actual business meeting and pre sented with their awards irst prize of $10 in gold was given to Miss Anna Looney Comdr rank Niles of the Veterans of oreign Wars second of $5 Miss Hope Richards by Comdr Malcolm Bu le nient of John Harrington post American Legion and third of $250 to Robert Hartwell by Comdr George Bliss of Lieut Charles ield camp United Spanish War veterans Election of officers was carried out very quietly and for the first time in several years the slate as presented by the nominating committee was adopted unanimously The only ex citement at the business meeting was occasioned by a debate on the action Treat Yourself to an Italian SUNDAY DINNER Sorrento Spaghetti Restaurant 1217 Main St (Up One light) Opposite Court Square TABLE D'HOTE DINNER Italian Anti Pasto Chicken Soup amous Italian Ravioli Hunter Style Spring Chicken Italian Dressing Salad Dessert Coffee $150 Where the food is prepared by Culinary Artists who know the demands of Italian food lovers the association will take in regard to more active financial support of the YD memorial church to be built at Bclleau rance to replace the one destroyed in the course the American advance on Chateau Thier ry Gen John Sherburne spoke on the memorial urging the men to sup port it The matter was finally left to the executive committee On the Reviewing Stand Gen Hayes was the central figure in the group of officers and civilians on the reviewing stand At his right stood Comdr John Sears of Edwin Day post A Comdr Sears watched the seven other living mem bers of the post ride rby in automo i biles and cheerfully returned the salutes of his comrades Two of these men Harrington and Day are from Montague The Richard O'Hara Allen Newton Charles Dunkley A Marsh and Vollener Harris 7 are residents of Greenfield where Mr Sears also lives WORCESTER 'ISERVOIR ULL Worcester April 28 Water in the metropolitan reservoir stood less than six inches from high water mark this morning as measured at Wachusett dam in Clinton WOODS CO Springfield Oldest Clothing Store ESTABLISHED 1848 SHOPi Best Values Our Usual REAL Values or Monday Only Kj i JS 1 rga KU Ki Golf Hose fancy Nainsook Union leg in all cohrs sizes Suits to lOVii 4 Sizes 6 to for 50c value 16 25 $1495 our Piece Suits STD 00 Just Received Another Shipment of All Wool Plus our Knickers That Sold So Well Last Monday Sizes 7 to 18 $300 to S450 69 2 for Values 1 $325 550 Sample Bos Wash Suits $159 2 for $300 Seldom have we had such a variety of youthful styles for sc low a price! In striped or noxelty broadcloths Belgian linen Colors Guaranteed ast! Ages 2 to 10 32 All Wool Plaid SO 00 Lumber Jackets Sizes tn 18 rt NOTICE TO THE RIDING PUBLIC We wish to announce that we have not increased our rates on the Luxor Metered Cabs We now have the LOWEST RATES IN THE CITY Ride in Comfort and Safety Luxor Cab Co Dial 5 0350 AUTOMOTIVE TRANSPORT LINES A New Type of Motor Coach Between Now Operating Regularly on SPRINGIELD and WORCESTER via Palmer the Warrens the Brookfields and Spencer With the case and grace of trim yachts skimming over calm waters a fleet of new 6 cylinder White motor coaches is now in operation between Springfield and "Worcester over SHORT LINE" setting new standards of comparison for de luxe travel Take a passage for this trip As you approach the coach note its clean cut businesslike appearance Sturdy and reliant it hangs close to the ground Dependable control and safety is guaranteed by a new developed air brake on each of the four wheels A spe cially designed chassis prevents side sway Settle down into one of the deep roomy air cushioned seats Stretch out at ease A silent 100 motor carries you along at an even effortless speed Draughtlcss ventilation adds to your further comfort You marvel at the skill and dexterity with which the operator handles his craft Read if you will or write vibration is eliminated Or gaze through the large clear windows at the quiet charm of Beautiful New England And soothed by the subdued purr of a powerful motor with the feeling of comfort and rest will come complete relaxation Springfield Terminal VPNON ST In Kack orbcs MU A zXNl'lVxl i 1 Near Memorial Bridge TELEPHONE 3 8111 Worcester Terminal: 3 Salem Square TELEPHONE PARK 1265 CONLIN BUS LINES Inc Iijn MwfcggijM Leave Springfield on the Even Hour rom 800 A Until 1000 Daily I1 LOOK OR THE REAM COLO RED RED BELTED COACH grex 1 1 i.

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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

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Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.